Democrats Move Towards Violent Confrontation

I love the Orwellian nature of the topic headline. This is actually a thread about Republicans threatening violence if Trump is impeached. But, they're Trumpsters, so they're basically required to be dishonest about it.
It's about patriotic Americans standing up for their rights.
No quid pro quo and it was a conversation between 2 heads of State, not between a "candidate" and a foreign operative. I'm sure, if you read transcripts of President obama's conversations with foreign leaders while he was POTUS (and probably before and after) you would find similar favors asked and in the case of Joe Biden's conversations, quid pro quo was demanded.This is much ado about nothing and the world feel slightly embarrassed for the Democrat Party. This shit proves Democrats are irrational and incapable of competent leadership.
Quid pro quo is not a required element of the law in question. And despite being a "conversation between two heads of state," trump is still a candidate campaigning for an upcoming election and it's still illegal to solicit aid for his campaign from a foreign national.
Let me see if I have this straight... The PRESIDENT of the United States asked for cooperation from a foreign head of state about a possible conflict of interest involving a former Vice President and current candidate who essentially blackmailed The former head of this foreign state to quash an investigation involving a company run by a corrupt Minister of Ecology and Conservation with strong ties to the former Vice President's son, and this indicates to you corruption on the part of the current President. Do I have that right?

You sir, are insane. I'm at a loss to explain how incredible silly this whole investigation has been.
First, we waste a couple years investigating the President because of false allegations contained in a dossier compiled by a foreign agent and paid for by the Clinton campaign. The crux of the accusations was a connection between the Trump campaign and foreign agents with the only evidence came from papers paid for by the Clinton campaign and provided by foreign agents.
MY GOD, man!
YOU sir are insane. First of all, I don't believe any of that shit about the Bidens . But even if true, that does not change the fact that T -rump violated federal election laws and admitted it on live T.V

What federal election laws were that?
52 U.S. Code § 30121 - Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

Did Trump’s Ukraine Call Violate Campaign Finance Law? Not By A Long Shot

Opinion | It seems increasingly likely that Trump violated federal election laws

Did Trump just inadvertently admit to violating federal law?

Any more questions Slick?

You don't want violence, you'll lose
52 U.S. Code § 30121 - Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

All that says is what the laws are, not that Trump broke any of them. Nice try though. I'm sure you didn't expect me to read your links.

Did Trump’s Ukraine Call Violate Campaign Finance Law? Not By A Long Shot

The title says it all. Trump didn't violate any campaign laws.

Opinion | It seems increasingly likely that Trump violated federal election laws

An opinion piece. This was looked at repeatedly at the time. Trump reimbursed his lawyer for fees paid by him for the campaign. He didn't know what the money was used for.

id Trump just inadvertently admit to violating federal law?

Same as the link above.
Quid pro quo is not a required element of the law in question. And despite being a "conversation between two heads of state," trump is still a candidate campaigning for an upcoming election and it's still illegal to solicit aid for his campaign from a foreign national.
Let me see if I have this straight... The PRESIDENT of the United States asked for cooperation from a foreign head of state about a possible conflict of interest involving a former Vice President and current candidate who essentially blackmailed The former head of this foreign state to quash an investigation involving a company run by a corrupt Minister of Ecology and Conservation with strong ties to the former Vice President's son, and this indicates to you corruption on the part of the current President. Do I have that right?

You sir, are insane. I'm at a loss to explain how incredible silly this whole investigation has been.
First, we waste a couple years investigating the President because of false allegations contained in a dossier compiled by a foreign agent and paid for by the Clinton campaign. The crux of the accusations was a connection between the Trump campaign and foreign agents with the only evidence came from papers paid for by the Clinton campaign and provided by foreign agents.
MY GOD, man!
YOU sir are insane. First of all, I don't believe any of that shit about the Bidens . But even if true, that does not change the fact that T -rump violated federal election laws and admitted it on live T.V

What federal election laws were that?
52 U.S. Code § 30121 - Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

Did Trump’s Ukraine Call Violate Campaign Finance Law? Not By A Long Shot

Opinion | It seems increasingly likely that Trump violated federal election laws

Did Trump just inadvertently admit to violating federal law?

