Democrats Move Towards Violent Confrontation

More than Rolling Thunder shoud descend on DC. Active duty military should descend on DC
Naw, DC police can handle a few bikers.

Hell they may just join in, shitforbrains. Its not like you leftards have been making friends of law enforcement or the military for that matter. I know, we're all ah skered that you cream puffs are gonna light candles, whine and start swinging your purses.

Seriously? My office was in a complex a five-minute walk to the Pentagon. We had military offices right in our building. Having seen some of our military up close and the diversity that makes up the military, I doubt that they would march across the 14th St. bridge to go help the idiot in the White House. Those scary bikers probably would end up in the Potomac.

You're replying to a person who is so stupid that they don't know about the Posse Comitatus Act.

It's a waste of time to try to debate with a person who doesn't know it's illegal for our military to do any police action in the United States.

That person also is too stupid to know that it takes two to fight. While the geriatric bikers may show up, why would anyone who supports the rule of law and constitution show up to fight with a bunch of geriatric bikers? Maybe they plan to fight among themselves.

Whatever they plan to do, if they actually get off their old, fat butts, a bunch of bikers aren't going to incite violence especially if there's no one there to fight with.
Upon insurrection or invasion the president can deploy the military to restore order.

Oh, I'm sure they are.. .The GOP lives in horror of the thought of the Rich paying their fair share.

View attachment 282494

I don't. Real rich people don't need to brag how well they are doing.

Nope. going to fix this country.

Sorry, man, after nearly 30 years of working in the private sector, I haven't seen this 'Exceptionalism". What I usually see are clueless twits who end up in the Corner Office and usually have no idea what is going on.

Because it's not true. We became the greatest country because of PROGRESSIVES, who gave us a middle class and a country people wanted to fight for. Republicans spent the last 40 years fucking that up.

When the Chinese pass us up, Communism and all, dumb-asses like you will be wondering why.

I guess all of this depends on your definition of "rich". The vast majority of people in my state making making at least 90k per year are overwhemingly Republican. The Democrats don't start trickling in until at or below the national avearge mark and they dominate the lower income and no income marks, especially those that don't work at all. I don't consider 90k/yr rich.

I didn't say I was "rich", but again, our defintions are likely quite a bit different. To many Democrats, "rich" is not really that much.All I said was that my family makes quite a bit more than your stated income.

You and your ilk are closer to being in padded rooms than corner offices.

We will not allow Democrats to "fix" the US so that it can be as non-prosperous as Europe. Sorry, but only the brain dead would want that. Exceptionalism is all around us. You can't see it because you aren't one of them not do you seem to have to drive, attitude nor intelligence to be exceptional. Don't begrudgen those of us who do have those qualities. Envy isn't pretty.

The Chinese will only pass us up if we allow the Democratic morons to take over and give them another sweetheart deal and roll over like good puppy dogs like Obama did. Democrats are spineless wimps, particularly when it comes to foriegn policy. I can assure you that if any of the Progressives from the days of our founding would be apalled at what today's Progressive party has become. In fact, they say today's Conservatives are too liberal and they would be correct.
Suuure, uh-huh.

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People living in large urban areas(and liberal states) tend to make higher wages for the same work but have a lower standard of living which explains why they tend to vote Democrat. They see themselves are fairly poor because they can't afford much. The reality is they have been duped. They believe they must live in the large urban areas to make good money but fail to realize that due to the economy(real estate and taxes) in their area the money is not that good after all. A person that makes $100k as an engineer living in MS is much better off from a standard of living perspective than a person that makes $140k as an engineer living in NY.

