Democrats Get The Ball Rolling

There would have been many times that number if the shooter had a full auto weapon.
THere would have been many fewer.
Full auto is inaccurate and wasteful of ammo. This is why the military never trains soldiers to use full auto, or even 3 round burst.
How accurate does one have to be when firing into a crowed confined space of hundreds of massed targets? And why would a mass killer knowing he would not survive in the end worry about wasting ammo?
So you agree that a full auto would have been no more lethal.
Thanks. Next absurd argument please.
I did not agree at all you dope. In the Orlando incident, the people were massed in a confined space making accuracy irrelevant. Full auto would have been accurate enough to spray far more projectiles in the mass of people, hence, causing more hits on the target, the target being the mass of people crowded together in the confined space.
I am waiting for your response regarding the Class 3 license you claim is not necessary for having a full auto weapon.
He had limited ammo. He probably used all of it. How does using a full auto result in more projectiles being sprayed?
There is no such thing as a "Class 3 license." I own a full auto and I do not have a "Class 3 License".
You have a special permit and stamp and bought the weapon through a licensed Class 3 dealer. So technically you do not have a license, but you had to make a special application and background check to get your tax stamp.
Much is left to do but I'm proud of my Ohio senator, Sherrod Brown and the others who got this Republican congress to take a baby step.

Filibuster Ends After GOP Agrees to Allow Gun Control Votes: Senator

Senate Democrats ended a nearly 15-hour filibuster early Thursday after Republican Party leaders reportedly agreed to allow votes on two proposed gun control measures.

Sen. Chris Murphy, a Democrat from Connecticut, said that a compromise had been reached. Votes would be held on whether to ban people on the government's terrorist watch list from obtaining gun licenses and whether to expand background checks to gun shows and internet sales, he added.

"We did not have that commitment when we started today," Murphy said.

GOP to Allow Gun Control Votes After 15-Hour Filibuster: Senator
More gun control laws that don't work, that's the ticket.
It will work with a good database of people on the watch list. We have to learn to work with large groups of people and monitoring their activities on the computer.
The huge unlimited central government already does this. The FBI was on to this shooter, but due to incompetence which is common with government, nothing was done.

Makes one think that the big unlimited central government WANTS these shootings to occur. What better way to dupe millions of Americans to freely giving up their gun rights?

...and let's not forget Obama's complicit actions in Fast and Furious, for which he should have been impeached and removed from office.

Under orders from the top.....

As IBD pointed out after the San Bernardino attacks, Obama took several steps to redirect the war on terror to his own, more politically correct, liking.

“He ordered the FBI and Homeland Security to delete ‘jihad’ from counterterrorism manuals and fire all trainers who linked terrorism to Islam,” we noted in this space.

“[Obama] also stopped a major investigation of terror-supporting Muslim Brotherhood front groups and mosques after U.S. attorneys successfully prosecuted Brotherhood charities.

And [Obama] opened the floodgates to Muslim immigrants, importing more than 400,000 of them, many from terrorist hot spots Somalia, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.”

Even now, Obama seems more intent on blaming the NRA for the Orlando attacks than radical Islam.
Under Obama: 8 Islamic Terror Attacks That Could Have Been Prevented
Much is left to do but I'm proud of my Ohio senator, Sherrod Brown and the others who got this Republican congress to take a baby step.

Filibuster Ends After GOP Agrees to Allow Gun Control Votes: Senator

Senate Democrats ended a nearly 15-hour filibuster early Thursday after Republican Party leaders reportedly agreed to allow votes on two proposed gun control measures.

Sen. Chris Murphy, a Democrat from Connecticut, said that a compromise had been reached. Votes would be held on whether to ban people on the government's terrorist watch list from obtaining gun licenses and whether to expand background checks to gun shows and internet sales, he added.

"We did not have that commitment when we started today," Murphy said.

GOP to Allow Gun Control Votes After 15-Hour Filibuster: Senator
More gun control laws that don't work, that's the ticket.
It will work with a good database of people on the watch list. We have to learn to work with large groups of people and monitoring their activities on the computer.
The huge unlimited central government already does this. The FBI was on to this shooter, but due to incompetence which is common with government, nothing was done.

