Democrats move to take Trump off the ballot

3) don't see why it's a big deal. it still has to pass and when done, show taxes or don't run.

his call.

Really, even if a couple of blue locked states, like California or Maryland, passed these bills, Donald could easily choose to not seek a ballot spot in those states. There's already zero chance of a state so blue that it passes a bill like this of going red in 2020.
well i think it will still come to a SC decision.

can a state require more for a federal office than the federal gov does? the signature thing comes into doubt but this isn't personal in nature. it just shows enough people *want* you there.

if the states can do this - then what would stop the states from dictating more terms that align with their own, and not national, best interests?

what's the point about even being "united" then?
States move to require all presidential candidates to release taxes

If you cannot beat him. Block him. The Left have lost their mind.

Bills requiring prospective presidential candidates to disclose recent tax returns as a condition to appear on the ballot are currently pending in the following fourteen states: Arizona, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington. Similar legislation, introduced this year, failed in Maryland, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Mexico and Virginia.

Despite a few exceptions, nearly all of the state bills that have been introduced would require candidates to post at least five years of their individual tax returns. In addition, virtually every state bill has been introduced by a Democratic lawmaker, an apparent reaction to Trump's decision to buck decades of tradition during the 2016 election cycle when he refused to release his tax returns.

Trump stated many times during the campaign that he would release his IRS returns.

Trump has yet to do that which demonstrates Trump is a LIAR.

It is no secrete that Trump is a 'serial liar' and besides that point, why is Trump hiding his IRS returns when so many other candidates are coming forth to voluntarily put theirs out there for the press?

What is pussy grabber, liar Trump afraid of & what is he hiding?

Why should ANY state desire to have such a lying & deceitful candidate on the ballot?

All Trump has to do is to release his IRS returns like he ALREADY promised to do, years ago.

OP = SOUR grapes = thread FAIL ....................
if you're going to brand people LIAR and then hold them accountable for it, you'd get a lot more leverage if you were honest and fair about it.

not a 2 year old demanding your way using words you think will get you there.

trump doesn't have to do shit and i don't care what he said. not part of the process, not required - just your spot for what to be mad at now since everything else has been taken away.
States move to require all presidential candidates to release taxes

If you cannot beat him. Block him. The Left have lost their mind.

Bills requiring prospective presidential candidates to disclose recent tax returns as a condition to appear on the ballot are currently pending in the following fourteen states: Arizona, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington. Similar legislation, introduced this year, failed in Maryland, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Mexico and Virginia.

Despite a few exceptions, nearly all of the state bills that have been introduced would require candidates to post at least five years of their individual tax returns. In addition, virtually every state bill has been introduced by a Democratic lawmaker, an apparent reaction to Trump's decision to buck decades of tradition during the 2016 election cycle when he refused to release his tax returns.

Trump stated many times during the campaign that he would release his IRS returns.

Trump has yet to do that which demonstrates Trump is a LIAR.

It is no secrete that Trump is a 'serial liar' and besides that point, why is Trump hiding his IRS returns when so many other candidates are coming forth to voluntarily put theirs out there for the press?

What is pussy grabber, liar Trump afraid of & what is he hiding?

Why should ANY state desire to have such a lying & deceitful candidate on the ballot?

All Trump has to do is to release his IRS returns like he ALREADY promised to do, years ago.

OP = SOUR grapes = thread FAIL ....................
if you're going to brand people LIAR and then hold them accountable for it, you'd get a lot more leverage if you were honest and fair about it.

not a 2 year old demanding your way using words you think will get you there.

trump doesn't have to do shit and i don't care what he said. not part of the process, not required - just your spot for what to be mad at now since everything else has been taken away.

No one wants to vote for a LYING scum bucket; sorry, but maybe you do.
Trump stated many times during the campaign that he would release his IRS returns.

Trump has yet to do that which demonstrates Trump is a LIAR.

It is no secrete that Trump is a 'serial liar' and besides that point, why is Trump hiding his IRS returns when so many other candidates are coming forth to voluntarily put theirs out there for the press?

What is pussy grabber, liar Trump afraid of & what is he hiding?

Why should ANY state desire to have such a lying & deceitful candidate on the ballot?

All Trump has to do is to release his IRS returns like he ALREADY promised to do, years ago.

OP = SOUR grapes = thread FAIL ....................
He lied, or he changed his mind.

It doesn't matter. It's his private information and the Bill of Rights hadn't been undone by Fascist Socialists.
States move to require all presidential candidates to release taxes

If you cannot beat him. Block him. The Left have lost their mind.

Bills requiring prospective presidential candidates to disclose recent tax returns as a condition to appear on the ballot are currently pending in the following fourteen states: Arizona, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington. Similar legislation, introduced this year, failed in Maryland, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Mexico and Virginia.

