Democrats move to take Trump off the ballot

Are signatures required for major party candidates? It only applies to independent candidates in TX.


Regardless, it would be a pristine example of a state utilizing it's discretion on who gets on the ballot.

My God, the stupid is strong in you!

States cannot make a requirement that is not in the Constitution. When will you STFU and understand what you have been repeatedly told and shown?
OKTexas says Texas makes independent candidates get a number of signatures. Your argument is with him ass-pirate.

That's because major party candidates are qualified by the number of votes received in previous elections, dumbass!

You are such an insignificant piece of human waste. You should crawl back under the nearest rock from which you slithered.

Poor ass pirate...your homosexuality has confused you. You're stating now that states can make laws to create barriers to get on the ballot... Having tax returns as a barrier is perfectly legal...according to your gay ass.

You can't argue the points. so you insult! Classy!

They did not create barriers. They allow easier access for major parties who have demonstrated that they will have enough voters to justify the names of their nominees to be included on the ballot, dumbass!
To what purpose are you going to put people who want to serve into legal jeopardy from political hacks such as yourself?

In order for a law like this to be Constitutional, it would have to first prove that there is a pattern in the entire system of corruption that could be quelled if the information is released. In other words, there must be a reasonable reason to violate the rights of the citizens. I don't like him is NOT a reasonable standard.

It isn't even a law now, and already the concept of it is being abused by political hacks.

Candidates already file financial paperwork that is public information...and we manage to redact all the private information before it is made public. Tax returns would be treated no differently, but THIS particular change to rules has to be made at the Federal level....and it will be in the future, you can bank on it.

How will we know? Are you going to make bank records public also?
Are you obtuse, stupid or trying (and failing) to make a joke?

You didn't get the meaning because YOU are too stupid to understand it!

I highlighted your comment with red text. Then I mentioned bank records. If I can bank on it, how would you know unless you had access to my bank records!


So you were stupidly making an obtuse joke. It bombed.

Just because you do not have the ability to understand it does not make it a stupid joke. It means you are stupid for not getting it!
Regardless, it would be a pristine example of a state utilizing it's discretion on who gets on the ballot.

My God, the stupid is strong in you!

States cannot make a requirement that is not in the Constitution. When will you STFU and understand what you have been repeatedly told and shown?
OKTexas says Texas makes independent candidates get a number of signatures. Your argument is with him ass-pirate.

That's because major party candidates are qualified by the number of votes received in previous elections, dumbass!

You are such an insignificant piece of human waste. You should crawl back under the nearest rock from which you slithered.

Poor ass pirate...your homosexuality has confused you. You're stating now that states can make laws to create barriers to get on the ballot... Having tax returns as a barrier is perfectly legal...according to your gay ass.

You can't argue the points. so you insult! Classy!

They did not create barriers. They allow easier access for major parties who have demonstrated that they will have enough voters to justify the names of their nominees to be included on the ballot, dumbass!

You went there first ass pirate. I debate in the manner I’m debated.

Having a law that some have to get X number of signatures isn’t creating a barrier?

Yeah, you’re a fucking idiot. I mean, you would win the gold medal if you were competing against Trump; that is how momentous the level of shit-for-brains you’ve reached you wretched piece of shit.
Absurd leftist BULLSHIT.

GOTTA SHOW TAXES but no proof of citizenship requirements to get that ballot.

Clear they prefer illegals over our own citizens.
Regardless, it would be a pristine example of a state utilizing it's discretion on who gets on the ballot.

My God, the stupid is strong in you!

States cannot make a requirement that is not in the Constitution. When will you STFU and understand what you have been repeatedly told and shown?
OKTexas says Texas makes independent candidates get a number of signatures. Your argument is with him ass-pirate.

That's because major party candidates are qualified by the number of votes received in previous elections, dumbass!

You are such an insignificant piece of human waste. You should crawl back under the nearest rock from which you slithered.

Poor ass pirate...your homosexuality has confused you. You're stating now that states can make laws to create barriers to get on the ballot... Having tax returns as a barrier is perfectly legal...according to your gay ass.

You can't argue the points. so you insult! Classy!

They did not create barriers. They allow easier access for major parties who have demonstrated that they will have enough voters to justify the names of their nominees to be included on the ballot, dumbass!

Again dumbass, you continue to reinforce the same point you’re denying….

The states make the rules.
My God, the stupid is strong in you!

States cannot make a requirement that is not in the Constitution. When will you STFU and understand what you have been repeatedly told and shown?
OKTexas says Texas makes independent candidates get a number of signatures. Your argument is with him ass-pirate.