Makes one think that the big unlimited central government WANTS these shootings to occur. What better way to dupe millions of Americans to freely giving up their gun rights?

...and let's not forget Obama's complicit actions in Fast and Furious, for which he should have been impeached and removed from office.

Under orders from the top.....

As IBD pointed out after the San Bernardino attacks, Obama took several steps to redirect the war on terror to his own, more politically correct, liking.

“He ordered the FBI and Homeland Security to delete ‘jihad’ from counterterrorism manuals and fire all trainers who linked terrorism to Islam,” we noted in this space.

“[Obama] also stopped a major investigation of terror-supporting Muslim Brotherhood front groups and mosques after U.S. attorneys successfully prosecuted Brotherhood charities.

And [Obama] opened the floodgates to Muslim immigrants, importing more than 400,000 of them, many from terrorist hot spots Somalia, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.”

Even now, Obama seems more intent on blaming the NRA for the Orlando attacks than radical Islam.
Under Obama: 8 Islamic Terror Attacks That Could Have Been Prevented

Notice how the Trump cult is obediently, in a robot-like manner, picking up Trump's Obama-is-pro-ISIS lunacy.

Thank God their numbers are few.
dude it would have stopped or even slowed down the orlando shooter he was taken off the list

how fucking thick skulled are you

Like I said it wouldn't effect me. It must effect you?

you have no way of knowing if it effects you or not

from you mommies basement

It doesn't, I fly all the time. You me childish comment is not surprising. Nor is it surprising it would effect you.

i dont believe you for a second

I believe you can't fly.

who cares what you think shut in
i dont

however you know damn well this would not have stopped the orlando shooter

yet you wish to continue to strip the rights of the law abiding

Well yes you obviously do.

i will take your lame post as your concession that you lost this one

you know it since this new idea would not have prevented the orlando shooting

It's just unreal the overt stupidity of liberals that they think you can fight terrorism with gun control. I would be embarassed to say something that mind numbingly ridiculous. Yet they shamelessly flaunt it.

We aren't fighting Muslim terrorism, just terrorists, we can't kill anyone around them even though most of them are working with and supporting them and our chief weapon will be ... gun control ... while we keep our southern border open ...

It's amazing they can stand behind that. What is clear is why Obama fights terrorism so ineffectively. As Trump said, the man doesn't have a clue


now secret watch lists are "due process" to these libtards


i have to go to work


You consider it sufficient due process to deny people the right to fly.

you dont have a right to fly fuckhead
What exactly do you gunrights people want done with persons who are found to be possible future terrorists?

After due process, don't allow them to have or buy a gun.

Is the terror watchlist not due process?

a secret list is now due process --LOL

no wonder you are so easily led by these clowns in office --LOL

If denying guns to a person on the terror watchlist is unconstitutional, then the suspected terrorist can challenge it in court.

there is not a chance of you understanding due process is there lowlife
What exactly do you gunrights people want done with persons who are found to be possible future terrorists?

After due process, don't allow them to have or buy a gun.

Is the terror watchlist not due process?

a secret list is now due process --LOL

no wonder you are so easily led by these clowns in office --LOL

If denying guns to a person on the terror watchlist is unconstitutional, then the suspected terrorist can challenge it in court.

That is what is known as guilty until proven innocent. It is due rocess when the government has to make a case BEFORE he or she is put on the list and denied the right to fly or own a gun.

due process

means that YOU are DUE to a process

as in DUE =a person's right; what is owed to someone

leftards dont understand nor do they care
Time for what?

For Republicans to do some work for the people. They've been sitting on their hands for too long. Also, why is Trump talking with the NRA? Last I knew they don't influence policy. They are the last ones who should be influencing policy.

The NRA represents over 5 million gun owners is one reason. Laws will not reduce or change a thing. The law effects the lawful, not the unlawful

How would you know, you all have been railing against any gun laws. The banning of automatic weapons and attending to that watch list are two significant ways to start.

You just proved you do not know what your talking about you have to have a special licenses to own an automatic weapon. Its difficult to get and expensive.
Who cares about this? A semi automatic causes enough damage. Something is being done after the Democrats had their say so I'm happy about that.

