Democrats Folding????

First of all Israel is about the size of New York City. I think they can pull off universal healthcare. We on the other hand have a population 45 times larger than Israel's.

so its not that Universal Healthcare is Bolshevik or Communist, its that it can't be done well or efficiently with such a large population as the USA has?

boy, you guys need to pick an issue and stick to it!!!
extending the sign-up period for the Exchanges doesn't mean ObamaCare is being abandoned.

some idiots are desperate to see things that aint there.


No. When healthy young people refuse to be fleeced, then it will be abandoned. BUt they have to not sign up first.
A neg because I suggested you were stupid?
Sorry if I hurt your feelings ….I really thought you already knew.

So....I've forced you to agree that ObamaCare is socialism.

And now for the correct useage:

not my fault you're too stupid to spell in Latin.

now, stop lying about people abandoning Obama.
First of all Israel is about the size of New York City. I think they can pull off universal healthcare. We on the other hand have a population 45 times larger than Israel's.

so its not that Universal Healthcare is Bolshevik or Communist, its that it can't be done well or efficiently with such a large population as the USA has?

boy, you guys need to pick an issue and stick to it!!!

Shockingly there can be multiple explanations.
In this case, yes Israel is essentially a socialist country.
And it works, to whatever extent it does work, because Israel generally has a younger healthier population than the U.S.
And fwiw, medical care in Israel sucks.
This isn't a proposal to "delay Obamacare." It is a proposal to extend the deadline. PC uses a laser-like Drudge logic to construct halfbaked narratives from news stories.

I like how she and the other right wing knuckle draggers want to return to the "good ole' days" of the American healthcare industry prior to Obama--you know, annual double-digit cost increases, rising deductables, no coverage for prior conditions, etc.

These right wingers have evil intent.

"....want to return to the "good ole' days" of the American healthcare industry prior to Obama--you know, annual double-digit cost increases, rising deductables, no coverage for prior conditions, etc."

Let's see how long it take to prove that you are a dunce:

.Year *NHE Increase

2001 1493

2002 1638 9.7%

2003 1775 8.3%

2004 1901 7.0%

2005 2030 6.7%

2006 2163 6.5%

2007 2298 6.2%

2008 2406 4.6%

2009 2501 3.9%

2010 2600 3.9%

2011 2700 3.8%

*National Health Expenditures, in $ billions.
Shockingly there can be multiple explanations.
In this case, yes Israel is essentially a socialist country.
And it works, to whatever extent it does work, because Israel generally has a younger healthier population than the U.S.
And fwiw, medical care in Israel sucks

talk about contradicting one'self.
under ReaganCare, signed in 1986 by Dear Leader Ronald Reagan, tens of billions of unpaid hospital bills go to the hospitals and the taxpayers.

this is why hospitals keep closing.

why did Reagan sign into law that ALL residents of the USA, even illegal aliens, must get treatment at Emergency Rooms even if they can't pay?

why was Reagan such a Bolshevik?
calling for extending the enrollment period for ObamaCare means "abandoning Obama"???

such idiotic logic.

the system has big problems, we should adjust policy due to actual, technical issues, not purely based on ideology like what the Tea Baggers want to do.

So we should delay implementation like the GOP wanted but for our own reasons so we can still say the GOP was wrong?
Do you screw your hat on in the morning, your head is so twisted?

That is exactly how it will be spun if they do any type of delay.
A neg because I suggested you were stupid?
Sorry if I hurt your feelings ….I really thought you already knew.

So....I've forced you to agree that ObamaCare is socialism.

And now for the correct useage:

not my fault you're too stupid to spell in Latin.

now, stop lying about people abandoning Obama.

I never lie....

....but look forward to the public service of perforating you....

Watch for it.
If Obama agrees to delay the penalty taxes and extend the enrollment period, he will explain that this is due to unforeseen technical glitches, NOT due to blind partisan ideology like what the Tealaban wanted to do.

The American people will understand the difference.
Why would you 'nuts be happy about this? An extension of the enrollment period, if necessary, will simply help Obamacare eventually succeed.

You're wishing for something you don't want. As usual.
Why would you 'nuts be happy about this? An extension of the enrollment period, if necessary, will simply help Obamacare eventually succeed.

You're wishing for something you don't want. As usual.

Actually.. I want this unmitigated clusterfuck to roll on right through the next election cycle.... let people see the $10,000 deductibles.... 2x premiums, hospital closures..

extending the enrollment period means more folks can sign up.

this is a good thing. :)
Can anyone remember the roll out of Medicare Part D? It was no smoother. But ask any recipient of that program whether or not we should defund it because of the sloppy start.

Has anyone thought of how the roll out in the 14 states that set up their own exchanges? Seems those are working just fine.

Has anyone thought about why the 36 states who did not take the deal, expanded Medicaid with the 90% funding from the federal government for the first three years? Why would they not take that deal? Could it be because those 36 states have Republican governors or legislatures controlled by Republicans who could just not see the benefit of setting up their own exchanges?

I'm not saying the federal roll out has been anything like a success. But where states have taken the initiative, things seem to be working better than expected. Pity those other states saddled with ideologically driven leadership have not faired better, but you reap what you sow.
Shockingly there can be multiple explanations.
In this case, yes Israel is essentially a socialist country.
And it works, to whatever extent it does work, because Israel generally has a younger healthier population than the U.S.
And fwiw, medical care in Israel sucks

talk about contradicting one'self.

There was no contradiction in my post. If you saw one, that speaks to your low intelligence.
This isn't a proposal to "delay Obamacare." It is a proposal to extend the deadline. PC uses a laser-like Drudge logic to construct halfbaked narratives from news stories.

I like how she and the other right wing knuckle draggers want to return to the "good ole' days" of the American healthcare industry prior to Obama--you know, annual double-digit cost increases, rising deductables, no coverage for prior conditions, etc.

These right wingers have evil intent.

"....want to return to the "good ole' days" of the American healthcare industry prior to Obama--you know, annual double-digit cost increases, rising deductables, no coverage for prior conditions, etc."

Let's see how long it take to prove that you are a dunce:

.Year *NHE Increase

2001 1493

2002 1638 9.7%

2003 1775 8.3%

2004 1901 7.0%

2005 2030 6.7%

2006 2163 6.5%

2007 2298 6.2%

2008 2406 4.6%

2009 2501 3.9%

2010 2600 3.9%

2011 2700 3.8%

*National Health Expenditures, in $ billions.

So the rate of increase in health care costs declined after Obama was elected. Thanks for admitting your mistake.

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