Democrats Move Towards Violent Confrontation

Words mean things, and you can't interpret words to mean what you'd like, at least not to level charges against somebody. If Trump meant he would not allow the sale of arms to Ukraine unless they conducted an investigation, he would have said so. But he didn't say that. Being naive is thinking words mean different things than what was said.

Actually, it was pretty clear on what he said. He started off by saying that the Ukraine didn't do enough to merit the aid the US was giving it,then he listed things he wanted them to do, which had nothing to do with mutual security, and everything to getting dirt on Biden and Clinton.

And this is in the sanitized transcript... we are still waiting to see the verbatim transcript that had at least two whistleblowers concerned.

As for my choice of avatar, I'm a strong proponent of self-defense in America, particularly with guns. I might have changed it a couple of times since I joined USMB, but the reason I didn't is because leftists get so disturbed by it. It's comical.

I think it shows you have serious mental problems. You are a hate crime looking for a place to happen.
Except that's not what happened at all, for reasons I described.

The banks talked dumb white people into thinking they could make easy money buying McMansions, then sold the shit mortgages as investments. The whole thing collapsed because eventually, people figured out that these investments were indeed overvalued.

Banks have a standard that's set by the federal government. In order to sell off loans, they have to meet those standards. Banks were ordered by HUD to lower the standards so minorities and poor people can buy homes, and that's what they did. Again, I have the links to show you.

Again, everybody began jumping on the bandwagon creating a bubble. So the problem was not the expensive homes being built, the problem is the federal government interfered in the banking business that created the demand in the first place. Without the lowering of standard, the bubble would have never been created and thus, could have never burst.

Okay, that was the name of the insurance company, not the truck drivers. And I gave you more than one link for trucking jobs. Hey, maybe I can go on the interview for you, too. I can put on a MAGA hat and pretend be a dumb racist... just to give it that air of authenticity.

No, I would be to embarrassed to have a self-hating white guy with me at an interview. Most view those people as pathetic.

This is so simple even an eighth grader can figure it out. When you reply to a company via email as they request, they ask for a brief history of your experience. When they see the decades of experience I have, they understand they are dealing with an older person, and they never reply back.

They are looking for younger people because they will stay with the company a long time, while keeping the medical benefits costs down. The reason they use e-mail is so they can discriminate, because it would be too difficult for me to prove they got the email, or that it wasn't deleted by accident. But even if I could, I would then have to prove it was age discrimination.

No, the Republicans don't take anyone off the dole... they make sure the One Percent can cheat working folks, creating more dependents.

Here's the thing. Most of the people on ACA have jobs... just not jobs that pay insurance. Same with Food Stamps, or Section 8. If Everyone had a job that paid a living wage, you wouldn't need these programs....

The ironic thing is, when the New Deal created a Middle Class, Republican ideas became acceptable again. Then the GOP figured it was easier to play on your racism than maintain a middle class... and it worked. For a while, anyway. Trump is probably the last GOP President.

Yeah, I know. So was old man bush, his son, Reagan and so on.l

Only a complete dope can look at our position in the world and say Democrats can do better. We hit the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years, and new record lows for women and minorities.

We have more jobs than Americans to fill them, and that means employers are offering more money, particularly to qualified workers in any field. Trump is doing wonders on the border, especially since the anti-Americans are doing everything they can to destroy this country with third worlders.

So if you want virtual open borders, a slacking economy, limited job opportunities, higher taxes for everybody, vote Democrat.
Actually, it was pretty clear on what he said. He started off by saying that the Ukraine didn't do enough to merit the aid the US was giving it,then he listed things he wanted them to do, which had nothing to do with mutual security, and everything to getting dirt on Biden and Clinton.

And this is in the sanitized transcript... we are still waiting to see the verbatim transcript that had at least two whistleblowers concerned.

The so-called whistleblowers are likely Democrat operatives. It is now known for sure that the person who passed that information to the whistleblower was indeed a dyed in the wool Democrat.

