Democrats Demand Trump Testify At Senate Impeachment Trial

Democrat NAZIs actually expect Trump to participate voluntarily in his own lynching. The arrogance of these people is simply beyond belief.

House impeachment managers sent a letter to Donald Trump strongly suggesting the former president testify at the Senate impeachment trial.
The trial, slated to begin on Tuesday of next week, involves a charge from the House that Trump incited a mob of supporters who stormed the Capitol on January 6th.
A formal response from Trump’s lawyers “denied” that he “ever engaged in a violation of his oath of office,” and instead he, “at all times acted to the best of his ability to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
Lead impeachment manager Jamie Raskin (D-MD) essentially defied Trump to prove his innocence in his own words.
“In light of your disputing these factual allegations, I write to invite you to provide testimony under oath, either before or during the Senate impeachment trial, concerning your conduct on January 6, 2021,” Raskin wrote.

Trump isn't going to testify.. He's a coward.
It was reported that will not participate in the impeachment farce

as I expected he wouldnt
If he had nothing to hide he would testify. Guess he is just a coward.
Goodbye ya lying pos.
Trumpkins must be delusional to so deny fact. :cuckoo:

Why do you hate Kamala Harris?
She's black.

Can't be the only reason.

Just anti. No matter what. They could be rocks and I would want to throw them into the red sea. Then they would be red rocks and you know how I hate commies.

Most communists are intolerant of transgendered people.
I'll be back later, Putin is taking me horseback riding again.

Mike is the best straight man in the universe.
Back stabber. Turncoat. Whatever you want to call him.
It was reported that will not participate in the impeachment farce

as I expected he wouldnt
If he had nothing to hide he would testify. Guess he is just a coward.
Goodbye ya lying pos.
Trumpkins must be delusional to so deny fact. :cuckoo:

Why do you hate Kamala Harris?
She's black.

Can't be the only reason.

Just anti. No matter what. They could be rocks and I would want to throw them into the red sea. Then they would be red rocks and you know how I hate commies.

Most communists are intolerant of transgendered people.
I'll be back later, Putin is taking me horseback riding again.

Mike is the best straight man in the universe.
Valerie Putin.

Who was taken in a hot tub.
It was reported that will not participate in the impeachment farce

as I expected he wouldnt
If he had nothing to hide he would testify. Guess he is just a coward.
Goodbye ya lying pos.
Trumpkins must be delusional to so deny fact. :cuckoo:

Why do you hate Kamala Harris?
She's black.

Can't be the only reason.

Just anti. No matter what. They could be rocks and I would want to throw them into the red sea. Then they would be red rocks and you know how I hate commies.

Most communists are intolerant of transgendered people.
I'll be back later, Putin is taking me horseback riding again.

Mike is the best straight man in the universe.
Valerie Putin.

Who was taken in a hot tub.
Horse back.
tRump will never testify. He's a high volume perjury machine with a hair trigger.
The wannabe führer’s "testimony" would be nothing more than a continuation of his bullsh!t allegations of voter and election fraud. He would say nothing relevant to the proceedings.

Biden is the Fuhrer, you slimy servile NAZI minion.
Yeah, right. Coming from one of 74 million trump Nazis, your attempted insult is very funny.

Dims are the ones who behave exactly like NAZIs, not Trump supporters.
It was reported that will not participate in the impeachment farce

as I expected he wouldnt
If he had nothing to hide he would testify. Guess he is just a coward.
Goodbye ya lying pos.
Trumpkins must be delusional to so deny fact. :cuckoo:

Why do you hate Kamala Harris?
She's black.

Can't be the only reason.

Just anti. No matter what. They could be rocks and I would want to throw them into the red sea. Then they would be red rocks and you know how I hate commies.

Most communists are intolerant of transgendered people.
I'll be back later, Putin is taking me horseback riding again.

Mike is the best straight man in the universe.
Back stabber. Turncoat. Whatever you want to call him.
You must have me confused with someone else.
Democrat NAZIs actually expect Trump to participate voluntarily in his own lynching. The arrogance of these people is simply beyond belief.

