Democrats Get The Ball Rolling

Rahamm Emmanuel famously said: "Never let a crisis go to waste."
Too many of these horrible events have gone unaddressed. It's time.

Time for what?

For Republicans to do some work for the people. They've been sitting on their hands for too long. Also, why is Trump talking with the NRA? Last I knew they don't influence policy. They are the last ones who should be influencing policy.

The NRA represents over 5 million gun owners is one reason. Laws will not reduce or change a thing. The law effects the lawful, not the unlawful

How would you know, you all have been railing against any gun laws. The banning of automatic weapons and attending to that watch list are two significant ways to start.

You just proved you do not know what your talking about you have to have a special licenses to own an automatic weapon. Its difficult to get and expensive.
Tell that to the family of all those victims. Automatic and semi automatic weapons are not that different. It's just a matter of modifications and semantics.
There is a big difference and folks who are on the gun control side of the discussion should learn the difference. Otherwise, they sound like they are arguing from ignorance and lack of knowledge about the issue.
They aren't that different, that's just your argument. Semi automatics kill many in a short period of time and you don't need that for any reason.

Absolutely untrue. You don't know enough to be arguing.

We have all seen the results of a semi auto. 50 dead and 50 injured. We all know enough.
There would have been many times that number if the shooter had a full auto weapon.
THere would have been many fewer.
Full auto is inaccurate and wasteful of ammo. This is why the military never trains soldiers to use full auto, or even 3 round burst.
Too many of these horrible events have gone unaddressed. It's time.

Time for what?

For Republicans to do some work for the people. They've been sitting on their hands for too long. Also, why is Trump talking with the NRA? Last I knew they don't influence policy. They are the last ones who should be influencing policy.

The NRA represents over 5 million gun owners is one reason. Laws will not reduce or change a thing. The law effects the lawful, not the unlawful

How would you know, you all have been railing against any gun laws. The banning of automatic weapons and attending to that watch list are two significant ways to start.

You just proved you do not know what your talking about you have to have a special licenses to own an automatic weapon. Its difficult to get and expensive.
There is no special license to own an automatic weapon. There is no license at all. and for the record I own one. And yes the process is relatively expensive and time consuming.
Too many of these horrible events have gone unaddressed. It's time.

Time for what?

For Republicans to do some work for the people. They've been sitting on their hands for too long. Also, why is Trump talking with the NRA? Last I knew they don't influence policy. They are the last ones who should be influencing policy.

The NRA represents over 5 million gun owners is one reason. Laws will not reduce or change a thing. The law effects the lawful, not the unlawful

How would you know, you all have been railing against any gun laws. The banning of automatic weapons and attending to that watch list are two significant ways to start.

You just proved you do not know what your talking about you have to have a special licenses to own an automatic weapon. Its difficult to get and expensive.

And thanks to that seldom used in crimes.
i will take your lame post as your concession that you lost this one

you know it since this new idea would not have prevented the orlando shooting

It's just unreal the overt stupidity of liberals that they think you can fight terrorism with gun control. I would be embarassed to say something that mind numbingly ridiculous. Yet they shamelessly flaunt it.

We aren't fighting Muslim terrorism, just terrorists, we can't kill anyone around them even though most of them are working with and supporting them and our chief weapon will be ... gun control ... while we keep our southern border open ...

It's amazing they can stand behind that. What is clear is why Obama fights terrorism so ineffectively. As Trump said, the man doesn't have a clue

Why keep them off planes? Why keep a person off a plane because he might be terroristic?

I can't believe you are actually asking that question.

I can't believe you don't dare answer it.

I can easily answer it. Terrorists use planes for mass killings. You know that.

Getting on a plane is also not a Constitutional right
Time for what?

For Republicans to do some work for the people. They've been sitting on their hands for too long. Also, why is Trump talking with the NRA? Last I knew they don't influence policy. They are the last ones who should be influencing policy.

The NRA represents over 5 million gun owners is one reason. Laws will not reduce or change a thing. The law effects the lawful, not the unlawful

How would you know, you all have been railing against any gun laws. The banning of automatic weapons and attending to that watch list are two significant ways to start.

Wrong. Automatic weapons are already banned, and as far as the watch list goes? Do you lefties also hate due process?
How did the shooter own one legally then? However you identify the things, people don't need to own an automatic military grade weapon. He killed 50 people with a legal automatic rifle.
The firearm the DAESH used was not an automatic weapon.
Too many of these horrible events have gone unaddressed. It's time.

Time for what?

For Republicans to do some work for the people. They've been sitting on their hands for too long. Also, why is Trump talking with the NRA? Last I knew they don't influence policy. They are the last ones who should be influencing policy.

The NRA represents over 5 million gun owners is one reason. Laws will not reduce or change a thing. The law effects the lawful, not the unlawful

How would you know, you all have been railing against any gun laws. The banning of automatic weapons and attending to that watch list are two significant ways to start.