Any more questions Slick?

You don't want violence, you'll lose
What the fuck does that mean.? No I don't want violence , unlike those who are suggesting that pro trump bikers invade DC if he is impeached, Who do you think will lose then?
Quid pro quo is not a required element of the law in question. And despite being a "conversation between two heads of state," trump is still a candidate campaigning for an upcoming election and it's still illegal to solicit aid for his campaign from a foreign national.
Let me see if I have this straight... The PRESIDENT of the United States asked for cooperation from a foreign head of state about a possible conflict of interest involving a former Vice President and current candidate who essentially blackmailed The former head of this foreign state to quash an investigation involving a company run by a corrupt Minister of Ecology and Conservation with strong ties to the former Vice President's son, and this indicates to you corruption on the part of the current President. Do I have that right?

You sir, are insane. I'm at a loss to explain how incredible silly this whole investigation has been.
First, we waste a couple years investigating the President because of false allegations contained in a dossier compiled by a foreign agent and paid for by the Clinton campaign. The crux of the accusations was a connection between the Trump campaign and foreign agents with the only evidence came from papers paid for by the Clinton campaign and provided by foreign agents.
MY GOD, man!
YOU sir are insane. First of all, I don't believe any of that shit about the Bidens . But even if true, that does not change the fact that T -rump violated federal election laws and admitted it on live T.V

What federal election laws were that?
52 U.S. Code § 30121 - Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

Did Trump’s Ukraine Call Violate Campaign Finance Law? Not By A Long Shot

Opinion | It seems increasingly likely that Trump violated federal election laws

Did Trump just inadvertently admit to violating federal law?

Any more questions Slick?

READ the statute dumbass....MONEY
Dumb ass!! It says something of value. Dirt on an opponent is ….what Dumbass??

Your ignorance aside, I actually quoted trump asking a foreign leader to investigate a political rival of his.

So how is that illegal? Biden gets no special status for being a political rival. That is not mentioned in the Constitution anywhere.
Of he doesn't get special status from the U.S.. It's only people campaigning for office who can't seek aid in taking him down from a foreign national.

According to your moronic nonsense, it should be completely legal and acceptable for a sitting president running for re-election to use their office to eliminate their competition in an upcoming election. Even worse, seeking foreign nationals to do that job for them.

That shows how stupid you are. How gullible you are. How criminal you are. And how un-American you are.

It is perfectly legal to hire foreign nationals to do research that reveals dirt on opponents.
It is only illegal to get dirt for free that is not revealing criminal behavior that a president has the legal duty to investigate.
So it seems unlikely there is anything illegal about Trump investigating whether or not Hunter Biden committed a crime.

Spin, spin, spin.

It IS illegal to use the power of the US Presidency to bully a weak and desperate foreign power into manufacturing dirt on your political opponents, by withholding military aid bought and paid for by the American people. That's called "extortion", and "abuse of power".

Incidentally, the Russian media are now parroting the White Line on the impeachment. Just as Trump has adopted many of Putin's "alternative histories" of recent Russian actions - like saying the Russian invasion of Afghanistan was necessary because Muslim terrorists from Afghanistan were attacking Russia. That's not true.

Trump's actions throughout his presidency is to give obsequious deference to all things eminating from Putin's mouth. He adopted Putin's lie that the joint US/South Korean military exercises which he cancelled were "provocative", which is a line Putin had been pushing for years.

Your orange clown is done. He's caught and there's no way he can lie, deflect or bully his way out of this one. Not only is Trump caught, but Guliani, Pompeo, Volker, and Pence are all implicated in both the crime, and the cover up. Trump is calling for civil war, and the rest of the Republican leaders are silent in his defense. In fact, saying "but Biden", "but Obama" isn't working for them. Also, they've ramped up a State Department investigation of Hillary's emails, because no other government department will continue to investigate this matter.

