Democrats/Liberals are NOT my fellow countrymen

Some libtard today said I should care about the well being of my "fellow countrymen" and even tried to use the Bible and 10 Commandments as proof I should give a crap about libtards, Democrats and welfare queen parasites. The United States of America is NOT their country. They are parasites on our country. They wanna raise our taxes, force us to pay for their entitlements, and of course take away our rights, the 2nd amendment in particular.

Im past trying to be nice. We need to boot these people out of our country, and get back to true conservative values. They don't produce shit for America. They are all TAKERS. They don't defend this country. They are NOT my fellow countrymen, or my neighbor which I supposedly should love, like "Love thy neighbor".

Well, Jesus says I shouldn't "covet thy neighbors wife". Well, my neighbor shalt not covet MY tax dollars either. If they are hungry or cold, or have too many damn kids, then its their fault, not mine.

Care to provide some real documented information that backs your statement?

Sounds like you are the one who doesn't fit here. Sounds like you'd be happier in a place like Russia or North Korea or Iran.
Liberals give less to charity than conservatives.
They push their faux compassion to enslave. I care about those who care about themselves - who tenaciously try to improve there circumstances. I don't give a shit about the rest.

Tell them to put their money where their mouth is - not your money!

RealClearPolitics - Articles - Conservatives More Liberal Givers
Care to provide some real documented information that backs your statement?

Liberals give less to charity than conservatives.
They push their faux compassion to enslave. I care about those who care about themselves - who tenaciously try to improve there circumstances. I don't give a shit about the rest.

Tell them to put their money where their mouth is - not your money!

RealClearPolitics - Articles - Conservatives More Liberal Givers

That was before 5 years worth of debunking

Giving Differently: Liberals and Conservatives Have Radically Different Views of Charity - Forbes

So what's your dumbass guess as to what percentage of GDP GOES TO FOREIGN AID AS OPPOSED TO OTHER MODERN COUNTRIES, AND HOW MUCH IS MILITARY...
There is no ideological test of what makes one an American, if there was one the OP failed spectacularly. You can no more choose your native countrymen than you can choose your parents and fascistic statements like this are terribly un-american as well as unchristian in spirit.
Some libtard today said I should care about the well being of my "fellow countrymen" and even tried to use the Bible and 10 Commandments as proof I should give a crap about libtards, Democrats and welfare queen parasites. The United States of America is NOT their country. They are parasites on our country. They wanna raise our taxes, force us to pay for their entitlements, and of course take away our rights, the 2nd amendment in particular.

Im past trying to be nice. We need to boot these people out of our country, and get back to true conservative values. They don't produce shit for America. They are all TAKERS. They don't defend this country. They are NOT my fellow countrymen, or my neighbor which I supposedly should love, like "Love thy neighbor".

Well, Jesus says I shouldn't "covet thy neighbors wife". Well, my neighbor shalt not covet MY tax dollars either. If they are hungry or cold, or have too many damn kids, then its their fault, not mine.

I got a better idea:

Why don't you go fuck yourself.
Some libtard today said I should care about the well being of my "fellow countrymen" and even tried to use the Bible and 10 Commandments as proof I should give a crap about libtards, Democrats and welfare queen parasites. The United States of America is NOT their country. They are parasites on our country. They wanna raise our taxes, force us to pay for their entitlements, and of course take away our rights, the 2nd amendment in particular.

Im past trying to be nice. We need to boot these people out of our country, and get back to true conservative values. They don't produce shit for America. They are all TAKERS. They don't defend this country. They are NOT my fellow countrymen, or my neighbor which I supposedly should love, like "Love thy neighbor".

Well, Jesus says I shouldn't "covet thy neighbors wife". Well, my neighbor shalt not covet MY tax dollars either. If they are hungry or cold, or have too many damn kids, then its their fault, not mine.

Telling Americans this isn't their country and they should be kicked out is about as anti-American as you can get. Why don't you move to a country where anyone with an opposing viewpoint is killed or locked away? Your anger is misplaced. Make sure to wipe the spittle off your keyboard when you're done.

Liberal atheists quoting Bible to force their issue is far worse.

Yes, it is a crime. Atheists should not be allowed to quote the bible. Clearly atheists quoting the bible is 1000 times worse than suggesting all liberals should be systemic expelled from the U.S. The idea of turning the U.S into a dictatorship ruled by ridiculous principles is entirely permissible, while an atheist quoting the bible is not.
Some libtard today said I should care about the well being of my "fellow countrymen" and even tried to use the Bible and 10 Commandments as proof I should give a crap about libtards, Democrats and welfare queen parasites. The United States of America is NOT their country. They are parasites on our country. They wanna raise our taxes, force us to pay for their entitlements, and of course take away our rights, the 2nd amendment in particular.

