Democrats For The People

Yeah...about that? When he "left" Afghanistan he fucked up the withdrawal so bad that the US was a laughingstock, Frigid! That's not being right...that's just Joe being a fuck up!

How could the US have withdrawn without the US being a "laughingstock"?

The Afghans were clearly NEVER going to be able to fight for their own country against Taliban based on the way Bush and subsequent presidents dealt with Afghanistan.
Yeah...about that? When he "left" Afghanistan he fucked up the withdrawal so bad that the US was a laughingstock, Frigid! That's not being right...that's just Joe being a fuck up!
No, releasing over 5000 taliban prisoners from Afghan prison was being a fuck up.
Leaving the Afghans completely out of negotiations was being a fuck up.
Nazis!!! Nazis everywhere!

Sadly, yes.

You are Nazis - it's a fact.

  • democrats have a scapegoat based on race. Whites are the new "Juden."
  • democrats are collectivist, seeking control of the means of production by their Reich.
  • democrats are totalitarian. Well duh.
  • democrats supplant civil rights with group privilege
  • democrats eradicate the rule of law and create dictatorship based on the party
  • democrats forcibly suppress religion
  • democrats freedom of speech
  • democrats create a police state and "Roger Stone" enemies for even minor process crimes in order to create terror
well this thread didn't age well!!!!

Its the ONLY ONE I've seen touting Bidens accomplishments......and it was created before his ass had time to hit the seat in the Oval Office.

Now that we are 9 months in........the title should be changed to

"Democrats can't seem to get shit done"
While democrats pretend to help seniors with a phony bill about a 10% filing fee, seniors might be dying this winter because of high energy costs that they can't afford courtesy of the Biden administration. Meanwhile the former governor of NY killed off about 10,000 seniors with an executive order and Biden is busy placing diseased illegal aliens in neighborhoods populated by seniors. While lefties are cheering a phony bill about medicare that probably won't pass the Biden administration is at war with seniors and killing them off as we speak.
How could the US have withdrawn without the US being a "laughingstock"?

The Afghans were clearly NEVER going to be able to fight for their own country against Taliban based on the way Bush and subsequent presidents dealt with Afghanistan.
For starters...a savvy Commander In Chief would have listened to his military experts that advised him to leave a force in country large enough to secure the transition. Biden ignored that advice.

Did you seriously just try to blame what Biden did on Bush? Now that's amusing! (eye roll)
I never wanted Joseph Biden to be Vice-President. I wanted him to be Secretary of State. And he often said that would have been his dream job. Hillary, then Kerry, got the gig Instead. But I’m hoping his comfort with Foreign Policy helps us repair some of the damaged relationships. I particularly would like to see better relations with Turkey, Poland, Iran, Australia, Taiwan.
With Biden's foreign policy record? SOS?
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Great retort Nazi. :thup:

I've backed up every bullet point and can at a drop of a hat, as you know.

But like all Nazis, all you can do is try and distract from the facts to protect your filthy party.

You're a joke.
Help me out here. Let's check your basic sanity and awareness.

What year is it?

Who is the President?

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