House impeachment managers sent a letter to Donald Trump strongly suggesting the former president testify at the Senate impeachment trial.
The trial, slated to begin on Tuesday of next week, involves a charge from the House that Trump incited a mob of supporters who stormed the Capitol on January 6th.
A formal response from Trump’s lawyers “denied” that he “ever engaged in a violation of his oath of office,” and instead he, “at all times acted to the best of his ability to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
Lead impeachment manager Jamie Raskin (D-MD) essentially defied Trump to prove his innocence in his own words.
“In light of your disputing these factual allegations, I write to invite you to provide testimony under oath, either before or during the Senate impeachment trial, concerning your conduct on January 6, 2021,” Raskin wrote.

Trump isn't going to testify.. He's a coward.
Spare me. If I said I dare you to stick your head in the oven and turn on the gas, but you declined, does that mean you're a coward?
tRump will never testify. He's a high volume perjury machine with a hair trigger.
The wannabe führer’s "testimony" would be nothing more than a continuation of his bullsh!t allegations of voter and election fraud. He would say nothing relevant to the proceedings.

Biden is the Fuhrer, you slimy servile NAZI minion.
Yeah, right. Coming from one of 74 million trump Nazis, your attempted insult is very funny.

Democrat NAZIs actually expect Trump to participate voluntarily in his own lynching. The arrogance of these people is simply beyond belief.

House impeachment managers sent a letter to Donald Trump strongly suggesting the former president testify at the Senate impeachment trial.
The trial, slated to begin on Tuesday of next week, involves a charge from the House that Trump incited a mob of supporters who stormed the Capitol on January 6th.
A formal response from Trump’s lawyers “denied” that he “ever engaged in a violation of his oath of office,” and instead he, “at all times acted to the best of his ability to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
Lead impeachment manager Jamie Raskin (D-MD) essentially defied Trump to prove his innocence in his own words.
“In light of your disputing these factual allegations, I write to invite you to provide testimony under oath, either before or during the Senate impeachment trial, concerning your conduct on January 6, 2021,” Raskin wrote.

Trump isn't going to testify.. He's a coward.
Testify to what?
That the Dems are full of shit?
He can testify to that fact.
tRump will never testify. He's a high volume perjury machine with a hair trigger.
The wannabe führer’s "testimony" would be nothing more than a continuation of his bullsh!t allegations of voter and election fraud. He would say nothing relevant to the proceedings.

Biden is the Fuhrer, you slimy servile NAZI minion.
Yeah, right. Coming from one of 74 million trump Nazis, your attempted insult is very funny.

So 74 million Americans are Nazis in your opinion because they voted for Trump? Really?
Actually,‭ ‬because they are so enthralled by their‭ (‬your‭) ‬wannabe führer's authoritarian fascism.‭ ‬In other words,‭ ‬his blatant Nazism.‭ ‬It's unfortunate that they‭ (‬you‭) ‬do not understand the true nature of Nazism,‭ ‬but their‭ (‬your‭) ‬wannabe führer's attempted coup on January‭ ‬6th of this year,‭ ‬is the exact move a dictator must make‭ (‬successfully‭) ‬to overthrow a properly run democratic republic.

As a typical,‭ ‬American right-winger you believe you possess an inherent knowledge of all things,‭ ‬which is a common trait among right-wingers.‭ ‬For example,‭ ‬the many threads posted by you and your fellow trump Nazis prove they‭ (‬you‭) ‬feel their‭ (‬your‭) ‬expertise in science,‭ ‬medical knowledge,‭ ‬virology,‭ ‬etc.‭ ‬is far superior to that of the experts working to end the COVID-19‭ ‬pandemic.‭ ‬The‭ ‬trump Nazis‭’ ‬constant contradictions of the experts‭’ ‬findings and recommendations is just one of countless pieces of evidence of the trump Nazis‭’ ‬delusion of their own great knowledge.‭ ‬It is this common delusion‭ ‬of their‭ (‬your‭) ‬own great knowledge that leads trump’s Nazis to also‭ ' ‬grossly misinterpret the characteristics that define fascism,‭ ‬racism,‭ ‬Nazism,‭ ‬socialism,‭ ‬communism,‭ ‬and an endless list of other‭ ‘‬isms.

