Democrats move to take Trump off the ballot

if you're going to brand people LIAR and then hold them accountable for it, you'd get a lot more leverage if you were honest and fair about it.

not a 2 year old demanding your way using words you think will get you there.

trump doesn't have to do shit and i don't care what he said. not part of the process, not required - just your spot for what to be mad at now since everything else has been taken away.

No one wants to vote for a LYING scum bucket; sorry, but maybe you do.
selective rage is pointless. getting mad at trumps lies but excusing / defending the left doing the same *at least* makes you look like a wanna-be hack.

and are you pointing to THESE "lies" - of which is the media wrong or lying on their own?

75 Media Mistakes in the Trump Era: The Definitive List | Sharyl Attkisson

Sorry; I wasn't aware the 'media' was the occupant of The Oval Office.
like i said "selective rage" - you don't give a fuck about lying or lairs, only bagging on trump.

Funny chit,. A trump supporter saying people don't like liars because trump is a liar & that is selective rage.

Here is exactly what you support.

Proven fraud
Proven business cheat
proven adulterer
accused woman abuser
accused child rapist
proven liar.

Got a link to prove your accusations? Looks like bullshit to me.
Are you confused between DJT and Biden or Bubba Clinton?
States move to require all presidential candidates to release taxes

If you cannot beat him. Block him. The Left have lost their mind.

Bills requiring prospective presidential candidates to disclose recent tax returns as a condition to appear on the ballot are currently pending in the following fourteen states: Arizona, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington. Similar legislation, introduced this year, failed in Maryland, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Mexico and Virginia.

Despite a few exceptions, nearly all of the state bills that have been introduced would require candidates to post at least five years of their individual tax returns. In addition, virtually every state bill has been introduced by a Democratic lawmaker, an apparent reaction to Trump's decision to buck decades of tradition during the 2016 election cycle when he refused to release his tax returns.

I agree that this is undemocratic and stinks to high heaven! But what does Trump have to hide? Every other candidate has released their tax returns.
Tax returns are no ones business.

My business. I want to know whn the President bases decisions on what is good or America & not his wallerty.

Dumbass Mikey doesn't care
States move to require all presidential candidates to release taxes

If you cannot beat him. Block him. The Left have lost their mind.

Bills requiring prospective presidential candidates to disclose recent tax returns as a condition to appear on the ballot are currently pending in the following fourteen states: Arizona, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington. Similar legislation, introduced this year, failed in Maryland, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Mexico and Virginia.

Despite a few exceptions, nearly all of the state bills that have been introduced would require candidates to post at least five years of their individual tax returns. In addition, virtually every state bill has been introduced by a Democratic lawmaker, an apparent reaction to Trump's decision to buck decades of tradition during the 2016 election cycle when he refused to release his tax returns.

The choice is Trump's.

LOL is it? What’s the next law? Billionaires cannot run? States just cannot randomly implement rules like this. Let the SCOTUS decide.

Billionaires do taxes. If they aren't crooked conmen, they should have no problem turning them in.

You missed my point because you’re dumb so I ll rephrase. What’s next? 6’3 and taller people cannot run?

See, this IS exactly how fucking stupid you are.

Requiring tax returns allows eveyone to bide.

Setting height limits does not

And you claimed to be a Duke grad???? Yea right.

You missed the point again because you’re dumb. They are trying to set a rule that would preclude Trump from running. Once he shows his returns they ll think of something else. Perhaps if you were smart enough to attend Duke you would understand seductive reasoning. FakeDave.
No one wants to vote for a LYING scum bucket; sorry, but maybe you do.
selective rage is pointless. getting mad at trumps lies but excusing / defending the left doing the same *at least* makes you look like a wanna-be hack.

and are you pointing to THESE "lies" - of which is the media wrong or lying on their own?

75 Media Mistakes in the Trump Era: The Definitive List | Sharyl Attkisson

Sorry; I wasn't aware the 'media' was the occupant of The Oval Office.
like i said "selective rage" - you don't give a fuck about lying or lairs, only bagging on trump.