The only evidence you need of that is to watch HGTV. They go to these liberal Mecca's, and a 800K home there costs about 200K here. Even more humorous is when they interview the couple before house hunting and they state what they do for a living. The guy is an assistant bank manager and she grooms dogs for a living. I's just unbelievable.
So what's wrong with earning more to live in a big city? My family and I do it because there are far more activities than living in a small rural community. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Nothing wrong with living in a big city. My point was that you can't have as nice of a home or live in as nice of an area without making considerably more money. Most people do not make enough more to have the same standard of living as those of us who live in more suburban or rural areas. What is considered a pretty nice home in the NE is considered very, very average at best where I live. My home would cost more nearly 3 times as much in NY and the surrounding area is MUCH more upscale and new where I currently live. I have a relative that lives in Manhatten on 5th Ave. overlooking Central Park. We visit frequently. His apartment would cost an absolute fortune, but condos in his building are not nearly as nice as my home but cost a min. of 4 million. To each is own, I am just saying I can see why many well employed folks who live in these areas are under the assumption that everyone lives like they do, which is not particularly well considering their income. Those making average salaries live in dumps. They also see a lot of poverty due to the costs.
It's not legal for candidates to hire foreign nationals to gather dirt on rival candidates.
But it is when you have a TREATY SIGNED BY BLOW JOB HISSELF FOR EXACTLY THAT!!!....PAWNED AGAIN....ROTFLMFAO....YOU keep getting dumber....a symptom of TDS, UNDOUBTEDLY!!!!

DOH! Did You Know There's a Treaty Between the USA & Ukraine Regarding Cooperation ...
5 days ago · My goodness. It was passed when Joe Biden was a member of the U.S. Senate and then signed by then-President Bill Clinton
Dumbfuck, treaties don't allow candidates to break the law.
No quid pro quo and it was a conversation between 2 heads of State, not between a "candidate" and a foreign operative. I'm sure, if you read transcripts of President obama's conversations with foreign leaders while he was POTUS (and probably before and after) you would find similar favors asked and in the case of Joe Biden's conversations, quid pro quo was demanded.This is much ado about nothing and the world feel slightly embarrassed for the Democrat Party. This shit proves Democrats are irrational and incapable of competent leadership.
Quid pro quo is not a required element of the law in question. And despite being a "conversation between two heads of state," trump is still a candidate campaigning for an upcoming election and it's still illegal to solicit aid for his campaign from a foreign national.
Let me see if I have this straight... The PRESIDENT of the United States asked for cooperation from a foreign head of state about a possible conflict of interest involving a former Vice President and current candidate who essentially blackmailed The former head of this foreign state to quash an investigation involving a company run by a corrupt Minister of Ecology and Conservation with strong ties to the former Vice President's son, and this indicates to you corruption on the part of the current President. Do I have that right?

You sir, are insane. I'm at a loss to explain how incredible silly this whole investigation has been.
First, we waste a couple years investigating the President because of false allegations contained in a dossier compiled by a foreign agent and paid for by the Clinton campaign. The crux of the accusations was a connection between the Trump campaign and foreign agents with the only evidence came from papers paid for by the Clinton campaign and provided by foreign agents.
MY GOD, man!
YOU sir are insane. First of all, I don't believe any of that shit about the Bidens . But even if true, that does not change the fact that T -rump violated federal election laws and admitted it on live T.V
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Responsible, patriotic citizens have throughout history tended to defend their form of government against both foreign and domestic enemies.
The Democrats have openly chosen to become the domestic enemy of note. If we have a dust-up, it will be on them.

There won't be any "dust up".....pipe dreams.

Americans have proven beyond any doubt that their choice is passive acceptance. No will to resist.

Same as what happened in the UK and Venezuela. It's happening here "A people in denial" is the name of the story.

Time may tell. Anger can accomplish many unexpected things.

You snowflakes are perpetually angry. When do you fucks ever take a day off from it? It'll kill ya, you know.
Responsible, patriotic citizens have throughout history tended to defend their form of government against both foreign and domestic enemies.
The Democrats have openly chosen to become the domestic enemy of note. If we have a dust-up, it will be on them.

There won't be any "dust up".....pipe dreams.

Americans have proven beyond any doubt that their choice is passive acceptance. No will to resist.

Same as what happened in the UK and Venezuela. It's happening here "A people in denial" is the name of the story.

Time may tell. Anger can accomplish many unexpected things.

You snowflakes are perpetually angry. When do you fucks ever take a day off from it? It'll kill ya, you know.

Me? I'm as happy as the proverbial clam. Democrats are the new zoo monkeys, throwing poop behind the glass.

Their silliness is tres-amusing sometimes.

Eat the babies! :auiqs.jpg:
But it is when you have a TREATY SIGNED BY BLOW JOB HISSELF FOR EXACTLY THAT!!!....PAWNED AGAIN....ROTFLMFAO....YOU keep getting dumber....a symptom of TDS, UNDOUBTEDLY!!!!