The only thing you're going to see is what our authorities allow you to see for security purposes. And there is nothing in that transcript that gave Zelensky an ultimatum. The Democrats are scared as all hell of what Zelensky might find, and Barr is a secondary threat to them. That's why they are so frantic, especially Joe Biden.

I think it shows you have serious mental problems. You are a hate crime looking for a place to happen.

You stating somebody has serious mental problems is like Oprah calling somebody else fat.
...The ironic thing is, as much as you whine about government dependence, you guys keep putting more and more people on the dole... and then you'll wonder why you get socialism.

It’s a plan. These wastes of flesh and oxygen go on the dole, embrace Socialism, and then we can execute them for being immoral and unAmerican. It’s an easy way to sort the scum out of Society.
Kill the poor! The poor who are a bi product of capitalism. Collateral damage of greed. You are a wonderful human being! Well, not really human.

How in the world are the poor a product of capitalism?

Regulating the Poor: The Functions of Public Welfare. Piven and Cloward have updated their classic work on the history and function of welfare to cover the American welfare state's massive erosion during the Reagan, Bush, and Clinton years. The authors present a boldly comprehensive, brilliant new theory to explain the comparative underdevelopment...
Regulating the Poor: The Functions of Public Welfare by ...
Banks have a standard that's set by the federal government. In order to sell off loans, they have to meet those standards. Banks were ordered by HUD to lower the standards so minorities and poor people can buy homes, and that's what they did. Again, I have the links to show you.
Good god you fraud, get off zero hedge. Those subprime mortgages for"poor people" were a drop in the bucket in the crash. You clearly have no idea what you are talking about and should stop talking immediately.
Banks have a standard that's set by the federal government. In order to sell off loans, they have to meet those standards. Banks were ordered by HUD to lower the standards so minorities and poor people can buy homes, and that's what they did. Again, I have the links to show you.

Again, everybody began jumping on the bandwagon creating a bubble. So the problem was not the expensive homes being built, the problem is the federal government interfered in the banking business that created the demand in the first place. Without the lowering of standard, the bubble would have never been created and thus, could have never burst.

Again, the CRA didn't cause the bubble... all those dumb white folks buying McMansions did. YOu only have to look at a map to see where it started... Didn't start in the slums, it started in the Suburbs and Exburbs.

This is so simple even an eighth grader can figure it out. When you reply to a company via email as they request, they ask for a brief history of your experience. When they see the decades of experience I have, they understand they are dealing with an older person, and they never reply back.

Wow, guy... that's where you are fucking it up. You only include your last 15 years and that's it. Not that this is really a problem...

But this would actually require you to TRY and not whine about it.

They are looking for younger people because they will stay with the company a long time, while keeping the medical benefits costs down. The reason they use e-mail is so they can discriminate, because it would be too difficult for me to prove they got the email, or that it wasn't deleted by accident. But even if I could, I would then have to prove it was age discrimination.

Again, buddy, sounds like you just don't know how to market yourself. I'd offer to help, but frankly, I just don't like you that much. I've helped people older than you get jobs...

Yes, there's discrimination against workers over 50. Not as bad as it used to be because there just aren't as many young workers replacing the old ones...

Only a complete dope can look at our position in the world and say Democrats can do better. We hit the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years, and new record lows for women and minorities.

That Obama left Trump a good economy isn't anything to be impressed with. He'll fuck it up because they always do.

So if you want virtual open borders, a slacking economy, limited job opportunities, higher taxes for everybody, vote Democrat.

Recession has already started, buddy.... you just haven't felt it yet.

The so-called whistleblowers are likely Democrat operatives. It is now known for sure that the person who passed that information to the whistleblower was indeed a dyed in the wool Democrat.

The only thing you're going to see is what our authorities allow you to see for security purposes. And there is nothing in that transcript that gave Zelensky an ultimatum. The Democrats are scared as all hell of what Zelensky might find, and Barr is a secondary threat to them. That's why they are so frantic, especially Joe Biden.

Guy, this is where you are delusional. No matter what Biden did, Trump can't break the law to prove it, and that's clearly what he did here. The fact the whole national security aparatus is breaking bad on him now should tell you that they think he's a nut.
Again, the CRA didn't cause the bubble... all those dumb white folks buying McMansions did. YOu only have to look at a map to see where it started... Didn't start in the slums, it started in the Suburbs and Exburbs.

