Democrats Move Towards Violent Confrontation

I guess all of this depends on your definition of "rich". The vast majority of people in my state making making at least 90k per year are overwhemingly Republican. The Democrats don't start trickling in until at or below the national avearge mark and they dominate the lower income and no income marks, especially those that don't work at all. I don't consider 90k/yr rich.

I'm sure your definition of rich is who owns a Double Wide in Jesus-land.

Again, only 20% of the population makes more than 90K. What motivation does the 80% that has less than that have in maintaining the status quo?

I do well. I'm not looking for a mansion or a corner office. But I realize as well as I'm doing, I'm probably one serious illness from being completely wiped out. That's all manner of fucked up.

We will not allow Democrats to "fix" the US so that it can be as non-prosperous as Europe. Sorry, but only the brain dead would want that. Exceptionalism is all around us. You can't see it because you aren't one of them not do you seem to have to drive, attitude nor intelligence to be exceptional. Don't begrudgen those of us who do have those qualities. Envy isn't pretty.

Greed isn't pretty, either, if we are talking about venal sins. "Exceptional" usually means, "Being willing to fuck other people over to advance yourself." The rest of us need protection from the "Exceptional".

The reality... by your definition, most people aren't exceptional... so why would they support a system that only protects the exceptional at the expense of everyone else.

I served my country when asked. When I got out, I spent 30 years working for all sorts of shitty companies with bullies and idiots... oh, excuse me, "Exceptional" people, who half the time ran the companies into the ground and we ended up paying the price.

The problem with your system is that is "Capitalizes" rewards and "Socializes" Risk. When the "Exceptional" people blew up the economy in 2008, they all got bailouts, they all got to keep their jobs, not a fucking one of them went to prison.

Meanwhile, the rest of us "mundane" sorts... we ended up paying for those bailouts, we ended up losing jobs or taking pay cuts, we ended up with busted 401K's and underwater mortgages.

The Chinese will only pass us up if we allow the Democratic morons to take over and give them another sweetheart deal and roll over like good puppy dogs like Obama did. Democrats are spineless wimps, particularly when it comes to foriegn policy. I can assure you that if any of the Progressives from the days of our founding would be apalled at what today's Progressive party has become. In fact, they say today's Conservatives are too liberal and they would be correct.

Actually the Founding Slave Rapists NEVER wanted us to become a European style imperial power. (It's one of their very few virtues). While we've been pissing away our wealth on tax cuts for billionaires, and expensive weapons that don't work, the Chinese have been investing in education and infrastructure and all those "Socialist" things you guys disdain. The rich have been running us into debt that the Chinese have been buying, and that started with your boy Bush, not Obama.
I'm sure your definition of rich is who owns a Double Wide in Jesus-land.

Again, only 20% of the population makes more than 90K. What motivation does the 80% that has less than that have in maintaining the status quo?

I do well. I'm not looking for a mansion or a corner office. But I realize as well as I'm doing, I'm probably one serious illness from being completely wiped out. That's all manner of fucked up

My definition of rich is well above what you make, however, in "Jesus-Land" as you call it, even someone with your income can live quite well. If you live in one of the liberal states, good luck with that. The other cool thing about "Jesus-Land" is that there are more people with morals, which not only makes day to day life more pleasurable, but also helps with business dealings. Who would have thunk it?

The motivation should stem from the fact they can move up the ladder with hard work. With Socialism, there is very little motivation. The problem with many on the left is they want to complain about not making it but are unwilling to put forth the effort required to do so. They have figured out is is much easier to just sit back and complain in hopes that the government will take money away from those people who have decided to work too hard and give it to them.

Greed isn't pretty, either, if we are talking about venal sins. "Exceptional" usually means, "Being willing to fuck other people over to advance yourself." The rest of us need protection from the "Exceptional".

The reality... by your definition, most people aren't exceptional... so why would they support a system that only protects the exceptional at the expense of everyone else.

I served my country when asked. When I got out, I spent 30 years working for all sorts of shitty companies with bullies and idiots... oh, excuse me, "Exceptional" people, who half the time ran the companies into the ground and we ended up paying the price.

