Democrats Move Towards Violent Confrontation

THis is what you are going with? Rudy Guliani isn't a government official right now, how can he "begin" an investigation?

He's Trump's personal lawyer.


The fail is that Trump asked Zelensky to conduct an investigation, not Rudy. He only said Rudy would help in any way. Furthermore the State Department is who sent him to Ukraine.

Sweetie, the transcript shows him committing a crime, pretty much out in the open, despite his best attempts to whitewash it.

We keep hearing that, and yet you nor any of your comrades can point to the article or page where this crime was committed. Since CNN does your thinking for you, they are inserting words in your mind to make you think that way.
The problem is you think everybody follows marching orders like you do. If you repeat a lie long enough, smart people will still never accept it as truth.

Trump never once hinted he would withhold weapons sales based on any investigation.
Trump never said anything about any election.
Trump (nor anybody) has any idea who his Democrat opponent will be.
Trump never once used the word "dirt" in that conversation.
Trump didn't commit a misdemeanor or high crime in which to be impeached.


I want you to imagine for a second (and I realize that your imagination is limited) that it's 2011, and Barack Obama (yes, we know your brain froths at his very name) had called a foreign leader to look into the activities of Mitt Romney and his sons, then tried to hide he did it.

You guys went nuts because his IRS made the Teabaggers fill out forms properly.

Joe, Hillary and the DNC hired a company, who paid a retired foreign intelligence agent, who got his information from the Russian government, to try and knock Trump out of the election. Then they took that Russian information to a FISA court, and illegal got warrants to spy on Trump and the people who were working for him.

Oh, I'm sure DumBama knew nothing about it until he read it in the paper.
Joe, Hillary and the DNC hired a company, who paid a retired foreign intelligence agent, who got his information from the Russian government, to try and knock Trump out of the election. Then they took that Russian information to a FISA court, and illegal got warrants to spy on Trump and the people who were working for him.

Oh, I'm sure DumBama knew nothing about it until he read it in the paper.

Except not really. Did they call the head of the UK and say, "Hey, you better find this dirt on Trump for us or we are going to hold up that aid package you need."

No. No, they didn't

Guy, you really need to turn off the Hate Radio, it's damaging your brain.
The fail is that Trump asked Zelensky to conduct an investigation, not Rudy. He only said Rudy would help in any way. Furthermore the State Department is who sent him to Ukraine.

Using the government to further the ends of your campaign is illegal. I'm sorry you guys learned nothing from Watergate.

We keep hearing that, and yet you nor any of your comrades can point to the article or page where this crime was committed. Since CNN does your thinking for you, they are inserting words in your mind to make you think that way.

Well, first, I don't beleive that is a complete transcript. It doesn't flow like an actual conversation.

Second, what is there is pretty incriminating, which is why Trump and Pompeo tried to hide it to start with.

Third, it is illegal to get or solicit anything of value from a foreign government for your campaign. What saved Trump in the Mueller investigation was all his lackies fell on their swords. This time we have him, red handed doing it.
The problem is you think everybody follows marching orders like you do. If you repeat a lie long enough, smart people will still never accept it as truth.

Trump never once hinted he would withhold weapons sales based on any investigation.
Trump never said anything about any election.
Trump (nor anybody) has any idea who his Democrat opponent will be.
Trump never once used the word "dirt" in that conversation.
Trump didn't commit a misdemeanor or high crime in which to be impeached.


I want you to imagine for a second (and I realize that your imagination is limited) that it's 2011, and Barack Obama (yes, we know your brain froths at his very name) had called a foreign leader to look into the activities of Mitt Romney and his sons, then tried to hide he did it.

You guys went nuts because his IRS made the Teabaggers fill out forms properly.
Had Romney actually blackmailed the former foreign leader and hadn't as yet declared his candadicy when the investigation began, I'd be good with it. What you overlook is that a former VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.blackmailed a foreign dignitary and got his son a 600K/year job he was unqualified for. In my opinion, the level of corruption involved in one head of state asking another for information on a continuing invesigation pales in comparison to the bribery committed by a former Vice President.

Does that even matter to you? Does it matter to you that barack obama was nominated and a decision was made to award him the Nobel Peace Prize before he took office to placate the same people who were calling for the impeachment of the next President before HE took office?
Do you even notice the irony here?
Had Romney actually blackmailed the former foreign leader and hadn't as yet declared his candadicy when the investigation began, I'd be good with it. What you overlook is that a former VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.blackmailed a foreign dignitary and got his son a 600K/year job he was unqualified for.