Correct, because people from the slums bought houses in the suburbs. They never could afford them, and had no intention of paying the mortgage. It was simply a vacation away from the projects. They knew when the bank caught up with them, the only thing that would happen is they would have to move back where they came from.

Minorities' Home Ownership Booms Under Clinton but Still Lags Whites'

Wow, guy... that's where you are fucking it up. You only include your last 15 years and that's it. Not that this is really a problem...

But this would actually require you to TRY and not whine about it.

Joe, if somebody doesn't want to hire me for whatever reason, I don't want to work for them. I'm planning on retiring in a little over two years. Employers don't want new employees in that position. Oh, and this recession you're predicting? I won't have to worry much about that as I'm one of the oldest drivers my employer has, and would be the last to go if he did have to layoff people. If I take a job with another company, I'd be the first to go as they will take care of their senior employees over the newest ones.

Again, buddy, sounds like you just don't know how to market yourself. I'd offer to help, but frankly, I just don't like you that much. I've helped people older than you get jobs...

Yes, there's discrimination against workers over 50. Not as bad as it used to be because there just aren't as many young workers replacing the old ones...

I think it's worse now. Because of the internet, you no longer get to apply in person unless they write back asking you to. Years ago, you went to every job personally in most cases. Most companies don't even list the company name in the ad. They will reveal who they are once they decide they have an interest in your services.

That Obama left Trump a good economy isn't anything to be impressed with. He'll fuck it up because they always do.

Sure he will. Only two things will happen here: Trump will get reelected and our economy will continue, or if he gets defeated, the economy will go down the tubes and you leftists will be blaming Trump for the following years until it gets going again, if it does at all.

Under Trump, more full-time jobs were created in his three years than DumBama's eight. From the time Ears entered the White House until the time he left, only two million more jobs were created than when he first took over. However.......our population increased by 20 million people during the same period. That's what's not very impressive.

Recession has already started, buddy.... you just haven't felt it yet.

That's not what the experts are saying. We had a little slower month than usual, but that's nothing we haven't seen before when the media was attempting to ruin our economy.

Guy, this is where you are delusional. No matter what Biden did, Trump can't break the law to prove it, and that's clearly what he did here. The fact the whole national security aparatus is breaking bad on him now should tell you that they think he's a nut.

Really? Trump broke the law? Which law is that? Yeah, Trump is crazy; crazy like a Fox. Your entire hatred of the man is personal, not his leadership, because his leadership has been outstanding. Statistics speak for itself.
You know if Trump wins re-election that's when the lefts violence will begin. Them it will kick into high gear when the radical leftist gets elected.
Correct, because people from the slums bought houses in the suburbs. They never could afford them, and had no intention of paying the mortgage. It was simply a vacation away from the projects. They knew when the bank caught up with them, the only thing that would happen is they would have to move back where they came from.

Again, it was stupid white people buying McMansions, not poor people buying simple houses, that were the problem.

I mean, I know you freaked out when some black family moved into the slum you call a suburb, but that wasn't the cause of the problem.

Joe, if somebody doesn't want to hire me for whatever reason, I don't want to work for them. I'm planning on retiring in a little over two years. Employers don't want new employees in that position. Oh, and this recession you're predicting? I won't have to worry much about that as I'm one of the oldest drivers my employer has, and would be the last to go if he did have to layoff people. If I take a job with another company, I'd be the first to go as they will take care of their senior employees over the newest ones.

Yeah, buddy, you tell yourself that. That's what I thought when Mr. "I'm glad I don't have to deal with a union" screwed me over after I busted up my knee.

Not to worry, when the recession comes, YOU'LL FIND A WAY TO BLAME THAT ON THE DARKIES!

I think it's worse now. Because of the internet, you no longer get to apply in person unless they write back asking you to. Years ago, you went to every job personally in most cases. Most companies don't even list the company name in the ad. They will reveal who they are once they decide they have an interest in your services.