Funny chit,. A trump supporter saying people don't like liars because trump is a liar & that is selective rage.

Here is exactly what you support.

Proven fraud
Proven business cheat
proven adulterer
accused woman abuser
accused child rapist
proven liar.

Got a link to prove your accusations? Looks like bullshit to me.
Are you confused between DJT and Biden or Bubba Clinton?
The idea you don't know if proof of your ignorance.
States move to require all presidential candidates to release taxes

If you cannot beat him. Block him. The Left have lost their mind.

Bills requiring prospective presidential candidates to disclose recent tax returns as a condition to appear on the ballot are currently pending in the following fourteen states: Arizona, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington. Similar legislation, introduced this year, failed in Maryland, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Mexico and Virginia.

Despite a few exceptions, nearly all of the state bills that have been introduced would require candidates to post at least five years of their individual tax returns. In addition, virtually every state bill has been introduced by a Democratic lawmaker, an apparent reaction to Trump's decision to buck decades of tradition during the 2016 election cycle when he refused to release his tax returns.

I agree that this is undemocratic and stinks to high heaven! But what does Trump have to hide? Every other candidate has released their tax returns.
Tax returns are no ones business.

My business. I want to know whn the President bases decisions on what is good or America & not his wallerty.

Dumbass Mikey doesn't care
Nothing someone earns is your business if it doesn't directly affect you, liar.
States move to require all presidential candidates to release taxes

If you cannot beat him. Block him. The Left have lost their mind.

Bills requiring prospective presidential candidates to disclose recent tax returns as a condition to appear on the ballot are currently pending in the following fourteen states: Arizona, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington. Similar legislation, introduced this year, failed in Maryland, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Mexico and Virginia.

Despite a few exceptions, nearly all of the state bills that have been introduced would require candidates to post at least five years of their individual tax returns. In addition, virtually every state bill has been introduced by a Democratic lawmaker, an apparent reaction to Trump's decision to buck decades of tradition during the 2016 election cycle when he refused to release his tax returns.

I agree that this is undemocratic and stinks to high heaven! But what does Trump have to hide? Every other candidate has released their tax returns.
Tax returns are no ones business.

My business. I want to know whn the President bases decisions on what is good or America & not his wallerty.

Dumbass Mikey doesn't care

His tax returns will not give you data on that unless you’re looking for his corporate returns. You are very dumb and uneducated.
States move to require all presidential candidates to release taxes

If you cannot beat him. Block him. The Left have lost their mind.

Bills requiring prospective presidential candidates to disclose recent tax returns as a condition to appear on the ballot are currently pending in the following fourteen states: Arizona, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington. Similar legislation, introduced this year, failed in Maryland, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Mexico and Virginia.

Despite a few exceptions, nearly all of the state bills that have been introduced would require candidates to post at least five years of their individual tax returns. In addition, virtually every state bill has been introduced by a Democratic lawmaker, an apparent reaction to Trump's decision to buck decades of tradition during the 2016 election cycle when he refused to release his tax returns.

I agree that this is undemocratic and stinks to high heaven! But what does Trump have to hide? Every other candidate has released their tax returns.
Tax returns are no ones business.

My business. I want to know whn the President bases decisions on what is good or America & not his wallerty.

Dumbass Mikey doesn't care
Nothing someone earns is your business if it doesn't directly affect you, liar.

Trump provided his financials. Tax returns don’t always show true earnings.
States can't put restrictions on presidential qualifications. If they do their Electoral College votes won't count.
So who cares what the stupid fucks do?
This particular change has to be made at the federal level, but it would not require a constitutional amendment, just an FEC rule change.


The Constitution lays out the requirements. No ifs, ands, or buts about it!

Really? Where in the Constitution does it say candidates must file financial disclosure paperwork? Every candidate running is required to do so.

That is not a Constitutional requirement but deals with funding campaigns, not eligibility. Why are you such a dumbass?
It is still a requirement to run for office...and it's not in the Constitution. Neither are signature gathering requirements.

I think the next democratic president should change the FEC rules and see what the courts have to say.

