Democrats have ruined America

My side is insane? Your side supported the BLM riots, can’t define what a woman is, didn’t criticize Biden for his botched Afghanistan withdrawal, you refuse to admit the laptop is Hunter’s and shows China paying the Biden crime family, you refuse to believe there is a border crisis, you refuse to believe that there is a mass migration away from blue hell hole states. But my side is insane? Lmao!
It’s easy to point at the other side and say that they suck. But the truth of the matter is that people are still preferring this to yours.

Look at what you offering as the alternative. People who support Donald Trump trying to stay in power, refuse to see anything wrong with his actions on Jan 6, and support the Jan 6 rioters.

You would be far more successful if you tried being sensible.
the fact that I am debating you despite you calling me a liar shows I am trying to be part of the solution. You started with the personal insults, so how enjoy the retort, Transocrat.
If you still see nothing wrong with Trump’s actions on Jan 6, then you’re still part of the problem.
Joe Biden isn’t flawed? LOL.

You’re eating retard sandwiches again.
Of course he’s flawed. When Biden leaves office, he’s going to peacefully transition power instead of instigating a riot to overturn the election results because he wants to stay in power.

You see nothing wrong with that. You don’t understand why this behavior you support is turning voters away from your party. You are part of the problem. Try being sensible.
It’s easy to point at the other side and say that they suck. But the truth of the matter is that people are still preferring this to yours.

Look at what you offering as the alternative. People who support Donald Trump trying to stay in power, refuse to see anything wrong with his actions on Jan 6, and support the Jan 6 rioters.

You would be far more successful if you tried being sensible.
I admit the GOP have been awful. I admit Trump should step aside for Desantis or Tim Scott. What I will not do is support your inane Transocrat party that you do blindly. Trump over Biden all day.

You still have yet to list one criticism of your party. You’re a true believer.
Of course he’s flawed. When Biden leaves office, he’s going to peacefully transition power instead of instigating a riot to overturn the election results because he wants to stay in power.

You see nothing wrong with that. You don’t understand why this behavior you support is turning voters away from your party. You are part of the problem. Try being sensible.
He is? You have a crystal ball and you know this? Wow. Who is winning the NBA championship this year?
Instead of trying to pin that on Democrats, you need to re-evaluate what your party has offered as an alternative.

But you won’t. You’re going to continue to see nothing wrong with Jan 6 or Donald Trump and then you’re going to keep wondering why your party keeps losing.
STFU you dishonest fucktard. The party in power (the Democrats) is hurting all Americans right now, and fuck you with that!

You POS!

Fuck you and whatever the fuck you rode in on, asshat!
Another idiot who sees nothing wrong with Trunp’s actions on Jan 6.

Isn’t that right, fucktard?
When did I say I did not see anything wrong with it? You lied again, Transocrat. At least you’re consistent. You don’t even debate civilly. LMAO. We should just fight. Want to? It would be fun. Well for me.
He is? You have a crystal ball and you know this? Wow. Who is winning the NBA championship this year?
Every single POTUS we have ever had has peacefully transitioned power, believing that it’s for the better good of the country. Every single one, except for one.

Do you honestly question whether Biden will peacefully transition power? He’s not the type to pull what Trump did, which you have no problem with whatsoever.
If you still see nothing wrong with Trump’s actions on Jan 6, then you’re still part of the problem.
Of course it’s a problem. He said be peaceful and the crowd didn’t listen. Boo hoo. They are adults responsible for their own actions. You blame Trump cause of your TDS. You are a dolt.
Every single POTUS we have ever had has peacefully transitioned power, believing that it’s for the better good of the country. Every single one, except for one.

Do you honestly question whether Biden will peacefully transition power? He’s not the type to pull what Trump did, which you have no problem with whatsoever.
I do. 100%. That election took forever to call cause of the mail in ballots and funny how they favored the Democrats so heavily. I do Not have any proof they were fraudulent but it looks suspicious. So Trump chose to fight. Democrats can’t define what a woman is. We have zero proof they would give the WH back to Trump if he somehow won in 2024.
Of course it’s a problem. He said be peaceful and the crowd didn’t listen. Boo hoo. They are adults responsible for their own actions. You blame Trump cause of your TDS. You are a dolt.
So you don’t see anything wrong with Trump telling people that the election was stolen, riling up his supporters to to fight or they won’t have a country, and pressuring his VP to overturn the results.

You want to blame everyone other than Trump.
I asked you if you see anything wrong with his actions on Jan 6. Are you ready to answer now?
You said he was 100% to blame. I said The rioters were adults. They are to blame. His blame is at most 5%. 30% media. 65% idiots who stormed the castle. And it was exaggerated as we saw in the newly released footage. You have yet to state one criticism of Biden. You’re such a zealot.

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