Actually, there's never been more choice. When I used to apply for jobs back in the early oughts, I'd find maybe six jobs to apply for once a week. Now there are dozens out there, because putting out an on-line ad is so much easier.

Again- do this for a living... much more choice... but you have to get off your ass to do it. Of course, in your case, you probably enjoy your abusive relationship with the boss who cheated you out of health insurance.

Miserable people enjoy their misery.

Sure he will. Only two things will happen here: Trump will get reelected and our economy will continue, or if he gets defeated, the economy will go down the tubes and you leftists will be blaming Trump for the following years until it gets going again, if it does at all.

No, Buddy, this is what will happen. The economy will go down the tubes, and Trump will lose by a landslide. Then Democrats will finally get about undoing the damage the Republicans have done to the Middle Class over the last 40 years.

That's not what the experts are saying. We had a little slower month than usual, but that's nothing we haven't seen before when the media was attempting to ruin our economy.

Um, not really. Trump's Trade War has totally fucked up supply chain, which is why manufacturing is cutting back, because they can't count on parts to be readily available. Because Trump is basically a moron, and doesn't understand that when you slap tariffs on products, that includes parts that are used by American Manufacturers.

Really? Trump broke the law? Which law is that? Yeah, Trump is crazy; crazy like a Fox. Your entire hatred of the man is personal, not his leadership, because his leadership has been outstanding. Statistics speak for itself.

The statistics are 'He inherited a great economy, he brought it to a stop and it's starting to decline now."

Let's not forget, Trump's big whine was that any GDP Growth under 3% was a failure... well, Trump hasn't hit 3% a year yet.

But that's completely unrelated to the laws he actually broke, by using American Tax Dollars to dig up dirt on political opponents. We removed Nixon for a lot less,and Trump isn't worthy to shine Nixon's shoes.
Correct, because people from the slums bought houses in the suburbs. They never could afford them, and had no intention of paying the mortgage. It was simply a vacation away from the projects. They knew when the bank caught up with them, the only thing that would happen is they would have to move back where they came from.

Again, it was stupid white people buying McMansions, not poor people buying simple houses, that were the problem.

I mean, I know you freaked out when some black family moved into the slum you call a suburb, but that wasn't the cause of the problem.

Joe, if somebody doesn't want to hire me for whatever reason, I don't want to work for them. I'm planning on retiring in a little over two years. Employers don't want new employees in that position. Oh, and this recession you're predicting? I won't have to worry much about that as I'm one of the oldest drivers my employer has, and would be the last to go if he did have to layoff people. If I take a job with another company, I'd be the first to go as they will take care of their senior employees over the newest ones.

Yeah, buddy, you tell yourself that. That's what I thought when Mr. "I'm glad I don't have to deal with a union" screwed me over after I busted up my knee.

Not to worry, when the recession comes, YOU'LL FIND A WAY TO BLAME THAT ON THE DARKIES!

I think it's worse now. Because of the internet, you no longer get to apply in person unless they write back asking you to. Years ago, you went to every job personally in most cases. Most companies don't even list the company name in the ad. They will reveal who they are once they decide they have an interest in your services.

Actually, there's never been more choice. When I used to apply for jobs back in the early oughts, I'd find maybe six jobs to apply for once a week. Now there are dozens out there, because putting out an on-line ad is so much easier.

Again- do this for a living... much more choice... but you have to get off your ass to do it. Of course, in your case, you probably enjoy your abusive relationship with the boss who cheated you out of health insurance.

Miserable people enjoy their misery.

Sure he will. Only two things will happen here: Trump will get reelected and our economy will continue, or if he gets defeated, the economy will go down the tubes and you leftists will be blaming Trump for the following years until it gets going again, if it does at all.

No, Buddy, this is what will happen. The economy will go down the tubes, and Trump will lose by a landslide. Then Democrats will finally get about undoing the damage the Republicans have done to the Middle Class over the last 40 years.

That's not what the experts are saying. We had a little slower month than usual, but that's nothing we haven't seen before when the media was attempting to ruin our economy.

