Democrats move to take Trump off the ballot

States move to require all presidential candidates to release taxes

All we hear from democrats are accusations that the GOP are tying to suppress the vote in a myriad of ways

Funny, I never heard one Republican suggest that the democrat nominee should be taken off the ballot.

That dear friends is called fascism. .

Shouldn't States be able to write their own rules?

Sure they can, unless:
Supremacy Clause: Any state law that conflicts with federal law is unconstitutional.
So trying to stack the deck by removing the electoral college or insisting on non constitutional demands in an effort to harm a candidate isn't going to wash.
Sorry, but we are going to re-elect Trump, in spite of liberal trickery.

I honestly have to wonder if they really believe voters wouldn't turn out to write him in out of protest. Hell, I didn't vote for him last time, and I wasn't planning to this time, but I sure as shit would if MY state was trying to pull nonsense like this.
Golfing Gator All good points. All will be met with personal attacks and a "just cuz...." response. Watch.
hey, it's also a good point that taxes are not a requirement, stop asking for them but let me know if those attacks are personal at this point, or still "best interest of the country" as billed.

Who cares how it's billed? Your Cult45 brainwashing withstanding, there's absolutely nothing wrong with making state requirements for getting on the ballot. You non-conservatives only care about states rights when it benefits your candidates. Your only gripe here is that it could affect Orange. Lame.

Are you that stupid? States can make rules in accordance with the Constitution, but they cannot make additional requirements. The courts have already ruled on this. Remember term limits?

We’re talking about qualifications to get on the ballot ass-pirate, not telling voters who they cannot vote for someone whom they have already considered

"We're only talking about keeping people off the ballot. How could you think that's keeping voters from voting for them?!"
Golfing Gator All good points. All will be met with personal attacks and a "just cuz...." response. Watch.
hey, it's also a good point that taxes are not a requirement, stop asking for them but let me know if those attacks are personal at this point, or still "best interest of the country" as billed.

Who cares how it's billed? Your Cult45 brainwashing withstanding, there's absolutely nothing wrong with making state requirements for getting on the ballot. You non-conservatives only care about states rights when it benefits your candidates. Your only gripe here is that it could affect Orange. Lame.

Are you that stupid? States can make rules in accordance with the Constitution, but they cannot make additional requirements. The courts have already ruled on this. Remember term limits?

We’re talking about qualifications to get on the ballot ass-pirate, not telling voters who they cannot vote for someone whom they have already considered

"We're only talking about keeping people off the ballot. How could you think that's keeping voters from voting for them?!"
well you have to get on the ballot before anyone votes for you. my understanding of the topic is that we're trying to determine if states can supercede federal qualifications for the role of President.

all this disenfranchising voters to me is premature until we understand if the states can even modify requirements for the role of President, of which setting different standards than federal would do.
hey, it's also a good point that taxes are not a requirement, stop asking for them but let me know if those attacks are personal at this point, or still "best interest of the country" as billed.

Who cares how it's billed? Your Cult45 brainwashing withstanding, there's absolutely nothing wrong with making state requirements for getting on the ballot. You non-conservatives only care about states rights when it benefits your candidates. Your only gripe here is that it could affect Orange. Lame.

Are you that stupid? States can make rules in accordance with the Constitution, but they cannot make additional requirements. The courts have already ruled on this. Remember term limits?

We’re talking about qualifications to get on the ballot ass-pirate, not telling voters who they cannot vote for someone whom they have already considered

"We're only talking about keeping people off the ballot. How could you think that's keeping voters from voting for them?!"
well you have to get on the ballot before anyone votes for you. my understanding of the topic is that we're trying to determine if states can supercede federal qualifications for the role of President.

all this disenfranchising voters to me is premature until we understand if the states can even modify requirements for the role of President, of which setting different standards than federal would do.

The federal requirements are you’re a citizen and you’re 35 basically. The States have put thresholds on signatures of registered voters to get on the ballot in some cases…. Wouldn’t that be an additional burden placed beyond the Federal requirements that has long been accepted by the States?
Who cares how it's billed? Your Cult45 brainwashing withstanding, there's absolutely nothing wrong with making state requirements for getting on the ballot. You non-conservatives only care about states rights when it benefits your candidates. Your only gripe here is that it could affect Orange. Lame.

Are you that stupid? States can make rules in accordance with the Constitution, but they cannot make additional requirements. The courts have already ruled on this. Remember term limits?

We’re talking about qualifications to get on the ballot ass-pirate, not telling voters who they cannot vote for someone whom they have already considered

"We're only talking about keeping people off the ballot. How could you think that's keeping voters from voting for them?!"
well you have to get on the ballot before anyone votes for you. my understanding of the topic is that we're trying to determine if states can supercede federal qualifications for the role of President.

all this disenfranchising voters to me is premature until we understand if the states can even modify requirements for the role of President, of which setting different standards than federal would do.

