Democrats Move Towards Violent Confrontation

Then why isn't Hillary in jail for the Steele dossier?
Because she didn't solicit aid from a foreign country. :eusa_doh:

There is nothing wrong with soliciting aid from a foreign country.
That is the whole purpose of having allies.

It is only illegal if one acts in a way that is harmful to the rights of others, for personal gain.
Dirt on an opponent can be personal gain but still not illegal if the dirt is about something the other person did that was illegal and should be exposed.

There is nothing wrong with soliciting aid from a foreign country.
That is the whole purpose of having allies."

no it isn't.

The only way Trump could be wrong to solicit aid from an ally is if it was for his own personal advancement only.
And that is not likely because if Hunter Biden did something wrong, it would be the legal duty of Trump to investigate that.

If Hunter Biden did something illegal in the Ukraine, it is not the responsibility of the President to investigate because the USA has no responsibility for what its citizens do abroad. In fact, it's none of the President's concern what Americans are doing abroad.

That is probably the most stupid thing you have ever posted.

How often did your parents dribble your head on the concrete floor like a basketball?
The country would be more liberal due to deperndency and the popuplations of inner cities. I don't disagree with that. That doesn't preclude the fact that people in non-urban areas, with a different set of problems, needs representation too.

No, they really don't... Frankly, I'm getting tired of subsiding the Red State inbreds in JesusLand.

I agree we should be spending less. That is true for both parties, however, cutting taxes ACROSS THE BOARD is the way to organically stimulate the economy. Raising taxes is an inorganic short term fix which will ultimately result in less tax revenue. Social Security should be funded, but it isn't due to payouts to people that have never paid in or get back far more than they every put in. Democrats and Republicans raiding the fund doesn't help either.

Two problems with this Supply Side "Voodoo Economics". The first is that tax cuts for the rich stimulate the economy, when there is no correlation. Tax cuts didn't get us out of the 1980's recession, massive military spending did.

Bill Clinton raised taxes in the 1990's on rich people. He had balanced budgets by 1999 and economic prosperity.. Blows the whole Voodoo Economic Argument right out of the water.

Wealth inequality is a thing, so is loafing. When you Democrats work on the latter, we can work on the former. The ironic thing is that legislating against wealth inequality creates more loafers.

No, what creates more dependency is that the wealth is concentrated at the top.

The thing you guys don't address is that most people on what you like to call "Welfare" are often working jobs that don't pay enough to put a roof over their heads or food on the table.... If the wealth were evenly distributed, if the CEO made as much as the Fry Cook, you wouldn't need SNAP, TANF, Section 8, Medicaid or any of the other programs you whine about.

Of course, what you don't whine about is "White People Welfare" like Social Security, Medicare and Unemployment Insurance. Entitlements that white folks get. You don't run on cutting those, or you'd be done.

In my state, the "inbreds" you are supporting are Democrats, not Republicans. The vast majority of middle to upper class people in red states vote for Republicans. The middle-lower to lower classes vote for Democrats. Who do you think are getting the subsidies?

We can't evenly distributed wealth because people aren't evenly talented or productive. You sound EXACTLY like Socialist, which is why you will vote for Warren. I never hear the left complain about pro sports salaries. Those guys make WAY more than average and more than CEO's in many instances. Where is the outrage? Since you are so consumed by race, do athletes avoid your party's condemnation because many of them are minorities?
In my state, the "inbreds" you are supporting are Democrats, not Republicans. The vast majority of middle to upper class people in red states vote for Republicans. The middle-lower to lower classes vote for Democrats. Who do you think are getting the subsidies?

Actually, the Dumb White Trash who live in the Trailer Parks.


We can't evenly distributed wealth because people aren't evenly talented or productive. You sound EXACTLY like Socialist, which is why you will vote for Warren. I never hear the left complain about pro sports salaries. Those guys make WAY more than average and more than CEO's in many instances. Where is the outrage? Since you are so consumed by race, do athletes avoid your party's condemnation because many of them are minorities?

Here's why I don't get worked up about Athletes. They don't get rich by hawking dangerous products or screwing over working people.

No excuse for a CEO to make 8 figures when his company is failing. No excuse for a CEO like Ed Hanaway of Cigna getting a nine-figure retirement package for cheating people out of health coverage AFTER they've paid for or worked for insurance.

