Democrats Move Towards Violent Confrontation

And what "hoax investigations" are you talking about?

The Russian one Trump was exonerated over and this one which he soon will be as well.....LMAO...2nd whistle blower? many are in the wings?....:21: is it like Rocky?....Hoax 3 at theaters near you....:abgg2q.jpg:
And what "hoax investigations" are you talking about?

The Russian one Trump was exonerated over and this one which he soon will be as well.....LMAO...2nd whistle blower? many are in the wings?....:21: is it like Rocky?....Hoax 3 at theaters near you....:abgg2q.jpg:

Or all the women that lined up to talk about their dreadful experience with Kavanaugh. :auiqs.jpg:
No quid pro quo and it was a conversation between 2 heads of State, not between a "candidate" and a foreign operative. I'm sure, if you read transcripts of President obama's conversations with foreign leaders while he was POTUS (and probably before and after) you would find similar favors asked and in the case of Joe Biden's conversations, quid pro quo was demanded.This is much ado about nothing and the world feel slightly embarrassed for the Democrat Party. This shit proves Democrats are irrational and incapable of competent leadership.
Quid pro quo is not a required element of the law in question. And despite being a "conversation between two heads of state," trump is still a candidate campaigning for an upcoming election and it's still illegal to solicit aid for his campaign from a foreign national.
Let me see if I have this straight... The PRESIDENT of the United States asked for cooperation from a foreign head of state about a possible conflict of interest involving a former Vice President and current candidate who essentially blackmailed The former head of this foreign state to quash an investigation involving a company run by a corrupt Minister of Ecology and Conservation with strong ties to the former Vice President's son, and this indicates to you corruption on the part of the current President. Do I have that right?

You sir, are insane. I'm at a loss to explain how incredible silly this whole investigation has been.
First, we waste a couple years investigating the President because of false allegations contained in a dossier compiled by a foreign agent and paid for by the Clinton campaign. The crux of the accusations was a connection between the Trump campaign and foreign agents with the only evidence came from papers paid for by the Clinton campaign and provided by foreign agents.
MY GOD, man!
Because it's not legal to use foreign nations to eliminate political rivals in an election. It's not my problem you neither understand that or care that our president is inviting foreign nations to interfere with our elections.
MY GOD MAN.When the investigation began, Biden was NOT A CANDIDATE. It is not illegal to ask a foreign head of state to look into allegations of BLACKMAIL by a sitting US Vice President. Do you not see how ridiculous claims or election law violations are? I see your point but asking a foreign dignitary to help with the investigation of a felony pales in comparison to the blackmail that the investigation was looking into.
let's assume the House goes ahead and goes forward with impeachment. ALL the dirt will come out. Biden will end up in jail and Trump will win in a landslide when the electorate realizes how petty all this bullshit is.
WTF?? Trump solicited foreign aid to investigate Biden in July of this year. Biden was a candidate.

And since you think it's ok to investigate a candidate who was never accused of corruption, I assume you're ok with the Democrats' impeachment investigation into whether or not trump corruptly used $390 million to get the Ukraine president to investigate Biden.

Nothing to investigate. It's all in the transcript that anybody can read. And nowhere did Trump ever give Zelenksky an ultimatum. You can't impeach based on mind reading.
I'm tellin' ya, rightards are brain-dead...
The whole thing started years before GW when Clinton wanted more minority home ownership. Because many minorities didn't qualify, they simply lowered the qualifications so minorities could get loans.

So where did I mention the CRA? Do you have brain damage or something?


Another one with reading problems.
Quid pro quo is not a required element of the law in question. And despite being a "conversation between two heads of state," trump is still a candidate campaigning for an upcoming election and it's still illegal to solicit aid for his campaign from a foreign national.
Let me see if I have this straight... The PRESIDENT of the United States asked for cooperation from a foreign head of state about a possible conflict of interest involving a former Vice President and current candidate who essentially blackmailed The former head of this foreign state to quash an investigation involving a company run by a corrupt Minister of Ecology and Conservation with strong ties to the former Vice President's son, and this indicates to you corruption on the part of the current President. Do I have that right?