The problem with your system is that is "Capitalizes" rewards and "Socializes" Risk. When the "Exceptional" people blew up the economy in 2008, they all got bailouts, they all got to keep their jobs, not a fucking one of them went to prison

Exceptional means not ordinary. While some are born with certain traits that make them exceptional(intelligence, athleticism, etc.), one can make a conscious choice to be exceptional. That may mean staying late and not leaving the office at 5:00 if there is still work to be done. It may mean helping co-workers who are behind when you are all caught up. It may mean taking the initiative and using any free time you have at work to do something productive for the benefit of the company, without direction from superiors. This is how one gets ahead. It works, but sadly, many are just too lazy. They would prefer to complain about their salary and look for handouts.

Dodd-Frank blew up the economy. The Democrats wanted to artificially boost the housing market by issuing quotas for lower income households. This was one of their pie in the sky ideas with good intentions but not very well thought out. Typical for them. In 2008, Fannie-Mae and Freddie-Mac had quotas that required that 56% loans that had to be given to lower-income folks. They knew, or should have known, that in order to meet these quotas, loan requirements would have to be loosened. They wrote many loans they would not have previously written for high risk individuals. Fannie-Mae and Freddie-Mac sell off their loans to other banks. These banks trusted that these two government backed entities were properly vetting the loans and were buying the risky loans without much research on their own. Because all seemed to be going well at first, Fannie and Freddie began loosening restrictions further to including lending more money to individuals for which they would have previously qualified. This included those with high incomes as well. Of course, the inevitable happened. Loans for lower-income/higher risk and those who were over-extended started foreclosing. This spiraled out of control and tada...recession. Another failed liberal policy of trying to spread the wealth. Just imagine if one of the kooks gets elected. It will make 2008 look like the California gold rush.

Actually the Founding Slave Rapists NEVER wanted us to become a European style imperial power. (It's one of their very few virtues). While we've been pissing away our wealth on tax cuts for billionaires, and expensive weapons that don't work, the Chinese have been investing in education and infrastructure and all those "Socialist" things you guys disdain. The rich have been running us into debt that the Chinese have been buying, and that started with your boy Bush, not Obama

Sure, the Chinese don't spend much on military stuff, right? Cheez. I would also like to point out the average Chinese standard of living. It sucks for a reason. Tax cuts help everyone that gets them. The deregulation and corporate tax cuts from Trump is what has helped our economy as the spike can be easily correlated with these cuts. While the rest of the world, particularly Europe, continues to raise taxes, we decrease ours. Europe's economy sucks because they just don't get it and you moon-bats buy into the same failing policies like good little lemmings. If the Democrats raise the corporate tax levels, taxes on the rich and implement a wealth tax, none of which may affect you directly, our economy will collapse. You can mark it down with a permanent marker. The US is the strongest economy in the world. The only reason we aren't booming more is that we are not completely insulated to the poor economic decisions of other countries. They are implementing the same ideas the Democrats want to do here and you can see how well it is working with negative interest rates in Europe. They continue to devalue their currencies, which is why the fed should be lowering our rates so we can compete.

Not an excuse as I am not a Bush fan, but he was funding a war which cost a lot of money. Obama spent money like a drunken sailor and our debt increased tremendously(% wise) under his watch.
I can assure you that the "rich" people in my state are overwhelmingly Republican.

Oh, I'm sure they are.. .The GOP lives in horror of the thought of the Rich paying their fair share.

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Believe me or not, I don't care,

I don't. Real rich people don't need to brag how well they are doing.

"Capatalists are vermin" Ever thought of moving to Europe?

Nope. going to fix this country.

Seriously, if you prefer the idea that everyone can be economic equivalents, without much execeptionalism, that is the place for you.

Sorry, man, after nearly 30 years of working in the private sector, I haven't seen this 'Exceptionalism". What I usually see are clueless twits who end up in the Corner Office and usually have no idea what is going on.

The US was not founded to be Socialist. We are the most powerful economic country in the world because of Capatalism. The left doesn't like this little factoid, but it is hard to avoid.

Because it's not true. We became the greatest country because of PROGRESSIVES, who gave us a middle class and a country people wanted to fight for. Republicans spent the last 40 years fucking that up.

When the Chinese pass us up, Communism and all, dumb-asses like you will be wondering why.