DOH! Did You Know There's a Treaty Between the USA & Ukraine Regarding Cooperation ...
5 days ago · My goodness. It was passed when Joe Biden was a member of the U.S. Senate and then signed by then-President Bill Clinton
Dumbfuck, treaties don't allow candidates to break the law.
No quid pro quo and it was a conversation between 2 heads of State, not between a "candidate" and a foreign operative. I'm sure, if you read transcripts of President obama's conversations with foreign leaders while he was POTUS (and probably before and after) you would find similar favors asked and in the case of Joe Biden's conversations, quid pro quo was demanded.This is much ado about nothing and the world feel slightly embarrassed for the Democrat Party. This shit proves Democrats are irrational and incapable of competent leadership.
Quid pro quo is not a required element of the law in question. And despite being a "conversation between two heads of state," trump is still a candidate campaigning for an upcoming election and it's still illegal to solicit aid for his campaign from a foreign national.
Let me see if I have this straight... The PRESIDENT of the United States asked for cooperation from a foreign head of state about a possible conflict of interest involving a former Vice President and current candidate who essentially blackmailed The former head of this foreign state to quash an investigation involving a company run by a corrupt Minister of Ecology and Conservation with strong ties to the former Vice President's son, and this indicates to you corruption on the part of the current President. Do I have that right?

You sir, are insane. I'm at a loss to explain how incredible silly this whole investigation has been.
First, we waste a couple years investigating the President because of false allegations contained in a dossier compiled by a foreign agent and paid for by the Clinton campaign. The crux of the accusations was a connection between the Trump campaign and foreign agents with the only evidence came from papers paid for by the Clinton campaign and provided by foreign agents.
MY GOD, man!
YOU sir are insane. First of all, I don't believe any of that shit about the Bidens . But even if true, that does not change the fact that T -rump violated federal election laws and admitted it on live T.V
Election law is a fine such as the oboma campaign got
Obama 2008 campaign fined $375,000 - POLITICO
Jan 4, 2013 · President Barack Obama's 2008 campaign was fined $375,000 by the ... “$375,000 is a huge fine,” said Republican election lawyer Jason


Deroy Murdock: Joe Biden's actions on Ukraine reek of extortion and obstruction of justice

Sep 25, 2019 · The roaring controversy over President Trump, former Vice President Joe Biden, and their respective actions toward Ukraine sorely
Dumbfuck, treaties don't allow candidates to break the law.
No quid pro quo and it was a conversation between 2 heads of State, not between a "candidate" and a foreign operative. I'm sure, if you read transcripts of President obama's conversations with foreign leaders while he was POTUS (and probably before and after) you would find similar favors asked and in the case of Joe Biden's conversations, quid pro quo was demanded.This is much ado about nothing and the world feel slightly embarrassed for the Democrat Party. This shit proves Democrats are irrational and incapable of competent leadership.
Quid pro quo is not a required element of the law in question. And despite being a "conversation between two heads of state," trump is still a candidate campaigning for an upcoming election and it's still illegal to solicit aid for his campaign from a foreign national.
Let me see if I have this straight... The PRESIDENT of the United States asked for cooperation from a foreign head of state about a possible conflict of interest involving a former Vice President and current candidate who essentially blackmailed The former head of this foreign state to quash an investigation involving a company run by a corrupt Minister of Ecology and Conservation with strong ties to the former Vice President's son, and this indicates to you corruption on the part of the current President. Do I have that right?

You sir, are insane. I'm at a loss to explain how incredible silly this whole investigation has been.
First, we waste a couple years investigating the President because of false allegations contained in a dossier compiled by a foreign agent and paid for by the Clinton campaign. The crux of the accusations was a connection between the Trump campaign and foreign agents with the only evidence came from papers paid for by the Clinton campaign and provided by foreign agents.
MY GOD, man!
YOU sir are insane. First of all, I don't believe any of that shit about the Bidens . But even if true, that does not change the fact that T -rump violated federal election laws and admitted it on live T.V
Election law is a fine such as the oboma campaign got
Obama 2008 campaign fined $375,000 - POLITICO
Jan 4, 2013 · President Barack Obama's 2008 campaign was fined $375,000 by the ... “$375,000 is a huge fine,” said Republican election lawyer Jason


Deroy Murdock: Joe Biden's actions on Ukraine reek of extortion and obstruction of justice

Sep 25, 2019 · The roaring controversy over President Trump, former Vice President Joe Biden, and their respective actions toward Ukraine sorely
Obama did not seek the help of a foreign power and did nothing to compromise the integrity of out elections. It was a reporting issue.

