Democrats Move Towards Violent Confrontation

I say

Let them

Let the Demonrats/Communists/Antifa move towards violent confrontation

there is nothing I would like to see best ....

than those morons....those cockroaches be squashed by patriots....

what joy!
This website may have lost to the patriots because of a couple of harmful mods

This website better do some deep thinking

Explain please. Those are really vague charges. How are these mods being 'harmful?' At least explain your position otherwise you are just trolling.
They make harm equal tonhelp to increase fights for increase in profits

The nation is at a crossroads doing this is outrageous

You need your programmers to fix your program it is spouting nonsense. The alogrhythm is functioning improperly.
WTF?? Trump solicited foreign aid to investigate Biden in July of this year. Biden was a candidate.

And since you think it's ok to investigate a candidate who was never accused of corruption, I assume you're ok with the Democrats' impeachment investigation into whether or not trump corruptly used $390 million to get the Ukraine president to investigate Biden.

Nothing to investigate. It's all in the transcript that anybody can read. And nowhere did Trump ever give Zelenksky an ultimatum. You can't impeach based on mind reading.
An ultimate that had no impact on his own personal interests or that of his son.

Whereas Trump, unlike Biden, actually withheld money until the president of Ukraine agreed to Trumps "favors" One of which was to investigate another candidate running in the 2020 presidential election.

Okay, show me where Trump said he was withholding arms sales unless there was an investigation.
Moron -- his actions spoke for him.

Trump wouldn't give Ukraine the money. He himself said, "we want to make sure that country is honest. It's very important to talk about corruption. If you don't talk about corruption, why would you give money to a country that you think is corrupt?"

Then after getting assurances from Ukraine's president to take care of Trump's favors of investigating the DNC server and political rival, Joe Biden, Trump gives Ukraine the money.

Oh, so what you're saying is that Trump didn't hand over the money immediately with concern for corruption, and not as an ultimatum for a foreign investigation. That's for admitting that moron.
Dumbfuck -- Trump spoke with Zelensky about corruption that needed to be taken care of .....

He mentioned a DNC server and Biden.

That's it.

Then when Zelensky agreed to look into those matters -- Trump gave him $390 million USD.
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Now stop posting on this because every time you do, you make an even bigger ass of yourself.

Not as much as you are. Again, show me one post of mine where I mentioned the CRA.
Dumbfuck, I already gave two of your posts where you did exactly that.
The whole thing started years before GW when Clinton wanted more minority home ownership. Because many minorities didn't qualify, they simply lowered the qualifications so minorities could get loans.

From your link....

Under Clinton, bank regulators have breathed the first real life into enforcement of the Community Reinvestment Act, a 20-year-old statute meant to combat “redlining” by requiring banks to serve their low-income communities.
Dumbfuck, I already gave two of your posts where you did exactly that.

No you didn't.

From your link....

I know your a lib, but surly even you can understand this.......well...maybe not.

Show me where "I" "said" anything about CRA's. Do you understand it now short bus?
Now you're simply lying as evidenced by me posting links to your two posts where you either talked about the CRA or where you linked to articles about it which you edited out of my quote in your reply.
Dumbfuck, I already gave two of your posts where you did exactly that.

No you didn't.

From your link....

I know your a lib, but surly even you can understand this.......well...maybe not.

Show me where "I" "said" anything about CRA's. Do you understand it now short bus?
Now you're simply lying as evidenced by me posting links to your two posts where you either talked about the CRA or where you linked to articles about it which you edited out of my quote in your reply.

The key words are "I said" meaning I printed that the CRA's were responsible. I never did. The article I posted may have included CRA's, but my only point for posting that article was who got that ball rolling in the first place.
Dumbfuck, I already gave two of your posts where you did exactly that.

No you didn't.

From your link....

I know your a lib, but surly even you can understand this.......well...maybe not.

Show me where "I" "said" anything about CRA's. Do you understand it now short bus?
Now you're simply lying as evidenced by me posting links to your two posts where you either talked about the CRA or where you linked to articles about it which you edited out of my quote in your reply.

The key words are "I said" meaning I printed that the CRA's were responsible. I never did. The article I posted may have included CRA's, but my only point for posting that article was who got that ball rolling in the first place.
You're brain-dead, con. When you said...
The whole thing started years before GW when Clinton wanted more minority home ownership.
.... what law did Clinton alter to generate minority home ownership...?
They won't care.
Liberals are so naive.

Trump supporters are warning of civil war if Trump is impeached

Trump supporters are warning of civil war if Trump is impeached
Impeachment is tomorrow. What time can we expect the civil war? I predict never because conservatives are nothing but a bunch of whiny bitches who are too lazy to get out of bed and stand up for their convictions.

Mass Republican bedwetting is more likely than insurrection.
They won't care.
Liberals are so naive.

Trump supporters are warning of civil war if Trump is impeached

Trump supporters are warning of civil war if Trump is impeached
Impeachment is tomorrow. What time can we expect the civil war? I predict never because conservatives are nothing but a bunch of whiny bitches who are too lazy to get out of bed and stand up for their convictions.

Impeachment has been watered down by the Democrats through this process. It means nothing. Do Democrats have the fortitude to remove Trump from office? That is the question.
They won't care.
Liberals are so naive.

Trump supporters are warning of civil war if Trump is impeached

Trump supporters are warning of civil war if Trump is impeached
Impeachment is tomorrow. What time can we expect the civil war? I predict never because conservatives are nothing but a bunch of whiny bitches who are too lazy to get out of bed and stand up for their convictions.

Impeachment has been watered down by the Democrats through this process. It means nothing. Do Democrats have the fortitude to remove Trump from office? That is the question.

The Democrats can't remove President Trump through the impeachment.

They don't have the votes.

The only way the President can be removed is if the GOP does it.

And if the Republican Party were to do this, they know that would be the end of their party, Throwing the Trump people out of the party would make any future victories impossible. Get ready for a 7000 dow and 10% unemployment again,
They won't care.
Liberals are so naive.

Trump supporters are warning of civil war if Trump is impeached

Trump supporters are warning of civil war if Trump is impeached
Impeachment is tomorrow. What time can we expect the civil war? I predict never because conservatives are nothing but a bunch of whiny bitches who are too lazy to get out of bed and stand up for their convictions.

So they are no different than most Democrats.

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