I guess all of this depends on your definition of "rich". The vast majority of people in my state making making at least 90k per year are overwhemingly Republican. The Democrats don't start trickling in until at or below the national avearge mark and they dominate the lower income and no income marks, especially those that don't work at all. I don't consider 90k/yr rich.

I didn't say I was "rich", but again, our defintions are likely quite a bit different. To many Democrats, "rich" is not really that much.All I said was that my family makes quite a bit more than your stated income.

You and your ilk are closer to being in padded rooms than corner offices.

We will not allow Democrats to "fix" the US so that it can be as non-prosperous as Europe. Sorry, but only the brain dead would want that. Exceptionalism is all around us. You can't see it because you aren't one of them not do you seem to have to drive, attitude nor intelligence to be exceptional. Don't begrudgen those of us who do have those qualities. Envy isn't pretty.

The Chinese will only pass us up if we allow the Democratic morons to take over and give them another sweetheart deal and roll over like good puppy dogs like Obama did. Democrats are spineless wimps, particularly when it comes to foriegn policy. I can assure you that if any of the Progressives from the days of our founding would be apalled at what today's Progressive party has become. In fact, they say today's Conservatives are too liberal and they would be correct.
Suuure, uh-huh.

I'm sure your definition of rich is who owns a Double Wide in Jesus-land.

Again, only 20% of the population makes more than 90K. What motivation does the 80% that has less than that have in maintaining the status quo?

Those 20% are the same people that pay over 80% of all collected income tax for the rest of us. I think Ken Blackwell said it best: A liberal believes that if you make money, you are not entitled to it, but if you want money, you are........

What takes the motivation out of people are our social programs. Why work more hours if you can work 30 hours and go on various social programs instead? Imagine how much harder people would try to acquire money if there were no social programs at all.
The employees of the field, um, yeah, they are probably unionized. The vendors... meh, they choose to be there because there's an opportunity.

Oh yes, some opportunity. Between what, washing cars or selling popcorn?

How did we get from Movie Stars (where the Movie industry is highly unionized) to Roadies?

MY brother did a gig as a roadie for Pink Floyd once. He had nothing but nice things to say about them,and this was the crappy version after Roger Waters left.

Most roadies (like my friend) are also musicians. They do the job with hopes of meeting important people to possibly launch a career of their own one day. So they do the job for little pay while the musicians are making millions. But I also understand they get a lot of female companionship along the road.

How did we get to this conversation? To show that the guys on top always make much more money than their minions below them. The main talent is what makes the money in spite of all the physical work others under them have to do.

Several years ago I bought a big screen. I usually don't watch a ton of television, so I started to watch more. I eventually got hooked on the show The Big Bang Theory. So I looked up the actors on the internet.

Each actor gets paid over a million dollars per episode. That's on top of other perks like reruns, clothing lines, anything with their stage name or the show itself. A half hour show without commercials is less than 20 minutes. So even the main players only work a couple of minutes per episode.

They didn't have to go to college for years on end, invest a lot of money, or work their way up the corporate ladder. Outside of work, they live where they want unlike many CEO"s. And the best thing is it's a fun job that they love to do.

Again, you are mistaking a parasite for a vital organ. All that could happen without investors.

If it could, we wouldn't have a stock market today where even the little people have money for their retirement or to accumulate wealth.
I'm sure your definition of rich is who owns a Double Wide in Jesus-land.

Again, only 20% of the population makes more than 90K. What motivation does the 80% that has less than that have in maintaining the status quo?

Those 20% are the same people that pay over 80% of all collected income tax for the rest of us. I think Ken Blackwell said it best: A liberal believes that if you make money, you are not entitled to it, but if you want money, you are........

What takes the motivation out of people are our social programs. Why work more hours if you can work 30 hours and go on various social programs instead? Imagine how much harder people would try to acquire money if there were no social programs at all.

" I think Ken Blackwell said it best: A liberal believes that if you make money, you are not entitled to it, but if you want money, you are........"

most of the liberals I know don't think that or believe it.

Seems to me what liberals believe is that EVERYONE living in the so-called GREATEST COUNTRY in the world should be able to afford to live a decent life.

where-as conservatives believe in a dog eat dog get all you can and fuck the other guy country.

That's why they still love trump.
I guess all of this depends on your definition of "rich". The vast majority of people in my state making making at least 90k per year are overwhemingly Republican. The Democrats don't start trickling in until at or below the national avearge mark and they dominate the lower income and no income marks, especially those that don't work at all. I don't consider 90k/yr rich.