As for Biden, your source is highly biased. Murdock is associated with the National Review

National Review - Media Bias/Fact Check

These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.

  • Overall, we rate the National Review Right Biased based on story selection that always favors the right and Mostly Factual in reporting due to a few misleading claims and occasional use of poor sources.
But it is when you have a TREATY SIGNED BY BLOW JOB HISSELF FOR EXACTLY THAT!!!....PAWNED AGAIN....ROTFLMFAO....YOU keep getting dumber....a symptom of TDS, UNDOUBTEDLY!!!!

DOH! Did You Know There's a Treaty Between the USA & Ukraine Regarding Cooperation ...
5 days ago · My goodness. It was passed when Joe Biden was a member of the U.S. Senate and then signed by then-President Bill Clinton
Dumbfuck, treaties don't allow candidates to break the law.
No quid pro quo and it was a conversation between 2 heads of State, not between a "candidate" and a foreign operative. I'm sure, if you read transcripts of President obama's conversations with foreign leaders while he was POTUS (and probably before and after) you would find similar favors asked and in the case of Joe Biden's conversations, quid pro quo was demanded.This is much ado about nothing and the world feel slightly embarrassed for the Democrat Party. This shit proves Democrats are irrational and incapable of competent leadership.
Quid pro quo is not a required element of the law in question. And despite being a "conversation between two heads of state," trump is still a candidate campaigning for an upcoming election and it's still illegal to solicit aid for his campaign from a foreign national.
Let me see if I have this straight... The PRESIDENT of the United States asked for cooperation from a foreign head of state about a possible conflict of interest involving a former Vice President and current candidate who essentially blackmailed The former head of this foreign state to quash an investigation involving a company run by a corrupt Minister of Ecology and Conservation with strong ties to the former Vice President's son, and this indicates to you corruption on the part of the current President. Do I have that right?

You sir, are insane. I'm at a loss to explain how incredible silly this whole investigation has been.
First, we waste a couple years investigating the President because of false allegations contained in a dossier compiled by a foreign agent and paid for by the Clinton campaign. The crux of the accusations was a connection between the Trump campaign and foreign agents with the only evidence came from papers paid for by the Clinton campaign and provided by foreign agents.
MY GOD, man!
YOU sir are insane. First of all, I don't believe any of that shit about the Bidens . But even if true, that does not change the fact that T -rump violated federal election laws and admitted it on live T.V

What federal election laws were that?
You are very confused. "His" refers to Barney Frank, the Congressman. You need to read the article from the link. The stimulus, if you will, of the 2008 crash was a push by the Clinton administration to allow lower income folks to buy houses via the Community Reinvestment Act, which had been around for quite some time. Clinton pushed his HUD secretary to ramp up the social welfare program by providing incentives(higher credit ratings) and quotas to banks who complied with his more stringent requitements. Barney Frank had started this deregulation as far back as 1992, but as late as 2003 Barney said: "I want to roll the dice a little bit more in this situation toward subsidized housing." In short, the Democrats bleeding heart superseeded their brains and ultimately led to the finacial crisis. Some Republicans went along for the economic boom and the banks certainly took advantage, but we all know how the ball got started.

Except the CRA had nothing to do with it.

The economy didn't crash because a very few poor people qualified for loans.

It crashed because middle class people were buying McMansions they couldn't afford, hoping to flip them a couple years later. Banks NOT participating in CRA approved these questionable loans because they figured even if the borrowers defaulted, they'd have put a bunch of money into these buildings and they'd be able to resell them at a profit.

They sold these bad mortgages as "investments". Then the whole thing fell apart, because Dubya Bush's SEC was too busy watching porn on their computers.

The SEC Employees Watching Porn At Work Were Making Over $200,000/Year

Actually it crashed because the feds made banks lower standards for loans. The banks didn't care. They were going to sell them off anyway.

