Democrats Move Towards Violent Confrontation

Well guess what? Real Americans want to keep America what it is, as close to what our founders intended before the Democrats Fd it all up for us. Because any government that's large enough to give you everything you want, is large enough to take everything you have.
Wow! I never knew our FF wanted a President that coddled criminals (Manafort/Flynn) and ask American investigative agencies to back off (an arms for dirt project), ask other governments to dig dirt on opponents in return for funding, steal targeted funding for a different more favored project, shut out refugees, ignore subpoenas, lie to Congress and strike checks and balances so the President can commit crimes and misdemeanors being butt deep in foreign intrigues.
Well, admitting they dont know is better than the lies you cultists are making up.

Lies? Such as???

Conspiracy theories about the Clinton server somehow now being in the Ukraine. Or that Biden was pushing to fire the prosecutor because of his son, regardless of the fact the company was being investigated for a period of time when he wasn't with the company, or that the investigation at that time was dormant or that the EU and IMF were also calling for the prosecutor to be fired because he wasn't prosecuting corruption.

We don't know that. Only leftist media is reporting the investigation was over.

But hey, I'll give you the same question you give us about Trump's tax returns. If he's got nothing to hide, what are the Democrats so worried about?

We do know that Ray. It's a matter of history. We also know that NATO, the EU, the IMF and the Obama Administration ALL wanted that prosecutor fired, and that Biden acting as their messenger in firing him. He wasn't acting on his own or for his own reasons. All of this is known to be true because it's historically records FACTS.

You say only the leftist media is reporting the investigationw as over. Hunter Biden was NEVER under investigation in the Ukraine. Never. This is a conspiracy theory that Trump is trying to sell you. That's why none of this bullshit was EVER in the mainstream media.

You've elected Dale Smith as President. Trump is the guy who spent 6 years telling you that Barrack Obama wasn't born in Hawaii. Trump embraces the conspiracy theory of a "Deep State", and some great plan to take him down. There is no broad conspiracy. There is a great grass roots recognition that this man is an incompetent fool and a danger to the welfare and security of the nation.

This isn't an illegal insurrection. This is a Constitution process the Founders provided for the removal of a corrupt President and Trump ticks every one of their boxes on impeachable behaviour - inviting foreign governments to interfere with American elections, taking favours, loans and assistance on a personal level, from foreign governments, and abusing the power of the Presidency for personal gain.

The people who took the whistleblower's report to Congress are REPUBLICANS, appointed by Trump. The people behind the Mueller Investigation were REPUBLICANS. All have a long and storied history of service to their country. Unlike Donald Trump who has a long and storied history of greed, self-dealing, and leaving investors broken and insolvent while he skates away with millions.

You choose to believe the lying criminal you elected over the people who have spent all of their adult lives in service to their country, defending and protecting the Constitution of the United States, which they have sworn to uphold.

The problem is you think everybody follows marching orders like you do. If you repeat a lie long enough, smart people will still never accept it as truth.

Trump never once hinted he would withhold weapons sales based on any investigation.
Trump never said anything about any election.
Trump (nor anybody) has any idea who his Democrat opponent will be.
Trump never once used the word "dirt" in that conversation.
Trump didn't commit a misdemeanor or high crime in which to be impeached.

Nobody ever said Hunter was under investigation. What's been reported is that the company he worked for was. Furthermore nobody hires a known coke head, who was in rehab numerous times, kicked out of our military for it, with no experience in the energy field, and pay him 600K a year in a country he doesn't even know the language in, nor had any past dealings with, without getting something back in return.

The President of the Ukraine asked for missiles, and the President said "I need a favour, though". It could not possibly be clearer, and Trump even said that he's not going to give military aid to a corrupt country. You have to be wilfully blind and in denial not to say that the missiles are not contigent on the investigation. You have the text messages that say exactly the same thing.

Biden didn't fire the guy - all of the Western democracies did it. Biden was only the messenger. And he was fired because he WASN'T investigate Burisma, not because he was. So if the owner of Burisma hired Hunter Biden to kept American justice away from him, it was a collosal failure BUT IT WASN'T ILLEGAL.
The President of the Ukraine asked for missiles, and the President said "I need a favour, though". It could not possibly be clearer ...