Uh, no guy.

Hunter already had that job.
That foreign dignitary was being told by the entire west that removing that corrupt prosecutor was a condition for more aid. The EU, US and IMF all insisted he be removed because he WASN'T investigating corruption.

You guys live in your own world of alternative facts, and this is the problem with dealing with you.
Guy, I know this is what they told you on Hate Radio, but it just isn't true.

Make this simple for you. Where were the worst effects of the housing crash felt. It wasn't Cleveland, St. Louis, the west side of Chicago, all the places poor people live.


It was Nevada, Florida, Southern California, all the places where they were throwing up McMansions on every patch of weeds they could find.

Out where I live, they were throwing up McMansions so fast when the recession hit, we had whole rows of them that sat empty because no one could afford to buy them.

It created a domino effect. What do you mean those places weren't affected. What happened is when they had 0% down and no credit check, the lowlifes in the projects found it as a lowlife lottery ticket. They moved from the projects into the suburbs thus destroying them. Because along with them came their crime.

They knew they couldn't pay the mortgage, the bank knew, but that was the new criteria for a home loan. During the time, I lost two good tenants who purchased homes, both were over extended on their credit, and neither put a dollar down on their homes. One was in a very upscale suburb in the next county right on private lake.

It's less the people involved than it was the government running the banks for the banks.

Guy, has it occured to you that the reason why you get awful service wherever you go, IT'S BECAUSE YOU ARE AN ASSHOLE. Seriously, the union truck drivers don't unload you, the post office loses your stuff, your neighbors play music at all hours... and they don't realize you are a white man and you are ENTITLED, bitches.

Yes, I am entitled to get my mail another person sends, entitled to peace and quiet which is why we have laws for it, and entitled to get unloaded when I make a delivery. Damn right I'm entitled.

Like most people, I never met the mail carriers who Fd up constantly. Some of us work for a living you know, and we're at work when our mail is being delivered. But the "reason" they didn't care is because the post office is a monopoly for first class mail. It's illegal for anybody to deliver first class mail except the post office.

Um, no, it's the medical bills.

In fact, of those 62% who went into bankruptcy because of medical crisis, 75% of them had insurance when the crisis started.

No, medical bills are only part of it, but not the sole reason. Need the evidence, just let me know.


But he is under the illusion he has "choice". Yeah, sure.

Some choice. Pay an arm and a leg for insurance that is so crappy I'l likely never be able to use it. For anything half way decent, they want half of my monthly net pay.

Sorry, that's still fucked up, and not the way the rest of the world does it.

Then do as I suggested. Move to the rest of the world.

Sure we can.. Single Payer is going to be fantastically popular.

You mean like Commie Care?
Does that even matter to you? Does it matter to you that barack obama was nominated and a decision was made to award him the Nobel Peace Prize before he took office to placate the same people who were calling for the impeachment of the next President before HE took office?
Do you even notice the irony here?

Personally, I don't think Obama merited the Nobel Peace Prize, but I'd say that of most of the other people who've won it.

While "Not being warmonger Bush" was an improvement, it didn't merit the peace prize.

Trump should be impeached because he is unfit for office and the people loudly and clearly said "No".
Using the government to further the ends of your campaign is illegal. I'm sorry you guys learned nothing from Watergate.

So show me the words "election" or "campaign" in the transcript please.

Well, first, I don't beleive that is a complete transcript. It doesn't flow like an actual conversation.

Second, what is there is pretty incriminating, which is why Trump and Pompeo tried to hide it to start with.

Third, it is illegal to get or solicit anything of value from a foreign government for your campaign. What saved Trump in the Mueller investigation was all his lackies fell on their swords. This time we have him, red handed doing it.

Oh, so now that you can't point out to any wrongdoing in that conversation, it's in the part of the transcript they didn't let you see. That makes a lot of sense.

Trump hid his conversations so that we don't have the situation that we have today, and that is foreign leaders no longer communicating with the White House in fear that the commies will pull the conversations and have them printed in the media for political purposes.

