Democrats/Liberals are NOT my fellow countrymen


Dec 16, 2013
Some libtard today said I should care about the well being of my "fellow countrymen" and even tried to use the Bible and 10 Commandments as proof I should give a crap about libtards, Democrats and welfare queen parasites. The United States of America is NOT their country. They are parasites on our country. They wanna raise our taxes, force us to pay for their entitlements, and of course take away our rights, the 2nd amendment in particular.

Im past trying to be nice. We need to boot these people out of our country, and get back to true conservative values. They don't produce shit for America. They are all TAKERS. They don't defend this country. They are NOT my fellow countrymen, or my neighbor which I supposedly should love, like "Love thy neighbor".

Well, Jesus says I shouldn't "covet thy neighbors wife". Well, my neighbor shalt not covet MY tax dollars either. If they are hungry or cold, or have too many damn kids, then its their fault, not mine.
Some libtard today said I should care about the well being of my "fellow countrymen" and even tried to use the Bible and 10 Commandments as proof I should give a crap about libtards, Democrats and welfare queen parasites. The United States of America is NOT their country. They are parasites on our country. They wanna raise our taxes, force us to pay for their entitlements, and of course take away our rights, the 2nd amendment in particular.

Im past trying to be nice. We need to boot these people out of our country, and get back to true conservative values. They don't produce shit for America. They are all TAKERS. They don't defend this country. They are NOT my fellow countrymen, or my neighbor which I supposedly should love, like "Love thy neighbor".

Well, Jesus says I shouldn't "covet thy neighbors wife". Well, my neighbor shalt not covet MY tax dollars either. If they are hungry or cold, or have too many damn kids, then its their fault, not mine.
Sounds like you are the one who doesn't fit here. Sounds like you'd be happier in a place like Russia or North Korea or Iran.
Some libtard today said I should care about the well being of my "fellow countrymen" and even tried to use the Bible and 10 Commandments as proof I should give a crap about libtards, Democrats and welfare queen parasites. The United States of America is NOT their country. They are parasites on our country. They wanna raise our taxes, force us to pay for their entitlements, and of course take away our rights, the 2nd amendment in particular.

Im past trying to be nice. We need to boot these people out of our country, and get back to true conservative values. They don't produce shit for America. They are all TAKERS. They don't defend this country. They are NOT my fellow countrymen, or my neighbor which I supposedly should love, like "Love thy neighbor".

Well, Jesus says I shouldn't "covet thy neighbors wife". Well, my neighbor shalt not covet MY tax dollars either. If they are hungry or cold, or have too many damn kids, then its their fault, not mine.
Sounds like you are the one who doesn't fit here. Sounds like you'd be happier in a place like Russia or North Korea or Iran.
Liberals give less to charity than conservatives.
They push their faux compassion to enslave. I care about those who care about themselves - who tenaciously try to improve there circumstances. I don't give a shit about the rest.

Tell them to put their money where their mouth is - not your money!
Some libtard today said I should care about the well being of my "fellow countrymen" and even tried to use the Bible and 10 Commandments as proof I should give a crap about libtards, Democrats and welfare queen parasites. The United States of America is NOT their country. They are parasites on our country. They wanna raise our taxes, force us to pay for their entitlements, and of course take away our rights, the 2nd amendment in particular.

Im past trying to be nice. We need to boot these people out of our country, and get back to true conservative values. They don't produce shit for America. They are all TAKERS. They don't defend this country. They are NOT my fellow countrymen, or my neighbor which I supposedly should love, like "Love thy neighbor".

Well, Jesus says I shouldn't "covet thy neighbors wife". Well, my neighbor shalt not covet MY tax dollars either. If they are hungry or cold, or have too many damn kids, then its their fault, not mine.
Sounds like you are the one who doesn't fit here. Sounds like you'd be happier in a place like Russia or North Korea or Iran.

I'm sure with that attitude the OP does alot of things by himself...not by his choice.
Some libtard today said I should care about the well being of my "fellow countrymen" and even tried to use the Bible and 10 Commandments as proof I should give a crap about libtards, Democrats and welfare queen parasites. The United States of America is NOT their country. They are parasites on our country. They wanna raise our taxes, force us to pay for their entitlements, and of course take away our rights, the 2nd amendment in particular.