That doesn't matter one bit. The truth is completely irrelevant to the partisans - on both sides. To them, the point isn't good government - it's defeating their enemies.
That doesn't matter one bit. The truth is completely irrelevant to the partisans - on both sides. To them, the point isn't good government - it's defeating their enemies.


I remember when Ronald Reagan sold missiles to Iran to secure the release of hostages. Democrats made some noise about it, but at the end of the day, Reagan was trying to save American lives, so he got a pass.

Partisanship aside, Trump's behavior was egregious and wrong.
...The ironic thing is, as much as you whine about government dependence, you guys keep putting more and more people on the dole... and then you'll wonder why you get socialism.

It’s a plan. These wastes of flesh and oxygen go on the dole, embrace Socialism, and then we can execute them for being immoral and unAmerican. It’s an easy way to sort the scum out of Society.
...The ironic thing is, as much as you whine about government dependence, you guys keep putting more and more people on the dole... and then you'll wonder why you get socialism.

It’s a plan. These wastes of flesh and oxygen go on the dole, embrace Socialism, and then we can execute them for being immoral and unAmerican. It’s an easy way to sort the scum out of Society.
Kill the poor! The poor who are a bi product of capitalism. Collateral damage of greed. You are a wonderful human being! Well, not really human.
Kill the poor! The poor who are a bi product of capitalism. Collateral damage of greed. You are a wonderful human being! Well, not really human.

No. They’re largely a byproduct of their own stupid decisions and poor choices. That’s plainly obvious in my wife’s family and in almost every other situation I see.
...The ironic thing is, as much as you whine about government dependence, you guys keep putting more and more people on the dole... and then you'll wonder why you get socialism.

It’s a plan. These wastes of flesh and oxygen go on the dole, embrace Socialism, and then we can execute them for being immoral and unAmerican. It’s an easy way to sort the scum out of Society.
Kill the poor! The poor who are a bi product of capitalism. Collateral damage of greed. You are a wonderful human being! Well, not really human.

How in the world are the poor a product of capitalism?
Lies? Such as???

Conspiracy theories about the Clinton server somehow now being in the Ukraine. Or that Biden was pushing to fire the prosecutor because of his son, regardless of the fact the company was being investigated for a period of time when he wasn't with the company, or that the investigation at that time was dormant or that the EU and IMF were also calling for the prosecutor to be fired because he wasn't prosecuting corruption.

We don't know that. Only leftist media is reporting the investigation was over.

But hey, I'll give you the same question you give us about Trump's tax returns. If he's got nothing to hide, what are the Democrats so worried about?

We do know that Ray. It's a matter of history. We also know that NATO, the EU, the IMF and the Obama Administration ALL wanted that prosecutor fired, and that Biden acting as their messenger in firing him. He wasn't acting on his own or for his own reasons. All of this is known to be true because it's historically records FACTS.

You say only the leftist media is reporting the investigationw as over. Hunter Biden was NEVER under investigation in the Ukraine. Never. This is a conspiracy theory that Trump is trying to sell you. That's why none of this bullshit was EVER in the mainstream media.

You've elected Dale Smith as President. Trump is the guy who spent 6 years telling you that Barrack Obama wasn't born in Hawaii. Trump embraces the conspiracy theory of a "Deep State", and some great plan to take him down. There is no broad conspiracy. There is a great grass roots recognition that this man is an incompetent fool and a danger to the welfare and security of the nation.

This isn't an illegal insurrection. This is a Constitution process the Founders provided for the removal of a corrupt President and Trump ticks every one of their boxes on impeachable behaviour - inviting foreign governments to interfere with American elections, taking favours, loans and assistance on a personal level, from foreign governments, and abusing the power of the Presidency for personal gain.