Frankly, I have no great love for Socialism, but Capitalists are such fucking vermin, a nice healthy purge of them might be a good thing.
In my state, the "inbreds" you are supporting are Democrats, not Republicans. The vast majority of middle to upper class people in red states vote for Republicans. The middle-lower to lower classes vote for Democrats. Who do you think are getting the subsidies?

Actually, the Dumb White Trash who live in the Trailer Parks.

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We can't evenly distributed wealth because people aren't evenly talented or productive. You sound EXACTLY like Socialist, which is why you will vote for Warren. I never hear the left complain about pro sports salaries. Those guys make WAY more than average and more than CEO's in many instances. Where is the outrage? Since you are so consumed by race, do athletes avoid your party's condemnation because many of them are minorities?

Here's why I don't get worked up about Athletes. They don't get rich by hawking dangerous products or screwing over working people.

No excuse for a CEO to make 8 figures when his company is failing. No excuse for a CEO like Ed Hanaway of Cigna getting a nine-figure retirement package for cheating people out of health coverage AFTER they've paid for or worked for insurance.

Frankly, I have no great love for Socialism, but Capitalists are such fucking vermin, a nice healthy purge of them might be a good thing.

I can assure you that the "rich" people in my state are overwhelmingly Republican. It isn't even close. If you go to the poor portions of the state, you see Obama/Biden bumber stickers everywhere. Believe me or not, I don't care, but by family makes significantly more money that what you claim to make and I am a Republican. I was also a Republican when I was fresh out of college making very little because I recognized that Republicans supported the idea that hard work should be rewarded and the sky is the limit. Democrats don't necesarily believe this and there is certainly a cap to success in their minds.

"Capatalists are vermin" Ever thought of moving to Europe? Seriously, if you prefer the idea that everyone can be economic equivalents, without much execeptionalism, that is the place for you. The US was not founded to be Socialist. We are the most powerful economic country in the world because of Capatalism. The left doesn't like this little factoid, but it is hard to avoid.
Look idiot, I really don't care how you fricken want to spin it
I know. You want to tuck tail and slither away, and this is your bullshit reason. I get it.

Wow, really?! Not quite sure which word is so difficult for you. I stated there is no point in continuing any conversation because you seem to enjoy altering other peoples posts. If you're one of those pricks that feel they need to get in the last word...go for it. Dumbass.
The country would be more liberal due to deperndency and the popuplations of inner cities. I don't disagree with that. That doesn't preclude the fact that people in non-urban areas, with a different set of problems, needs representation too.

No, they really don't... Frankly, I'm getting tired of subsiding the Red State inbreds in JesusLand.

I agree we should be spending less. That is true for both parties, however, cutting taxes ACROSS THE BOARD is the way to organically stimulate the economy. Raising taxes is an inorganic short term fix which will ultimately result in less tax revenue. Social Security should be funded, but it isn't due to payouts to people that have never paid in or get back far more than they every put in. Democrats and Republicans raiding the fund doesn't help either.

Two problems with this Supply Side "Voodoo Economics". The first is that tax cuts for the rich stimulate the economy, when there is no correlation. Tax cuts didn't get us out of the 1980's recession, massive military spending did.

Bill Clinton raised taxes in the 1990's on rich people. He had balanced budgets by 1999 and economic prosperity.. Blows the whole Voodoo Economic Argument right out of the water.

Wealth inequality is a thing, so is loafing. When you Democrats work on the latter, we can work on the former. The ironic thing is that legislating against wealth inequality creates more loafers.

No, what creates more dependency is that the wealth is concentrated at the top.

The thing you guys don't address is that most people on what you like to call "Welfare" are often working jobs that don't pay enough to put a roof over their heads or food on the table.... If the wealth were evenly distributed, if the CEO made as much as the Fry Cook, you wouldn't need SNAP, TANF, Section 8, Medicaid or any of the other programs you whine about.

Of course, what you don't whine about is "White People Welfare" like Social Security, Medicare and Unemployment Insurance. Entitlements that white folks get. You don't run on cutting those, or you'd be done.

In my state, the "inbreds" you are supporting are Democrats, not Republicans. The vast majority of middle to upper class people in red states vote for Republicans. The middle-lower to lower classes vote for Democrats. Who do you think are getting the subsidies?

We can't evenly distributed wealth because people aren't evenly talented or productive. You sound EXACTLY like Socialist, which is why you will vote for Warren. I never hear the left complain about pro sports salaries. Those guys make WAY more than average and more than CEO's in many instances. Where is the outrage? Since you are so consumed by race, do athletes avoid your party's condemnation because many of them are minorities?