Im past trying to be nice. We need to boot these people out of our country, and get back to true conservative values. They don't produce shit for America. They are all TAKERS. They don't defend this country. They are NOT my fellow countrymen, or my neighbor which I supposedly should love, like "Love thy neighbor".

Well, Jesus says I shouldn't "covet thy neighbors wife". Well, my neighbor shalt not covet MY tax dollars either. If they are hungry or cold, or have too many damn kids, then its their fault, not mine.

Telling Americans this isn't their country and they should be kicked out is about as anti-American as you can get. Why don't you move to a country where anyone with an opposing viewpoint is killed or locked away? Your anger is misplaced. Make sure to wipe the spittle off your keyboard when you're done.
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Some libtard today said I should care about the well being of my "fellow countrymen" and even tried to use the Bible and 10 Commandments as proof I should give a crap about libtards, Democrats and welfare queen parasites. The United States of America is NOT their country. They are parasites on our country. They wanna raise our taxes, force us to pay for their entitlements, and of course take away our rights, the 2nd amendment in particular.

Im past trying to be nice. We need to boot these people out of our country, and get back to true conservative values. They don't produce shit for America. They are all TAKERS. They don't defend this country. They are NOT my fellow countrymen, or my neighbor which I supposedly should love, like "Love thy neighbor".

Well, Jesus says I shouldn't "covet thy neighbors wife". Well, my neighbor shalt not covet MY tax dollars either. If they are hungry or cold, or have too many damn kids, then its their fault, not mine.

He said, 'or anything that is thy neighbor's.'

For liberals to disbelieve the Bible as vehemently as they claim to they sure do use it all the time to beat people they don't like over the head.
Some libtard today said I should care about the well being of my "fellow countrymen" and even tried to use the Bible and 10 Commandments as proof I should give a crap about libtards, Democrats and welfare queen parasites. The United States of America is NOT their country. They are parasites on our country. They wanna raise our taxes, force us to pay for their entitlements, and of course take away our rights, the 2nd amendment in particular.

Im past trying to be nice. We need to boot these people out of our country, and get back to true conservative values. They don't produce shit for America. They are all TAKERS. They don't defend this country. They are NOT my fellow countrymen, or my neighbor which I supposedly should love, like "Love thy neighbor".

Well, Jesus says I shouldn't "covet thy neighbors wife". Well, my neighbor shalt not covet MY tax dollars either. If they are hungry or cold, or have too many damn kids, then its their fault, not mine.

Can you say intolerant?
Some libtard today said I should care about the well being of my "fellow countrymen" and even tried to use the Bible and 10 Commandments as proof I should give a crap about libtards, Democrats and welfare queen parasites. The United States of America is NOT their country. They are parasites on our country. They wanna raise our taxes, force us to pay for their entitlements, and of course take away our rights, the 2nd amendment in particular.

Im past trying to be nice. We need to boot these people out of our country, and get back to true conservative values. They don't produce shit for America. They are all TAKERS. They don't defend this country. They are NOT my fellow countrymen, or my neighbor which I supposedly should love, like "Love thy neighbor".

Well, Jesus says I shouldn't "covet thy neighbors wife". Well, my neighbor shalt not covet MY tax dollars either. If they are hungry or cold, or have too many damn kids, then its their fault, not mine.

Telling Americans this isn't their country and they should be kicked out is about as anti-American as you can get. Why don't you move to a country where anyone with an opposing viewpoint is killed or locked away? Your anger is misplaced. Make sure to wipe the spittle off your keyboard when you're done.

Liberal atheists quoting Bible to force their issue is far worse.
I understand the anger and also realize that most of us know there is a big difference between those who need our help, such as the elderly, disabled and downtrodden and those who grow up with an entitlement mentality because of their parents.

You can always tell who is who by the way they handle their situation. Some fight to pull themselves up, others sit and demand more. Yes, it makes me angry when certain people act like I owe them a living just because they exist, even though they wouldn't "lower themselves" to work along side me.

I don't mind helping people at all, though it is nice when you are appreciated for it. Many don't care and approach welfare with the attitude that they deserve it and you deserve to have something taken from you. There are plenty of liberals who begrudge us our own possessions and money. I resent the way that they so arrogantly exert their power over us and insist that they will take as much of our money as they desire and will do as they please with it. They act like we should be grateful that we get to keep any of it.

If we were only helping those who truly could not do for themselves, this wouldn't be an issue at all. Sadly, it's gone too far.