Um, not really. Trump's Trade War has totally fucked up supply chain, which is why manufacturing is cutting back, because they can't count on parts to be readily available. Because Trump is basically a moron, and doesn't understand that when you slap tariffs on products, that includes parts that are used by American Manufacturers.

Really? Trump broke the law? Which law is that? Yeah, Trump is crazy; crazy like a Fox. Your entire hatred of the man is personal, not his leadership, because his leadership has been outstanding. Statistics speak for itself.

The statistics are 'He inherited a great economy, he brought it to a stop and it's starting to decline now."

Let's not forget, Trump's big whine was that any GDP Growth under 3% was a failure... well, Trump hasn't hit 3% a year yet.

But that's completely unrelated to the laws he actually broke, by using American Tax Dollars to dig up dirt on political opponents. We removed Nixon for a lot less,and Trump isn't worthy to shine Nixon's shoes.

Again, it was stupid white people buying McMansions, not poor people buying simple houses, that were the problem.

I mean, I know you freaked out when some black family moved into the slum you call a suburb, but that wasn't the cause of the problem.

Oh yes it was. That's besides the fact it wasn't one family, it was hundreds of families. They sent this suburb into a hole. We went from one murder every ten years to three to five a year. Many of our stores closed, one was here for generations. Our police were so busy, they had to call for help by other suburbs, and they called our police when we had men available.

Yeah, buddy, you tell yourself that. That's what I thought when Mr. "I'm glad I don't have to deal with a union" screwed me over after I busted up my knee.

Not to worry, when the recession comes, YOU'LL FIND A WAY TO BLAME THAT ON THE DARKIES!

Your OCD is getting worse and worse. You really need help with that.

Actually, there's never been more choice. When I used to apply for jobs back in the early oughts, I'd find maybe six jobs to apply for once a week. Now there are dozens out there, because putting out an on-line ad is so much easier.

Again- do this for a living... much more choice... but you have to get off your ass to do it. Of course, in your case, you probably enjoy your abusive relationship with the boss who cheated you out of health insurance.

Miserable people enjoy their misery.

So what good are choices if they don't respond to your emails?

No, Buddy, this is what will happen. The economy will go down the tubes, and Trump will lose by a landslide. Then Democrats will finally get about undoing the damage the Republicans have done to the Middle Class over the last 40 years.

You mean like the last time, when the labor participation rate dropped, we added an additional 20 million people on food stamps, and drastically increased our Medicaid rolls?

With friends like that, who needs enemies?

The statistics are 'He inherited a great economy, he brought it to a stop and it's starting to decline now."

Let's not forget, Trump's big whine was that any GDP Growth under 3% was a failure... well, Trump hasn't hit 3% a year yet.

But that's completely unrelated to the laws he actually broke, by using American Tax Dollars to dig up dirt on political opponents. We removed Nixon for a lot less,and Trump isn't worthy to shine Nixon's shoes.

Just because somebody is running for the nomination (that he'll never get) doesn't mean he''s insulated from investigations of possible corruption. As a lying leftists, I'm sure you think that his inexperienced son got a job for 50K a year as a coke head who's not only been in rehabilitation several times, but kicked out of the military for the same reason, and Burisma got nothing in return.
Oh yes it was. That's besides the fact it wasn't one family, it was hundreds of families. They sent this suburb into a hole. We went from one murder every ten years to three to five a year. Many of our stores closed, one was here for generations. Our police were so busy, they had to call for help by other suburbs, and they called our police when we had men available.

Yes, you live in a shithole. We've established that. That you don't get why it's a shithole (Because the One Percenters moved on to someone else to exploit) that's the issue.

You mean like the last time, when the labor participation rate dropped, we added an additional 20 million people on food stamps, and drastically increased our Medicaid rolls?

Obviously, you don't understand what the Labor Participation Rate represents... it's been declining since 1999, when the working population peaked, and started accelerating in 2011 when the Baby Boomers started retiring.

Kind of hard to have a meaningful discussion with you if you don't understand basic concepts.

So what good are choices if they don't respond to your emails?

