Democrats Move Towards Violent Confrontation

How did we get to this conversation? To show that the guys on top always make much more money than their minions below them. The main talent is what makes the money in spite of all the physical work others under them have to do.

True enough.

Point is, Ed Hanaway gets Nine figures, not because Cigna is an awesome company. Most people who have a Cigna policy HATE it.

I go to a Pink Floyd Concert, I have a good time. So I don't begrudge Roger Waters getting all that money.

That's good. Next time you have a surgery, ask Roger to pay the tab for ya.
People living in large urban areas(and liberal states) tend to make higher wages for the same work but have a lower standard of living which explains why they tend to vote Democrat.

Um, no, we live in the more prosperous parts of the country where the jobs are. The jobs you want to do. Now, I'm sure you are very happy in your position as "Head Possum Catcher".
Those 20% are the same people that pay over 80% of all collected income tax for the rest of us
Right,which is far too low.

If our federal tax rate was 0%, the money collected by the federal government would be 0 dollars. If the federal tax rate were 100%, the money collected by the federal government would still be 0 dollars, because who would be stupid enough to create wealth????
Well that was mind numbingly simple and irrelevant...

In other words, you read it on zero-hedge.
Democrats have only screaming women and a few crooked men

Trump is like Andrew Jackson with the real powerful supporters. The men and white men in a landslide
That's good. Next time you have a surgery, ask Roger to pay the tab for ya.

Funny thing. I paid into Cigna for six years. When that day came when I needed a surgery, they fought me tooth and nail to NOT pay for it. Took a year for them to finally allow it, and then the word came down that they needed to get rid of all the employees that ran up medical bills.

So. Single Payer. Make the rich pay. Done.
People living in large urban areas(and liberal states) tend to make higher wages for the same work but have a lower standard of living which explains why they tend to vote Democrat.

Um, no, we live in the more prosperous parts of the country where the jobs are. The jobs you want to do. Now, I'm sure you are very happy in your position as "Head Possum Catcher".

Supporters have the highest net worth which proves they are the smarter
Oh, I'm sure they are.. .The GOP lives in horror of the thought of the Rich paying their fair share.

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I don't. Real rich people don't need to brag how well they are doing.

Nope. going to fix this country.

Sorry, man, after nearly 30 years of working in the private sector, I haven't seen this 'Exceptionalism". What I usually see are clueless twits who end up in the Corner Office and usually have no idea what is going on.

Because it's not true. We became the greatest country because of PROGRESSIVES, who gave us a middle class and a country people wanted to fight for. Republicans spent the last 40 years fucking that up.

When the Chinese pass us up, Communism and all, dumb-asses like you will be wondering why.

I guess all of this depends on your definition of "rich". The vast majority of people in my state making making at least 90k per year are overwhemingly Republican. The Democrats don't start trickling in until at or below the national avearge mark and they dominate the lower income and no income marks, especially those that don't work at all. I don't consider 90k/yr rich.

I didn't say I was "rich", but again, our defintions are likely quite a bit different. To many Democrats, "rich" is not really that much.All I said was that my family makes quite a bit more than your stated income.

You and your ilk are closer to being in padded rooms than corner offices.

We will not allow Democrats to "fix" the US so that it can be as non-prosperous as Europe. Sorry, but only the brain dead would want that. Exceptionalism is all around us. You can't see it because you aren't one of them not do you seem to have to drive, attitude nor intelligence to be exceptional. Don't begrudgen those of us who do have those qualities. Envy isn't pretty.

The Chinese will only pass us up if we allow the Democratic morons to take over and give them another sweetheart deal and roll over like good puppy dogs like Obama did. Democrats are spineless wimps, particularly when it comes to foriegn policy. I can assure you that if any of the Progressives from the days of our founding would be apalled at what today's Progressive party has become. In fact, they say today's Conservatives are too liberal and they would be correct.
Suuure, uh-huh.