The people who took the whistleblower's report to Congress are REPUBLICANS, appointed by Trump. The people behind the Mueller Investigation were REPUBLICANS. All have a long and storied history of service to their country. Unlike Donald Trump who has a long and storied history of greed, self-dealing, and leaving investors broken and insolvent while he skates away with millions.

You choose to believe the lying criminal you elected over the people who have spent all of their adult lives in service to their country, defending and protecting the Constitution of the United States, which they have sworn to uphold.

The problem is you think everybody follows marching orders like you do. If you repeat a lie long enough, smart people will still never accept it as truth.

Trump never once hinted he would withhold weapons sales based on any investigation.
Trump never said anything about any election.
Trump (nor anybody) has any idea who his Democrat opponent will be.
Trump never once used the word "dirt" in that conversation.
Trump didn't commit a misdemeanor or high crime in which to be impeached.

Nobody ever said Hunter was under investigation. What's been reported is that the company he worked for was. Furthermore nobody hires a known coke head, who was in rehab numerous times, kicked out of our military for it, with no experience in the energy field, and pay him 600K a year in a country he doesn't even know the language in, nor had any past dealings with, without getting something back in return.

The President of the Ukraine asked for missiles, and the President said "I need a favour, though". It could not possibly be clearer, and Trump even said that he's not going to give military aid to a corrupt country. You have to be wilfully blind and in denial not to say that the missiles are not contigent on the investigation. You have the text messages that say exactly the same thing.

Biden didn't fire the guy - all of the Western democracies did it. Biden was only the messenger. And he was fired because he WASN'T investigate Burisma, not because he was. So if the owner of Burisma hired Hunter Biden to kept American justice away from him, it was a collosal failure BUT IT WASN'T ILLEGAL.

So he said he needed a favor. He didn't say "okay, but only if you do me a favor." You leftists put words in things that never were there in the first place. And this is not about military aid, it's about selling weaponry to a country as we have done so many times in the past.

So your claim is that Shokin was fired for not investigating Burisma enough. Okay, so how did the next prosecutor do with that? Zero. Nothing. So why didn't the US force them to fire him too?

We all know how coke head got that job. The question is why he got it, and what did Burisma get in return, because it certainly wasn't intelligence and experience.
Well guess what? Real Americans want to keep America what it is, as close to what our founders intended before the Democrats Fd it all up for us. Because any government that's large enough to give you everything you want, is large enough to take everything you have.
Wow! I never knew our FF wanted a President that coddled criminals (Manafort/Flynn) and ask American investigative agencies to back off (an arms for dirt project), ask other governments to dig dirt on opponents in return for funding, steal targeted funding for a different more favored project, shut out refugees, ignore subpoenas, lie to Congress and strike checks and balances so the President can commit crimes and misdemeanors being butt deep in foreign intrigues.

Asking a country to investigate one of our own people for corruption is perfectly within the Presidents purview. Asking for that information is not digging up dirt. That's the new leftist call line. The President never once threatened any funding or arms to Ukraine based on his request. He put a suspension of that sale a week before the phone call was even made. He was concerned about other countries in the UN and what they were going to do to help Ukraine instead of having us entirely funding the parade like we so often do.

Asylum seekers can still apply, they just have to do so at their American embassy. They now have to meet our criteria before being assigned a court date. They can no longer asylum shop either. If they are offered asylum in another country (Mexico) on the way here, they can't trade it in for a US asylum. That's been going on way too long.
That's true. You don't have the brains to get that you described the Right Wing Myth of the CRA.

No, what I described is what happened, and in the past, posted links (lefty links too) to my claim. But in your quest to remain ignorant, you refused to read them.

I've known what CRA's are for many years. I never said CRA. Like always, you read things that aren't there.

Honestly, no. Well, the Army, maybe... but that's because I worked for them. But I'd even call my experience with the Army a net plus.

The ironic thing is, Amazon is finding the USPS more reliable these days than UPS and FedEx.


Guy, I remember when you said you couldn't find a truck driving job that paid insurance... and I went on Indeed and found six or seven postings that all paid insurance. Then you started whining about how one of them didn't have air conditioned trucks.

The company was called "Golden Rule". They had pretty nice insurance.