I'm sure your definition of rich is who owns a Double Wide in Jesus-land.

Again, only 20% of the population makes more than 90K. What motivation does the 80% that has less than that have in maintaining the status quo?

I do well. I'm not looking for a mansion or a corner office. But I realize as well as I'm doing, I'm probably one serious illness from being completely wiped out. That's all manner of fucked up.

We will not allow Democrats to "fix" the US so that it can be as non-prosperous as Europe. Sorry, but only the brain dead would want that. Exceptionalism is all around us. You can't see it because you aren't one of them not do you seem to have to drive, attitude nor intelligence to be exceptional. Don't begrudgen those of us who do have those qualities. Envy isn't pretty.

Greed isn't pretty, either, if we are talking about venal sins. "Exceptional" usually means, "Being willing to fuck other people over to advance yourself." The rest of us need protection from the "Exceptional".

The reality... by your definition, most people aren't exceptional... so why would they support a system that only protects the exceptional at the expense of everyone else.

I served my country when asked. When I got out, I spent 30 years working for all sorts of shitty companies with bullies and idiots... oh, excuse me, "Exceptional" people, who half the time ran the companies into the ground and we ended up paying the price.

The problem with your system is that is "Capitalizes" rewards and "Socializes" Risk. When the "Exceptional" people blew up the economy in 2008, they all got bailouts, they all got to keep their jobs, not a fucking one of them went to prison.
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Meanwhile, the rest of us "mundane" sorts... we ended up paying for those bailouts, we ended up losing jobs or taking pay cuts, we ended up with busted 401K's and underwater mortgages.

The Chinese will only pass us up if we allow the Democratic morons to take over and give them another sweetheart deal and roll over like good puppy dogs like Obama did. Democrats are spineless wimps, particularly when it comes to foriegn policy. I can assure you that if any of the Progressives from the days of our founding would be apalled at what today's Progressive party has become. In fact, they say today's Conservatives are too liberal and they would be correct.

Actually the Founding Slave Rapists NEVER wanted us to become a European style imperial power. (It's one of their very few virtues). While we've been pissing away our wealth on tax cuts for billionaires, and expensive weapons that don't work, the Chinese have been investing in education and infrastructure and all those "Socialist" things you guys disdain. The rich have been running us into debt that the Chinese have been buying, and that started with your boy Bush, not Obama.
The Obamacare should let all of those people below 90 thousand a year have a good break. And the founding fathers were men. They put their name on a document and would be executed if they lost.
I'm sure your definition of rich is who owns a Double Wide in Jesus-land.

Again, only 20% of the population makes more than 90K. What motivation does the 80% that has less than that have in maintaining the status quo?

Those 20% are the same people that pay over 80% of all collected income tax for the rest of us. I think Ken Blackwell said it best: A liberal believes that if you make money, you are not entitled to it, but if you want money, you are........

What takes the motivation out of people are our social programs. Why work more hours if you can work 30 hours and go on various social programs instead? Imagine how much harder people would try to acquire money if there were no social programs at all.

" I think Ken Blackwell said it best: A liberal believes that if you make money, you are not entitled to it, but if you want money, you are........"

most of the liberals I know don't think that or believe it.

Seems to me what liberals believe is that EVERYONE living in the so-called GREATEST COUNTRY in the world should be able to afford to live a decent life.

where-as conservatives believe in a dog eat dog get all you can and fuck the other guy country.

That's why they still love trump.

Everybody can live a decent life if they want to. In a great country like ours, you can make whatever you want. But it won't come knocking at your front door, you have to go out and get it if you want.

Yes, it may take a lot of sacrifices, a lot of work, and a lot of risks, but that's what many successful people have to do. And it isn't guaranteed either.

I don''t know about the liberals you know, but pay attention to the leaders of your party and what they are wanting. Yes, take from the wealthy to support free college, Medicare for all, paid time off, just anything a liberal can offer to others for free for their vote buying schemes. Tax the rich is always their solution to every monetary problem.
Those 20% are the same people that pay over 80% of all collected income tax for the rest of us
Right,which is far too low.