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People living in large urban areas(and liberal states) tend to make higher wages for the same work but have a lower standard of living which explains why they tend to vote Democrat. They see themselves are fairly poor because they can't afford much. The reality is they have been duped. They believe they must live in the large urban areas to make good money but fail to realize that due to the economy(real estate and taxes) in their area the money is not that good after all. A person that makes $100k as an engineer living in MS is much better off from a standard of living perspective than a person that makes $140k as an engineer living in NY.

The only evidence you need of that is to watch HGTV. They go to these liberal Mecca's, and a 800K home there costs about 200K here. Even more humorous is when they interview the couple before house hunting and they state what they do for a living. The guy is an assistant bank manager and she grooms dogs for a living. I's just unbelievable.
So what's wrong with earning more to live in a big city? My family and I do it because there's far more activities than living in a small rural community. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

It's not just the cities, it's in the blue states themselves. Most downtown areas are costly no matter where you go. It's simply the cost of living in each state.

Several years ago I rented an apartment to some kid from New York that was attending school here. Well, I didn't actually rent it to him because he had no job, so I put the lease in his mothers name to make sure I would get the money.

In any case, it's a very small house I refer to as the cottage. Younger people love it because of the privacy. At the time, I charged his mother $450.00 a month, and they couldn't be more delighted. After getting to know the guy, he told me that the house I was renting him for 450 would be going for about $1,800 just outside New York city, and I would have a waiting line to get the place.

My cousin lives in CA. She got a divorce and is trying to keep the house. She has an attached in-law suite that has the basics like a bathroom, small kitchenette, and a very small living room. She's getting $1,300 a month, and when she put out the offer, she had a long list of people to choose from.
That's good. Next time you have a surgery, ask Roger to pay the tab for ya.

Funny thing. I paid into Cigna for six years. When that day came when I needed a surgery, they fought me tooth and nail to NOT pay for it. Took a year for them to finally allow it, and then the word came down that they needed to get rid of all the employees that ran up medical bills.

So. Single Payer. Make the rich pay. Done.

Yes, I know, you told me about that. You also told me that your specific surgery was not covered in your policy.

That's like not having flood insurance and if your place floods, bitch because the company won't cover it when it happens.
Yes, I know, you told me about that. You also told me that your specific surgery was not covered in your policy.

Again, I said no such thing. In fact, I purchased the higher priced insurance because I knew that I might need more coverage given my age.

What I said was that once my doctors decided I needed this surgery, Cigna tried to declare it "elective", when it was clearly not.
Those 20% are the same people that pay over 80% of all collected income tax for the rest of us
Right,which is far too low.

If our federal tax rate was 0%, the money collected by the federal government would be 0 dollars. If the federal tax rate were 100%, the money collected by the federal government would still be 0 dollars, because who would be stupid enough to create wealth????
Well that was mind numbingly simple and irrelevant...

In other words, you read it on zero-hedge.

Nothing irrelevant about it unless the point flew over your head. The more you take from people, the less influenced they are to create wealth. Would you go to school for eight years to be a doctor if you only made 20K more than a UPS driver because of taxes? Of course not. Why should you?
Yes, I know, you told me about that. You also told me that your specific surgery was not covered in your policy.

Again, I said no such thing. In fact, I purchased the higher priced insurance because I knew that I might need more coverage given my age.

What I said was that once my doctors decided I needed this surgery, Cigna tried to declare it "elective", when it was clearly not.

Then you should have taken it to court. Nobody can not honor a contract that you paid for. And if you did your homework, you might have read what the company considered elective.
Nothing irrelevant about it unless the point flew over your head. The more you take from people, the less influenced they are to create wealth. Would you go to school for eight years to be a doctor if you only made 20K more than a UPS driver because of taxes? Of course not. Why should you?

Actually, if you are becoming a doctor to make money, you are doing it for the wrong reasons.