These are the death throes of a criminal presidency. As Trump unravels, decent Americans will be more and more horrified by the poison and threats spewing from Trump's Twitter account.
There were no crimes or misdemeanors shown against Trump, and disputing what he actually said by adding your own spin and calling conservatives on it is called "projection."

The truth of the phony impeachment should be based on the truth. Democrats have the wrong guy under their gun sights. Here's the real heel bragging about how powerful he is (and profitting from it to the tune of over a billion dollars taken from the American taxpayer's pocket):

Extortion, abuse of power, and asking a foreign country to interfere in an American election. Then there's the cover-up, aka as "conspiracy" in legal terms. This extends to Barr, Pompeo and Guiliani, as well as those named in Special Envoy's testimony and texts yesterday.

Please don't forget, Trump confessed to doing this on national television so there's no way to walk that back. Going out yesterday and asking the Chinese to investigated Biden was just assinine on Trump's part. He's trying to pretend he's done nothing wrong by doing it over and over again. It was illegal when he asked the "Russia, if you're listening" to find Hillary's emails. He covered up that by saying it was a "joke".

Now he's trying to cover up the illegality of what he said in that phone call, by saying that he's only interested in ending corruption, nothing political, at all.

Except he has specifically avoided mentioning corruption in Russia, Turkey, North Korea or China. He said the problems in Hong Kong were none of his concern. Why is Hunter Biden meeting with a banker, different than Ivanka Trump accepting "gifts" from the Chinese government? Why is it different than the Trump Corporation accepting a $500 million "loan" from the Chinese government for the Trump Indonesia Resort around the same time as Ivanka accepted the "gift" of ten personal trade marks in China? The only "corruption" Trump seems interestiing in investigating is that originating in conspiracy theory forums on the internet.

Why isn't Trump investigating the corruption of Deutches Banke? Or the Russian Oligarchs?

Bill Bowder testified as to the corruption in the Russian government that lead to the Magnitsky Act, and Trump spent the entire week Browder testified to Congress hiring Anthony Scarramucci, firing Lance Priebus and Sean Spicer, and when Browder finished testifying, firing Scarramucci. The press and the American public miss a week of astonishing revellations. It was the ultimate "LOOK - A SQUIRREL".

Trump cares as much about corruption as he does migrant children.
Extortion, abuse of power, and asking a foreign country to interfere in an American election. Then there's the cover-up, aka as "conspiracy" in legal terms. This extends to Barr, Pompeo and Guiliani, as well as those named in Special Envoy's testimony and texts yesterday.
It's another nothing burger.
All that says is what the laws are, not that Trump broke any of them.

I hope Trump gets a better lawyer than you!. Though, you would clearly be a step up from Cohen and Giuliana.

Trump doesn't need a lawyer. A ten year old can read that transcript and tell you what it actually says.

Shit or get off the pot. If Piglosi wants to impeach Trump, start Monday morning. Otherwise it's typical leftist political show.
So how is that illegal? Biden gets no special status for being a political rival. That is not mentioned in the Constitution anywhere.
Of he doesn't get special status from the U.S.. It's only people campaigning for office who can't seek aid in taking him down from a foreign national.

According to your moronic nonsense, it should be completely legal and acceptable for a sitting president running for re-election to use their office to eliminate their competition in an upcoming election. Even worse, seeking foreign nationals to do that job for them.

That shows how stupid you are. How gullible you are. How criminal you are. And how un-American you are.

It is perfectly legal to hire foreign nationals to do research that reveals dirt on opponents.
It is only illegal to get dirt for free that is not revealing criminal behavior that a president has the legal duty to investigate.
So it seems unlikely there is anything illegal about Trump investigating whether or not Hunter Biden committed a crime.