Well, first, you figure out why they aren't responding to your emails. You work with recruiters and staffing agencies. you network. You get someone who knows what he is doing to write your resume.

But again, you are happy in your dysfunctional relationship...

Just because somebody is running for the nomination (that he'll never get) doesn't mean he''s insulated from investigations of possible corruption. As a lying leftists, I'm sure you think that his inexperienced son got a job for 50K a year as a coke head who's not only been in rehabilitation several times, but kicked out of the military for the same reason, and Burisma got nothing in return.

If he was only making $50K a year, that's not much.

I think that's probably good by your standards...

So let's look at Hunter's Resume.

After graduating from law school, Biden took a position at MBNA America, a major bank holding company which was also a major contributor to his father's political campaigns. By 1998, he had risen to the rank of executive vice president.[2]

From 1998 to 2001, he served in the United States Department of Commerce, focusing on ecommerce policy.[15] Biden became a lobbyist in 2001, co-founding the firm of Oldaker, Biden & Belair.[16]

That same year, Biden was appointed by President George W. Bush to the board of directors of Amtrak; he was on the board of Amtrak from 2006 to 2009.[15]

After his father was elected as vice president in 2008, Biden resigned from his position on the Amtrak board of directors and left his career as a lobbyist.[2] Along with Christopher Heinz, stepson of John Kerry, and Devon Archer, Biden founded the investment firm Rosemont Seneca.[16]

He also became an attorney with the law firm Boies Schiller Flexner LLP,[2] and founded Eudora Global, a venture capital firm.[14]

That's actually a pretty good resume.

one that would normally pull down a six figure salary.

Okay, but let's say that there was something fishy about Bursima. So what? Not really in our jurisdiction, is it?

The problem with Trump is that if he asked professionals at State and Justice, they'd have told him this issue had been litigated years ago. Trump operates on whatever he hears on Hate Radio and Fox News....

This is the difference between Trump and past GOP presidents. Past GOP presidents realized this was all a game, but Trump being nothing more than a game show host, can't distinguish the difference.
52 U.S. Code § 30121 - Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

All that says is what the laws are, not that Trump broke any of them. Nice try though. I'm sure you didn't expect me to read your links.

Did Trump’s Ukraine Call Violate Campaign Finance Law? Not By A Long Shot

The title says it all. Trump didn't violate any campaign laws.

Opinion | It seems increasingly likely that Trump violated federal election laws

An opinion piece. This was looked at repeatedly at the time. Trump reimbursed his lawyer for fees paid by him for the campaign. He didn't know what the money was used for.

id Trump just inadvertently admit to violating federal law?

Same as the link above.
"He didn't know what the money was used for. "

Dumbfuck, treaties don't allow candidates to break the law.
No quid pro quo and it was a conversation between 2 heads of State, not between a "candidate" and a foreign operative. I'm sure, if you read transcripts of President obama's conversations with foreign leaders while he was POTUS (and probably before and after) you would find similar favors asked and in the case of Joe Biden's conversations, quid pro quo was demanded.This is much ado about nothing and the world feel slightly embarrassed for the Democrat Party. This shit proves Democrats are irrational and incapable of competent leadership.
Quid pro quo is not a required element of the law in question. And despite being a "conversation between two heads of state," trump is still a candidate campaigning for an upcoming election and it's still illegal to solicit aid for his campaign from a foreign national.
Let me see if I have this straight... The PRESIDENT of the United States asked for cooperation from a foreign head of state about a possible conflict of interest involving a former Vice President and current candidate who essentially blackmailed The former head of this foreign state to quash an investigation involving a company run by a corrupt Minister of Ecology and Conservation with strong ties to the former Vice President's son, and this indicates to you corruption on the part of the current President. Do I have that right?