Great job Democrats. Break communications to the White House from around the world. Leave it to Democrats to destroy anything we have.
It created a domino effect. What do you mean those places weren't affected. What happened is when they had 0% down and no credit check, the lowlifes in the projects found it as a lowlife lottery ticket. They moved from the projects into the suburbs thus destroying them. Because along with them came their crime.

Guy, again, the CRA had nothing to do with the financial crash. I've spelled this out a bunch of times...

Do you have some brain damage where "blame the darkie" is always your go-to?

Yes, I am entitled to get my mail another person sends, entitled to peace and quiet which is why we have laws for it, and entitled to get unloaded when I make a delivery. Damn right I'm entitled.

Like most people, I never met the mail carriers who Fd up constantly. Some of us work for a living you know, and we're at work when our mail is being delivered. But the "reason" they didn't care is because the post office is a monopoly for first class mail. It's illegal for anybody to deliver first class mail except the post office.

Funny, I've been getting mail for the last 37 years, at four different addresses plus wherever the Army sent me, and I never had a piece of mail lost once... On the other hand, in my previous life as a buyer, I can't tell you how many times I had to chase down UPS because they misplaced something or sent it to the wrong address.

No, medical bills are only part of it, but not the sole reason. Need the evidence, just let me know.

Again, all your links are ignored, because they are bullshit.

Some choice. Pay an arm and a leg for insurance that is so crappy I'l likely never be able to use it. For anything half way decent, they want half of my monthly net pay.

Again, credibility gap... I had no problem getting a non-ACA plan for less than 300 a month.

And I am not exactly the picture of health.

Then do as I suggested. Move to the rest of the world.

Nope, we are the majority, we are going to fix this country.... watching you racists scream in agony when we do will be fun.
Guy, again, the CRA had nothing to do with the financial crash. I've spelled this out a bunch of times...

Do you have some brain damage where "blame the darkie" is always your go-to?

So where did I mention the CRA? Do you have brain damage or something?

Funny, I've been getting mail for the last 37 years, at four different addresses plus wherever the Army sent me, and I never had a piece of mail lost once... On the other hand, in my previous life as a buyer, I can't tell you how many times I had to chase down UPS because they misplaced something or sent it to the wrong address.

UPS like everybody has problems from time to time, the difference is how they handle the problems. One time I sent a CD recorder back to Panasonic for repair. It was damaged when it got there, and UPS paid the amount I bought the insurance for. No problems.

It seems that most people around here have problems with our mail carriers, but you? Never had a problem with a government entity in your life.

Again, all your links are ignored, because they are bullshit.

No, it's because showing a liberal links with evidence is like showing Dracula a cross.

Again, credibility gap... I had no problem getting a non-ACA plan for less than 300 a month.

And I am not exactly the picture of health.

Great, tell me the name of that company. And when they reply, I'll copy and paste it right here in USMB.

I think you are FOS as usual.

Nope, we are the majority, we are going to fix this country.... watching you racists scream in agony when we do will be fun.

We know. You want to turn the USA into a socialist shithole where you depend on government for everything from wiping your ass when you get off the toilet to passing the dinner roll plate to your daughter at the kitchen table. You refuse to move to one of those places already out there, because as a liberal, you think you know everything.

Well guess what? Real Americans want to keep America what it is, as close to what our founders intended before the Democrats Fd it all up for us. Because any government that's large enough to give you everything you want, is large enough to take everything you have.
Guy, again, the CRA had nothing to do with the financial crash. I've spelled this out a bunch of times...

Do you have some brain damage where "blame the darkie" is always your go-to?

So where did I mention the CRA? Do you have brain damage or something?

Funny, I've been getting mail for the last 37 years, at four different addresses plus wherever the Army sent me, and I never had a piece of mail lost once... On the other hand, in my previous life as a buyer, I can't tell you how many times I had to chase down UPS because they misplaced something or sent it to the wrong address.

UPS like everybody has problems from time to time, the difference is how they handle the problems. One time I sent a CD recorder back to Panasonic for repair. It was damaged when it got there, and UPS paid the amount I bought the insurance for. No problems.

It seems that most people around here have problems with our mail carriers, but you? Never had a problem with a government entity in your life.

Again, all your links are ignored, because they are bullshit.

No, it's because showing a liberal links with evidence is like showing Dracula a cross.

Again, credibility gap... I had no problem getting a non-ACA plan for less than 300 a month.