The federal requirements are you’re a citizen and you’re 35 basically. The States have put thresholds on signatures of registered voters to get on the ballot in some cases…. Wouldn’t that be an additional burden placed beyond the Federal requirements that has long been accepted by the States?
maybe. like i said - i don't know and it will get challenged sooner or later.

in all im all for making changes to our processes as we discover things that need to be addressed. i just don't like it when its done in a pouty move cause you lost.

like doing away with the electoral college or giving all votes to whoever wins popular vote. not done for the benefit of the country but the PERCEIVED benefit of a side.
hey, it's also a good point that taxes are not a requirement, stop asking for them but let me know if those attacks are personal at this point, or still "best interest of the country" as billed.

Who cares how it's billed? Your Cult45 brainwashing withstanding, there's absolutely nothing wrong with making state requirements for getting on the ballot. You non-conservatives only care about states rights when it benefits your candidates. Your only gripe here is that it could affect Orange. Lame.

Are you that stupid? States can make rules in accordance with the Constitution, but they cannot make additional requirements. The courts have already ruled on this. Remember term limits?

We’re talking about qualifications to get on the ballot ass-pirate, not telling voters who they cannot vote for someone whom they have already considered

"We're only talking about keeping people off the ballot. How could you think that's keeping voters from voting for them?!"
well you have to get on the ballot before anyone votes for you. my understanding of the topic is that we're trying to determine if states can supercede federal qualifications for the role of President.

all this disenfranchising voters to me is premature until we understand if the states can even modify requirements for the role of President, of which setting different standards than federal would do.

Yes, I know. I was paraphrasing Cornball's lame attempt to be clever by pretending to be as sharp as a sack of wet mice.
Who cares how it's billed? Your Cult45 brainwashing withstanding, there's absolutely nothing wrong with making state requirements for getting on the ballot. You non-conservatives only care about states rights when it benefits your candidates. Your only gripe here is that it could affect Orange. Lame.

Are you that stupid? States can make rules in accordance with the Constitution, but they cannot make additional requirements. The courts have already ruled on this. Remember term limits?

We’re talking about qualifications to get on the ballot ass-pirate, not telling voters who they cannot vote for someone whom they have already considered

"We're only talking about keeping people off the ballot. How could you think that's keeping voters from voting for them?!"
well you have to get on the ballot before anyone votes for you. my understanding of the topic is that we're trying to determine if states can supercede federal qualifications for the role of President.

all this disenfranchising voters to me is premature until we understand if the states can even modify requirements for the role of President, of which setting different standards than federal would do.

The federal requirements are you’re a citizen and you’re 35 basically. The States have put thresholds on signatures of registered voters to get on the ballot in some cases…. Wouldn’t that be an additional burden placed beyond the Federal requirements that has long been accepted by the States?

Not really, since it's directly related to the entire purpose of being on the ballot, ie. people voting for you. If there aren't enough people willing to vote for you to get you on the ballot in the first place, there won't be enough people voting for you with the ballot to make your presence there necessary or relevant. As such, it imposes no requirement on the candidate other than what already exists, which would be "getting people to support you".

Please do explain to us, Cornball, how mandatory public release of private tax returns relates as directly to the ballot as voter signatures do. :popcorn: Entertain me.
Are you that stupid? States can make rules in accordance with the Constitution, but they cannot make additional requirements. The courts have already ruled on this. Remember term limits?

Are you that partisan? Why yes, yes you are. Signature requirements aren't in the Constitution either but are necessary in several states, so a precedent has already been set. And why aren't you bitching about that? Because it might affect your Orange messiah.

Those signature requirements are waived after sufficient voters cast ballots for the party wishing to have their nominees included. That is why Libertarians fought so hard to get on the ballots. Now, they will not have to ever do that again as long as there are sufficient voters in any given election.

How does that change the fact signature requirements are not in the constitution but still legal?

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He will have no cogent answer for this. Watch.
more like no answer you will accept that doesn't also demonize what you already hate.


The point is that signature requirements are not in the constitution yet nobody claims they are illegal...thus the argument "it is in the constitution" seems a weak one, at best
States move to require all presidential candidates to release taxes

All we hear from democrats are accusations that the GOP are tying to suppress the vote in a myriad of ways

Funny, I never heard one Republican suggest that the democrat nominee should be taken off the ballot.

That dear friends is called fascism. .
Requiring a candidate to tell the truth is fascism?

Who knew?

Setting arbitrary political tests is fascism. Who knew you didn't know what the fuck you're talking about? Everyone.

Since all candidates of all parties have shown their taxes in the past, I do not think it is a partisan issue.
"We're only talking about keeping people off the ballot. How could you think that's keeping voters from voting for them?!"
well you have to get on the ballot before anyone votes for you. my understanding of the topic is that we're trying to determine if states can supercede federal qualifications for the role of President. [/quote]

It is not a qualifications for the role of President anymore than gathering signatures is a qualification for the role of President. This is not a winning argument.
maybe. like i said - i don't know and it will get challenged sooner or later.

in all im all for making changes to our processes as we discover things that need to be addressed. i just don't like it when its done in a pouty move cause you lost.

like doing away with the electoral college or giving all votes to whoever wins popular vote. not done for the benefit of the country but the PERCEIVED benefit of a side.