You didn't give me shit. You gave me one company, and they pay percentage. I work with their drivers. They told me to stay away from AIM. In fact, Indeed has daily postings for that company because they can't find drivers. As for this Golden Rule, I've never heard of them before, nor seen any of their vehicles on the road, and I've been in this industry for nearly 30 years.

Guy, this is where you are confused. America was awesome in that period after WWII when the Democrats gave us a middle class.

You guys came along and fucked that up because you were afraid those poor billionaires couldn't afford enough Dressage Horses.

The ironic thing is, as much as you whine about government dependence, you guys keep putting more and more people on the dole... and then you'll wonder why you get socialism.

Nobody put more people on the dole than DumBama. That's over 40 million new government dependents he created. Republicans work to get people off the dole, not on it. Why would Republicans want to see people dependent on government and vote Democrat from that point on? You don't even make any sense.

During the DumBama administration, one of the first things Republican Governors did was create food stamps requirements. Most of the people didn't want to do anything for their food stamps but sit home and collect them. So many dropped out of the program.
So he said he needed a favor. He didn't say "okay, but only if you do me a favor."
And yet everyone in the world knows that is exactly what he meant. His aides, his diplomats, the ukrainian leadership, even the trump cultists, who are just putting on an act.

No, the only people that think that are leftists anti-Trumps who created the myth. Even President Zelensky said he felt no pressure at all during the phone call.
Well guess what? Real Americans want to keep America what it is, as close to what our founders intended before the Democrats Fd it all up for us. Because any government that's large enough to give you everything you want, is large enough to take everything you have.
Wow! I never knew our FF wanted a President that coddled criminals (Manafort/Flynn) and ask American investigative agencies to back off (an arms for dirt project), ask other governments to dig dirt on opponents in return for funding, steal targeted funding for a different more favored project, shut out refugees, ignore subpoenas, lie to Congress and strike checks and balances so the President can commit crimes and misdemeanors being butt deep in foreign intrigues.

Asking a country to investigate one of our own people for corruption is perfectly within the Presidents purview. Asking for that information is not digging up dirt. That's the new leftist call line. The President never once threatened any funding or arms to Ukraine based on his request. He put a suspension of that sale a week before the phone call was even made. He was concerned about other countries in the UN and what they were going to do to help Ukraine instead of having us entirely funding the parade like we so often do.

Asylum seekers can still apply, they just have to do so at their American embassy. They now have to meet our criteria before being assigned a court date. They can no longer asylum shop either. If they are offered asylum in another country (Mexico) on the way here, they can't trade it in for a US asylum. That's been going on way too long.
Trump MO of diverting from his own corruption doesn't pass the smell test.
Well guess what? Real Americans want to keep America what it is, as close to what our founders intended before the Democrats Fd it all up for us. Because any government that's large enough to give you everything you want, is large enough to take everything you have.
Wow! I never knew our FF wanted a President that coddled criminals (Manafort/Flynn) and ask American investigative agencies to back off (an arms for dirt project), ask other governments to dig dirt on opponents in return for funding, steal targeted funding for a different more favored project, shut out refugees, ignore subpoenas, lie to Congress and strike checks and balances so the President can commit crimes and misdemeanors being butt deep in foreign intrigues.

Asking a country to investigate one of our own people for corruption is perfectly within the Presidents purview. Asking for that information is not digging up dirt. That's the new leftist call line. The President never once threatened any funding or arms to Ukraine based on his request. He put a suspension of that sale a week before the phone call was even made. He was concerned about other countries in the UN and what they were going to do to help Ukraine instead of having us entirely funding the parade like we so often do.

Asylum seekers can still apply, they just have to do so at their American embassy. They now have to meet our criteria before being assigned a court date. They can no longer asylum shop either. If they are offered asylum in another country (Mexico) on the way here, they can't trade it in for a US asylum. That's been going on way too long.
Trump MO of diverting from his own corruption doesn't pass the smell test.