And I am not exactly the picture of health.

Great, tell me the name of that company. And when they reply, I'll copy and paste it right here in USMB.

I think you are FOS as usual.

Nope, we are the majority, we are going to fix this country.... watching you racists scream in agony when we do will be fun.

We know. You want to turn the USA into a socialist shithole where you depend on government for everything from wiping your ass when you get off the toilet to passing the dinner roll plate to your daughter at the kitchen table. You refuse to move to one of those places already out there, because as a liberal, you think you know everything.

Well guess what? Real Americans want to keep America what it is, as close to what our founders intended before the Democrats Fd it all up for us. Because any government that's large enough to give you everything you want, is large enough to take everything you have.

I don't have a problem with the Post Office either. The thing is, you do have a choice. You can send packages via multiple suppliers. As far as first class mail goes, UPS don't want to deal with that, there's no money in it. Hell, often times UPS will use the USPS to deliver to more rural locations for the last leg. Why? Because the USPS has to deliver the mail, UPS doesn't if it's not profitable.
Actually it crashed because the feds made banks lower standards for loans. The banks didn't care. They were going to sell them off anyway.

The whole thing started years before GW when Clinton wanted more minority home ownership. Because many minorities didn't qualify, they simply lowered the qualifications so minorities could get loans. The lowered them so much that everybody was jumping on the bandwagon because you can't lower the standards for just one group of people. You have to lower them for everybody.

Guy, I know this is what they told you on Hate Radio, but it just isn't true.

Make this simple for you. Where were the worst effects of the housing crash felt. It wasn't Cleveland, St. Louis, the west side of Chicago, all the places poor people live.


It was Nevada, Florida, Southern California, all the places where they were throwing up McMansions on every patch of weeds they could find.

Out where I live, they were throwing up McMansions so fast when the recession hit, we had whole rows of them that sat empty because no one could afford to buy them.

If I have a problem with a UPS or FedEx delivery, they handle it in a professional way. They consider me the customer. Try that with your PO. We had a spell of several months here of our mail being put into different mailboxes, and sometimes not getting mail at all or late. When I complained to the post office, they basically said they could care less.

Guy, has it occured to you that the reason why you get awful service wherever you go, IT'S BECAUSE YOU ARE AN ASSHOLE. Seriously, the union truck drivers don't unload you, the post office loses your stuff, your neighbors play music at all hours... and they don't realize you are a white man and you are ENTITLED, bitches.

Most of those bankruptcies are not related to medical costs. If a person has a serious injury or surgery and is out of work for several months, the medical bills are not what caused them to go into bankruptcy. It's the car loan(s), the mortgage, credit card bills and so on.

Um, no, it's the medical bills.

In fact, of those 62% who went into bankruptcy because of medical crisis, 75% of them had insurance when the crisis started.

I take care of my own medical bills thank you. Why should somebody with money get the same care as somebody that doesn't? This is the problem with Socialized medicine. You get whoever the government gives you and like it. With private pay and insurance, you get who YOU want, not what the government wants.


But he is under the illusion he has "choice". Yeah, sure.

For the same reason your ability to buy a home or car are in proportion to what you can afford.

Sorry, that's still fucked up, and not the way the rest of the world does it.

I was expecting such an answer. Give us medical care and send the bill to somebody else. But give us medical care and we all pay for it? Not in the Democrat model. You can't buy votes that way.

Sure we can.. Single Payer is going to be fantastically popular.

70% of Americans now support Medicare-for-all—here's how single-payer could affect you

Wake up

This started when the crooked democrat party declared mass murder of us citizen babies ok

This will doom the democrats totally
Actually it crashed because the feds made banks lower standards for loans. The banks didn't care. They were going to sell them off anyway.

The whole thing started years before GW when Clinton wanted more minority home ownership. Because many minorities didn't qualify, they simply lowered the qualifications so minorities could get loans. The lowered them so much that everybody was jumping on the bandwagon because you can't lower the standards for just one group of people. You have to lower them for everybody.

Guy, I know this is what they told you on Hate Radio, but it just isn't true.

Make this simple for you. Where were the worst effects of the housing crash felt. It wasn't Cleveland, St. Louis, the west side of Chicago, all the places poor people live.


It was Nevada, Florida, Southern California, all the places where they were throwing up McMansions on every patch of weeds they could find.