The problem is that both sides truly believe that only their side is a benefit to the country so they justify these actions as being a benefit to the country.
Are you that stupid? States can make rules in accordance with the Constitution, but they cannot make additional requirements. The courts have already ruled on this. Remember term limits?

We’re talking about qualifications to get on the ballot ass-pirate, not telling voters who they cannot vote for someone whom they have already considered

"We're only talking about keeping people off the ballot. How could you think that's keeping voters from voting for them?!"
well you have to get on the ballot before anyone votes for you. my understanding of the topic is that we're trying to determine if states can supercede federal qualifications for the role of President.

all this disenfranchising voters to me is premature until we understand if the states can even modify requirements for the role of President, of which setting different standards than federal would do.

The federal requirements are you’re a citizen and you’re 35 basically. The States have put thresholds on signatures of registered voters to get on the ballot in some cases…. Wouldn’t that be an additional burden placed beyond the Federal requirements that has long been accepted by the States?

Not really, since it's directly related to the entire purpose of being on the ballot, ie. people voting for you. If there aren't enough people willing to vote for you to get you on the ballot in the first place, there won't be enough people voting for you with the ballot to make your presence there necessary or relevant. As such, it imposes no requirement on the candidate other than what already exists, which would be "getting people to support you".

Please do explain to us, Cornball, how mandatory public release of private tax returns relates as directly to the ballot as voter signatures do. :popcorn: Entertain me.

Signing a paper to get someone on the ballot is not saying you will vote for them. I have signed many petitions to get both people and issues on to the ballot that I had no plan to vote for because it is not just about me but about everyone, so people should have the right to choose.
Candidates already file financial paperwork that is public information...and we manage to redact all the private information before it is made public. Tax returns would be treated no differently, but THIS particular change to rules has to be made at the Federal level....and it will be in the future, you can bank on it.

How will we know? Are you going to make bank records public also?
Are you obtuse, stupid or trying (and failing) to make a joke?

You didn't get the meaning because YOU are too stupid to understand it!

I highlighted your comment with red text. Then I mentioned bank records. If I can bank on it, how would you know unless you had access to my bank records!


So you were stupidly making an obtuse joke. It bombed.

Just because you do not have the ability to understand it does not make it a stupid joke. It means you are stupid for not getting it!
Silly man. Your "joke" was so stupid even a Trump supporter would "get" it.
Funny, I never heard one Republican suggest that the democrat nominee should be taken off the ballot.

It brings to my mind the Republican controlled congress and the 22nd amendment limiting a person to two presidential terms.

In regards to more recent action, it reminds me of some state legislatures pulling power from the governor's office after their party was voted out of that office and also the national popular vote legislation that a number of states have passed. I haven't much use for those in office playing their partisan politics games in their many forms.
States move to require all presidential candidates to release taxes

All we hear from democrats are accusations that the GOP are tying to suppress the vote in a myriad of ways

Funny, I never heard one Republican suggest that the democrat nominee should be taken off the ballot.

That dear friends is called fascism. .
Requiring a candidate to tell the truth is fascism?

Who knew?

Setting arbitrary political tests is fascism. Who knew you didn't know what the fuck you're talking about? Everyone.

Since all candidates of all parties have shown their taxes in the past, I do not think it is a partisan issue.

Right, Obama appointed the head of the IRS and it was revealed that he did not pay his taxes, yet Obama appointed him anyway.

Yep, it's not a partisan issue. GOP bad, DNC good.

But for the life of me, what the hell is the IRS doing anyway? Why can't we rely on them to do their jobs instead of violating the privacy of the individual like this?
Right, Obama appointed the head of the IRS and it was revealed that he did not pay his taxes, yet Obama appointed him anyway.

Obama did a lot a really bad and stupid and dangerous shit. He was a shitty POTUS, but he is gone...move on dude.

Yep, it's not a partisan issue. GOP bad, DNC good.

GOP bad, DNC bad...there is basically no difference between them.

But for the life of me, what the hell is the IRS doing anyway? Why can't we rely on them to do their jobs instead of violating the privacy of the individual like this?

They are harassing private citizens that do not have the money to pay an army of tax lawyers.
Right, Obama appointed the head of the IRS and it was revealed that he did not pay his taxes, yet Obama appointed him anyway.

Obama did a lot a really bad and stupid and dangerous shit. He was a shitty POTUS, but he is gone...move on dude.

Yep, it's not a partisan issue. GOP bad, DNC good.

GOP bad, DNC bad...there is basically no difference between them.

But for the life of me, what the hell is the IRS doing anyway? Why can't we rely on them to do their jobs instead of violating the privacy of the individual like this?

They are harassing private citizens that do not have the money to pay an army of tax lawyers.

But there is a difference between them. The media becomes irate when the GOP and taxes, as well as the Swamp.

However, when the Dims do it all is well with the world.

Why is that do you reckon?

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