So you couldn't think of a reply and responded with that? What does that have to do with what I wrote?
No, what I described is what happened, and in the past, posted links (lefty links too) to my claim. But in your quest to remain ignorant, you refused to read them.

I've known what CRA's are for many years. I never said CRA. Like always, you read things that aren't there.

Except that's not what happened at all, for reasons I described.

The banks talked dumb white people into thinking they could make easy money buying McMansions, then sold the shit mortgages as investments. The whole thing collapsed because eventually, people figured out that these investments were indeed overvalued.

You didn't give me shit. You gave me one company, and they pay percentage. I work with their drivers. They told me to stay away from AIM. In fact, Indeed has daily postings for that company because they can't find drivers. As for this Golden Rule, I've never heard of them before, nor seen any of their vehicles on the road, and I've been in this industry for nearly 30 years.

Okay, that was the name of the insurance company, not the truck drivers. And I gave you more than one link for trucking jobs. Hey, maybe I can go on the interview for you, too. I can put on a MAGA hat and pretend be a dumb racist... just to give it that air of authenticity.

Nobody put more people on the dole than DumBama. That's over 40 million new government dependents he created. Republicans work to get people off the dole, not on it. Why would Republicans want to see people dependent on government and vote Democrat from that point on? You don't even make any sense.

No, the Republicans don't take anyone off the dole... they make sure the One Percent can cheat working folks, creating more dependents.

Here's the thing. Most of the people on ACA have jobs... just not jobs that pay insurance. Same with Food Stamps, or Section 8. If Everyone had a job that paid a living wage, you wouldn't need these programs....

The ironic thing is, when the New Deal created a Middle Class, Republican ideas became acceptable again. Then the GOP figured it was easier to play on your racism than maintain a middle class... and it worked. For a while, anyway. Trump is probably the last GOP President.
He put a suspension of that sale a week before the phone call was even made. He was concerned about other countries in the UN and what they were going to do to help Ukraine instead of having us entirely funding the parade like we so often do.
Well guess what? Real Americans want to keep America what it is, as close to what our founders intended before the Democrats Fd it all up for us. Because any government that's large enough to give you everything you want, is large enough to take everything you have.
Wow! I never knew our FF wanted a President that coddled criminals (Manafort/Flynn) and ask American investigative agencies to back off (an arms for dirt project), ask other governments to dig dirt on opponents in return for funding, steal targeted funding for a different more favored project, shut out refugees, ignore subpoenas, lie to Congress and strike checks and balances so the President can commit crimes and misdemeanors being butt deep in foreign intrigues.

Asking a country to investigate one of our own people for corruption is perfectly within the Presidents purview. Asking for that information is not digging up dirt. That's the new leftist call line. The President never once threatened any funding or arms to Ukraine based on his request. He put a suspension of that sale a week before the phone call was even made. He was concerned about other countries in the UN and what they were going to do to help Ukraine instead of having us entirely funding the parade like we so often do.

Asylum seekers can still apply, they just have to do so at their American embassy. They now have to meet our criteria before being assigned a court date. They can no longer asylum shop either. If they are offered asylum in another country (Mexico) on the way here, they can't trade it in for a US asylum. That's been going on way too long.
Trump MO of diverting from his own corruption doesn't pass the smell test.

So you couldn't think of a reply and responded with that? What does that have to do with what I wrote?
Sorry, ray, I should have referenced your post. My bad.
you say: "The President never once threatened any funding or arms to Ukraine based on his request. He put a suspension of that sale a week before the phone call was even made. He was concerned about other countries in the UN and what they were going to do to help Ukraine instead of having us entirely funding the parade like we so often do."