You sir, are insane. I'm at a loss to explain how incredible silly this whole investigation has been.
First, we waste a couple years investigating the President because of false allegations contained in a dossier compiled by a foreign agent and paid for by the Clinton campaign. The crux of the accusations was a connection between the Trump campaign and foreign agents with the only evidence came from papers paid for by the Clinton campaign and provided by foreign agents.
MY GOD, man!
Because it's not legal to use foreign nations to eliminate political rivals in an election. It's not my problem you neither understand that or care that our president is inviting foreign nations to interfere with our elections.
MY GOD MAN.When the investigation began, Biden was NOT A CANDIDATE. It is not illegal to ask a foreign head of state to look into allegations of BLACKMAIL by a sitting US Vice President. Do you not see how ridiculous claims or election law violations are? I see your point but asking a foreign dignitary to help with the investigation of a felony pales in comparison to the blackmail that the investigation was looking into.
let's assume the House goes ahead and goes forward with impeachment. ALL the dirt will come out. Biden will end up in jail and Trump will win in a landslide when the electorate realizes how petty all this bullshit is.
WTF?? Trump solicited foreign aid to investigate Biden in July of this year. Biden was a candidate.

And since you think it's ok to investigate a candidate who was never accused of corruption, I assume you're ok with the Democrats' impeachment investigation into whether or not trump corruptly used $390 million to get the Ukraine president to investigate Biden.
No quid pro quo and it was a conversation between 2 heads of State, not between a "candidate" and a foreign operative. I'm sure, if you read transcripts of President obama's conversations with foreign leaders while he was POTUS (and probably before and after) you would find similar favors asked and in the case of Joe Biden's conversations, quid pro quo was demanded.This is much ado about nothing and the world feel slightly embarrassed for the Democrat Party. This shit proves Democrats are irrational and incapable of competent leadership.
Quid pro quo is not a required element of the law in question. And despite being a "conversation between two heads of state," trump is still a candidate campaigning for an upcoming election and it's still illegal to solicit aid for his campaign from a foreign national.
Let me see if I have this straight... The PRESIDENT of the United States asked for cooperation from a foreign head of state about a possible conflict of interest involving a former Vice President and current candidate who essentially blackmailed The former head of this foreign state to quash an investigation involving a company run by a corrupt Minister of Ecology and Conservation with strong ties to the former Vice President's son, and this indicates to you corruption on the part of the current President. Do I have that right?

You sir, are insane. I'm at a loss to explain how incredible silly this whole investigation has been.
First, we waste a couple years investigating the President because of false allegations contained in a dossier compiled by a foreign agent and paid for by the Clinton campaign. The crux of the accusations was a connection between the Trump campaign and foreign agents with the only evidence came from papers paid for by the Clinton campaign and provided by foreign agents.
MY GOD, man!
Because it's not legal to use foreign nations to eliminate political rivals in an election. It's not my problem you neither understand that or care that our president is inviting foreign nations to interfere with our elections.
MY GOD MAN.When the investigation began, Biden was NOT A CANDIDATE. It is not illegal to ask a foreign head of state to look into allegations of BLACKMAIL by a sitting US Vice President. Do you not see how ridiculous claims or election law violations are? I see your point but asking a foreign dignitary to help with the investigation of a felony pales in comparison to the blackmail that the investigation was looking into.
let's assume the House goes ahead and goes forward with impeachment. ALL the dirt will come out. Biden will end up in jail and Trump will win in a landslide when the electorate realizes how petty all this bullshit is.
WTF?? Trump solicited foreign aid to investigate Biden in July of this year. Biden was a candidate.

And since you think it's ok to investigate a candidate who was never accused of corruption, I assume you're ok with the Democrats' impeachment investigation into whether or not trump corruptly used $390 million to get the Ukraine president to investigate Biden.
So being a candidate allows you to get away with corruption? one can investigate a candidate?...then how is it that Trump has been hounded for years now?...
From your link....

Under Clinton, bank regulators have breathed the first real life into enforcement of the Community Reinvestment Act, a 20-year-old statute meant to combat “redlining” by requiring banks to serve their low-income communities.