Spin, spin, spin.

It IS illegal to use the power of the US Presidency to bully a weak and desperate foreign power into manufacturing dirt on your political opponents, by withholding military aid bought and paid for by the American people. That's called "extortion", and "abuse of power".

Incidentally, the Russian media are now parroting the White Line on the impeachment. Just as Trump has adopted many of Putin's "alternative histories" of recent Russian actions - like saying the Russian invasion of Afghanistan was necessary because Muslim terrorists from Afghanistan were attacking Russia. That's not true.

Trump's actions throughout his presidency is to give obsequious deference to all things eminating from Putin's mouth. He adopted Putin's lie that the joint US/South Korean military exercises which he cancelled were "provocative", which is a line Putin had been pushing for years.

Your orange clown is done. He's caught and there's no way he can lie, deflect or bully his way out of this one. Not only is Trump caught, but Guliani, Pompeo, Volker, and Pence are all implicated in both the crime, and the cover up. Trump is calling for civil war, and the rest of the Republican leaders are silent in his defense. In fact, saying "but Biden", "but Obama" isn't working for them. Also, they've ramped up a State Department investigation of Hillary's emails, because no other government department will continue to investigate this matter.

These are the death throes of a criminal presidency. As Trump unravels, decent Americans will be more and more horrified by the poison and threats spewing from Trump's Twitter account.
There were no crimes or misdemeanors shown against Trump, and disputing what he actually said by adding your own spin and calling conservatives on it is called "projection."

The truth of the phony impeachment should be based on the truth. Democrats have the wrong guy under their gun sights. Here's the real heel bragging about how powerful he is (and profitting from it to the tune of over a billion dollars taken from the American taxpayer's pocket):

(A) Please don't forget, Trump confessed to doing this on national television so there's no way to walk that back.

(B)Now he's trying to cover up the illegality of what he said in that phone call, by saying that he's only interested in ending corruption, nothing political, at all.


(A) Biden confessed to blackmailing the Prime Minister of the Ukraine. It's on tape. When the investigation was begun by Rudy Gulianni, Joe Biden wasn't a candidate. Strong evidence of corruption and criminal behavior was found and the investigation continued. The fact that Biden declared subsequently is irrelevant,

(B) YOU HAVE A TRANSCRIPT for God's sake. Everyone knows what was said. He asked a peer for help in a CRIMINAL investigation, you fool! The whole investigation since the 2016 election has been bullshit. You started with a phony dossier bought and paid for from a foreign agent by the clinton campaign for the express purpose of influencing an election and now you are using an investigation into blackmail by a sitting Vice President to claim a sitting President is trying to influence the election of a (at the time) non candidate.

And you fail to see the irony here.
But it is when you have a TREATY SIGNED BY BLOW JOB HISSELF FOR EXACTLY THAT!!!....PAWNED AGAIN....ROTFLMFAO....YOU keep getting dumber....a symptom of TDS, UNDOUBTEDLY!!!!

DOH! Did You Know There's a Treaty Between the USA & Ukraine Regarding Cooperation ...
5 days ago · My goodness. It was passed when Joe Biden was a member of the U.S. Senate and then signed by then-President Bill Clinton
Dumbfuck, treaties don't allow candidates to break the law.
No quid pro quo and it was a conversation between 2 heads of State, not between a "candidate" and a foreign operative. I'm sure, if you read transcripts of President obama's conversations with foreign leaders while he was POTUS (and probably before and after) you would find similar favors asked and in the case of Joe Biden's conversations, quid pro quo was demanded.This is much ado about nothing and the world feel slightly embarrassed for the Democrat Party. This shit proves Democrats are irrational and incapable of competent leadership.
Quid pro quo is not a required element of the law in question. And despite being a "conversation between two heads of state," trump is still a candidate campaigning for an upcoming election and it's still illegal to solicit aid for his campaign from a foreign national.
Let me see if I have this straight... The PRESIDENT of the United States asked for cooperation from a foreign head of state about a possible conflict of interest involving a former Vice President and current candidate who essentially blackmailed The former head of this foreign state to quash an investigation involving a company run by a corrupt Minister of Ecology and Conservation with strong ties to the former Vice President's son, and this indicates to you corruption on the part of the current President. Do I have that right?

