Democrats Folding????

This isn't a proposal to "delay Obamacare." It is a proposal to extend the deadline. PC uses a laser-like Drudge logic to construct halfbaked narratives from news stories.

I like how she and the other right wing knuckle draggers want to return to the "good ole' days" of the American healthcare industry prior to Obama--you know, annual double-digit cost increases, rising deductables, no coverage for prior conditions, etc.

These right wingers have evil intent.

"....want to return to the "good ole' days" of the American healthcare industry prior to Obama--you know, annual double-digit cost increases, rising deductables, no coverage for prior conditions, etc."

Let's see how long it take to prove that you are a dunce:

.Year *NHE Increase

2001 1493

2002 1638 9.7%

2003 1775 8.3%

2004 1901 7.0%

2005 2030 6.7%

2006 2163 6.5%

2007 2298 6.2%

2008 2406 4.6%

2009 2501 3.9%

2010 2600 3.9%

2011 2700 3.8%

*National Health Expenditures, in $ billions.

So the rate of increase in health care costs declined after Obama was elected. Thanks for admitting your mistake.

Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy spotted.
"....want to return to the "good ole' days" of the American healthcare industry prior to Obama--you know, annual double-digit cost increases, rising deductables, no coverage for prior conditions, etc."

Let's see how long it take to prove that you are a dunce:

.Year *NHE Increase

2001 1493

2002 1638 9.7%

2003 1775 8.3%

2004 1901 7.0%

2005 2030 6.7%

2006 2163 6.5%

2007 2298 6.2%

2008 2406 4.6%

2009 2501 3.9%

2010 2600 3.9%

2011 2700 3.8%

*National Health Expenditures, in $ billions.

so healthcare rates of increase went down under Obama?

great to know!!!! thanks babe!!!


Drives me insane that the MSM keeps using the term "Glitches" "Glitch" "Glitchy"

A glitch is when you input all your info and hit submit/next/apply/register etc and it asks for your email or other piece of info again. A glitch doesn't render a site useless. No. You can work around glitches.

The site is broken. Period, end of story.
Why would you 'nuts be happy about this? An extension of the enrollment period, if necessary, will simply help Obamacare eventually succeed.

You're wishing for something you don't want. As usual.

Actually.. I want this unmitigated clusterfuck to roll on right through the next election cycle.... let people see the $10,000 deductibles.... 2x premiums, hospital closures..


That's because you're only listening to the rightwing propaganda machine's side of the story.
Drives me insane that the MSM keeps using the term "Glitches" "Glitch" "Glitchy"

A glitch is when you input all your info and hit submit/next/apply/register etc and it asks for your email or other piece of info again. A glitch doesn't render a site useless. No. You can work around glitches.

The site is broken. Period, end of story.

the site isn't useless.

hundreds of thousands of folks have signed up using the website.

but lots of other folks are having issues.
"....want to return to the "good ole' days" of the American healthcare industry prior to Obama--you know, annual double-digit cost increases, rising deductables, no coverage for prior conditions, etc."

Let's see how long it take to prove that you are a dunce:

.Year *NHE Increase

2001 1493

2002 1638 9.7%

2003 1775 8.3%

2004 1901 7.0%

2005 2030 6.7%

2006 2163 6.5%

2007 2298 6.2%

2008 2406 4.6%

2009 2501 3.9%

2010 2600 3.9%

2011 2700 3.8%

*National Health Expenditures, in $ billions.

so healthcare rates of increase went down under Obama?

great to know!!!! thanks babe!!!

You moron.

The data shows a constant trend long before Obama.

Are you going to continue to prove that you are dumber than a soup sandwich?

Trust's more than evident.
"...not purely based on ideology..."

1. You seem confused.

It is ObamaCare that is based on ideology....

Didn't you know that he concept was a long-standing communist program?

For your edification:
2. Obama wasn't the first Bolshevik to support socialized medicine....

Quod Erat Demonstrandum.

ObamaCare should be delayed/adjusted do to matter-of-facts technical issues and problems.

not based on paranoid fears of "Bolshevism".

btw, Israel has national universal healthcare. Does that make our "best friend & ally", Socialist??

Well.... They are.

Have been from the beginning.

Where did you go to school, University of Dumbass?
Why would you 'nuts be happy about this? An extension of the enrollment period, if necessary, will simply help Obamacare eventually succeed.

You're wishing for something you don't want. As usual.

“No matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise,” President Obama told the American Medical Association in 2009. “If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what.”
You moron.

The data shows a constant trend long before Obama.

Are you going to continue to prove that you are dumber than a soup sandwich?

Trust's more than evident.

stop trolling.

Democrats aren't folding, deal with it.
Drives me insane that the MSM keeps using the term "Glitches" "Glitch" "Glitchy"

A glitch is when you input all your info and hit submit/next/apply/register etc and it asks for your email or other piece of info again. A glitch doesn't render a site useless. No. You can work around glitches.