That's because major party candidates are qualified by the number of votes received in previous elections, dumbass!

You are such an insignificant piece of human waste. You should crawl back under the nearest rock from which you slithered.

Poor ass pirate...your homosexuality has confused you. You're stating now that states can make laws to create barriers to get on the ballot... Having tax returns as a barrier is perfectly legal...according to your gay ass.

You can't argue the points. so you insult! Classy!

They did not create barriers. They allow easier access for major parties who have demonstrated that they will have enough voters to justify the names of their nominees to be included on the ballot, dumbass!

You went there first ass pirate. I debate in the manner I’m debated.

Having a law that some have to get X number of signatures isn’t creating a barrier?

Yeah, you’re a fucking idiot. I mean, you would win the gold medal if you were competing against Trump; that is how momentous the level of shit-for-brains you’ve reached you wretched piece of shit.

That is the law in just about every state. It keeps only valid candidates being placed on the ballot. Without it, your ballot would look like an old NY City phone book!
My God, the stupid is strong in you!

States cannot make a requirement that is not in the Constitution. When will you STFU and understand what you have been repeatedly told and shown?
OKTexas says Texas makes independent candidates get a number of signatures. Your argument is with him ass-pirate.

That's because major party candidates are qualified by the number of votes received in previous elections, dumbass!

You are such an insignificant piece of human waste. You should crawl back under the nearest rock from which you slithered.

Poor ass pirate...your homosexuality has confused you. You're stating now that states can make laws to create barriers to get on the ballot... Having tax returns as a barrier is perfectly legal...according to your gay ass.

You can't argue the points. so you insult! Classy!

They did not create barriers. They allow easier access for major parties who have demonstrated that they will have enough voters to justify the names of their nominees to be included on the ballot, dumbass!

Again dumbass, you continue to reinforce the same point you’re denying….

The states make the rules.

They can make rules in accordance with the requirements set forth in the Constitution. They cannot impose additional requirements.
Golfing Gator All good points. All will be met with personal attacks and a "just cuz...." response. Watch.
hey, it's also a good point that taxes are not a requirement, stop asking for them but let me know if those attacks are personal at this point, or still "best interest of the country" as billed.

Who cares how it's billed? Your Cult45 brainwashing withstanding, there's absolutely nothing wrong with making state requirements for getting on the ballot. You non-conservatives only care about states rights when it benefits your candidates. Your only gripe here is that it could affect Orange. Lame.
Golfing Gator All good points. All will be met with personal attacks and a "just cuz...." response. Watch.
hey, it's also a good point that taxes are not a requirement, stop asking for them but let me know if those attacks are personal at this point, or still "best interest of the country" as billed.

Who cares how it's billed? Your Cult45 brainwashing withstanding, there's absolutely nothing wrong with making state requirements for getting on the ballot. You non-conservatives only care about states rights when it benefits your candidates. Your only gripe here is that it could affect Orange. Lame.

Are you that stupid? States can make rules in accordance with the Constitution, but they cannot make additional requirements. The courts have already ruled on this. Remember term limits?
States move to require all presidential candidates to release taxes

All we hear from democrats are accusations that the GOP are tying to suppress the vote in a myriad of ways

Funny, I never heard one Republican suggest that the democrat nominee should be taken off the ballot.

That dear friends is called fascism. .

It is called states having the authority to make state law according to the respective states' desire.

Fascism is what Trump stands for & he can shove it just like you can.
Bullshit. Taking Trump off the ballot is pure fascism. You're obviously scared of the people that vote for Trump.

Trump is not yet on the ballot, nobody is yet. He cannot be taken off of what he is not on.

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Golfing Gator All good points. All will be met with personal attacks and a "just cuz...." response. Watch.
hey, it's also a good point that taxes are not a requirement, stop asking for them but let me know if those attacks are personal at this point, or still "best interest of the country" as billed.

Who cares how it's billed? Your Cult45 brainwashing withstanding, there's absolutely nothing wrong with making state requirements for getting on the ballot. You non-conservatives only care about states rights when it benefits your candidates. Your only gripe here is that it could affect Orange. Lame.

Are you that stupid? States can make rules in accordance with the Constitution, but they cannot make additional requirements. The courts have already ruled on this. Remember term limits?

Are you that partisan? Why yes, yes you are. Signature requirements aren't in the Constitution either but are necessary in several states, so a precedent has already been set. And why aren't you bitching about that? Because it might affect your Orange messiah.
Like republicans aren't capable of fighting dirty. Here's a republican leader telling what republicans are all about ......

Golfing Gator All good points. All will be met with personal attacks and a "just cuz...." response. Watch.
hey, it's also a good point that taxes are not a requirement, stop asking for them but let me know if those attacks are personal at this point, or still "best interest of the country" as billed.