The whole thing started years before GW when Clinton wanted more minority home ownership. Because many minorities didn't qualify, they simply lowered the qualifications so minorities could get loans. The lowered them so much that everybody was jumping on the bandwagon because you can't lower the standards for just one group of people. You have to lower them for everybody.

People were getting homes with bad credit and no money down. So everybody that could't get a house prior to that began buying them. Because many were irresponsible people in the first place, they never bothered to study the subject. All they knew is if they signed a bunch of forms, it would get them out of their apartment or parents house and into their dream home.

As for the people that could afford the mortgage, because they had bad credit, they were put on Adjustable Rate Mortgages, or ARM's, So while they were able to barely make payments on their new house, they didn't even consider that because interest rates were 2%, it would only go up from there, and then the payments would no longer be affordable.

The bottom line is that if government stayed the hell out of the banking business, the housing bubble and crash would have never happened. Banks have standards for a reason. And yes, with those standards, it means many minorities could not get a house, but too bad, it would have been a lot better than what happened in the end.
I am not walking anyting back, I simply got my bills mixed up. At any rate, you just aren't too smart. This article is about as idotic as the entire Democratic Party.

Even if we are to believe the liberal dribble about Republicans being greedy Wall Street folks, then in this case, it is the Republicans that were greedy but very smart and the Democrats that were sympathetic but very stupid. If that is the way you want to portray it then so be it. Republicans smart/greedy...Democrats dumb/generous.

Naw, guy. You clearly didn't understand the article. It flat out said the CRA had nothing to do with the crash of 2008. CRA loans are regulated. If you do business in the poor neighborhoods, you have to make loans in those neighborhoods. That's all the CRA required. It didn't require anyone to make an unsecured loan.

The problem was that these banks that weren't doing business in these neighborhoods were doing business in neighborhoods like mine (A Chicago suburb where McMansions were selling upwards of a million dollars.) Property values kept going up.. they kept building McMansions on any vacant lot they could find, and then the bottom fell out.

No, it was Clinton's HUD secretary who changed the rules for the regulators of the CRA. LIke I said above, Democrats were either stupid, greedy or a little of both.

CRA didn't cause the crash... Bankers selling mortgages as investments did .
They operate at a profit because they aren't providing services to everyone. The post office is providing A PUBLIC SERVICE.

And the only reason why it's "going broke" is the GOP shitheads required it to fund it's own pensions for the next 25 years. They are easily paying for operations, thanks to an infusion of money delivering Amazon.

So what's wrong with pensions being funded if that's what their contract provides? If something happened to the PO and they needed to be bailed out, guess who's going to have to do that!

If I have a problem with a UPS or FedEx delivery, they handle it in a professional way. They consider me the customer. Try that with your PO. We had a spell of several months here of our mail being put into different mailboxes, and sometimes not getting mail at all or late. When I complained to the post office, they basically said they could care less.

U.S. Ground Maps: UPS - United States

One more time- We spend more per capita than any other nation, and we get the worst results, with 43 million people with no coverage and 25 million with inadeqate coverage before ACA kicked in. We have the lowest life expectency and the highest infant mortality rate in the industrialized world. 62% of bankruptcies are linked to medical crisis. The last thing I worry about is what the Poor Medical-Industrial Complex will do.

Most of those bankruptcies are not related to medical costs. If a person has a serious injury or surgery and is out of work for several months, the medical bills are not what caused them to go into bankruptcy. It's the car loan(s), the mortgage, credit card bills and so on.

We live in a lawsuit nation, and that's not going to change as long as our representatives are mostly lawyers and the Democrat party getting huge donations at election time from trial lawyers. Add to that the cost of these liberal colleges that doctors have to pay for, of course our medical costs are the largest in the world. However on the other hand, we also have the best medicine and technology in the world as well for serious medical cases.

Again, if rich people got the same care as poor folks did, we'd get better health care. Just remember, just because some rich Arab can fly in here and get medical treatment you can't get because you don't even have insurance, is not anything to be proud of.

I take care of my own medical bills thank you. Why should somebody with money get the same care as somebody that doesn't? This is the problem with Socialized medicine. You get whoever the government gives you and like it. With private pay and insurance, you get who YOU want, not what the government wants.

Actually, I kind of do.

Why should your ability to pay determine the level of health care you get?

For the same reason your ability to buy a home or car are in proportion to what you can afford.