You sir, are insane. I'm at a loss to explain how incredible silly this whole investigation has been.
First, we waste a couple years investigating the President because of false allegations contained in a dossier compiled by a foreign agent and paid for by the Clinton campaign. The crux of the accusations was a connection between the Trump campaign and foreign agents with the only evidence came from papers paid for by the Clinton campaign and provided by foreign agents.
MY GOD, man!
Because it's not legal to use foreign nations to eliminate political rivals in an election. It's not my problem you neither understand that or care that our president is inviting foreign nations to interfere with our elections.
MY GOD MAN.When the investigation began, Biden was NOT A CANDIDATE. It is not illegal to ask a foreign head of state to look into allegations of BLACKMAIL by a sitting US Vice President. Do you not see how ridiculous claims or election law violations are? I see your point but asking a foreign dignitary to help with the investigation of a felony pales in comparison to the blackmail that the investigation was looking into.
let's assume the House goes ahead and goes forward with impeachment. ALL the dirt will come out. Biden will end up in jail and Trump will win in a landslide when the electorate realizes how petty all this bullshit is.
Let me see if I have this straight... The PRESIDENT of the United States asked for cooperation from a foreign head of state about a possible conflict of interest involving a former Vice President and current candidate who essentially blackmailed The former head of this foreign state to quash an investigation involving a company run by a corrupt Minister of Ecology and Conservation with strong ties to the former Vice President's son, and this indicates to you corruption on the part of the current President. Do I have that right?

You sir, are insane. I'm at a loss to explain how incredible silly this whole investigation has been.
First, we waste a couple years investigating the President because of false allegations contained in a dossier compiled by a foreign agent and paid for by the Clinton campaign. The crux of the accusations was a connection between the Trump campaign and foreign agents with the only evidence came from papers paid for by the Clinton campaign and provided by foreign agents.
MY GOD, man!
YOU sir are insane. First of all, I don't believe any of that shit about the Bidens . But even if true, that does not change the fact that T -rump violated federal election laws and admitted it on live T.V

What federal election laws were that?
52 U.S. Code § 30121 - Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

Did Trump’s Ukraine Call Violate Campaign Finance Law? Not By A Long Shot

Opinion | It seems increasingly likely that Trump violated federal election laws

Did Trump just inadvertently admit to violating federal law?

Any more questions Slick?

You don't want violence, you'll lose
What the fuck does that mean.? No I don't want violence , unlike those who are suggesting that pro trump bikers invade DC if he is impeached, Who do you think will lose then?

The men and military agrees with trump that democrats are guilty of high treason

Trump has all the power

This is so foolish by the stoopid Democrats

They now are toast !!
Let me see if I have this straight... The PRESIDENT of the United States asked for cooperation from a foreign head of state about a possible conflict of interest involving a former Vice President and current candidate who essentially blackmailed The former head of this foreign state to quash an investigation involving a company run by a corrupt Minister of Ecology and Conservation with strong ties to the former Vice President's son, and this indicates to you corruption on the part of the current President. Do I have that right?

You sir, are insane. I'm at a loss to explain how incredible silly this whole investigation has been.
First, we waste a couple years investigating the President because of false allegations contained in a dossier compiled by a foreign agent and paid for by the Clinton campaign. The crux of the accusations was a connection between the Trump campaign and foreign agents with the only evidence came from papers paid for by the Clinton campaign and provided by foreign agents.
MY GOD, man!
YOU sir are insane. First of all, I don't believe any of that shit about the Bidens . But even if true, that does not change the fact that T -rump violated federal election laws and admitted it on live T.V

What federal election laws were that?
52 U.S. Code § 30121 - Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

Did Trump’s Ukraine Call Violate Campaign Finance Law? Not By A Long Shot

Opinion | It seems increasingly likely that Trump violated federal election laws

Did Trump just inadvertently admit to violating federal law?