No, it's not a requirement to run for office. It's an ethics requirement which can be punished by fines, but do you know what happens to a candidate who doesn't file a financial disclosure by the deadline? He/she still remains on the ballot, runs for office, and potentially wins and holds the office.

Candidates for President or Vice President: Candidates for nomination or election to the office of President or Vice President are required to file an annual Office of Government Ethics (OGE) Public Financial Disclosure Report with the FEC within 30 days after becoming a candidate for nomination or election, or by May 15 of that calendar year, whichever is later, but at least 30 days before the election.

Presidential, Senate and House candidates -
The choice is Trump's.

LOL is it? What’s the next law? Billionaires cannot run? States just cannot randomly implement rules like this. Let the SCOTUS decide.

Billionaires do taxes. If they aren't crooked conmen, they should have no problem turning them in.

You missed my point because you’re dumb so I ll rephrase. What’s next? 6’3 and taller people cannot run?

See, this IS exactly how fucking stupid you are.

Requiring tax returns allows eveyone to bide.

Setting height limits does not

And you claimed to be a Duke grad???? Yea right.

You missed the point again because you’re dumb. They are trying to set a rule that would preclude Trump from running. Once he shows his returns they ll think of something else. Perhaps if you were smart enough to attend Duke you would understand seductive reasoning. FakeDave.
So you are saying Trump has no tax returns.

really Mr Duke Graduate?

To be on the ballot, Trump just needs to release his returns. Just like every other candidate.
You're off-base. Eligibility requirements for the Presidency can NOT just be passed into law by Congress or any other legislature. They must be accomplished by an Amendment to the US Constitution, which requires a 2/3 majority of Congress OR 2/3 of the states at a national convention, and THEN must be ratified by 3/4 of the states.

The states are not adding eligibility requirements for the Presidency, they are adding requirement to be on their ballot, no different than the signature requirements that now exist in every single state

It's a total crock and will never stand.
  • People can write in anyone they want.
  • You cannot bar a sitting president from running for his own second term.
  • What if Trump produces them at the last minute and surprise! There's nothing special about his returns? Horse's asses you'll all look to be.
  • You cannot bar a president from running for reelection for purely partisan political motives.
  • This is just going to inspire more people to vote for Trump.
The DNC: a one-legged butt-kicking machine. :lmao:
States can't put restrictions on presidential qualifications. If they do their Electoral College votes won't count.
So who cares what the stupid fucks do?
Not all states have the same requirements to get on the ballot.
LOL is it? What’s the next law? Billionaires cannot run? States just cannot randomly implement rules like this. Let the SCOTUS decide.

Billionaires do taxes. If they aren't crooked conmen, they should have no problem turning them in.

You missed my point because you’re dumb so I ll rephrase. What’s next? 6’3 and taller people cannot run?

See, this IS exactly how fucking stupid you are.

Requiring tax returns allows eveyone to bide.

Setting height limits does not

And you claimed to be a Duke grad???? Yea right.

You missed the point again because you’re dumb. They are trying to set a rule that would preclude Trump from running. Once he shows his returns they ll think of something else. Perhaps if you were smart enough to attend Duke you would understand seductive reasoning. FakeDave.
So you are saying Trump has no tax returns.

really Mr Duke Graduate?

To be on the ballot, Trump just needs to release his returns. Just like every other candidate.

Nope. He does. But they won’t show you what you think they will show you. Never said he didn’t have returns. You’re dumb. Did you even graduate HS? Tell me. What do you think his PITR will show? I am genuinely curious.
Pure, blatant, transparent, shameless partisan politics.

If you're a nihilist, this is a good time for you. We've lost our shit, and we're doing everything we can to self-destruct.

You're right, it probably is primarily politically driven, but it's also for transparency. Every candidate before now has done it, but it wasn't required. Trump's refusal to follow the practice forces it to become a requirement.

But it will have to wait for a Democratic President.
selective rage is pointless. getting mad at trumps lies but excusing / defending the left doing the same *at least* makes you look like a wanna-be hack.

and are you pointing to THESE "lies" - of which is the media wrong or lying on their own?