You sir, are insane. I'm at a loss to explain how incredible silly this whole investigation has been.
First, we waste a couple years investigating the President because of false allegations contained in a dossier compiled by a foreign agent and paid for by the Clinton campaign. The crux of the accusations was a connection between the Trump campaign and foreign agents with the only evidence came from papers paid for by the Clinton campaign and provided by foreign agents.
MY GOD, man!
Because it's not legal to use foreign nations to eliminate political rivals in an election. It's not my problem you neither understand that or care that our president is inviting foreign nations to interfere with our elections.
MY GOD MAN.When the investigation began, Biden was NOT A CANDIDATE. It is not illegal to ask a foreign head of state to look into allegations of BLACKMAIL by a sitting US Vice President. Do you not see how ridiculous claims or election law violations are? I see your point but asking a foreign dignitary to help with the investigation of a felony pales in comparison to the blackmail that the investigation was looking into.
let's assume the House goes ahead and goes forward with impeachment. ALL the dirt will come out. Biden will end up in jail and Trump will win in a landslide when the electorate realizes how petty all this bullshit is.
WTF?? Trump solicited foreign aid to investigate Biden in July of this year. Biden was a candidate.

And since you think it's ok to investigate a candidate who was never accused of corruption, I assume you're ok with the Democrats' impeachment investigation into whether or not trump corruptly used $390 million to get the Ukraine president to investigate Biden.

Nothing to investigate. It's all in the transcript that anybody can read. And nowhere did Trump ever give Zelenksky an ultimatum. You can't impeach based on mind reading.

And anybody who can read (and doesn't their head up their partisan ass) can tell we what he was up to. Save the excuses.
Yes, you live in a shithole. We've established that. That you don't get why it's a shithole (Because the One Percenters moved on to someone else to exploit) that's the issue.

As I stated many times, it was one of the best suburbs in the Cleveland area. Safe, property values increasing, plenty of shopping and churches. Then government got involved, and that's why it went to shit. Not a single one percenter had anything to do with it. It's all in your imagination.

Obviously, you don't understand what the Labor Participation Rate represents... it's been declining since 1999, when the working population peaked, and started accelerating in 2011 when the Baby Boomers started retiring.

Kind of hard to have a meaningful discussion with you if you don't understand basic concepts.

Then why is it holding steady now, and even increasing a bit? We baby boomers are long from finished with retiring.

Okay, but let's say that there was something fishy about Bursima. So what? Not really in our jurisdiction, is it?

The problem with Trump is that if he asked professionals at State and Justice, they'd have told him this issue had been litigated years ago. Trump operates on whatever he hears on Hate Radio and Fox News....

This is the difference between Trump and past GOP presidents. Past GOP presidents realized this was all a game, but Trump being nothing more than a game show host, can't distinguish the difference.

It's never been litigated or investigated. That's why Trump asked the new President to look into it.
Let me see if I have this straight... The PRESIDENT of the United States asked for cooperation from a foreign head of state about a possible conflict of interest involving a former Vice President and current candidate who essentially blackmailed The former head of this foreign state to quash an investigation involving a company run by a corrupt Minister of Ecology and Conservation with strong ties to the former Vice President's son, and this indicates to you corruption on the part of the current President. Do I have that right?

You sir, are insane. I'm at a loss to explain how incredible silly this whole investigation has been.
First, we waste a couple years investigating the President because of false allegations contained in a dossier compiled by a foreign agent and paid for by the Clinton campaign. The crux of the accusations was a connection between the Trump campaign and foreign agents with the only evidence came from papers paid for by the Clinton campaign and provided by foreign agents.
MY GOD, man!
Because it's not legal to use foreign nations to eliminate political rivals in an election. It's not my problem you neither understand that or care that our president is inviting foreign nations to interfere with our elections.
MY GOD MAN.When the investigation began, Biden was NOT A CANDIDATE. It is not illegal to ask a foreign head of state to look into allegations of BLACKMAIL by a sitting US Vice President. Do you not see how ridiculous claims or election law violations are? I see your point but asking a foreign dignitary to help with the investigation of a felony pales in comparison to the blackmail that the investigation was looking into.
let's assume the House goes ahead and goes forward with impeachment. ALL the dirt will come out. Biden will end up in jail and Trump will win in a landslide when the electorate realizes how petty all this bullshit is.
WTF?? Trump solicited foreign aid to investigate Biden in July of this year. Biden was a candidate.

And since you think it's ok to investigate a candidate who was never accused of corruption, I assume you're ok with the Democrats' impeachment investigation into whether or not trump corruptly used $390 million to get the Ukraine president to investigate Biden.

Nothing to investigate. It's all in the transcript that anybody can read. And nowhere did Trump ever give Zelenksky an ultimatum. You can't impeach based on mind reading.

And anybody who can read (and doesn't their head up their partisan ass) can tell we what he was up to. Save the excuses.

