Democrats/Liberals are NOT my fellow countrymen

Ah, the true face of the rabid rightwingers.

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any party with that record of cheating does not believe in democracy.

that makes them traitors to this country
gather up all the republicans who caused this supreme court case to happen and send them to the electric chair.

Its a high crime to sabatoge our country from within.

They should not be allowed to live after doing that to our country.

If it came with a death penalty the republican party wouldnt just keep doing it year after year after year.
they flat out cheat in elections to win.

they have done it for decades.

even they know they are a dying party.

lets help them die as a party by stopping their cheating in elections
Some libtard today said I should care about the well being of my "fellow countrymen" and even tried to use the Bible and 10 Commandments as proof I should give a crap about libtards, Democrats and welfare queen parasites. The United States of America is NOT their country. They are parasites on our country. They wanna raise our taxes, force us to pay for their entitlements, and of course take away our rights, the 2nd amendment in particular.

Im past trying to be nice. We need to boot these people out of our country, and get back to true conservative values. They don't produce shit for America. They are all TAKERS. They don't defend this country. They are NOT my fellow countrymen, or my neighbor which I supposedly should love, like "Love thy neighbor".

Well, Jesus says I shouldn't "covet thy neighbors wife". Well, my neighbor shalt not covet MY tax dollars either. If they are hungry or cold, or have too many damn kids, then its their fault, not mine.

Social security, GI Bill, college tuition grants, labor unions, are just afew things liberals have given our nation. Wanna not make use of all of them that's cool, but if you do, yet dis liberals nonetheless you're simply a hypocrite. A very ignorant hypocrite at that.
they are the dupes of the wealthy.

fewer and fewer of them all the time.

its why the republican party has resorted to cheating in elections for decades now
Some libtard today said I should care about the well being of my "fellow countrymen" and even tried to use the Bible and 10 Commandments as proof I should give a crap about libtards, Democrats and welfare queen parasites. The United States of America is NOT their country. They are parasites on our country. They wanna raise our taxes, force us to pay for their entitlements, and of course take away our rights, the 2nd amendment in particular.

Im past trying to be nice. We need to boot these people out of our country, and get back to true conservative values. They don't produce shit for America. They are all TAKERS. They don't defend this country. They are NOT my fellow countrymen, or my neighbor which I supposedly should love, like "Love thy neighbor".

Well, Jesus says I shouldn't "covet thy neighbors wife". Well, my neighbor shalt not covet MY tax dollars either. If they are hungry or cold, or have too many damn kids, then its their fault, not mine.

He said, 'or anything that is thy neighbor's.'

For liberals to disbelieve the Bible as vehemently as they claim to they sure do use it all the time to beat people they don't like over the head.

Liberals quoting the Bible or Jesus specifically is classic Alinsky; namely, making other people follow their own rules. Notice how Liberals use Jesus' mandates for Christians to redistribute their wealth as justification or validation of Government redistribution of wealth. Did Jesus say anything about Government playing a role? No. Also, Liberals love to use the Bible to hold Christians accountable yet not to hold their own accountable. Case in point: Bill Clinton Monica Lewinsky. In Jesus' eyes, the President committed adultery. Did Liberals throw the Bible at the President or quote Jesus? No. They told everyone that "this was a private matter between two consenting adults"

If not for double standards, Liberals would have no standards.
Some libtard today said I should care about the well being of my "fellow countrymen" and even tried to use the Bible and 10 Commandments as proof I should give a crap about libtards, Democrats and welfare queen parasites. The United States of America is NOT their country. They are parasites on our country. They wanna raise our taxes, force us to pay for their entitlements, and of course take away our rights, the 2nd amendment in particular.

Im past trying to be nice. We need to boot these people out of our country, and get back to true conservative values. They don't produce shit for America. They are all TAKERS. They don't defend this country. They are NOT my fellow countrymen, or my neighbor which I supposedly should love, like "Love thy neighbor".

Well, Jesus says I shouldn't "covet thy neighbors wife". Well, my neighbor shalt not covet MY tax dollars either. If they are hungry or cold, or have too many damn kids, then its their fault, not mine.

He said, 'or anything that is thy neighbor's.'

For liberals to disbelieve the Bible as vehemently as they claim to they sure do use it all the time to beat people they don't like over the head.

Liberals quoting the Bible or Jesus specifically is classic Alinsky; namely, making other people follow their own rules. Notice how Liberals use Jesus' mandates for Christians to redistribute their wealth as justification or validation of Government redistribution of wealth. Did Jesus say anything about Government playing a role? No. Also, Liberals love to use the Bible to hold Christians accountable yet not to hold their own accountable. Case in point: Bill Clinton Monica Lewinsky. In Jesus' eyes, the President committed adultery. Did Liberals throw the Bible at the President or quote Jesus? No. They told everyone that "this was a private matter between two consenting adults"

If not for double standards, Liberals would have no standards.