75 Media Mistakes in the Trump Era: The Definitive List | Sharyl Attkisson

Sorry; I wasn't aware the 'media' was the occupant of The Oval Office.
like i said "selective rage" - you don't give a fuck about lying or lairs, only bagging on trump.

Funny chit,. A trump supporter saying people don't like liars because trump is a liar & that is selective rage.

Here is exactly what you support.

Proven fraud
Proven business cheat
proven adulterer
accused woman abuser
accused child rapist
proven liar.

Got a link to prove your accusations? Looks like bullshit to me.
Are you confused between DJT and Biden or Bubba Clinton?
The idea you don't know if proof of your ignorance.

So you're a liar since you can't prove your accusations.
States move to require all presidential candidates to release taxes

If you cannot beat him. Block him. The Left have lost their mind.

Bills requiring prospective presidential candidates to disclose recent tax returns as a condition to appear on the ballot are currently pending in the following fourteen states: Arizona, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington. Similar legislation, introduced this year, failed in Maryland, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Mexico and Virginia.

Despite a few exceptions, nearly all of the state bills that have been introduced would require candidates to post at least five years of their individual tax returns. In addition, virtually every state bill has been introduced by a Democratic lawmaker, an apparent reaction to Trump's decision to buck decades of tradition during the 2016 election cycle when he refused to release his tax returns.

I agree that this is undemocratic and stinks to high heaven! But what does Trump have to hide? Every other candidate has released their tax returns.
Tax returns are no ones business.

My business. I want to know whn the President bases decisions on what is good or America & not his wallerty.

Dumbass Mikey doesn't care
Nothing someone earns is your business if it doesn't directly affect you, liar.

How do you know when Trump makes a decision that it is not because he will gain personally?
States move to require all presidential candidates to release taxes

If you cannot beat him. Block him. The Left have lost their mind.

Bills requiring prospective presidential candidates to disclose recent tax returns as a condition to appear on the ballot are currently pending in the following fourteen states: Arizona, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington. Similar legislation, introduced this year, failed in Maryland, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Mexico and Virginia.

Despite a few exceptions, nearly all of the state bills that have been introduced would require candidates to post at least five years of their individual tax returns. In addition, virtually every state bill has been introduced by a Democratic lawmaker, an apparent reaction to Trump's decision to buck decades of tradition during the 2016 election cycle when he refused to release his tax returns.

I agree that this is undemocratic and stinks to high heaven! But what does Trump have to hide? Every other candidate has released their tax returns.
Tax returns are no ones business.

My business. I want to know whn the President bases decisions on what is good or America & not his wallerty.

Dumbass Mikey doesn't care
Nothing someone earns is your business if it doesn't directly affect you, liar.

How do you know when Trump makes a decision that it is not because he will gain personally?

Because he had to disclose his financials prior to running. And they were reviewed. His corporate and trust returns would tell you a lot more than his PITR.
if you're going to brand people LIAR and then hold them accountable for it, you'd get a lot more leverage if you were honest and fair about it.

not a 2 year old demanding your way using words you think will get you there.

trump doesn't have to do shit and i don't care what he said. not part of the process, not required - just your spot for what to be mad at now since everything else has been taken away.

No one wants to vote for a LYING scum bucket; sorry, but maybe you do.
selective rage is pointless. getting mad at trumps lies but excusing / defending the left doing the same *at least* makes you look like a wanna-be hack.

and are you pointing to THESE "lies" - of which is the media wrong or lying on their own?

75 Media Mistakes in the Trump Era: The Definitive List | Sharyl Attkisson

Sorry; I wasn't aware the 'media' was the occupant of The Oval Office.
like i said "selective rage" - you don't give a fuck about lying or lairs, only bagging on trump.

Funny chit,. A trump supporter saying people don't like liars because trump is a liar & that is selective rage.

Here is exactly what you support.

Proven fraud
Proven business cheat
proven adulterer
accused woman abuser
accused child rapist
proven liar.
i support your right to be an idiot also.

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