Leave the Thought Police to Orwell. In this country, our laws are based on actual facts, not mind reading.
Because it's not legal to use foreign nations to eliminate political rivals in an election. It's not my problem you neither understand that or care that our president is inviting foreign nations to interfere with our elections.
MY GOD MAN.When the investigation began, Biden was NOT A CANDIDATE. It is not illegal to ask a foreign head of state to look into allegations of BLACKMAIL by a sitting US Vice President. Do you not see how ridiculous claims or election law violations are? I see your point but asking a foreign dignitary to help with the investigation of a felony pales in comparison to the blackmail that the investigation was looking into.
let's assume the House goes ahead and goes forward with impeachment. ALL the dirt will come out. Biden will end up in jail and Trump will win in a landslide when the electorate realizes how petty all this bullshit is.
WTF?? Trump solicited foreign aid to investigate Biden in July of this year. Biden was a candidate.

And since you think it's ok to investigate a candidate who was never accused of corruption, I assume you're ok with the Democrats' impeachment investigation into whether or not trump corruptly used $390 million to get the Ukraine president to investigate Biden.

Nothing to investigate. It's all in the transcript that anybody can read. And nowhere did Trump ever give Zelenksky an ultimatum. You can't impeach based on mind reading.

And anybody who can read (and doesn't their head up their partisan ass) can tell we what he was up to. Save the excuses.

Leave the Thought Police to Orwell. In this country, our laws are based on actual facts, not mind reading.

Uh-huh ... and you sound like a delinquent school boy, caught red-handed, making up increasingly unbelievable excuses. I don't care about whatever it is you are squealing about. Your president is proven piece of shit.
Quid pro quo is not a required element of the law in question. And despite being a "conversation between two heads of state," trump is still a candidate campaigning for an upcoming election and it's still illegal to solicit aid for his campaign from a foreign national.
Let me see if I have this straight... The PRESIDENT of the United States asked for cooperation from a foreign head of state about a possible conflict of interest involving a former Vice President and current candidate who essentially blackmailed The former head of this foreign state to quash an investigation involving a company run by a corrupt Minister of Ecology and Conservation with strong ties to the former Vice President's son, and this indicates to you corruption on the part of the current President. Do I have that right?

You sir, are insane. I'm at a loss to explain how incredible silly this whole investigation has been.
First, we waste a couple years investigating the President because of false allegations contained in a dossier compiled by a foreign agent and paid for by the Clinton campaign. The crux of the accusations was a connection between the Trump campaign and foreign agents with the only evidence came from papers paid for by the Clinton campaign and provided by foreign agents.
MY GOD, man!
Because it's not legal to use foreign nations to eliminate political rivals in an election. It's not my problem you neither understand that or care that our president is inviting foreign nations to interfere with our elections.
MY GOD MAN.When the investigation began, Biden was NOT A CANDIDATE. It is not illegal to ask a foreign head of state to look into allegations of BLACKMAIL by a sitting US Vice President. Do you not see how ridiculous claims or election law violations are? I see your point but asking a foreign dignitary to help with the investigation of a felony pales in comparison to the blackmail that the investigation was looking into.
let's assume the House goes ahead and goes forward with impeachment. ALL the dirt will come out. Biden will end up in jail and Trump will win in a landslide when the electorate realizes how petty all this bullshit is.
WTF?? Trump solicited foreign aid to investigate Biden in July of this year. Biden was a candidate.

And since you think it's ok to investigate a candidate who was never accused of corruption, I assume you're ok with the Democrats' impeachment investigation into whether or not trump corruptly used $390 million to get the Ukraine president to investigate Biden.

Nothing to investigate. It's all in the transcript that anybody can read. And nowhere did Trump ever give Zelenksky an ultimatum. You can't impeach based on mind reading.
An ultimate that had no impact on his own personal interests or that of his son.

Whereas Trump, unlike Biden, actually withheld money until the president of Ukraine agreed to Trumps "favors" One of which was to investigate another candidate running in the 2020 presidential election.
I'm tellin' ya, rightards are brain-dead...
The whole thing started years before GW when Clinton wanted more minority home ownership. Because many minorities didn't qualify, they simply lowered the qualifications so minorities could get loans.

So where did I mention the CRA? Do you have brain damage or something?


Another one with reading problems.
Nope, no reading problems on my end. You literally described the CRA and then stupidly claimed you said nothing about the CRA. Even worse, you then linked an article about the CRA.