Maybe we should use Joe's philosophy with sports, actors and musicians.

Instead of paying those quarterbacks four million a year, why not take that money and give the popcorn and beer vendors a huge raise? All the concession people at their stands? How about the grounds keepers? What about the maintenance people that clean up all that mess at the stadium after each game? Think the parking lot attendant is living high on the hog?

If we cap actors and actresses pay at 100K per film, they can greatly lower the price of their movies so the movie theaters wouldn't have to charge an arm and a leg for popcorn or soda. Poorer parents would be able to take their children to these movies.

Speaking of movies, this is where the left gets their business education. They think CEO's are guys who sit in their office all day with the large breasted blonde secretary sitting on their lap, only occasionally getting up to practice their putts on their office putting green.
I think you mean deficit spending. And yes, I do see a pattern:
Yes, because you are a shallow, cacklng fool and look at a chart instead of looking at when and how the spending was mandated, and when attempts to pay for things were blocked.

I expected no less.

Yes, I do look at the charts because the charts tell you what actually happened. The largest conflict between DumBama and the Republican House was spending. It led to shutting down the government, losing our three star credit rating for the first time in US history.

DumBama always wanted to spend more. He lost that ability after we kicked the Democrats out of power in the House.
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More than Rolling Thunder shoud descend on DC. Active duty military should descend on DC
Threatening violence?
what was the vijay jay march? funny how you fks never say shit about the threat shit you all incited. amazing hundred man march, the after inauguration march, fk the climate march that just happened. not one fking word about the threatening tone. nope, you got your dick in your hand and happy.
So who did the spending, DumBama or the Republicans?
The debt spending? Yes, republicans. Theynsupported two police actions, but refused to pay for them. Consistently. Seeing a pattern, yet?

I think you mean deficit spending. And yes, I do see a pattern:

View attachment 282337

The Republicans held the House from early 1990's until 2006. Democrats took leadership in 2007 and kept that leadership until 2010. In 2011, the Republicans took leadership of Congress until 2018.

2009 was the biggest deficit dud to Bush's Great Recession. They could only get smaller after that.

Really? So why did it take four years???
Why lie? 2010 was smaller than 2009. That was one year, not 4.

Oh, you mean after the Republicans took leadership of the House. And it kept going down until 2016.
The debt spending? Yes, republicans. Theynsupported two police actions, but refused to pay for them. Consistently. Seeing a pattern, yet?

I think you mean deficit spending. And yes, I do see a pattern:

View attachment 282337

The Republicans held the House from early 1990's until 2006. Democrats took leadership in 2007 and kept that leadership until 2010. In 2011, the Republicans took leadership of Congress until 2018.

2009 was the biggest deficit dud to Bush's Great Recession. They could only get smaller after that.

Really? So why did it take four years???
Why lie? 2010 was smaller than 2009. That was one year, not 4.

Oh, you mean after the Republicans took leadership of the House. And it kept going down until 2016.
Republicans were in charge of the House 2010? In what alternative universe do you reside?
I think you mean deficit spending. And yes, I do see a pattern:

View attachment 282337

The Republicans held the House from early 1990's until 2006. Democrats took leadership in 2007 and kept that leadership until 2010. In 2011, the Republicans took leadership of Congress until 2018.

2009 was the biggest deficit dud to Bush's Great Recession. They could only get smaller after that.

Really? So why did it take four years???
Why lie? 2010 was smaller than 2009. That was one year, not 4.

Oh, you mean after the Republicans took leadership of the House. And it kept going down until 2016.
Republicans were in charge of the House 2010? In what alternative universe do you reside?
That Ray guy is tedious and exhausting. If you engage him, you have to spend 3/4 of your time dismissing false nonsense he is just making up on the spot. Not worth it.

2009 was the biggest deficit dud to Bush's Great Recession. They could only get smaller after that.

Really? So why did it take four years???
Why lie? 2010 was smaller than 2009. That was one year, not 4.

Oh, you mean after the Republicans took leadership of the House. And it kept going down until 2016.
Republicans were in charge of the House 2010? In what alternative universe do you reside?
That Ray guy is tedious and exhausting. If you engage him, you have to spend 3/4 of your time dismissing false nonsense he is just making up on the spot. Not worth it.
Or just dismiss his posts as the bullshit he intended it to be.