If our federal tax rate was 0%, the money collected by the federal government would be 0 dollars. If the federal tax rate were 100%, the money collected by the federal government would still be 0 dollars, because who would be stupid enough to create wealth????
I'm sure your definition of rich is who owns a Double Wide in Jesus-land.

Again, only 20% of the population makes more than 90K. What motivation does the 80% that has less than that have in maintaining the status quo?

Those 20% are the same people that pay over 80% of all collected income tax for the rest of us. I think Ken Blackwell said it best: A liberal believes that if you make money, you are not entitled to it, but if you want money, you are........

What takes the motivation out of people are our social programs. Why work more hours if you can work 30 hours and go on various social programs instead? Imagine how much harder people would try to acquire money if there were no social programs at all.

" I think Ken Blackwell said it best: A liberal believes that if you make money, you are not entitled to it, but if you want money, you are........"

most of the liberals I know don't think that or believe it.

Seems to me what liberals believe is that EVERYONE living in the so-called GREATEST COUNTRY in the world should be able to afford to live a decent life.

where-as conservatives believe in a dog eat dog get all you can and fuck the other guy country.

That's why they still love trump.
That's the funniest thing about righties -- their beliefs about Liberals is based entirely on the image they themselves created.
I can assure you that the "rich" people in my state are overwhelmingly Republican.

Oh, I'm sure they are.. .The GOP lives in horror of the thought of the Rich paying their fair share.

View attachment 282494

Believe me or not, I don't care,

I don't. Real rich people don't need to brag how well they are doing.

"Capatalists are vermin" Ever thought of moving to Europe?

Nope. going to fix this country.

Seriously, if you prefer the idea that everyone can be economic equivalents, without much execeptionalism, that is the place for you.

Sorry, man, after nearly 30 years of working in the private sector, I haven't seen this 'Exceptionalism". What I usually see are clueless twits who end up in the Corner Office and usually have no idea what is going on.

The US was not founded to be Socialist. We are the most powerful economic country in the world because of Capatalism. The left doesn't like this little factoid, but it is hard to avoid.

Because it's not true. We became the greatest country because of PROGRESSIVES, who gave us a middle class and a country people wanted to fight for. Republicans spent the last 40 years fucking that up.

When the Chinese pass us up, Communism and all, dumb-asses like you will be wondering why.

I guess all of this depends on your definition of "rich". The vast majority of people in my state making making at least 90k per year are overwhemingly Republican. The Democrats don't start trickling in until at or below the national avearge mark and they dominate the lower income and no income marks, especially those that don't work at all. I don't consider 90k/yr rich.

I didn't say I was "rich", but again, our defintions are likely quite a bit different. To many Democrats, "rich" is not really that much.All I said was that my family makes quite a bit more than your stated income.

You and your ilk are closer to being in padded rooms than corner offices.

We will not allow Democrats to "fix" the US so that it can be as non-prosperous as Europe. Sorry, but only the brain dead would want that. Exceptionalism is all around us. You can't see it because you aren't one of them not do you seem to have to drive, attitude nor intelligence to be exceptional. Don't begrudgen those of us who do have those qualities. Envy isn't pretty.

The Chinese will only pass us up if we allow the Democratic morons to take over and give them another sweetheart deal and roll over like good puppy dogs like Obama did. Democrats are spineless wimps, particularly when it comes to foriegn policy. I can assure you that if any of the Progressives from the days of our founding would be apalled at what today's Progressive party has become. In fact, they say today's Conservatives are too liberal and they would be correct.
Suuure, uh-huh.

View attachment 282660

People living in large urban areas(and liberal states) tend to make higher wages for the same work but have a lower standard of living which explains why they tend to vote Democrat. They see themselves are fairly poor because they can't afford much. The reality is they have been duped. They believe they must live in the large urban areas to make good money but fail to realize that due to the economy(real estate and taxes) in their area the money is not that good after all. A person that makes $100k as an engineer living in MS is much better off from a standard of living perspective than a person that makes $140k as an engineer living in NY.
I can assure you that the "rich" people in my state are overwhelmingly Republican.

Oh, I'm sure they are.. .The GOP lives in horror of the thought of the Rich paying their fair share.

View attachment 282494

Believe me or not, I don't care,

I don't. Real rich people don't need to brag how well they are doing.