Despite a few exceptions, nearly all of the state bills that have been introduced would require candidates to post at least five years of their individual tax returns. In addition, virtually every state bill has been introduced by a Democratic lawmaker, an apparent reaction to Trump's decision to buck decades of tradition during the 2016 election cycle when he refused to release his tax returns.

The choice is Trump's.
No one wants to vote for a LYING scum bucket; sorry, but maybe you do.
Then guess you'll be writing in Jesus' name this election.

funny you should mention Jesus; the GOP POTUS candidates typically get the so called 'Jesus vote' and as we all know the evangelicals, even good ole boi Franklin Graham were all stuck squarely right up Trump's lying ass during the last campaign.
Funny how the biggest liar (Trump) got the 'Jesus vote' in 2016 so, actually Jesus got elected in 2016.
So, there you go; lying Jesus is already in The White House.
What change is that?

A change to require tax returns from federal candidates.
why not state also?

give me good reasons this is needed OTHER THAN TRUMP. you can't change an entire policy and way of doing things cause you don't like 1 person.

that's asinine.

Its always better to have more information on those running for office. Trump will be out of public life in either 500 days or a little over 5 years.

What some would call asinine is wanting to know less about who is leading your nation.
the line to me gets crossed when you are not looking on what was done, but what you can attack. the dems are looking for ANYTHING they can to hold against him. to think anything there is illegal is to think the IRS is incompetent.

It better to know more about who seeks the office. Bottom line.

But they still have a right to privacy you don't get to violate, no matter how much "better" you think it would be to do so. Bottom line.
This from Wikipedia:

The Supreme Court has not expressly ruled on the maximum level of restrictions that can be imposed on an otherwise qualified candidate or political party seeking ballot access. As a result, lower courts have often reached difficult conclusions about whether a particular ballot access rule is unconstitutional.

I’m with you; I don’t know what the answer is. To me it sets a terrible precedent. Again, if Maine wants you to be a resident of Maine to run for POTUS….can they do that? I don’t know.

This particular change has to be made at the federal level, but it would not require a constitutional amendment, just an FEC rule change.


The Constitution lays out the requirements. No ifs, ands, or buts about it!

Really? Where in the Constitution does it say candidates must file financial disclosure paperwork? Every candidate running is required to do so.

That is not a Constitutional requirement but deals with funding campaigns, not eligibility. Why are you such a dumbass?
It is still a requirement to run for office...and it's not in the Constitution. Neither are signature gathering requirements.

I think the next democratic president should change the FEC rules and see what the courts have to say.

No, it's not a requirement to run for office. It's an ethics requirement which can be punished by fines, but do you know what happens to a candidate who doesn't file a financial disclosure by the deadline? He/she still remains on the ballot, runs for office, and potentially wins and holds the office.

The Constitution lays out the requirements. No ifs, ands, or buts about it!

Really? Where in the Constitution does it say candidates must file financial disclosure paperwork? Every candidate running is required to do so.

That is not a Constitutional requirement but deals with funding campaigns, not eligibility. Why are you such a dumbass?
It is still a requirement to run for office...and it's not in the Constitution. Neither are signature gathering requirements.

I think the next democratic president should change the FEC rules and see what the courts have to say.

Change it to what, dumbass?

The current financial disclosure documents are far more revealing than any tax return. Of course, you probably wouldn't know that since you have probably never filed a tax return.

No, they aren't...which is why every candidate since Nixon has released their tax returns in addition to the required FEC forms. That it has been a norm and not a rule is because all candidates until Trump has followed the norms. When one doesn't, like Trump, then it has to become a rule or a law.

Or spoiled little shits like you have to face the reality that you're not entitled to things just because you want them and you're used to getting your way.
Why are Blue States afraid to put Trump before their voters? Why do they want an opportunity to steal their voter's choice?

They are not afrid to put Trump before their voters, this is a cheesy way to try and get his tax returns.

You guys claim you want no impediments to voting, what good is the right to vote if you can't vote for a major nominee, or EVEN the flippin' INCUMBENT?!?

Every state has rules that limits who can be on the ballot, this is not a new thing. Nobody ever whined before.
Really? What about:

Williams v. Rhodes

Jenness v. Fortson

Bullock v. Carter

Storer v. Brown

American Party v. White

Lubin v. Panish

Illinois Elections Bd. v. Socialist Workers Party

Anderson v. Celebrezze

Munro v. Socialist Workers Party

Norman v. Reed


Burdick v. Takushi?