You're fucking brain-dead. :cuckoo:
I'm tellin' ya, rightards are brain-dead...
The whole thing started years before GW when Clinton wanted more minority home ownership. Because many minorities didn't qualify, they simply lowered the qualifications so minorities could get loans.

So where did I mention the CRA? Do you have brain damage or something?


Another one with reading problems.
Nope, no reading problems on my end. You literally described the CRA and then stupidly claimed you said nothing about the CRA. Even worse, you then linked an article about the CRA.

You're fucking brain-dead. :cuckoo:

The article was evidence of Clinton making the moves to have more minority home ownership, which of course the left constantly denies. And again (for the reading impaired) show me one time where I sited CRA's in this discussion. The problem with you on the left is you insert words that were never there.
Let me see if I have this straight... The PRESIDENT of the United States asked for cooperation from a foreign head of state about a possible conflict of interest involving a former Vice President and current candidate who essentially blackmailed The former head of this foreign state to quash an investigation involving a company run by a corrupt Minister of Ecology and Conservation with strong ties to the former Vice President's son, and this indicates to you corruption on the part of the current President. Do I have that right?

You sir, are insane. I'm at a loss to explain how incredible silly this whole investigation has been.
First, we waste a couple years investigating the President because of false allegations contained in a dossier compiled by a foreign agent and paid for by the Clinton campaign. The crux of the accusations was a connection between the Trump campaign and foreign agents with the only evidence came from papers paid for by the Clinton campaign and provided by foreign agents.
MY GOD, man!
Because it's not legal to use foreign nations to eliminate political rivals in an election. It's not my problem you neither understand that or care that our president is inviting foreign nations to interfere with our elections.
MY GOD MAN.When the investigation began, Biden was NOT A CANDIDATE. It is not illegal to ask a foreign head of state to look into allegations of BLACKMAIL by a sitting US Vice President. Do you not see how ridiculous claims or election law violations are? I see your point but asking a foreign dignitary to help with the investigation of a felony pales in comparison to the blackmail that the investigation was looking into.
let's assume the House goes ahead and goes forward with impeachment. ALL the dirt will come out. Biden will end up in jail and Trump will win in a landslide when the electorate realizes how petty all this bullshit is.
WTF?? Trump solicited foreign aid to investigate Biden in July of this year. Biden was a candidate.

And since you think it's ok to investigate a candidate who was never accused of corruption, I assume you're ok with the Democrats' impeachment investigation into whether or not trump corruptly used $390 million to get the Ukraine president to investigate Biden.

Nothing to investigate. It's all in the transcript that anybody can read. And nowhere did Trump ever give Zelenksky an ultimatum. You can't impeach based on mind reading.
An ultimate that had no impact on his own personal interests or that of his son.

Whereas Trump, unlike Biden, actually withheld money until the president of Ukraine agreed to Trumps "favors" One of which was to investigate another candidate running in the 2020 presidential election.

Okay, show me where Trump said he was withholding arms sales unless there was an investigation.
MY GOD MAN.When the investigation began, Biden was NOT A CANDIDATE. It is not illegal to ask a foreign head of state to look into allegations of BLACKMAIL by a sitting US Vice President. Do you not see how ridiculous claims or election law violations are? I see your point but asking a foreign dignitary to help with the investigation of a felony pales in comparison to the blackmail that the investigation was looking into.
let's assume the House goes ahead and goes forward with impeachment. ALL the dirt will come out. Biden will end up in jail and Trump will win in a landslide when the electorate realizes how petty all this bullshit is.
WTF?? Trump solicited foreign aid to investigate Biden in July of this year. Biden was a candidate.

And since you think it's ok to investigate a candidate who was never accused of corruption, I assume you're ok with the Democrats' impeachment investigation into whether or not trump corruptly used $390 million to get the Ukraine president to investigate Biden.

Nothing to investigate. It's all in the transcript that anybody can read. And nowhere did Trump ever give Zelenksky an ultimatum. You can't impeach based on mind reading.

And anybody who can read (and doesn't their head up their partisan ass) can tell we what he was up to. Save the excuses.

Leave the Thought Police to Orwell. In this country, our laws are based on actual facts, not mind reading.

Uh-huh ... and you sound like a delinquent school boy, caught red-handed, making up increasingly unbelievable excuses. I don't care about whatever it is you are squealing about. Your president is proven piece of shit.

You can believe that all you want, but you can't impeach or charge a President based on partisan assumptions. The day we start charging people based on what we think they might have meant, is the day we lost this country and justice system of ours.
I'm tellin' ya, rightards are brain-dead...
The whole thing started years before GW when Clinton wanted more minority home ownership. Because many minorities didn't qualify, they simply lowered the qualifications so minorities could get loans.