Who cares how it's billed? Your Cult45 brainwashing withstanding, there's absolutely nothing wrong with making state requirements for getting on the ballot. You non-conservatives only care about states rights when it benefits your candidates. Your only gripe here is that it could affect Orange. Lame.

Are you that stupid? States can make rules in accordance with the Constitution, but they cannot make additional requirements. The courts have already ruled on this. Remember term limits?

Are you that partisan? Why yes, yes you are. Signature requirements aren't in the Constitution either but are necessary in several states, so a precedent has already been set. And why aren't you bitching about that? Because it might affect your Orange messiah.

Those signature requirements are waived after sufficient voters cast ballots for the party wishing to have their nominees included. That is why Libertarians fought so hard to get on the ballots. Now, they will not have to ever do that again as long as there are sufficient voters in any given election.
Golfing Gator All good points. All will be met with personal attacks and a "just cuz...." response. Watch.
hey, it's also a good point that taxes are not a requirement, stop asking for them but let me know if those attacks are personal at this point, or still "best interest of the country" as billed.

Who cares how it's billed? Your Cult45 brainwashing withstanding, there's absolutely nothing wrong with making state requirements for getting on the ballot. You non-conservatives only care about states rights when it benefits your candidates. Your only gripe here is that it could affect Orange. Lame.

Are you that stupid? States can make rules in accordance with the Constitution, but they cannot make additional requirements. The courts have already ruled on this. Remember term limits?

Are you that partisan? Why yes, yes you are. Signature requirements aren't in the Constitution either but are necessary in several states, so a precedent has already been set. And why aren't you bitching about that? Because it might affect your Orange messiah.

Those signature requirements are waived after sufficient voters cast ballots for the party wishing to have their nominees included. That is why Libertarians fought so hard to get on the ballots. Now, they will not have to ever do that again as long as there are sufficient voters in any given election.

How does that change the fact signature requirements are not in the constitution but still legal?

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hey, it's also a good point that taxes are not a requirement, stop asking for them but let me know if those attacks are personal at this point, or still "best interest of the country" as billed.

Of course that isn't the subject. The subject is whether or not the states can craft their own rules for candidates to get on a ballot. Nice try at moving the goal posts though.
Republicans didn’t mind when they were crafting rules requiring birth certificates

And of course, the reason they tried it was exactly what they are now complaining about... supposed sour grapes on the part of the democrats.
For some reason, they stopped caring about birth certificates after 2012

Democrats will stop caring after Trump. All other candidates have no problem showing their returns
Trump doesn't have to show his tax business. There is no law requiring it.
Fine, let him show his personal returns

Stop the lying, you are not under IRS audit
hey, it's also a good point that taxes are not a requirement, stop asking for them but let me know if those attacks are personal at this point, or still "best interest of the country" as billed.

Who cares how it's billed? Your Cult45 brainwashing withstanding, there's absolutely nothing wrong with making state requirements for getting on the ballot. You non-conservatives only care about states rights when it benefits your candidates. Your only gripe here is that it could affect Orange. Lame.

Are you that stupid? States can make rules in accordance with the Constitution, but they cannot make additional requirements. The courts have already ruled on this. Remember term limits?

Are you that partisan? Why yes, yes you are. Signature requirements aren't in the Constitution either but are necessary in several states, so a precedent has already been set. And why aren't you bitching about that? Because it might affect your Orange messiah.

Those signature requirements are waived after sufficient voters cast ballots for the party wishing to have their nominees included. That is why Libertarians fought so hard to get on the ballots. Now, they will not have to ever do that again as long as there are sufficient voters in any given election.

How does that change the fact signature requirements are not in the constitution but still legal?

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He will have no cogent answer for this. Watch.
States move to require all presidential candidates to release taxes

All we hear from democrats are accusations that the GOP are tying to suppress the vote in a myriad of ways

Funny, I never heard one Republican suggest that the democrat nominee should be taken off the ballot.

That dear friends is called fascism. .

Shouldn't States be able to write their own rules?

Learn the difference between "States should be able to write their own rules" and "therefore, this is a good rule for them to write", Cornball.
States move to require all presidential candidates to release taxes

All we hear from democrats are accusations that the GOP are tying to suppress the vote in a myriad of ways

Funny, I never heard one Republican suggest that the democrat nominee should be taken off the ballot.

That dear friends is called fascism. .

You have to understand, this is the only way they can defeat Trump. Even importing the 3rd world vote. promising free shit to all, and recruiting the graveyards wasn't enough.

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