Doctors in Europe don't make the obscene kind of money Americans do, and they live pretty good lives because they WANT TO HELP PEOPLE.

Nothing irrelevant about it unless the point flew over your head.
The point was made by simpletons, for simpletons, and it was painfully stupid.

"Hee haw, cant increase taxes! Because, if the tax rate is 100%, revenue will be zero!"

Utterly moronic. I think you might want to stick to other topics.
Then you should have taken it to court. Nobody can not honor a contract that you paid for. And if you did your homework, you might have read what the company considered elective.

Right. I should spend more money I don't have on lawsuits.

Thing was, I did have a good case for medical and age discrimination... but it would have taken years to litigate.

Here's a crazy idea. Instead of having to SUE insurance companies to get them to honor their contracts, we have health care as a public service, JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER CIVILIZED COUNTRY does.
Actually, if you are becoming a doctor to make money, you are doing it for the wrong reasons.

Doctors in Europe don't make the obscene kind of money Americans do, and they live pretty good lives because they WANT TO HELP PEOPLE.


ANYONE who enters ANY profession without considering the earning potential of that profession is an idiot.
Then you should have taken it to court. Nobody can not honor a contract that you paid for. And if you did your homework, you might have read what the company considered elective.

Right. I should spend more money I don't have on lawsuits.

Thing was, I did have a good case for medical and age discrimination... but it would have taken years to litigate.

Here's a crazy idea. Instead of having to SUE insurance companies to get them to honor their contracts, we have health care as a public service, JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER CIVILIZED COUNTRY does.

And handing over your choices and life to the government?

That reminds me of something that happened during the DumBama years. I was in a long line at the post office, and an elderly black lady one person in front of me said aloud "I can't understand why all of us are standing here, and they still only have one postal worker behind the counter!" The worker behind the counter just looked up at the old lady, but said nothing.

So I replied "Don't look now, but this is the way Obama wants our healthcare ran" and of course, she turned around and gave me a dirty look.

The problem with our country is we allow government to control too much of our lives already. The last thing we need is to have total control over all our lives. If you were in Canada, it's likely you wouldn't have even had your surgery for eight months unless it was life or death.

Why Canadian premier seeks health care in U.S.
Nothing irrelevant about it unless the point flew over your head.
The point was made by simpletons, for simpletons, and it was painfully stupid.

"Hee haw, cant increase taxes! Because, if the tax rate is 100%, revenue will be zero!"

Utterly moronic. I think you might want to stick to other topics.

Nothing moronic about it. Reagan said it best "If you want more of something, subsidize it. If you want less of something, tax it."

Why do you suppose our capital gains rates are reasonable? That's right, because if you had to give the government 50% of your earnings, very few people would invest. No matter who is in government, everybody realizes you need an incentive for people to do things. It's why we have tax loopholes and tax abatements. It encourages people to take actions.
Nothing irrelevant about it unless the point flew over your head. The more you take from people, the less influenced they are to create wealth. Would you go to school for eight years to be a doctor if you only made 20K more than a UPS driver because of taxes? Of course not. Why should you?

Actually, if you are becoming a doctor to make money, you are doing it for the wrong reasons.

Doctors in Europe don't make the obscene kind of money Americans do, and they live pretty good lives because they WANT TO HELP PEOPLE.


Helping people is part of it, but money is what made them choose that field of work.

True, doctors don't make good money in other places. That's why we have so many foreign doctors here. We attract the best from around the world.

Doctors do need to make great money here because besides their college loans, they have huge malpractice insurance rates to pay. This is especially true for new doctors entering the practice.

People living in large urban areas(and liberal states) tend to make higher wages for the same work but have a lower standard of living which explains why they tend to vote Democrat.

Um, no, we live in the more prosperous parts of the country where the jobs are. The jobs you want to do. Now, I'm sure you are very happy in your position as "Head Possum Catcher".

Supporters have the highest net worth which proves they are the smarter


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