You worry about whether a rifle will kill 200 or 100, both numbers are far too high.

what do you want done sara
Rahamm Emmanuel famously said: "Never let a crisis go to waste."
Too many of these horrible events have gone unaddressed. It's time.

Time for what?

For Republicans to do some work for the people. They've been sitting on their hands for too long. Also, why is Trump talking with the NRA? Last I knew they don't influence policy. They are the last ones who should be influencing policy.

The NRA represents over 5 million gun owners is one reason. Laws will not reduce or change a thing. The law effects the lawful, not the unlawful

How would you know, you all have been railing against any gun laws. The banning of automatic weapons and attending to that watch list are two significant ways to start.

Automatic weapons have been banned for decades. The issue is NOT guns.

The issue is that ISIS has declared war and is at war with us and has been for years. The issue is that our Lame Duck President is naive, bullheaded, and inflexible. He seems bent on further endangering our country.
Much is left to do but I'm proud of my Ohio senator, Sherrod Brown and the others who got this Republican congress to take a baby step.

Filibuster Ends After GOP Agrees to Allow Gun Control Votes: Senator

Senate Democrats ended a nearly 15-hour filibuster early Thursday after Republican Party leaders reportedly agreed to allow votes on two proposed gun control measures.

Sen. Chris Murphy, a Democrat from Connecticut, said that a compromise had been reached. Votes would be held on whether to ban people on the government's terrorist watch list from obtaining gun licenses and whether to expand background checks to gun shows and internet sales, he added.

"We did not have that commitment when we started today," Murphy said.

GOP to Allow Gun Control Votes After 15-Hour Filibuster: Senator

Seriously, you're proud of a senator who wants to throw out due process guaranteed in the 5th amendment and the right to confront their accusers guaranteed by the 6th amendment? How pathetic are you?
For Republicans to do some work for the people. They've been sitting on their hands for too long. Also, why is Trump talking with the NRA? Last I knew they don't influence policy. They are the last ones who should be influencing policy.

The NRA represents over 5 million gun owners is one reason. Laws will not reduce or change a thing. The law effects the lawful, not the unlawful

How would you know, you all have been railing against any gun laws. The banning of automatic weapons and attending to that watch list are two significant ways to start.

You just proved you do not know what your talking about you have to have a special licenses to own an automatic weapon. Its difficult to get and expensive.
Who cares about this? A semi automatic causes enough damage. Something is being done after the Democrats had their say so I'm happy about that.

You worry about whether a rifle will kill 200 or 100, both numbers are far too high.

what do you want done sara
Thanks, I'm so proud the Democrats filibustered to get the two votes brought to the floor for now.

I want the computers to call out people on watch lists attempting to buy guns just like this website calls out alerts, everytime it happens. I don't want them to be allowed to buy guns.

I want to expand background checks to gun shows and to internet sales.

These things are just common sense. I hope businesses and events where a lot of people gather find the money and find it important enough to scan people walking in.

For now.
The democrats have opened the flood gates and allowed the lies to flood over us like a tidal wave.
What lies are they?

That the government has a right to place citizens on secret list, denying them the liberty to travel as they wish without due process guaranteed in the 5th amendment and their 6th amendment right to confront their accusers to defend themselves before being placed on such list. Guess what hero the government doesn't have that ability constitutionally and now you also want to deny them their explicit 2nd amendment right on top of it, all without due process, yep their lies, all lies, the government doesn't have that constitutional power.
After due process, don't allow them to have or buy a gun.

Is the terror watchlist not due process?

a secret list is now due process --LOL

no wonder you are so easily led by these clowns in office --LOL

If denying guns to a person on the terror watchlist is unconstitutional, then the suspected terrorist can challenge it in court.

That is what is known as guilty until proven innocent. It is due rocess when the government has to make a case BEFORE he or she is put on the list and denied the right to fly or own a gun.

due process

means that YOU are DUE to a process

as in DUE =a person's right; what is owed to someone

leftards dont understand nor do they care

So you are with those who think the terrorist watchlist should be abolished.
Twenty Eighth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America:

1. The Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America is hereby repealed.

2. A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, except that Congress shall have the power to regulate the manufacture, possession, sales, transfer, use and disposition of such arms, as a matter of public safety, closely consistent with the spirit and intent of the former Second Amendment.
Is the terror watchlist not due process?

a secret list is now due process --LOL

no wonder you are so easily led by these clowns in office --LOL

If denying guns to a person on the terror watchlist is unconstitutional, then the suspected terrorist can challenge it in court.