... and then we have YOU posting...
So where did I mention the CRA? Do you have brain damage or something?
... which only serves to prove you don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about. <smh>
Quid pro quo is not a required element of the law in question. And despite being a "conversation between two heads of state," trump is still a candidate campaigning for an upcoming election and it's still illegal to solicit aid for his campaign from a foreign national.
Let me see if I have this straight... The PRESIDENT of the United States asked for cooperation from a foreign head of state about a possible conflict of interest involving a former Vice President and current candidate who essentially blackmailed The former head of this foreign state to quash an investigation involving a company run by a corrupt Minister of Ecology and Conservation with strong ties to the former Vice President's son, and this indicates to you corruption on the part of the current President. Do I have that right?

You sir, are insane. I'm at a loss to explain how incredible silly this whole investigation has been.
First, we waste a couple years investigating the President because of false allegations contained in a dossier compiled by a foreign agent and paid for by the Clinton campaign. The crux of the accusations was a connection between the Trump campaign and foreign agents with the only evidence came from papers paid for by the Clinton campaign and provided by foreign agents.
MY GOD, man!
Because it's not legal to use foreign nations to eliminate political rivals in an election. It's not my problem you neither understand that or care that our president is inviting foreign nations to interfere with our elections.
MY GOD MAN.When the investigation began, Biden was NOT A CANDIDATE. It is not illegal to ask a foreign head of state to look into allegations of BLACKMAIL by a sitting US Vice President. Do you not see how ridiculous claims or election law violations are? I see your point but asking a foreign dignitary to help with the investigation of a felony pales in comparison to the blackmail that the investigation was looking into.
let's assume the House goes ahead and goes forward with impeachment. ALL the dirt will come out. Biden will end up in jail and Trump will win in a landslide when the electorate realizes how petty all this bullshit is.
WTF?? Trump solicited foreign aid to investigate Biden in July of this year. Biden was a candidate.

And since you think it's ok to investigate a candidate who was never accused of corruption, I assume you're ok with the Democrats' impeachment investigation into whether or not trump corruptly used $390 million to get the Ukraine president to investigate Biden.
So being a candidate allows you to get away with corruption? one can investigate a candidate?...then how is it that Trump has been hounded for years now?...
It means another candidate running in the same election can't solicit s foreign national to invesigate.

But since you seem ok with Ukraine investigating Biden, that must mean you're ok with Democrats holding an impeachment inquiry to investigate trump, right?
It means another candidate running in the same election can't solicit s foreign national to invesigate
You know what?...only a fool would think that has never happened before...that dems like Hillary aren't guilty of the very same thing...and the evidence that Trump was trying to do what is being alleged by unnamed hacks is flimsy at go ahead...
Look like the fools that you are...waste everyone's time and precious tax libs suddenly are screaming about deficits all while doing absolutely nothing to fix that problem or any other problem we face as a nation....yet we have endless dollars that are essentially democrat war dollars/tax payer dollars being wasted on one hoax investigation after another....the dems are really blowing any chance of winning.....
Maybe for a long already have lost the much more damage are you willing to witness Pelosi do?....I bet Obama is furious....he was always able to keep a lid on her...but his deep state ass is gone now....hiding from the media....and Pelosi is unrestrained.....LMFAO
It means another candidate running in the same election can't solicit s foreign national to invesigate
You know what?...only a fool would think that has never happened before...that dems like Hillary aren't guilty of the very same thing...and the evidence that Trump was trying to do what is being alleged by unnamed hacks is flimsy at go ahead...
Look like the fools that you are...waste everyone's time and precious tax libs suddenly are screaming about deficits all while doing absolutely nothing to fix that problem or any other problem we face as a nation....yet we have endless dollars that are essentially democrat war dollars/tax payer dollars being wasted on one hoax investigation after another....the dems are really blowing any chance of winning.....
Maybe for a long already have lost the much more damage are you willing to witness Pelosi do?....I bet Obama is furious....he was always able to keep a lid on her...but his deep state ass is gone now....hiding from the media....and Pelosi is unrestrained.....LMFAO

Oh? You care about ta dollars now, do ya? Did you care about tax dollars when the right investigated the Clinton's over whitewater ... then troopergate ... then cattlegate ... then filegate ... then travelgate ... then vincefostergate ... then monicagate?

Or what about 8 separate investigations into Benghazi? You cared about tax dollars then too?

And what "hoax investigations" are you talking about?

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