So,‭ ‬yes,‭ ‬trump’s Nazis are,‭ ‬indeed Nazis,‭ ‬not because anyone on these message boards says so,‭ ‬but because they exhibit the characteristics that define Nazism,‭ ‬racism,‭ ‬authoritarianism,‭ ‬and fascism.

tRump will never testify. He's a high volume perjury machine with a hair trigger.
The wannabe führer’s "testimony" would be nothing more than a continuation of his bullsh!t allegations of voter and election fraud. He would say nothing relevant to the proceedings.

Biden is the Fuhrer, you slimy servile NAZI minion.
Yeah, right. Coming from one of 74 million trump Nazis, your attempted insult is very funny.

So 74 million Americans are Nazis in your opinion because they voted for Trump? Really?
Actually,‭ ‬because they are so enthralled by their‭ (‬your‭) ‬wannabe führer's authoritarian fascism.‭ ‬In other words,‭ ‬his blatant Nazism.‭ ‬It's unfortunate that they‭ (‬you‭) ‬do not understand the true nature of Nazism,‭ ‬but their‭ (‬your‭) ‬wannabe führer's attempted coup on January‭ ‬6th of this year,‭ ‬is the exact move a dictator must make‭ (‬successfully‭) ‬to overthrow a properly run democratic republic.

As a typical,‭ ‬American right-winger you believe you possess an inherent knowledge of all things,‭ ‬which is a common trait among right-wingers.‭ ‬For example,‭ ‬the many threads posted by you and your fellow trump Nazis prove they‭ (‬you‭) ‬feel their‭ (‬your‭) ‬expertise in science,‭ ‬medical knowledge,‭ ‬virology,‭ ‬etc.‭ ‬is far superior to that of the experts working to end the COVID-19‭ ‬pandemic.‭ ‬The‭ ‬trump Nazis‭’ ‬constant contradictions of the experts‭’ ‬findings and recommendations is just one of countless pieces of evidence of the trump Nazis‭’ ‬delusion of their own great knowledge.‭ ‬It is this common delusion‭ ‬of their‭ (‬your‭) ‬own great knowledge that leads trump’s Nazis to also‭ ' ‬grossly misinterpret the characteristics that define fascism,‭ ‬racism,‭ ‬Nazism,‭ ‬socialism,‭ ‬communism,‭ ‬and an endless list of other‭ ‘‬isms.

So,‭ ‬yes,‭ ‬trump’s Nazis are,‭ ‬indeed Nazis,‭ ‬not because anyone on these message boards says so,‭ ‬but because they exhibit the characteristics that define Nazism,‭ ‬racism,‭ ‬authoritarianism,‭ ‬and fascism.


Wow, you project so well you should open a theater somewhere. LMAO

Democrat NAZIs actually expect Trump to participate voluntarily in his own lynching. The arrogance of these people is simply beyond belief.

House impeachment managers sent a letter to Donald Trump strongly suggesting the former president testify at the Senate impeachment trial.
The trial, slated to begin on Tuesday of next week, involves a charge from the House that Trump incited a mob of supporters who stormed the Capitol on January 6th.
A formal response from Trump’s lawyers “denied” that he “ever engaged in a violation of his oath of office,” and instead he, “at all times acted to the best of his ability to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
Lead impeachment manager Jamie Raskin (D-MD) essentially defied Trump to prove his innocence in his own words.
“In light of your disputing these factual allegations, I write to invite you to provide testimony under oath, either before or during the Senate impeachment trial, concerning your conduct on January 6, 2021,” Raskin wrote.
Do you have the wording of this “demand”?! I’d like to see how demanding the demand was.
Democrat NAZIs actually expect Trump to participate voluntarily in his own lynching. The arrogance of these people is simply beyond belief.

House impeachment managers sent a letter to Donald Trump strongly suggesting the former president testify at the Senate impeachment trial.
The trial, slated to begin on Tuesday of next week, involves a charge from the House that Trump incited a mob of supporters who stormed the Capitol on January 6th.
A formal response from Trump’s lawyers “denied” that he “ever engaged in a violation of his oath of office,” and instead he, “at all times acted to the best of his ability to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
Lead impeachment manager Jamie Raskin (D-MD) essentially defied Trump to prove his innocence in his own words.
“In light of your disputing these factual allegations, I write to invite you to provide testimony under oath, either before or during the Senate impeachment trial, concerning your conduct on January 6, 2021,” Raskin wrote.
Trump doesn’t have to prove anything.

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