You just proved you do not know what your talking about you have to have a special licenses to own an automatic weapon. Its difficult to get and expensive.
Who cares about this? A semi automatic causes enough damage. Something is being done after the Democrats had their say so I'm happy about that.

You worry about whether a rifle will kill 200 or 100, both numbers are far too high.
There is a big difference and folks who are on the gun control side of the discussion should learn the difference. Otherwise, they sound like they are arguing from ignorance and lack of knowledge about the issue.
They aren't that different, that's just your argument. Semi automatics kill many in a short period of time and you don't need that for any reason.

Absolutely untrue. You don't know enough to be arguing.

We have all seen the results of a semi auto. 50 dead and 50 injured. We all know enough.
There would have been many times that number if the shooter had a full auto weapon.
THere would have been many fewer.
Full auto is inaccurate and wasteful of ammo. This is why the military never trains soldiers to use full auto, or even 3 round burst.

So these semi autos are far more dangerous then heavily regulated machine guns and also need to be heavily regulated.
There is a big difference and folks who are on the gun control side of the discussion should learn the difference. Otherwise, they sound like they are arguing from ignorance and lack of knowledge about the issue.
They aren't that different, that's just your argument. Semi automatics kill many in a short period of time and you don't need that for any reason.

Absolutely untrue. You don't know enough to be arguing.

We have all seen the results of a semi auto. 50 dead and 50 injured. We all know enough.
There would have been many times that number if the shooter had a full auto weapon.
THere would have been many fewer.
Full auto is inaccurate and wasteful of ammo. This is why the military never trains soldiers to use full auto, or even 3 round burst.

You are correct.
Why keep them off planes? Why keep a person off a plane because he might be terroristic?

I can't believe you are actually asking that question.

I can't believe you don't dare answer it.

I can easily answer it. Terrorists use planes for mass killings. You know that.

And they use guns for the same. You just created the equivalency. So much for your claims of a difference.

I never said they were different. You are just making shit up now. The way they do the watch list now is unconstitutional. It's wrong to use it to prevent flying, it's wrong to use it to prevent gun ownership. I am and have always been consistent on this.

If they allow due process before being placed on the list, then I have no problem with denying them both.

Is your fog lifting?

I'm not sure I see how it's "unconstitutional" to prevent them from flying, but I agree that there should be a process for them to challenge those decisions and have a hearing. You don't have a Constitutional right to drive either
It's just unreal the overt stupidity of liberals that they think you can fight terrorism with gun control. I would be embarassed to say something that mind numbingly ridiculous. Yet they shamelessly flaunt it.

We aren't fighting Muslim terrorism, just terrorists, we can't kill anyone around them even though most of them are working with and supporting them and our chief weapon will be ... gun control ... while we keep our southern border open ...

It's amazing they can stand behind that. What is clear is why Obama fights terrorism so ineffectively. As Trump said, the man doesn't have a clue

Why keep them off planes? Why keep a person off a plane because he might be terroristic?

I can't believe you are actually asking that question.

I can't believe you don't dare answer it.

I can easily answer it. Terrorists use planes for mass killings. You know that.

Getting on a plane is also not a Constitutional right

Not technically, but it is covered by the equal protection clause.
Time for what?

For Republicans to do some work for the people. They've been sitting on their hands for too long. Also, why is Trump talking with the NRA? Last I knew they don't influence policy. They are the last ones who should be influencing policy.

The NRA represents over 5 million gun owners is one reason. Laws will not reduce or change a thing. The law effects the lawful, not the unlawful

How would you know, you all have been railing against any gun laws. The banning of automatic weapons and attending to that watch list are two significant ways to start.

You just proved you do not know what your talking about you have to have a special licenses to own an automatic weapon. Its difficult to get and expensive.
Who cares about this? A semi automatic causes enough damage. Something is being done after the Democrats had their say so I'm happy about that.

You worry about whether a rifle will kill 200 or 100, both numbers are far too high.
You dont know a semi auto from a full auto. You wouldn't know a long action from a short action. Yet you are perfectly qualified to opine on whether any of it should be banned or not.
This is precisely the problem.
Time for what?

For Republicans to do some work for the people. They've been sitting on their hands for too long. Also, why is Trump talking with the NRA? Last I knew they don't influence policy. They are the last ones who should be influencing policy.

The NRA represents over 5 million gun owners is one reason. Laws will not reduce or change a thing. The law effects the lawful, not the unlawful

How would you know, you all have been railing against any gun laws. The banning of automatic weapons and attending to that watch list are two significant ways to start.

You just proved you do not know what your talking about you have to have a special licenses to own an automatic weapon. Its difficult to get and expensive.
Who cares about this? A semi automatic causes enough damage. Something is being done after the Democrats had their say so I'm happy about that.