Any more questions Slick?

You don't want violence, you'll lose
What the fuck does that mean.? No I don't want violence , unlike those who are suggesting that pro trump bikers invade DC if he is impeached, Who do you think will lose then?

Has the men

Will win
Actually it crashed because the feds made banks lower standards for loans. The banks didn't care. They were going to sell them off anyway.

The whole thing started years before GW when Clinton wanted more minority home ownership. Because many minorities didn't qualify, they simply lowered the qualifications so minorities could get loans. The lowered them so much that everybody was jumping on the bandwagon because you can't lower the standards for just one group of people. You have to lower them for everybody.

Guy, I know this is what they told you on Hate Radio, but it just isn't true.

Make this simple for you. Where were the worst effects of the housing crash felt. It wasn't Cleveland, St. Louis, the west side of Chicago, all the places poor people live.


It was Nevada, Florida, Southern California, all the places where they were throwing up McMansions on every patch of weeds they could find.

Out where I live, they were throwing up McMansions so fast when the recession hit, we had whole rows of them that sat empty because no one could afford to buy them.

If I have a problem with a UPS or FedEx delivery, they handle it in a professional way. They consider me the customer. Try that with your PO. We had a spell of several months here of our mail being put into different mailboxes, and sometimes not getting mail at all or late. When I complained to the post office, they basically said they could care less.

Guy, has it occured to you that the reason why you get awful service wherever you go, IT'S BECAUSE YOU ARE AN ASSHOLE. Seriously, the union truck drivers don't unload you, the post office loses your stuff, your neighbors play music at all hours... and they don't realize you are a white man and you are ENTITLED, bitches.

Most of those bankruptcies are not related to medical costs. If a person has a serious injury or surgery and is out of work for several months, the medical bills are not what caused them to go into bankruptcy. It's the car loan(s), the mortgage, credit card bills and so on.

Um, no, it's the medical bills.

In fact, of those 62% who went into bankruptcy because of medical crisis, 75% of them had insurance when the crisis started.

I take care of my own medical bills thank you. Why should somebody with money get the same care as somebody that doesn't? This is the problem with Socialized medicine. You get whoever the government gives you and like it. With private pay and insurance, you get who YOU want, not what the government wants.


But he is under the illusion he has "choice". Yeah, sure.

For the same reason your ability to buy a home or car are in proportion to what you can afford.

Sorry, that's still fucked up, and not the way the rest of the world does it.

I was expecting such an answer. Give us medical care and send the bill to somebody else. But give us medical care and we all pay for it? Not in the Democrat model. You can't buy votes that way.

Sure we can.. Single Payer is going to be fantastically popular.

70% of Americans now support Medicare-for-all—here's how single-payer could affect you
(A) Biden confessed to blackmailing the Prime Minister of the Ukraine. It's on tape. When the investigation was begun by Rudy Gulianni, Joe Biden wasn't a candidate. Strong evidence of corruption and criminal behavior was found and the investigation continued. The fact that Biden declared subsequently is irrelevant,

THis is what you are going with? Rudy Guliani isn't a government official right now, how can he "begin" an investigation?

He's Trump's personal lawyer.


(B) YOU HAVE A TRANSCRIPT for God's sake. Everyone knows what was said. He asked a peer for help in a CRIMINAL investigation, you fool! The whole investigation since the 2016 election has been bullshit. You started with a phony dossier bought and paid for from a foreign agent by the clinton campaign for the express purpose of influencing an election and now you are using an investigation into blackmail by a sitting Vice President to claim a sitting President is trying to influence the election of a (at the time) non candidate.