Nope. Exhoribitant taxes on the rich, bring back estate taxes... that's how we should pay for it.

But the reality- We spend 17% of GDP on health care while the rest of the world is spending 8-11%. We are ALREADY spending that kind of money, we just aren't spending it smartly.

I was expecting such an answer. Give us medical care and send the bill to somebody else. But give us medical care and we all pay for it? Not in the Democrat model. You can't buy votes that way.
Dumbfuck, treaties don't allow candidates to break the law.
No quid pro quo and it was a conversation between 2 heads of State, not between a "candidate" and a foreign operative. I'm sure, if you read transcripts of President obama's conversations with foreign leaders while he was POTUS (and probably before and after) you would find similar favors asked and in the case of Joe Biden's conversations, quid pro quo was demanded.This is much ado about nothing and the world feel slightly embarrassed for the Democrat Party. This shit proves Democrats are irrational and incapable of competent leadership.
Quid pro quo is not a required element of the law in question. And despite being a "conversation between two heads of state," trump is still a candidate campaigning for an upcoming election and it's still illegal to solicit aid for his campaign from a foreign national.
Let me see if I have this straight... The PRESIDENT of the United States asked for cooperation from a foreign head of state about a possible conflict of interest involving a former Vice President and current candidate who essentially blackmailed The former head of this foreign state to quash an investigation involving a company run by a corrupt Minister of Ecology and Conservation with strong ties to the former Vice President's son, and this indicates to you corruption on the part of the current President. Do I have that right?

You sir, are insane. I'm at a loss to explain how incredible silly this whole investigation has been.
First, we waste a couple years investigating the President because of false allegations contained in a dossier compiled by a foreign agent and paid for by the Clinton campaign. The crux of the accusations was a connection between the Trump campaign and foreign agents with the only evidence came from papers paid for by the Clinton campaign and provided by foreign agents.
MY GOD, man!
YOU sir are insane. First of all, I don't believe any of that shit about the Bidens . But even if true, that does not change the fact that T -rump violated federal election laws and admitted it on live T.V

What federal election laws were that?
52 U.S. Code § 30121 - Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

Did Trump’s Ukraine Call Violate Campaign Finance Law? Not By A Long Shot

Opinion | It seems increasingly likely that Trump violated federal election laws

Did Trump just inadvertently admit to violating federal law?

Any more questions Slick?
No quid pro quo and it was a conversation between 2 heads of State, not between a "candidate" and a foreign operative. I'm sure, if you read transcripts of President obama's conversations with foreign leaders while he was POTUS (and probably before and after) you would find similar favors asked and in the case of Joe Biden's conversations, quid pro quo was demanded.This is much ado about nothing and the world feel slightly embarrassed for the Democrat Party. This shit proves Democrats are irrational and incapable of competent leadership.
Quid pro quo is not a required element of the law in question. And despite being a "conversation between two heads of state," trump is still a candidate campaigning for an upcoming election and it's still illegal to solicit aid for his campaign from a foreign national.
Let me see if I have this straight... The PRESIDENT of the United States asked for cooperation from a foreign head of state about a possible conflict of interest involving a former Vice President and current candidate who essentially blackmailed The former head of this foreign state to quash an investigation involving a company run by a corrupt Minister of Ecology and Conservation with strong ties to the former Vice President's son, and this indicates to you corruption on the part of the current President. Do I have that right?

You sir, are insane. I'm at a loss to explain how incredible silly this whole investigation has been.
First, we waste a couple years investigating the President because of false allegations contained in a dossier compiled by a foreign agent and paid for by the Clinton campaign. The crux of the accusations was a connection between the Trump campaign and foreign agents with the only evidence came from papers paid for by the Clinton campaign and provided by foreign agents.
MY GOD, man!
YOU sir are insane. First of all, I don't believe any of that shit about the Bidens . But even if true, that does not change the fact that T -rump violated federal election laws and admitted it on live T.V

What federal election laws were that?
52 U.S. Code § 30121 - Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

Did Trump’s Ukraine Call Violate Campaign Finance Law? Not By A Long Shot

Opinion | It seems increasingly likely that Trump violated federal election laws

Did Trump just inadvertently admit to violating federal law?

Any more questions Slick?

READ the statute dumbass....MONEY

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