Im past trying to be nice. We need to boot these people out of our country, and get back to true conservative values. They don't produce shit for America. They are all TAKERS. They don't defend this country. They are NOT my fellow countrymen, or my neighbor which I supposedly should love, like "Love thy neighbor".

Well, Jesus says I shouldn't "covet thy neighbors wife". Well, my neighbor shalt not covet MY tax dollars either. If they are hungry or cold, or have too many damn kids, then its their fault, not mine.

You are such a drama queen lol. Who talks like this? Being so afraid to have a conversation with someone who doesn't agree with you makes you a coward.

Oh, and the founding fathers did discuss the importance of paying taxes.
Some libtard today said I should care about the well being of my "fellow countrymen" and even tried to use the Bible and 10 Commandments as proof I should give a crap about libtards, Democrats and welfare queen parasites. The United States of America is NOT their country. They are parasites on our country. They wanna raise our taxes, force us to pay for their entitlements, and of course take away our rights, the 2nd amendment in particular.

Im past trying to be nice. We need to boot these people out of our country, and get back to true conservative values. They don't produce shit for America. They are all TAKERS. They don't defend this country. They are NOT my fellow countrymen, or my neighbor which I supposedly should love, like "Love thy neighbor".

Well, Jesus says I shouldn't "covet thy neighbors wife". Well, my neighbor shalt not covet MY tax dollars either. If they are hungry or cold, or have too many damn kids, then its their fault, not mine.

Telling Americans this isn't their country and they should be kicked out is about as anti-American as you can get. Why don't you move to a country where anyone with an opposing viewpoint is killed or locked away? Your anger is misplaced. Make sure to wipe the spittle off your keyboard when you're done.

You might have a point. At least by threat of execution, tyranny is easier to accept. i.e: We would have a logical reason to allow Obama to continue the destruction of America.

Some libtard today said I should care about the well being of my "fellow countrymen" and even tried to use the Bible and 10 Commandments as proof I should give a crap about libtards, Democrats and welfare queen parasites. The United States of America is NOT their country. They are parasites on our country. They wanna raise our taxes, force us to pay for their entitlements, and of course take away our rights, the 2nd amendment in particular.

Im past trying to be nice. We need to boot these people out of our country, and get back to true conservative values. They don't produce shit for America. They are all TAKERS. They don't defend this country. They are NOT my fellow countrymen, or my neighbor which I supposedly should love, like "Love thy neighbor".

Well, Jesus says I shouldn't "covet thy neighbors wife". Well, my neighbor shalt not covet MY tax dollars either. If they are hungry or cold, or have too many damn kids, then its their fault, not mine.
When have you or anyone else on the right been 'nice'?

Otherwise, liberals aren't going away, they're as much Americans as anyone else.

YES !! they are Americans......, American commies/socialists/drug addicts and everything else that contributes towards Americas downfall.
Some libtard today said I should care about the well being of my "fellow countrymen" and even tried to use the Bible and 10 Commandments as proof I should give a crap about libtards, Democrats and welfare queen parasites. The United States of America is NOT their country. They are parasites on our country. They wanna raise our taxes, force us to pay for their entitlements, and of course take away our rights, the 2nd amendment in particular.

Im past trying to be nice. We need to boot these people out of our country, and get back to true conservative values. They don't produce shit for America. They are all TAKERS. They don't defend this country. They are NOT my fellow countrymen, or my neighbor which I supposedly should love, like "Love thy neighbor".

Well, Jesus says I shouldn't "covet thy neighbors wife". Well, my neighbor shalt not covet MY tax dollars either. If they are hungry or cold, or have too many damn kids, then its their fault, not mine.
When have you or anyone else on the right been 'nice'?

Otherwise, liberals aren't going away, they're as much Americans as anyone else.

YES !! they are Americans......, American commies/socialists/drug addicts and everything else that contributes towards Americas downfall.

I'm glad most of the really shitty RW fascists like you will die of old age or get dementia in the next few years.
Some libtard today said I should care about the well being of my "fellow countrymen" and even tried to use the Bible and 10 Commandments as proof I should give a crap about libtards, Democrats and welfare queen parasites. The United States of America is NOT their country. They are parasites on our country. They wanna raise our taxes, force us to pay for their entitlements, and of course take away our rights, the 2nd amendment in particular.

Im past trying to be nice. We need to boot these people out of our country, and get back to true conservative values. They don't produce shit for America. They are all TAKERS. They don't defend this country. They are NOT my fellow countrymen, or my neighbor which I supposedly should love, like "Love thy neighbor".

Well, Jesus says I shouldn't "covet thy neighbors wife". Well, my neighbor shalt not covet MY tax dollars either. If they are hungry or cold, or have too many damn kids, then its their fault, not mine.

You sound really frustrated and angry, did a Liberal pee in your Cheerios this morning or what? :)

This country was built on Liberal values by Liberals.