Sweetie, the transcript shows him committing a crime, pretty much out in the open, despite his best attempts to whitewash it.
It's strange that those who are against impeachment are a smaller percentage than who are for it but yet only one side has to hit over 50%? Do you not think you're a tad biased? However currently over 50% of Americans in the latest polls are for impeachment inquiries and this is a very fluid thing.

Not really. If you ask those people what the impeachment inquiries are about, more than 80% couldn't give you an answer.
Well, admitting they dont know is better than the lies you cultists are making up.

Lies? Such as???

Conspiracy theories about the Clinton server somehow now being in the Ukraine. Or that Biden was pushing to fire the prosecutor because of his son, regardless of the fact the company was being investigated for a period of time when he wasn't with the company, or that the investigation at that time was dormant or that the EU and IMF were also calling for the prosecutor to be fired because he wasn't prosecuting corruption.

We don't know that. Only leftist media is reporting the investigation was over.

But hey, I'll give you the same question you give us about Trump's tax returns. If he's got nothing to hide, what are the Democrats so worried about?

We do know that Ray. It's a matter of history. We also know that NATO, the EU, the IMF and the Obama Administration ALL wanted that prosecutor fired, and that Biden acting as their messenger in firing him. He wasn't acting on his own or for his own reasons. All of this is known to be true because it's historically records FACTS.

You say only the leftist media is reporting the investigationw as over. Hunter Biden was NEVER under investigation in the Ukraine. Never. This is a conspiracy theory that Trump is trying to sell you. That's why none of this bullshit was EVER in the mainstream media.

You've elected Dale Smith as President. Trump is the guy who spent 6 years telling you that Barrack Obama wasn't born in Hawaii. Trump embraces the conspiracy theory of a "Deep State", and some great plan to take him down. There is no broad conspiracy. There is a great grass roots recognition that this man is an incompetent fool and a danger to the welfare and security of the nation.

This isn't an illegal insurrection. This is a Constitution process the Founders provided for the removal of a corrupt President and Trump ticks every one of their boxes on impeachable behaviour - inviting foreign governments to interfere with American elections, taking favours, loans and assistance on a personal level, from foreign governments, and abusing the power of the Presidency for personal gain.

The people who took the whistleblower's report to Congress are REPUBLICANS, appointed by Trump. The people behind the Mueller Investigation were REPUBLICANS. All have a long and storied history of service to their country. Unlike Donald Trump who has a long and storied history of greed, self-dealing, and leaving investors broken and insolvent while he skates away with millions.

You choose to believe the lying criminal you elected over the people who have spent all of their adult lives in service to their country, defending and protecting the Constitution of the United States, which they have sworn to uphold.
Let me see if I have this straight... The PRESIDENT of the United States asked for cooperation from a foreign head of state about a possible conflict of interest involving a former Vice President and current candidate who essentially blackmailed The former head of this foreign state to quash an investigation involving a company run by a corrupt Minister of Ecology and Conservation with strong ties to the former Vice President's son, and this indicates to you corruption on the part of the current President. Do I have that right?

You sir, are insane. I'm at a loss to explain how incredible silly this whole investigation has been.
First, we waste a couple years investigating the President because of false allegations contained in a dossier compiled by a foreign agent and paid for by the Clinton campaign. The crux of the accusations was a connection between the Trump campaign and foreign agents with the only evidence came from papers paid for by the Clinton campaign and provided by foreign agents.
MY GOD, man!
YOU sir are insane. First of all, I don't believe any of that shit about the Bidens . But even if true, that does not change the fact that T -rump violated federal election laws and admitted it on live T.V

What federal election laws were that?
52 U.S. Code § 30121 - Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

Did Trump’s Ukraine Call Violate Campaign Finance Law? Not By A Long Shot

Opinion | It seems increasingly likely that Trump violated federal election laws

Did Trump just inadvertently admit to violating federal law?

Any more questions Slick?