The poor in this country would be the envy of average citizens in other countries. The poor in third world countries have nothing at all. They probably don't know what cell phones or cable tv are all about.

We should always be there for those who cannot do for themselves, but for those who can, we need to set some firm rules about how long we'll carry them. We need to make sure young people know that they must start planning their future, one that doesn't include being on the doles, and letting them know that there is no free ride for able-bodied people. Otherwise, we'll get more of what we have, namely too many young, unwed mothers having too many children and throwing their futures away.

It wouldn't hurt for government to, just once, tell welfare recipients that people worked hard for the money they are being given and maybe they should appreciate how hard it is to earn that money. We pay the price, yet politicians win votes just for confiscating the money and giving it away to others, many who really don't deserve it.

Instead of government saying thanks for keeping a job so they can take a chunk each week, they do the opposite and constantly threaten to take more and if we don't file taxes, then we're in big trouble.

We should have Tax Payer Appreciation Day. And to celebrate, have one damn day where no taxes are taken from your check.
Some libtard today said I should care about the well being of my "fellow countrymen" and even tried to use the Bible and 10 Commandments as proof I should give a crap about libtards, Democrats and welfare queen parasites. The United States of America is NOT their country. They are parasites on our country. They wanna raise our taxes, force us to pay for their entitlements, and of course take away our rights, the 2nd amendment in particular.

Im past trying to be nice. We need to boot these people out of our country, and get back to true conservative values. They don't produce shit for America. They are all TAKERS. They don't defend this country. They are NOT my fellow countrymen, or my neighbor which I supposedly should love, like "Love thy neighbor".

Well, Jesus says I shouldn't "covet thy neighbors wife". Well, my neighbor shalt not covet MY tax dollars either. If they are hungry or cold, or have too many damn kids, then its their fault, not mine.
When have you or anyone else on the right been 'nice'?

Otherwise, liberals aren't going away, they're as much Americans as anyone else.
Some libtard today said I should care about the well being of my "fellow countrymen" and even tried to use the Bible and 10 Commandments as proof I should give a crap about libtards, Democrats and welfare queen parasites. The United States of America is NOT their country. They are parasites on our country. They wanna raise our taxes, force us to pay for their entitlements, and of course take away our rights, the 2nd amendment in particular.

Im past trying to be nice. We need to boot these people out of our country, and get back to true conservative values. They don't produce shit for America. They are all TAKERS. They don't defend this country. They are NOT my fellow countrymen, or my neighbor which I supposedly should love, like "Love thy neighbor".

Well, Jesus says I shouldn't "covet thy neighbors wife". Well, my neighbor shalt not covet MY tax dollars either. If they are hungry or cold, or have too many damn kids, then its their fault, not mine.


what 20 years of the rightwingnut echo chamber does.
Some libtard today said I should care about the well being of my "fellow countrymen" and even tried to use the Bible and 10 Commandments as proof I should give a crap about libtards, Democrats and welfare queen parasites. The United States of America is NOT their country. They are parasites on our country. They wanna raise our taxes, force us to pay for their entitlements, and of course take away our rights, the 2nd amendment in particular.

Im past trying to be nice. We need to boot these people out of our country, and get back to true conservative values. They don't produce shit for America. They are all TAKERS. They don't defend this country. They are NOT my fellow countrymen, or my neighbor which I supposedly should love, like "Love thy neighbor".

Well, Jesus says I shouldn't "covet thy neighbors wife". Well, my neighbor shalt not covet MY tax dollars either. If they are hungry or cold, or have too many damn kids, then its their fault, not mine.

You sound really frustrated and angry, did a Liberal pee in your Cheerios this morning or what? :)

This country was built on Liberal values by Liberals.

This country belongs to all of it's citizens, not just some conservative jerk offs who think that they are the only ones supporting this country. There are plenty of Liberals and Democrats who work and help support this country.

Good luck trying to "boot" any American citizen out of this country.
Some libtard today said I should care about the well being of my "fellow countrymen" and even tried to use the Bible and 10 Commandments as proof I should give a crap about libtards, Democrats and welfare queen parasites. The United States of America is NOT their country. They are parasites on our country. They wanna raise our taxes, force us to pay for their entitlements, and of course take away our rights, the 2nd amendment in particular.

Im past trying to be nice. We need to boot these people out of our country, and get back to true conservative values. They don't produce shit for America. They are all TAKERS. They don't defend this country. They are NOT my fellow countrymen, or my neighbor which I supposedly should love, like "Love thy neighbor".