Out where I live, they were throwing up McMansions so fast when the recession hit, we had whole rows of them that sat empty because no one could afford to buy them.

If I have a problem with a UPS or FedEx delivery, they handle it in a professional way. They consider me the customer. Try that with your PO. We had a spell of several months here of our mail being put into different mailboxes, and sometimes not getting mail at all or late. When I complained to the post office, they basically said they could care less.

Guy, has it occured to you that the reason why you get awful service wherever you go, IT'S BECAUSE YOU ARE AN ASSHOLE. Seriously, the union truck drivers don't unload you, the post office loses your stuff, your neighbors play music at all hours... and they don't realize you are a white man and you are ENTITLED, bitches.

Most of those bankruptcies are not related to medical costs. If a person has a serious injury or surgery and is out of work for several months, the medical bills are not what caused them to go into bankruptcy. It's the car loan(s), the mortgage, credit card bills and so on.

Um, no, it's the medical bills.

In fact, of those 62% who went into bankruptcy because of medical crisis, 75% of them had insurance when the crisis started.

I take care of my own medical bills thank you. Why should somebody with money get the same care as somebody that doesn't? This is the problem with Socialized medicine. You get whoever the government gives you and like it. With private pay and insurance, you get who YOU want, not what the government wants.


But he is under the illusion he has "choice". Yeah, sure.

For the same reason your ability to buy a home or car are in proportion to what you can afford.

Sorry, that's still fucked up, and not the way the rest of the world does it.

I was expecting such an answer. Give us medical care and send the bill to somebody else. But give us medical care and we all pay for it? Not in the Democrat model. You can't buy votes that way.

Sure we can.. Single Payer is going to be fantastically popular.

70% of Americans now support Medicare-for-all—here's how single-payer could affect you

Wake up

This started when the crooked democrat party declared mass murder of us citizen babies ok

This will doom the democrats totally

I thought it started when you got your period.
Actually it crashed because the feds made banks lower standards for loans. The banks didn't care. They were going to sell them off anyway.

The whole thing started years before GW when Clinton wanted more minority home ownership. Because many minorities didn't qualify, they simply lowered the qualifications so minorities could get loans. The lowered them so much that everybody was jumping on the bandwagon because you can't lower the standards for just one group of people. You have to lower them for everybody.

Guy, I know this is what they told you on Hate Radio, but it just isn't true.

Make this simple for you. Where were the worst effects of the housing crash felt. It wasn't Cleveland, St. Louis, the west side of Chicago, all the places poor people live.


It was Nevada, Florida, Southern California, all the places where they were throwing up McMansions on every patch of weeds they could find.

Out where I live, they were throwing up McMansions so fast when the recession hit, we had whole rows of them that sat empty because no one could afford to buy them.

If I have a problem with a UPS or FedEx delivery, they handle it in a professional way. They consider me the customer. Try that with your PO. We had a spell of several months here of our mail being put into different mailboxes, and sometimes not getting mail at all or late. When I complained to the post office, they basically said they could care less.

Guy, has it occured to you that the reason why you get awful service wherever you go, IT'S BECAUSE YOU ARE AN ASSHOLE. Seriously, the union truck drivers don't unload you, the post office loses your stuff, your neighbors play music at all hours... and they don't realize you are a white man and you are ENTITLED, bitches.

Most of those bankruptcies are not related to medical costs. If a person has a serious injury or surgery and is out of work for several months, the medical bills are not what caused them to go into bankruptcy. It's the car loan(s), the mortgage, credit card bills and so on.

Um, no, it's the medical bills.

In fact, of those 62% who went into bankruptcy because of medical crisis, 75% of them had insurance when the crisis started.

I take care of my own medical bills thank you. Why should somebody with money get the same care as somebody that doesn't? This is the problem with Socialized medicine. You get whoever the government gives you and like it. With private pay and insurance, you get who YOU want, not what the government wants.


But he is under the illusion he has "choice". Yeah, sure.

For the same reason your ability to buy a home or car are in proportion to what you can afford.

Sorry, that's still fucked up, and not the way the rest of the world does it.

I was expecting such an answer. Give us medical care and send the bill to somebody else. But give us medical care and we all pay for it? Not in the Democrat model. You can't buy votes that way.