So where did I mention the CRA? Do you have brain damage or something?


Another one with reading problems.
Nope, no reading problems on my end. You literally described the CRA and then stupidly claimed you said nothing about the CRA. Even worse, you then linked an article about the CRA.

You're fucking brain-dead. :cuckoo:

The article was evidence of Clinton making the moves to have more minority home ownership, which of course the left constantly denies. And again (for the reading impaired) show me one time where I sited CRA's in this discussion. The problem with you on the left is you insert words that were never there.
Fucking idiot -- the article named the program -- Community Reinvestment Act
So where did I mention the CRA? Do you have brain damage or something?
Now stop posting on this because every time you do, you make an even bigger ass of yourself.
Because it's not legal to use foreign nations to eliminate political rivals in an election. It's not my problem you neither understand that or care that our president is inviting foreign nations to interfere with our elections.
MY GOD MAN.When the investigation began, Biden was NOT A CANDIDATE. It is not illegal to ask a foreign head of state to look into allegations of BLACKMAIL by a sitting US Vice President. Do you not see how ridiculous claims or election law violations are? I see your point but asking a foreign dignitary to help with the investigation of a felony pales in comparison to the blackmail that the investigation was looking into.
let's assume the House goes ahead and goes forward with impeachment. ALL the dirt will come out. Biden will end up in jail and Trump will win in a landslide when the electorate realizes how petty all this bullshit is.
WTF?? Trump solicited foreign aid to investigate Biden in July of this year. Biden was a candidate.

And since you think it's ok to investigate a candidate who was never accused of corruption, I assume you're ok with the Democrats' impeachment investigation into whether or not trump corruptly used $390 million to get the Ukraine president to investigate Biden.

Nothing to investigate. It's all in the transcript that anybody can read. And nowhere did Trump ever give Zelenksky an ultimatum. You can't impeach based on mind reading.
An ultimate that had no impact on his own personal interests or that of his son.

Whereas Trump, unlike Biden, actually withheld money until the president of Ukraine agreed to Trumps "favors" One of which was to investigate another candidate running in the 2020 presidential election.

Okay, show me where Trump said he was withholding arms sales unless there was an investigation.
Moron -- his actions spoke for him.

Trump wouldn't give Ukraine the money. He himself said, "we want to make sure that country is honest. It's very important to talk about corruption. If you don't talk about corruption, why would you give money to a country that you think is corrupt?"

Then after getting assurances from Ukraine's president to take care of Trump's favors of investigating the DNC server and political rival, Joe Biden, Trump gives Ukraine the money.
MY GOD MAN.When the investigation began, Biden was NOT A CANDIDATE. It is not illegal to ask a foreign head of state to look into allegations of BLACKMAIL by a sitting US Vice President. Do you not see how ridiculous claims or election law violations are? I see your point but asking a foreign dignitary to help with the investigation of a felony pales in comparison to the blackmail that the investigation was looking into.
let's assume the House goes ahead and goes forward with impeachment. ALL the dirt will come out. Biden will end up in jail and Trump will win in a landslide when the electorate realizes how petty all this bullshit is.
WTF?? Trump solicited foreign aid to investigate Biden in July of this year. Biden was a candidate.

And since you think it's ok to investigate a candidate who was never accused of corruption, I assume you're ok with the Democrats' impeachment investigation into whether or not trump corruptly used $390 million to get the Ukraine president to investigate Biden.

Nothing to investigate. It's all in the transcript that anybody can read. And nowhere did Trump ever give Zelenksky an ultimatum. You can't impeach based on mind reading.
An ultimate that had no impact on his own personal interests or that of his son.

Whereas Trump, unlike Biden, actually withheld money until the president of Ukraine agreed to Trumps "favors" One of which was to investigate another candidate running in the 2020 presidential election.

Okay, show me where Trump said he was withholding arms sales unless there was an investigation.
Moron -- his actions spoke for him.

Trump wouldn't give Ukraine the money. He himself said, "we want to make sure that country is honest. It's very important to talk about corruption. If you don't talk about corruption, why would you give money to a country that you think is corrupt?"

Then after getting assurances from Ukraine's president to take care of Trump's favors of investigating the DNC server and political rival, Joe Biden, Trump gives Ukraine the money.

Oh, so what you're saying is that Trump didn't hand over the money immediately with concern for corruption, and not as an ultimatum for a foreign investigation. That's for admitting that moron.

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