"Capatalists are vermin" Ever thought of moving to Europe?

Nope. going to fix this country.

Seriously, if you prefer the idea that everyone can be economic equivalents, without much execeptionalism, that is the place for you.

Sorry, man, after nearly 30 years of working in the private sector, I haven't seen this 'Exceptionalism". What I usually see are clueless twits who end up in the Corner Office and usually have no idea what is going on.

The US was not founded to be Socialist. We are the most powerful economic country in the world because of Capatalism. The left doesn't like this little factoid, but it is hard to avoid.

Because it's not true. We became the greatest country because of PROGRESSIVES, who gave us a middle class and a country people wanted to fight for. Republicans spent the last 40 years fucking that up.

When the Chinese pass us up, Communism and all, dumb-asses like you will be wondering why.

I guess all of this depends on your definition of "rich". The vast majority of people in my state making making at least 90k per year are overwhemingly Republican. The Democrats don't start trickling in until at or below the national avearge mark and they dominate the lower income and no income marks, especially those that don't work at all. I don't consider 90k/yr rich.

I didn't say I was "rich", but again, our defintions are likely quite a bit different. To many Democrats, "rich" is not really that much.All I said was that my family makes quite a bit more than your stated income.

You and your ilk are closer to being in padded rooms than corner offices.

We will not allow Democrats to "fix" the US so that it can be as non-prosperous as Europe. Sorry, but only the brain dead would want that. Exceptionalism is all around us. You can't see it because you aren't one of them not do you seem to have to drive, attitude nor intelligence to be exceptional. Don't begrudgen those of us who do have those qualities. Envy isn't pretty.

The Chinese will only pass us up if we allow the Democratic morons to take over and give them another sweetheart deal and roll over like good puppy dogs like Obama did. Democrats are spineless wimps, particularly when it comes to foriegn policy. I can assure you that if any of the Progressives from the days of our founding would be apalled at what today's Progressive party has become. In fact, they say today's Conservatives are too liberal and they would be correct.
Suuure, uh-huh.

View attachment 282660

People living in large urban areas(and liberal states) tend to make higher wages for the same work but have a lower standard of living which explains why they tend to vote Democrat. They see themselves are fairly poor because they can't afford much. The reality is they have been duped. They believe they must live in the large urban areas to make good money but fail to realize that due to the economy(real estate and taxes) in their area the money is not that good after all. A person that makes $100k as an engineer living in MS is much better off from a standard of living perspective than a person that makes $140k as an engineer living in NY.

The only evidence you need of that is to watch HGTV. They go to these liberal Mecca's, and a 800K home there costs about 200K here. Even more humorous is when they interview the couple before house hunting and they state what they do for a living. The guy is an assistant bank manager and she grooms dogs for a living. I's just unbelievable.
My definition of rich is well above what you make, however, in "Jesus-Land" as you call it, even someone with your income can live quite well.

No, nobody lives well in Jesus-land. You're surrounded by ignorant, inbred, bible-thumping morons... that would be pretty much Hell for anyone with an above room temperature IQ.

The other cool thing about "Jesus-Land" is that there are more people with morals, which not only makes day to day life more pleasurable, but also helps with business dealings. Who would have thunk it?

No, it just means they are hypocrites and assholes... As Mark Twain observed, "The one thing Jesus wouldn't be if he were here today is a Christian!"

The motivation should stem from the fact they can move up the ladder with hard work. With Socialism, there is very little motivation. The problem with many on the left is they want to complain about not making it but are unwilling to put forth the effort required to do so. They have figured out is is much easier to just sit back and complain in hopes that the government will take money away from those people who have decided to work too hard and give it to them.

Exceptional means not ordinary. While some are born with certain traits that make them exceptional(intelligence, athleticism, etc.), one can make a conscious choice to be exceptional. That may mean staying late and not leaving the office at 5:00 if there is still work to be done. It may mean helping co-workers who are behind when you are all caught up. It may mean taking the initiative and using any free time you have at work to do something productive for the benefit of the company, without direction from superiors. This is how one gets ahead. It works, but sadly, many are just too lazy. They would prefer to complain about their salary and look for handouts.

Funny thing. Did all those things. Those aren't the people who move ahead.