The site is broken. Period, end of story.

the site isn't useless.

hundreds of thousands of folks have signed up using the website.

but lots of other folks are having issues.
We don't know how many people have signed up. If it's well into the hundreds of thousands I won't be so harsh and call it "useless", I will call it a "fucking mess"
Drives me insane that the MSM keeps using the term "Glitches" "Glitch" "Glitchy"

A glitch is when you input all your info and hit submit/next/apply/register etc and it asks for your email or other piece of info again. A glitch doesn't render a site useless. No. You can work around glitches.

The site is broken. Period, end of story.

the site isn't useless.

hundreds of thousands of folks have signed up using the website.

but lots of other folks are having issues.

Be quiet you parrot. It isn't of much use at all if it's down. Stop reiterating those liberal talking points will you?
This isn't a proposal to "delay Obamacare." It is a proposal to extend the deadline. PC uses a laser-like Drudge logic to construct halfbaked narratives from news stories.

I like how she and the other right wing knuckle draggers want to return to the "good ole' days" of the American healthcare industry prior to Obama--you know, annual double-digit cost increases, rising deductables, no coverage for prior conditions, etc.

These right wingers have evil intent.

"....want to return to the "good ole' days" of the American healthcare industry prior to Obama--you know, annual double-digit cost increases, rising deductables, no coverage for prior conditions, etc."

Let's see how long it take to prove that you are a dunce:

.Year *NHE Increase

2001 1493

2002 1638 9.7%

2003 1775 8.3%

2004 1901 7.0%

2005 2030 6.7%

2006 2163 6.5%

2007 2298 6.2%

2008 2406 4.6%

2009 2501 3.9%

2010 2600 3.9%

2011 2700 3.8%

*National Health Expenditures, in $ billions.

So the rate of increase in health care costs declined after Obama was elected. Thanks for admitting your mistake.

Actually, you support one of my suspicions.....I always believed that there is a certain affinity between stupid people and lying....perhaps a necessity in that precinct. takes a certain kind of liar....a really, really stupid claim something opposite to the data provided. claim the trend in the data isn't documented to show the Bush administration as its inception?

Speak up, dunce.
I think it was yesterday that Carney said that obama wasn't aware of the impending problems with the ACA rollout...


What else hasn't he been aware of?

The IRS scandal.

Americans being murdered in Benghazi.... And not just ANY American, an American Ambassador which, BTW is an Act Of WAR.

What else doesn't obama know.... Fast and Furious.....


The NSA scandal?


How about spying on Brazil and Germany, etc?

Complete ignorance.

From the smartest president...... EVAH! :lmao:

Next they'll be trying to tell us that obama was kidnapped and held captive by the Koch Bros and the Tea Party

and our resident libturds will lap it up like a dog lapping up baby poop in a diaper
You moron.

The data shows a constant trend long before Obama.

Are you going to continue to prove that you are dumber than a soup sandwich?

Trust's more than evident.

stop trolling.

Democrats aren't folding, deal with it.

The post you quote was about the data, and the declining trend in costs from and during the Bush administration.....

I notice you were unable to respond to the post you were ostensibly responding to....

Makes you appear stupid, doesn't it?
...Americans being murdered in Benghazi.... And not just ANY American, an American Ambassador which, BTW is an Act Of WAR.

What else doesn't obama know.... Fast and Furious.....


The NSA scandal?


How about spying on Brazil and Germany, etc?

Complete ignorance...

now you're just making shit up as you go.
...Americans being murdered in Benghazi.... And not just ANY American, an American Ambassador which, BTW is an Act Of WAR.

What else doesn't obama know.... Fast and Furious.....


The NSA scandal?


How about spying on Brazil and Germany, etc?

Complete ignorance...

now you're just making shit up as you go.

No, the administration is on record for much of that as saying they had no idea.
Get your head out of Obama's ass and read a newspaper every now and then.
"...not purely based on ideology..."

1. You seem confused.

It is ObamaCare that is based on ideology....

Didn't you know that he concept was a long-standing communist program?

For your edification:
2. Obama wasn't the first Bolshevik to support socialized medicine....

Quod Erat Demonstrandum.

ObamaCare should be delayed/adjusted do to matter-of-facts technical issues and problems.

not based on paranoid fears of "Bolshevism".

btw, Israel has national universal healthcare. Does that make our "best friend & ally", Socialist??

First of all Israel is about the size of New York City. I think they can pull off universal healthcare. We on the other hand have a population 45 times larger than Israel's.

Its only socialist if its Big. :lol:
No, the administration is on record for much of that as saying they had no idea.
Get your head out of Obama's ass and read a newspaper every now and then.

they had no idea about the deaths in Benghazi?

they had no idea about Fast & Furious?

they had no idea what NSA spying?

now you're just making up stuff.

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