That is what is known as guilty until proven innocent. It is due rocess when the government has to make a case BEFORE he or she is put on the list and denied the right to fly or own a gun.

due process

means that YOU are DUE to a process

as in DUE =a person's right; what is owed to someone

leftards dont understand nor do they care

So you are with those who think the terrorist watchlist should be abolished.
I don't. It should be made constitutional, and then used for both flying and guns.
Twenty Eighth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America:

1. The Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America is hereby repealed.

2. A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, except that Congress shall have the power to regulate the manufacture, possession, sales, transfer, use and disposition of such arms, as a matter of public safety, closely consistent with the spirit and intent of the former Second Amendment.

That will be when the New American Revolution needs to happen.
Too many of these horrible events have gone unaddressed. It's time.

Time for what?

For Republicans to do some work for the people. They've been sitting on their hands for too long. Also, why is Trump talking with the NRA? Last I knew they don't influence policy. They are the last ones who should be influencing policy.

The NRA represents over 5 million gun owners is one reason. Laws will not reduce or change a thing. The law effects the lawful, not the unlawful

How would you know, you all have been railing against any gun laws. The banning of automatic weapons and attending to that watch list are two significant ways to start.

Automatic weapons have been banned for decades. The issue is NOT guns.

The issue is that ISIS has declared war and is at war with us and has been for years. The issue is that our Lame Duck President is naive, bullheaded, and inflexible. He seems bent on further endangering our country.
...and for this he should be impeached and removed from office. If we had a two party system instead of one and three equal branches of government instead of one, this might happen. Until then, we are f**ked.
Time for what?

For Republicans to do some work for the people. They've been sitting on their hands for too long. Also, why is Trump talking with the NRA? Last I knew they don't influence policy. They are the last ones who should be influencing policy.

The NRA represents over 5 million gun owners is one reason. Laws will not reduce or change a thing. The law effects the lawful, not the unlawful

How would you know, you all have been railing against any gun laws. The banning of automatic weapons and attending to that watch list are two significant ways to start.

Automatic weapons have been banned for decades. The issue is NOT guns.

The issue is that ISIS has declared war and is at war with us and has been for years. The issue is that our Lame Duck President is naive, bullheaded, and inflexible. He seems bent on further endangering our country.
...and for this he should be impeached and removed from office. If we had a two party system instead of one and three equal branches of government instead of one, this might happen. Until then, we are f**ked.
You guys always want Democrats forcibly removed from office, don't you. Did you ever think about choosing candidates that could beat them fairly and honestly?

You don't seem to care about integrity judging by your most recent offerings. Obama had to carry the US out of a near Depression caused by the mismanagement and incompetence of the previous occupants of the WH.
For Republicans to do some work for the people. They've been sitting on their hands for too long. Also, why is Trump talking with the NRA? Last I knew they don't influence policy. They are the last ones who should be influencing policy.

The NRA represents over 5 million gun owners is one reason. Laws will not reduce or change a thing. The law effects the lawful, not the unlawful

How would you know, you all have been railing against any gun laws. The banning of automatic weapons and attending to that watch list are two significant ways to start.

Automatic weapons have been banned for decades. The issue is NOT guns.

The issue is that ISIS has declared war and is at war with us and has been for years. The issue is that our Lame Duck President is naive, bullheaded, and inflexible. He seems bent on further endangering our country.
...and for this he should be impeached and removed from office. If we had a two party system instead of one and three equal branches of government instead of one, this might happen. Until then, we are f**ked.
You guys always want Democrats forcibly removed from office, don't you. Did you ever think about choosing candidates that could beat them fairly and honestly?

You don't seem to care about integrity judging by your most recent offerings. Obama had to carry the US out of a near Depression caused by the mismanagement and incompetence of the previous occupants of the WH.
Let's make a deal. Let's remove from office every last stinking one..all the f-ing Ds and all the f-ing Rs. They are all criminals IMHO.

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