Do you know who moves ahead. They guy willing to stab his coworker in the back while sucking up to the boss. Lots of people who got to be "Managers" on their backs but couldn't manage their way out of a wet paper bag.

"My Boss is an Exceptional Genius" said no one in a working class bar, EVER!"

It honestly makes me wonder if you have any real experience in the working world.

Dodd-Frank blew up the economy. The Democrats wanted to artificially boost the housing market by issuing quotas for lower income households.

Holy fucking shit, did you just say this? How did Dodd Frank cause the RECESSION OF 2008 when it wasn't passed until 2009, AFTER THE CRASH? Did they catch a ride with Doctor Who?

I'm starting to wonder if you are in your 20's, and were too young to remember how the 2008 crash unfolded.

In 2008, Fannie-Mae and Freddie-Mac had quotas that required that 56% loans that had to be given to lower-income folks. They knew, or should have known, that in order to meet these quotas, loan requirements would have to be loosened.

2008 didn't happen because of Fannie Mae. It happened because Bear Sterns, Morgan Stanely, AIG and the rest of the private sector CROOKS took mortgages they knew were worthless and sold them as investments after outright LYING about their value.

Sure, the Chinese don't spend much on military stuff, right? Cheez. I would also like to point out the average Chinese standard of living. It sucks for a reason.

China spends nowhere near what we don on the military. In fact, you can take the next ten countries COMBINED military spending and they don't equal the US, and EIGHT of those countries are allies.

Tax cuts help everyone that gets them. The deregulation and corporate tax cuts from Trump is what has helped our economy as the spike can be easily correlated with these cuts.

No, they really can't be. Economies have crashed after Tax cuts (Like 1990 and 2008) and have improved after tax increases on the rich.
Everybody can live a decent life if they want to. In a great country like ours, you can make whatever you want. But it won't come knocking at your front door, you have to go out and get it if you want.


One more time. Ray lives in a slum, can't get health insurance through his job, and spends all day listening to police scanners hoping the Darkies won't get him.
I can assure you that the "rich" people in my state are overwhelmingly Republican.

Oh, I'm sure they are.. .The GOP lives in horror of the thought of the Rich paying their fair share.

View attachment 282494

Believe me or not, I don't care,

I don't. Real rich people don't need to brag how well they are doing.

"Capatalists are vermin" Ever thought of moving to Europe?

Nope. going to fix this country.

Seriously, if you prefer the idea that everyone can be economic equivalents, without much execeptionalism, that is the place for you.

Sorry, man, after nearly 30 years of working in the private sector, I haven't seen this 'Exceptionalism". What I usually see are clueless twits who end up in the Corner Office and usually have no idea what is going on.

The US was not founded to be Socialist. We are the most powerful economic country in the world because of Capatalism. The left doesn't like this little factoid, but it is hard to avoid.

Because it's not true. We became the greatest country because of PROGRESSIVES, who gave us a middle class and a country people wanted to fight for. Republicans spent the last 40 years fucking that up.

When the Chinese pass us up, Communism and all, dumb-asses like you will be wondering why.

I guess all of this depends on your definition of "rich". The vast majority of people in my state making making at least 90k per year are overwhemingly Republican. The Democrats don't start trickling in until at or below the national avearge mark and they dominate the lower income and no income marks, especially those that don't work at all. I don't consider 90k/yr rich.

I didn't say I was "rich", but again, our defintions are likely quite a bit different. To many Democrats, "rich" is not really that much.All I said was that my family makes quite a bit more than your stated income.

You and your ilk are closer to being in padded rooms than corner offices.

We will not allow Democrats to "fix" the US so that it can be as non-prosperous as Europe. Sorry, but only the brain dead would want that. Exceptionalism is all around us. You can't see it because you aren't one of them not do you seem to have to drive, attitude nor intelligence to be exceptional. Don't begrudgen those of us who do have those qualities. Envy isn't pretty.

The Chinese will only pass us up if we allow the Democratic morons to take over and give them another sweetheart deal and roll over like good puppy dogs like Obama did. Democrats are spineless wimps, particularly when it comes to foriegn policy. I can assure you that if any of the Progressives from the days of our founding would be apalled at what today's Progressive party has become. In fact, they say today's Conservatives are too liberal and they would be correct.
Suuure, uh-huh.