Sure we can.. Single Payer is going to be fantastically popular.

70% of Americans now support Medicare-for-all—here's how single-payer could affect you

Wake up

This started when the crooked democrat party declared mass murder of us citizen babies ok

This will doom the democrats totally

I thought it started when you got your period.

See you cannot debate .. all you can do is hide and commit total hypocrisy
Guy, again, the CRA had nothing to do with the financial crash. I've spelled this out a bunch of times...

Do you have some brain damage where "blame the darkie" is always your go-to?

So where did I mention the CRA? Do you have brain damage or something?

Funny, I've been getting mail for the last 37 years, at four different addresses plus wherever the Army sent me, and I never had a piece of mail lost once... On the other hand, in my previous life as a buyer, I can't tell you how many times I had to chase down UPS because they misplaced something or sent it to the wrong address.

UPS like everybody has problems from time to time, the difference is how they handle the problems. One time I sent a CD recorder back to Panasonic for repair. It was damaged when it got there, and UPS paid the amount I bought the insurance for. No problems.

It seems that most people around here have problems with our mail carriers, but you? Never had a problem with a government entity in your life.

Again, all your links are ignored, because they are bullshit.

No, it's because showing a liberal links with evidence is like showing Dracula a cross.

Again, credibility gap... I had no problem getting a non-ACA plan for less than 300 a month.

And I am not exactly the picture of health.

Great, tell me the name of that company. And when they reply, I'll copy and paste it right here in USMB.

I think you are FOS as usual.

Nope, we are the majority, we are going to fix this country.... watching you racists scream in agony when we do will be fun.

We know. You want to turn the USA into a socialist shithole where you depend on government for everything from wiping your ass when you get off the toilet to passing the dinner roll plate to your daughter at the kitchen table. You refuse to move to one of those places already out there, because as a liberal, you think you know everything.

Well guess what? Real Americans want to keep America what it is, as close to what our founders intended before the Democrats Fd it all up for us. Because any government that's large enough to give you everything you want, is large enough to take everything you have.

I don't have a problem with the Post Office either. The thing is, you do have a choice. You can send packages via multiple suppliers. As far as first class mail goes, UPS don't want to deal with that, there's no money in it. Hell, often times UPS will use the USPS to deliver to more rural locations for the last leg. Why? Because the USPS has to deliver the mail, UPS doesn't if it's not profitable.

Wrong. The post office has a monopoly on first class mail. It has nothing to do with profit and the post office is the most disorganized among them all. Yes, your packages are shipped by other companies, and many times you can request who they send it with.
So where did I mention the CRA? Do you have brain damage or something?

That's true. You don't have the brains to get that you described the Right Wing Myth of the CRA.

UPS like everybody has problems from time to time, the difference is how they handle the problems. One time I sent a CD recorder back to Panasonic for repair. It was damaged when it got there, and UPS paid the amount I bought the insurance for. No problems.

It seems that most people around here have problems with our mail carriers, but you? Never had a problem with a government entity in your life.

Honestly, no. Well, the Army, maybe... but that's because I worked for them. But I'd even call my experience with the Army a net plus.

The ironic thing is, Amazon is finding the USPS more reliable these days than UPS and FedEx.

Great, tell me the name of that company. And when they reply, I'll copy and paste it right here in USMB.

I think you are FOS as usual.

Guy, I remember when you said you couldn't find a truck driving job that paid insurance... and I went on Indeed and found six or seven postings that all paid insurance. Then you started whining about how one of them didn't have air conditioned trucks.

The company was called "Golden Rule". They had pretty nice insurance.

We know. You want to turn the USA into a socialist shithole where you depend on government for everything from wiping your ass when you get off the toilet to passing the dinner roll plate to your daughter at the kitchen table. You refuse to move to one of those places already out there, because as a liberal, you think you know everything.

Well guess what? Real Americans want to keep America what it is, as close to what our founders intended before the Democrats Fd it all up for us. Because any government that's large enough to give you everything you want, is large enough to take everything you have.

Guy, this is where you are confused. America was awesome in that period after WWII when the Democrats gave us a middle class.

You guys came along and fucked that up because you were afraid those poor billionaires couldn't afford enough Dressage Horses.

The ironic thing is, as much as you whine about government dependence, you guys keep putting more and more people on the dole... and then you'll wonder why you get socialism.

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