Naivety doesn't become a guy whose avatar tries to project macho. And the Ukraine funding is well known to be mainly European. I think with European private funding topping the list. I'm sure I can find it if you need to see it again. Of course I believe the funding is held by Trump on the contingent of a nice juicy pile of dirt on Trump's political opponent. Maybe Trump can send to Ukraine the same crack team of best people he sent to Hawaii to disprove Obama's legitimacy. Never mind, he's got Barr and Pompeo catering to his whims. Who needs outside help with a corrupted AG and SOS wasting time strong-arming weaker states? Ukraine is over a barrel, where Trump likes his targets of temporary usefulness, what with Putin's Russia shooting up the place in an attempt to re-annex the old USSR.
So my post is in response to your faith in the Pied Piper of Payola. His MO of diversion, which is the source of his demand of a Ukranian investigation of a matter concluded long ago, is as common as accusing Ted Cruz' dad of involvement in the Kennedy assassination. Cruz becoming a suck up after that just emboldened him. But you must have known that sooner or later someone would stand up like a man and kick ass.
He put a suspension of that sale a week before the phone call was even made. He was concerned about other countries in the UN and what they were going to do to help Ukraine instead of having us entirely funding the parade like we so often do.
Well guess what? Real Americans want to keep America what it is, as close to what our founders intended before the Democrats Fd it all up for us. Because any government that's large enough to give you everything you want, is large enough to take everything you have.
Wow! I never knew our FF wanted a President that coddled criminals (Manafort/Flynn) and ask American investigative agencies to back off (an arms for dirt project), ask other governments to dig dirt on opponents in return for funding, steal targeted funding for a different more favored project, shut out refugees, ignore subpoenas, lie to Congress and strike checks and balances so the President can commit crimes and misdemeanors being butt deep in foreign intrigues.

Asking a country to investigate one of our own people for corruption is perfectly within the Presidents purview. Asking for that information is not digging up dirt. That's the new leftist call line. The President never once threatened any funding or arms to Ukraine based on his request. He put a suspension of that sale a week before the phone call was even made. He was concerned about other countries in the UN and what they were going to do to help Ukraine instead of having us entirely funding the parade like we so often do.

Asylum seekers can still apply, they just have to do so at their American embassy. They now have to meet our criteria before being assigned a court date. They can no longer asylum shop either. If they are offered asylum in another country (Mexico) on the way here, they can't trade it in for a US asylum. That's been going on way too long.
Trump MO of diverting from his own corruption doesn't pass the smell test.

So you couldn't think of a reply and responded with that? What does that have to do with what I wrote?
Sorry, ray, I should have referenced your post. My bad.
you say: "The President never once threatened any funding or arms to Ukraine based on his request. He put a suspension of that sale a week before the phone call was even made. He was concerned about other countries in the UN and what they were going to do to help Ukraine instead of having us entirely funding the parade like we so often do."

Naivety doesn't become a guy whose avatar tries to project macho. And the Ukraine funding is well known to be mainly European. I think with European private funding topping the list. I'm sure I can find it if you need to see it again. Of course I believe the funding is held by Trump on the contingent of a nice juicy pile of dirt on Trump's political opponent. Maybe Trump can send to Ukraine the same crack team of best people he sent to Hawaii to disprove Obama's legitimacy. Never mind, he's got Barr and Pompeo catering to his whims. Who needs outside help with a corrupted AG and SOS wasting time strong-arming weaker states? Ukraine is over a barrel, where Trump likes his targets of temporary usefulness, what with Putin's Russia shooting up the place in an attempt to re-annex the old USSR.
So my post is in response to your faith in the Pied Piper of Payola. His MO of diversion, which is the source of his demand of a Ukranian investigation of a matter concluded long ago, is as common as accusing Ted Cruz' dad of involvement in the Kennedy assassination. Cruz becoming a suck up after that just emboldened him. But you must have known that sooner or later someone would stand up like a man and kick ass.

The brainwashing media really has you hook, line and sinker. They tell you leftists what to think, and you just think it. When we question you people why you think the way you do, you can't explain yourself.

Words mean things, and you can't interpret words to mean what you'd like, at least not to level charges against somebody. If Trump meant he would not allow the sale of arms to Ukraine unless they conducted an investigation, he would have said so. But he didn't say that. Being naive is thinking words mean different things than what was said.

As for my choice of avatar, I'm a strong proponent of self-defense in America, particularly with guns. I might have changed it a couple of times since I joined USMB, but the reason I didn't is because leftists get so disturbed by it. It's comical.

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