View attachment 282660

People living in large urban areas(and liberal states) tend to make higher wages for the same work but have a lower standard of living which explains why they tend to vote Democrat. They see themselves are fairly poor because they can't afford much. The reality is they have been duped. They believe they must live in the large urban areas to make good money but fail to realize that due to the economy(real estate and taxes) in their area the money is not that good after all. A person that makes $100k as an engineer living in MS is much better off from a standard of living perspective than a person that makes $140k as an engineer living in NY.

So now you're trying to make yourself right by pointing out you were wrong?


You said (without any source) the "vast majority" of those in your state making at least $90K are Republicans. Shown that folks making at least $100K voted evenly between the Democrat and Republican candidates, and now you try to weigh in cost of living while admitting, yeah, ok , so Democrats to make that much too.
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How did we get to this conversation? To show that the guys on top always make much more money than their minions below them. The main talent is what makes the money in spite of all the physical work others under them have to do.

True enough.

Point is, Ed Hanaway gets Nine figures, not because Cigna is an awesome company. Most people who have a Cigna policy HATE it.

I go to a Pink Floyd Concert, I have a good time. So I don't begrudge Roger Waters getting all that money.
I can assure you that the "rich" people in my state are overwhelmingly Republican.

Oh, I'm sure they are.. .The GOP lives in horror of the thought of the Rich paying their fair share.

View attachment 282494

Believe me or not, I don't care,

I don't. Real rich people don't need to brag how well they are doing.

"Capatalists are vermin" Ever thought of moving to Europe?

Nope. going to fix this country.

Seriously, if you prefer the idea that everyone can be economic equivalents, without much execeptionalism, that is the place for you.

Sorry, man, after nearly 30 years of working in the private sector, I haven't seen this 'Exceptionalism". What I usually see are clueless twits who end up in the Corner Office and usually have no idea what is going on.

The US was not founded to be Socialist. We are the most powerful economic country in the world because of Capatalism. The left doesn't like this little factoid, but it is hard to avoid.

Because it's not true. We became the greatest country because of PROGRESSIVES, who gave us a middle class and a country people wanted to fight for. Republicans spent the last 40 years fucking that up.

When the Chinese pass us up, Communism and all, dumb-asses like you will be wondering why.

I guess all of this depends on your definition of "rich". The vast majority of people in my state making making at least 90k per year are overwhemingly Republican. The Democrats don't start trickling in until at or below the national avearge mark and they dominate the lower income and no income marks, especially those that don't work at all. I don't consider 90k/yr rich.

I didn't say I was "rich", but again, our defintions are likely quite a bit different. To many Democrats, "rich" is not really that much.All I said was that my family makes quite a bit more than your stated income.

You and your ilk are closer to being in padded rooms than corner offices.

We will not allow Democrats to "fix" the US so that it can be as non-prosperous as Europe. Sorry, but only the brain dead would want that. Exceptionalism is all around us. You can't see it because you aren't one of them not do you seem to have to drive, attitude nor intelligence to be exceptional. Don't begrudgen those of us who do have those qualities. Envy isn't pretty.

The Chinese will only pass us up if we allow the Democratic morons to take over and give them another sweetheart deal and roll over like good puppy dogs like Obama did. Democrats are spineless wimps, particularly when it comes to foriegn policy. I can assure you that if any of the Progressives from the days of our founding would be apalled at what today's Progressive party has become. In fact, they say today's Conservatives are too liberal and they would be correct.
Suuure, uh-huh.

View attachment 282660

People living in large urban areas(and liberal states) tend to make higher wages for the same work but have a lower standard of living which explains why they tend to vote Democrat. They see themselves are fairly poor because they can't afford much. The reality is they have been duped. They believe they must live in the large urban areas to make good money but fail to realize that due to the economy(real estate and taxes) in their area the money is not that good after all. A person that makes $100k as an engineer living in MS is much better off from a standard of living perspective than a person that makes $140k as an engineer living in NY.

The only evidence you need of that is to watch HGTV. They go to these liberal Mecca's, and a 800K home there costs about 200K here. Even more humorous is when they interview the couple before house hunting and they state what they do for a living. The guy is an assistant bank manager and she grooms dogs for a living. I's just unbelievable.
So what's wrong with earning more to live in a big city? My family and I do it because there are far more activities than living in a small rural community. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

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