Democrat's core message is Trump doesn't mother us


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
Supposedly Trump:

1. Racist
PROGS made that one up beginning Charlottesville Virginia. Under Trump black lives mattered because their level of employment, best ever. Name a policy or statement that's racist. I know one instance he put his foot in his mouth, "they're sending us their worst, rapist etc.", which was STUPID. He cleaned it up with something to the affect of "I suppose some are good people". Course there's that wall thing. PROGS now complain he didn't build any, go figure, and another lie.

2. Womanizer.
So what, he's not a pedophile. Democrats approve of the Clintons, creepy Joe, and an adulterer who likely slept her way to the top. Black widow for POTUS, what could go wrong?

3. Tweets.
He's up front and often bluntly honest. Some people prefer not hear that shit, Trump supporters do, because it's worth hearing. He's also shrewd, some of his Tweets are by design, which brings me to........

4. Stupid
Really? I respect the objective, he's accomplished more any POTUS since?

5. Traitor
The Democrats proved to stage the entire thing, yet somehow that goes overlooked, can't believe what the Demonicrats get away with. If Trump were Obama the end of days. Hey, how about his wife suggesting Trump put kids in cages? That was a real beauty, because that was her husband. Trump made changes, he consistently cleans up the mess Obama, Bush & Clinton were too lazy/corrupt/incompetent for.

6. Bank statements

7. Divisive
Oh sure, things were great under Obama, isn't that when BLM began? Plenty of gangs too - PROJECTION The "liberal" media tit milks you under direction pigs who run them - how "liberal" of PROGS. Oh yeah, there's that world affairs thing too, like calling out WHO and NATO. Reference last point under #5. More than that, other than Trump, who was the last POTUS not to initiate/enter war? Hoover.

Right, and Israel fucked up too I suppose, thought they were supposed to be smart. Take a govt. class some day, Trump's not responsible for the pile of shit cities run by primarily PROGS. Take a logic test too, those European & Canada countries that PROGS dream of suffered high rates of death, the USA didn't. Which country hasn't been hit hard? China..........So fucking funny, love me some communism, hat's off to China, Lebron James is your spokesman, take Kapernick too.

9. Poor morale
Sure right, neatl how PROG news, politics and agenda chose to limit the video of the Floyd incident, knowing full well it would incite violence, ESPECIALLY under COVID. PROG-think is built off snake-bit rabid bats far more dangerous than any COVID bullshit....................Yet deep down everyone knows PROGS are responsible for it. Those who don't are deeply dumb or need a gut-check.

Their issue with Trump is subjective. Trump doesn't mother us with the kind words that PROGS desire.
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For your number 8-

Ron Klain (Biden chief of staff) on Biden's Handling of The 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic: We Did Every Possible Thing Wrong
For #1

Just a few, which don’t include how he sued Palm Beach, sent them Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner, and opened his club to all, which the rest of Palm Beach refused to do .
For #1

Just a few, which don’t include how he sued Palm Beach, sent them Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner, and opened his club to all, which the rest of Palm Beach refused to do .

When Jennifer Hudson family was murdered Trump provided her with accommodations at one of his hotels completely free. She never even came up with a thank you. Instead trashed him every chance she got.
For #1

Just a few, which don’t include how he sued Palm Beach, sent them Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner, and opened his club to all, which the rest of Palm Beach refused to do .

Liberals WANT Trump to be perceived RACIST therefore they will use all means to MAKE him racist. Trump was not racist when they were cashing his donation checks and slamming Bush like they were. It was only when he stepped in front of the coronation of Hillary and decided that the US should not capitulate to the Globalists that the liberals decided Trump was a racist.
Doesn't matter what Trump does.

It's wrong.

That's why the left is full of shit.
For #1

Just a few, which don’t include how he sued Palm Beach, sent them Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner, and opened his club to all, which the rest of Palm Beach refused to do .

Liberals WANT Trump to be perceived RACIST therefore they will use all means to MAKE him racist. Trump was not racist when they were cashing his donation checks and slamming Bush like they were. It was only when he stepped in front of the coronation of Hillary and decided that the US should not capitulate to the Globalists that the liberals decided Trump was a racist.

Totally agree. They launched an all out assault, hooing the truth would be buried deep enough others couldn’t find it. They knew he wasn’t, but they needed something, as racism/sexism is their turn-to. It has worked before with their lies. They hoped itmwould work again. Just like a few years back they had on their main page that they had passed all civil rights acts. They were caught and forced to remove it. I believe it was during the Bush administration. Fortunately, they took them on and won. That is just how they attempt to rewrite history.
Trump must be awesome considering their critiques are make-believe MAGA

Whoops forgot, Trump doesn't offer a suckle.
Here's a dose of validation.....Let's review:

1. Somehow police were made aware of a lunatic thug threatening lives.
2. As usual the thug refused police orders in a dangerous situation, making the situation more deadly.
3. As common the thug is too fucking high to be tased by a taser.
4. Leftist sympathizer narrator says "he's not even doing anything" while thug approaches door into store welding a large knife.
5. Cops shoot fucker up.

BLM and riots. PROGS need to be mothered and should be allowed to do what they like.


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