Well, Jesus says I shouldn't "covet thy neighbors wife". Well, my neighbor shalt not covet MY tax dollars either. If they are hungry or cold, or have too many damn kids, then its their fault, not mine.

You sound really frustrated and angry, did a Liberal pee in your Cheerios this morning or what? :)

This country was built on Liberal values by Liberals.

This country belongs to all of it's citizens, not just some conservative jerk offs who think that they are the only ones supporting this country. There are plenty of Liberals and Democrats who work and help support this country.

Good luck trying to "boot" any American citizen out of this country.

he does seem a bit cranky, doesn't he?

rush would be proud.
Ahhh... hmmm.

For one American do disown his fellow countrymen, that's un-American in and of itself. If we claim to be the "land of the free" then just by that, then Americans who hold one view or another should still be considered an American.

No. This type of derision will tear this country apart.
Some libtard today said I should care about the well being of my "fellow countrymen" and even tried to use the Bible and 10 Commandments as proof I should give a crap about libtards, Democrats and welfare queen parasites. The United States of America is NOT their country. They are parasites on our country. They wanna raise our taxes, force us to pay for their entitlements, and of course take away our rights, the 2nd amendment in particular.

Im past trying to be nice. We need to boot these people out of our country, and get back to true conservative values. They don't produce shit for America. They are all TAKERS. They don't defend this country. They are NOT my fellow countrymen, or my neighbor which I supposedly should love, like "Love thy neighbor".

Well, Jesus says I shouldn't "covet thy neighbors wife". Well, my neighbor shalt not covet MY tax dollars either. If they are hungry or cold, or have too many damn kids, then its their fault, not mine.

OP- Classic brainwashed ugly American hater dupe- chump of the greedy idiot racist mega rich new GOP...You're an un-American disgrace...

''No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP''- TIME

"( Noam Chomsky) told Radio VR during an interview posted online last week that he agreed with the conservative political analyst Norman Ornsteins' characterization of the Tea Party.

“He described them as a radical insurgency opposed to rationality, to political compromise, to participation in a parliamentary system — in fact, with no positive goals themselves."

Noam Chomsky: The Tea Party is the ?petit bourgeois? face of corporate oligarchs | The Raw Story

Change the gd channel or literally gth...Ay caramba, man lol.
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Care to provide some real documented information that backs your statement?

Some libtard today said I should care about the well being of my "fellow countrymen" and even tried to use the Bible and 10 Commandments as proof I should give a crap about libtards, Democrats and welfare queen parasites. The United States of America is NOT their country. They are parasites on our country. They wanna raise our taxes, force us to pay for their entitlements, and of course take away our rights, the 2nd amendment in particular.

Im past trying to be nice. We need to boot these people out of our country, and get back to true conservative values. They don't produce shit for America. They are all TAKERS. They don't defend this country. They are NOT my fellow countrymen, or my neighbor which I supposedly should love, like "Love thy neighbor".

Well, Jesus says I shouldn't "covet thy neighbors wife". Well, my neighbor shalt not covet MY tax dollars either. If they are hungry or cold, or have too many damn kids, then its their fault, not mine.
Sounds like you are the one who doesn't fit here. Sounds like you'd be happier in a place like Russia or North Korea or Iran.
Liberals give less to charity than conservatives.
They push their faux compassion to enslave. I care about those who care about themselves - who tenaciously try to improve there circumstances. I don't give a shit about the rest.

Tell them to put their money where their mouth is - not your money!
Some libtard today said I should care about the well being of my "fellow countrymen" and even tried to use the Bible and 10 Commandments as proof I should give a crap about libtards, Democrats and welfare queen parasites. The United States of America is NOT their country. They are parasites on our country. They wanna raise our taxes, force us to pay for their entitlements, and of course take away our rights, the 2nd amendment in particular.

Im past trying to be nice. We need to boot these people out of our country, and get back to true conservative values. They don't produce shit for America. They are all TAKERS. They don't defend this country. They are NOT my fellow countrymen, or my neighbor which I supposedly should love, like "Love thy neighbor".

Well, Jesus says I shouldn't "covet thy neighbors wife". Well, my neighbor shalt not covet MY tax dollars either. If they are hungry or cold, or have too many damn kids, then its their fault, not mine.

Do you see a give-a-damn in these eyes?

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