This country belongs to all of it's citizens, not just some conservative jerk offs who think that they are the only ones supporting this country. There are plenty of Liberals and Democrats who work and help support this country.

Good luck trying to "boot" any American citizen out of this country.

This country was built on Liberal values by Liberals.
just where the hell do you get this shit from ?

the settlers of this country were very conservative, they did not waste as do the liberals of today do, they did not waste their gunpowder and lead balls, they used every thing possible from the game they killed for food, unlike the libtards of today the founders SHARED their abundance with their neighbor if the neighbor was in need, libs today will not share, they continually want more, more, more !!!

i could quote many other conservative ideals of the founders, but in your case and the rest of the libtards here, it would fall on deaf ears and blind eyes. :up:
Some libtard today said I should care about the well being of my "fellow countrymen" and even tried to use the Bible and 10 Commandments as proof I should give a crap about libtards, Democrats and welfare queen parasites. The United States of America is NOT their country. They are parasites on our country. They wanna raise our taxes, force us to pay for their entitlements, and of course take away our rights, the 2nd amendment in particular.

Im past trying to be nice. We need to boot these people out of our country, and get back to true conservative values. They don't produce shit for America. They are all TAKERS. They don't defend this country. They are NOT my fellow countrymen, or my neighbor which I supposedly should love, like "Love thy neighbor".

Well, Jesus says I shouldn't "covet thy neighbors wife". Well, my neighbor shalt not covet MY tax dollars either. If they are hungry or cold, or have too many damn kids, then its their fault, not mine.

You sound really frustrated and angry, did a Liberal pee in your Cheerios this morning or what? :)

This country was built on Liberal values by Liberals.

This country belongs to all of it's citizens, not just some conservative jerk offs who think that they are the only ones supporting this country. There are plenty of Liberals and Democrats who work and help support this country.

Good luck trying to "boot" any American citizen out of this country.

This country was built on Liberal values by Liberals.
just where the hell do you get this shit from ?

the settlers of this country were very conservative, they did not waste as do the liberals of today do, they did not waste their gunpowder and lead balls, they used every thing possible from the game they killed for food, unlike the libtards of today the founders SHARED their abundance with their neighbor if the neighbor was in need, libs today will not share, they continually want more, more, more !!!

i could quote many other conservative ideals of the founders, but in your case and the rest of the libtards here, it would fall on deaf ears and blind eyes. :up:

Spot on... I would prefer not to share chit beyond the charities I contribute too. America should not be turned into a huge liberal commune

Hey Goforit, why don't you share how much money you give to charity on your 10 dollar an hour job?

I want to see a substantial number. Lie if you have to. I don't care really. Just curious what you will have to say.
Hey Goforit, why don't you share how much money you give to charity on your 10 dollar an hour job?

I want to see a substantial number. Lie if you have to. I don't care really. Just curious what you will have to say.

You likely benefit from it. However, you don't have a need to know. :badgrin:

Some libtard today said I should care about the well being of my "fellow countrymen" and even tried to use the Bible and 10 Commandments as proof I should give a crap about libtards, Democrats and welfare queen parasites. The United States of America is NOT their country. They are parasites on our country. They wanna raise our taxes, force us to pay for their entitlements, and of course take away our rights, the 2nd amendment in particular.

Did you defend your country? When did you serve? What branch?

Im past trying to be nice. We need to boot these people out of our country, and get back to true conservative values. They don't produce shit for America. They are all TAKERS. They don't defend this country. They are NOT my fellow countrymen, or my neighbor which I supposedly should love, like "Love thy neighbor".

Well, Jesus says I shouldn't "covet thy neighbors wife". Well, my neighbor shalt not covet MY tax dollars either. If they are hungry or cold, or have too many damn kids, then its their fault, not mine.

Matthew 22:15-22 (Render unto Caesar etc)
Liberals founded this country

Why should they leave?
because we keep making it too hard for the idiot republican party to cheat in elections
Some libtard today said I should care about the well being of my "fellow countrymen" and even tried to use the Bible and 10 Commandments as proof I should give a crap about libtards, Democrats and welfare queen parasites. The United States of America is NOT their country. They are parasites on our country. They wanna raise our taxes, force us to pay for their entitlements, and of course take away our rights, the 2nd amendment in particular.

Im past trying to be nice. We need to boot these people out of our country, and get back to true conservative values. They don't produce shit for America. They are all TAKERS. They don't defend this country. They are NOT my fellow countrymen, or my neighbor which I supposedly should love, like "Love thy neighbor".

Well, Jesus says I shouldn't "covet thy neighbors wife". Well, my neighbor shalt not covet MY tax dollars either. If they are hungry or cold, or have too many damn kids, then its their fault, not mine.

Sucks to be you, dude.

Have a nice day.

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