Jesus was a Liberal
When have you or anyone else on the right been 'nice'?

Otherwise, liberals aren't going away, they're as much Americans as anyone else.

YES !! they are Americans......, American commies/socialists/drug addicts and everything else that contributes towards Americas downfall.

I'm glad most of the really shitty RW fascists like you will die of old age or get dementia in the next few years.

Get dementia? By his post, he is already there.
He said, 'or anything that is thy neighbor's.'

For liberals to disbelieve the Bible as vehemently as they claim to they sure do use it all the time to beat people they don't like over the head.

Liberals quoting the Bible or Jesus specifically is classic Alinsky; namely, making other people follow their own rules. Notice how Liberals use Jesus' mandates for Christians to redistribute their wealth as justification or validation of Government redistribution of wealth. Did Jesus say anything about Government playing a role? No. Also, Liberals love to use the Bible to hold Christians accountable yet not to hold their own accountable. Case in point: Bill Clinton Monica Lewinsky. In Jesus' eyes, the President committed adultery. Did Liberals throw the Bible at the President or quote Jesus? No. They told everyone that "this was a private matter between two consenting adults"

If not for double standards, Liberals would have no standards.

Jesus was a Liberal

Jesus was a Liberal but not a fan of Big Government, was against adultery, lust, murder, sloth, greed, pride and vanity.

Is Jesus Liberalism embraced by today's Liberals or do today's Liberals align the themselves with whom Alinsky deemed "the first true Radical"?
would Jesus have whipped the money changers if they were working with the government to make sure the poor had food?


jesus would hate the republican party
You do not own the words of Jesus

Who said I did? Show us where Jesus would be okay with adultery, abortion, and Government-run redistribution of wealth? Here's one for you (HIS Word, not mine):

“You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘you shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart."

How come you Liberals didn't throw that one at President Clinton?
Some libtard today said I should care about the well being of my "fellow countrymen" and even tried to use the Bible and 10 Commandments as proof I should give a crap about libtards, Democrats and welfare queen parasites. The United States of America is NOT their country. They are parasites on our country. They wanna raise our taxes, force us to pay for their entitlements, and of course take away our rights, the 2nd amendment in particular.

Im past trying to be nice. We need to boot these people out of our country, and get back to true conservative values. They don't produce shit for America. They are all TAKERS. They don't defend this country. They are NOT my fellow countrymen, or my neighbor which I supposedly should love, like "Love thy neighbor".

Well, Jesus says I shouldn't "covet thy neighbors wife". Well, my neighbor shalt not covet MY tax dollars either. If they are hungry or cold, or have too many damn kids, then its their fault, not mine.

I kinda agree.


America was started by LIBERALS.

It's been CONSERVATIVES that have tried to split it up.

It's not a Theocracy. Jesus didn't write the Constitution and the Bible has no influence (well Constitutionally) on law making.

You might consider a move to a country better suited to your Theocratic proclivities.

I hear Russia is going that way under Putin.
You do not own the words of Jesus

Who said I did? Show us where Jesus would be okay with adultery, abortion, and Government-run redistribution of wealth? Here's one for you (HIS Word, not mine):

“You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘you shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart."

How come you Liberals didn't throw that one at President Clinton?

because I didnt not hire him to worry about who he fucked or not.

why did your party rehire Vitter after he fucked a prostitute who is NOW DEAD?
would Jesus have whipped the money changers if they were working with the government to make sure the poor had food?


jesus would hate the republican party

.....and Jesus would somehow embrace the Union fat cats, bloated Bureaucrat middlemen, and fraudsters all taking out of the coffers for the Poor and blaming Republicans?

Republicans are trying to put Jesus back in schools......I doubt Jesus would hate Republicans.
You do not own the words of Jesus

Who said I did? Show us where Jesus would be okay with adultery, abortion, and Government-run redistribution of wealth? Here's one for you (HIS Word, not mine):

“You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘you shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart."

How come you Liberals didn't throw that one at President Clinton?

because I didnt not hire him to worry about who he fucked or not.

why did your party rehire Vitter after he fucked a prostitute who is NOW DEAD?

Typical Liberal double standard. You want to hold Republicans accountable to The Word of Jesus but not your own President? If you can't hold your own accountable to Jesus, stop trying to hold others accountable to Jesus.

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