You worry about whether a rifle will kill 200 or 100, both numbers are far too high.
I'm not giving up my Constitutional rights for anyone. No where in the 2nd Amendment does it say except for.
There is a big difference and folks who are on the gun control side of the discussion should learn the difference. Otherwise, they sound like they are arguing from ignorance and lack of knowledge about the issue.
They aren't that different, that's just your argument. Semi automatics kill many in a short period of time and you don't need that for any reason.

Absolutely untrue. You don't know enough to be arguing.

We have all seen the results of a semi auto. 50 dead and 50 injured. We all know enough.
There would have been many times that number if the shooter had a full auto weapon.
THere would have been many fewer.
Full auto is inaccurate and wasteful of ammo. This is why the military never trains soldiers to use full auto, or even 3 round burst.
How accurate does one have to be when firing into a crowed confined space of hundreds of massed targets? And why would a mass killer knowing he would not survive in the end worry about wasting ammo?
If you can't elect a president .. and you can't .. then you can't affect the Supreme Court.

Without question gun laws WILL change in this country .. and there won't be a goddamn thing right-wingers can do about it .. just as you have been a total failure on just about every other social issue in this country.

Time for what?

For Republicans to do some work for the people. They've been sitting on their hands for too long. Also, why is Trump talking with the NRA? Last I knew they don't influence policy. They are the last ones who should be influencing policy.

The NRA represents over 5 million gun owners is one reason. Laws will not reduce or change a thing. The law effects the lawful, not the unlawful

How would you know, you all have been railing against any gun laws. The banning of automatic weapons and attending to that watch list are two significant ways to start.

You just proved you do not know what your talking about you have to have a special licenses to own an automatic weapon. Its difficult to get and expensive.
Who cares about this? A semi automatic causes enough damage. Something is being done after the Democrats had their say so I'm happy about that.

You worry about whether a rifle will kill 200 or 100, both numbers are far too high.

Those numbers are imaginary and ridiculously provocative. It was 49. He had three hours. I could kill 49 people in three hours with any gun you can name.
Why keep them off planes? Why keep a person off a plane because he might be terroristic?

I can't believe you are actually asking that question.

I can't believe you don't dare answer it.

I can easily answer it. Terrorists use planes for mass killings. You know that.

Getting on a plane is also not a Constitutional right

Not technically, but it is covered by the equal protection clause.

So you think you have a Constitutional right to drive a car too?

Nonsense, the Constitution protects negative rights, not positive rights. Airports are government property often taken with eminent domain. If you apply positive rights as literally as you would have to do it to get there, they couldn't stop you from going through security without a ticket either
Time for what?

For Republicans to do some work for the people. They've been sitting on their hands for too long. Also, why is Trump talking with the NRA? Last I knew they don't influence policy. They are the last ones who should be influencing policy.

The NRA represents over 5 million gun owners is one reason. Laws will not reduce or change a thing. The law effects the lawful, not the unlawful

How would you know, you all have been railing against any gun laws. The banning of automatic weapons and attending to that watch list are two significant ways to start.

You just proved you do not know what your talking about you have to have a special licenses to own an automatic weapon. Its difficult to get and expensive.

And thanks to that seldom used in crimes.
Criminals do not follow the law that's why they are called criminals. Have you ever fired a full automatic weapon? In the military they are not used to mow down lines of people they are used for suppressive fire getting the enemy to duck. On full auto accuracy is garbage.
Time for what?

For Republicans to do some work for the people. They've been sitting on their hands for too long. Also, why is Trump talking with the NRA? Last I knew they don't influence policy. They are the last ones who should be influencing policy.

The NRA represents over 5 million gun owners is one reason. Laws will not reduce or change a thing. The law effects the lawful, not the unlawful

How would you know, you all have been railing against any gun laws. The banning of automatic weapons and attending to that watch list are two significant ways to start.

You just proved you do not know what your talking about you have to have a special licenses to own an automatic weapon. Its difficult to get and expensive.
There is no special license to own an automatic weapon. There is no license at all. and for the record I own one. And yes the process is relatively expensive and time consuming.
Time for what?

For Republicans to do some work for the people. They've been sitting on their hands for too long. Also, why is Trump talking with the NRA? Last I knew they don't influence policy. They are the last ones who should be influencing policy.

The NRA represents over 5 million gun owners is one reason. Laws will not reduce or change a thing. The law effects the lawful, not the unlawful

How would you know, you all have been railing against any gun laws. The banning of automatic weapons and attending to that watch list are two significant ways to start.

You just proved you do not know what your talking about you have to have a special licenses to own an automatic weapon. Its difficult to get and expensive.
There is no special license to own an automatic weapon. There is no license at all. and for the record I own one. And yes the process is relatively expensive and time consuming.
What is a Class 3 license all about?

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