It seems to me that restricting ballot access has been challenged fairly regularly. You thought you could try to keep an incumbent president off the ballot and not have it challenged? That's dream world stuff.
looks like their website just sends you to the main page, not individual links.
Do they realize that is in no way legal or constitutional? They want to take him off the ballot for not doing something there is no legal requirement for him to do good luck with that.

A few things you have wrong...

We do not yet know if it is legal or constitutional. Signature requirements are not listed in the Constitution yet they are legal.

He is not on the ballot, so he cannot be taken off. The ballot has not yet been set.

If they pass the law, there will then be a legal requirement.
Now maybe I'm off base here but wouldn't requirements for a President or someone running for President have to be passed by Congress and signed into law by the sitting President? Seems to me if you let the states do that you would be creating an epic clusterfuck as they could set whatever requierments they wanted to keep someone off the ballot based on their own political ideology and whichever party happens to control the state legislaturer and Governor seat at the time. Sounds like a bad idea to me.

You're off-base. Eligibility requirements for the Presidency can NOT just be passed into law by Congress or any other legislature. They must be accomplished by an Amendment to the US Constitution, which requires a 2/3 majority of Congress OR 2/3 of the states at a national convention, and THEN must be ratified by 3/4 of the states.
States move to require all presidential candidates to release taxes

If you cannot beat him. Block him. The Left have lost their mind.

Bills requiring prospective presidential candidates to disclose recent tax returns as a condition to appear on the ballot are currently pending in the following fourteen states: Arizona, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington. Similar legislation, introduced this year, failed in Maryland, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Mexico and Virginia.

Despite a few exceptions, nearly all of the state bills that have been introduced would require candidates to post at least five years of their individual tax returns. In addition, virtually every state bill has been introduced by a Democratic lawmaker, an apparent reaction to Trump's decision to buck decades of tradition during the 2016 election cycle when he refused to release his tax returns.

Trump stated many times during the campaign that he would release his IRS returns.

Trump has yet to do that which demonstrates Trump is a LIAR.

It is no secrete that Trump is a 'serial liar' and besides that point, why is Trump hiding his IRS returns when so many other candidates are coming forth to voluntarily put theirs out there for the press?

What is pussy grabber, liar Trump afraid of & what is he hiding?

Why should ANY state desire to have such a lying & deceitful candidate on the ballot?

All Trump has to do is to release his IRS returns like he ALREADY promised to do, years ago.

OP = SOUR grapes = thread FAIL ....................
if you're going to brand people LIAR and then hold them accountable for it, you'd get a lot more leverage if you were honest and fair about it.

not a 2 year old demanding your way using words you think will get you there.

trump doesn't have to do shit and i don't care what he said. not part of the process, not required - just your spot for what to be mad at now since everything else has been taken away.

No one wants to vote for a LYING scum bucket; sorry, but maybe you do.
Did you vote for obama?
The Dems did the same thing with trying to block Lincoln on the ballots in the Southern States.
It didn't work way back then either.
States move to require all presidential candidates to release taxes

If you cannot beat him. Block him. The Left have lost their mind.

Bills requiring prospective presidential candidates to disclose recent tax returns as a condition to appear on the ballot are currently pending in the following fourteen states: Arizona, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington. Similar legislation, introduced this year, failed in Maryland, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Mexico and Virginia.

Despite a few exceptions, nearly all of the state bills that have been introduced would require candidates to post at least five years of their individual tax returns. In addition, virtually every state bill has been introduced by a Democratic lawmaker, an apparent reaction to Trump's decision to buck decades of tradition during the 2016 election cycle when he refused to release his tax returns.

Trump stated many times during the campaign that he would release his IRS returns.

Trump has yet to do that which demonstrates Trump is a LIAR.

It is no secrete that Trump is a 'serial liar' and besides that point, why is Trump hiding his IRS returns when so many other candidates are coming forth to voluntarily put theirs out there for the press?

What is pussy grabber, liar Trump afraid of & what is he hiding?

Why should ANY state desire to have such a lying & deceitful candidate on the ballot?

All Trump has to do is to release his IRS returns like he ALREADY promised to do, years ago.

OP = SOUR grapes = thread FAIL ....................
if you're going to brand people LIAR and then hold them accountable for it, you'd get a lot more leverage if you were honest and fair about it.

not a 2 year old demanding your way using words you think will get you there.

trump doesn't have to do shit and i don't care what he said. not part of the process, not required - just your spot for what to be mad at now since everything else has been taken away.

No one wants to vote for a LYING scum bucket; sorry, but maybe you do.
selective rage is pointless. getting mad at trumps lies but excusing / defending the left doing the same *at least* makes you look like a wanna-be hack.

and are you pointing to THESE "lies" - of which is the media wrong or lying on their own?

75 Media Mistakes in the Trump Era: The Definitive List | Sharyl Attkisson

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