READ the statute dumbass....MONEY
Dumb ass!! It says something of value. Dirt on an opponent is ….what Dumbass??

The Context is "money". Deal with it
Not really. If you ask those people what the impeachment inquiries are about, more than 80% couldn't give you an answer.
Well, admitting they dont know is better than the lies you cultists are making up.

Lies? Such as???

Conspiracy theories about the Clinton server somehow now being in the Ukraine. Or that Biden was pushing to fire the prosecutor because of his son, regardless of the fact the company was being investigated for a period of time when he wasn't with the company, or that the investigation at that time was dormant or that the EU and IMF were also calling for the prosecutor to be fired because he wasn't prosecuting corruption.

We don't know that. Only leftist media is reporting the investigation was over.

But hey, I'll give you the same question you give us about Trump's tax returns. If he's got nothing to hide, what are the Democrats so worried about?

We do know that Ray. It's a matter of history. We also know that NATO, the EU, the IMF and the Obama Administration ALL wanted that prosecutor fired, and that Biden acting as their messenger in firing him. He wasn't acting on his own or for his own reasons. All of this is known to be true because it's historically records FACTS.

You say only the leftist media is reporting the investigationw as over. Hunter Biden was NEVER under investigation in the Ukraine. Never. This is a conspiracy theory that Trump is trying to sell you. That's why none of this bullshit was EVER in the mainstream media.

You've elected Dale Smith as President. Trump is the guy who spent 6 years telling you that Barrack Obama wasn't born in Hawaii. Trump embraces the conspiracy theory of a "Deep State", and some great plan to take him down. There is no broad conspiracy. There is a great grass roots recognition that this man is an incompetent fool and a danger to the welfare and security of the nation.

This isn't an illegal insurrection. This is a Constitution process the Founders provided for the removal of a corrupt President and Trump ticks every one of their boxes on impeachable behaviour - inviting foreign governments to interfere with American elections, taking favours, loans and assistance on a personal level, from foreign governments, and abusing the power of the Presidency for personal gain.

The people who took the whistleblower's report to Congress are REPUBLICANS, appointed by Trump. The people behind the Mueller Investigation were REPUBLICANS. All have a long and storied history of service to their country. Unlike Donald Trump who has a long and storied history of greed, self-dealing, and leaving investors broken and insolvent while he skates away with millions.

You choose to believe the lying criminal you elected over the people who have spent all of their adult lives in service to their country, defending and protecting the Constitution of the United States, which they have sworn to uphold.

The problem is you think everybody follows marching orders like you do. If you repeat a lie long enough, smart people will still never accept it as truth.

Trump never once hinted he would withhold weapons sales based on any investigation.
Trump never said anything about any election.
Trump (nor anybody) has any idea who his Democrat opponent will be.
Trump never once used the word "dirt" in that conversation.
Trump didn't commit a misdemeanor or high crime in which to be impeached.

Nobody ever said Hunter was under investigation. What's been reported is that the company he worked for was. Furthermore nobody hires a known coke head, who was in rehab numerous times, kicked out of our military for it, with no experience in the energy field, and pay him 600K a year in a country he doesn't even know the language in, nor had any past dealings with, without getting something back in return.
The problem is you think everybody follows marching orders like you do. If you repeat a lie long enough, smart people will still never accept it as truth.

Trump never once hinted he would withhold weapons sales based on any investigation.
Trump never said anything about any election.
Trump (nor anybody) has any idea who his Democrat opponent will be.
Trump never once used the word "dirt" in that conversation.
Trump didn't commit a misdemeanor or high crime in which to be impeached.


I want you to imagine for a second (and I realize that your imagination is limited) that it's 2011, and Barack Obama (yes, we know your brain froths at his very name) had called a foreign leader to look into the activities of Mitt Romney and his sons, then tried to hide he did it.

You guys went nuts because his IRS made the Teabaggers fill out forms properly.

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