Look at it this way --- if a rightard is posting, they're lying.
Really? So why did it take four years???
Why lie? 2010 was smaller than 2009. That was one year, not 4.

Oh, you mean after the Republicans took leadership of the House. And it kept going down until 2016.
Republicans were in charge of the House 2010? In what alternative universe do you reside?
That Ray guy is tedious and exhausting. If you engage him, you have to spend 3/4 of your time dismissing false nonsense he is just making up on the spot. Not worth it.
Or just dismiss his posts as the bullshit he intended it to be.

Look at it this way --- if a rightard is posting, they're lying.

That would be a great idea. In fact, pretend like I'm not even on USMB and don't respond to any of my posts. :113:
I can assure you that the "rich" people in my state are overwhelmingly Republican.

Oh, I'm sure they are.. .The GOP lives in horror of the thought of the Rich paying their fair share.


Believe me or not, I don't care,

I don't. Real rich people don't need to brag how well they are doing.

"Capatalists are vermin" Ever thought of moving to Europe?

Nope. going to fix this country.

Seriously, if you prefer the idea that everyone can be economic equivalents, without much execeptionalism, that is the place for you.

Sorry, man, after nearly 30 years of working in the private sector, I haven't seen this 'Exceptionalism". What I usually see are clueless twits who end up in the Corner Office and usually have no idea what is going on.

The US was not founded to be Socialist. We are the most powerful economic country in the world because of Capatalism. The left doesn't like this little factoid, but it is hard to avoid.

Because it's not true. We became the greatest country because of PROGRESSIVES, who gave us a middle class and a country people wanted to fight for. Republicans spent the last 40 years fucking that up.

When the Chinese pass us up, Communism and all, dumb-asses like you will be wondering why.
Maybe we should use Joe's philosophy with sports, actors and musicians.

Instead of paying those quarterbacks four million a year, why not take that money and give the popcorn and beer vendors a huge raise? All the concession people at their stands? How about the grounds keepers? What about the maintenance people that clean up all that mess at the stadium after each game? Think the parking lot attendant is living high on the hog?

here's the thing. All those folks belong to unions, along with all the back-benchers, and they are getting a fair wage.

If we cap actors and actresses pay at 100K per film, they can greatly lower the price of their movies so the movie theaters wouldn't have to charge an arm and a leg for popcorn or soda. Poorer parents would be able to take their children to these movies.

No one goes to the Theater for the popcorn...

When I go to see an Avengers Movie, it's because I want to see those actors... not because I love the popcorn.

There's no comparison to corporations. I didn't take Cigna because Ed Hanaway was so awesome when he was coming up with new ways to make a claim harder.

But true story... all those people you see in the long credits at the end of the movie. They all belong to unions and get union scales.
here's the thing. All those folks belong to unions, along with all the back-benchers, and they are getting a fair wage.

I doubt that. There is a vendors union at baseball games? A ticket tearer? A parking lot attendant union?

No one goes to the Theater for the popcorn...

When I go to see an Avengers Movie, it's because I want to see those actors... not because I love the popcorn.

There's no comparison to corporations. I didn't take Cigna because Ed Hanaway was so awesome when he was coming up with new ways to make a claim harder.

But true story... all those people you see in the long credits at the end of the movie. They all belong to unions and get union scales.

It's irrelevant since the actors are paid hundreds of times more than any of those people. I guy I used to know joined up with a band as a roadie. He told me they barely got paid anything. Yes, their living expenses were covered, but that's just about it. While the musicians flew to their cities and gigs, the roadies had to travel on the road sometimes for several days.

While you may love the popcorn, companies rely on investors. The better return for their investors, the more investors they have. The more investors they have, the more access to funds to expand the company, develop new products or services, and yes, of course, means more jobs created.
Why do Democrats want violence?
People balk at the possibility of a democratic civil war, but I say we are already half there. It is bad enough that Leftards spit on, yell at, threaten, chase, attack and harass people (even shoot them) simply for wearing MAGA gear or being associated with his administration on the street, in restaurants, etc., but perhaps more troubling and demonstrative are the lengths to where such behavior is championed at the professional level.

When you have state governments going up against the federal opposing them on such basic things as LAW ENFORCEMENT, to the point of getting people's lives caught in between, that is a sure sign that civil war cannot be far behind.

A Virginia police officer was suspended for turning in a driver wanted by ICE

It is only a small matter for the radical loons on the street to see the example and take the cues being given them by their elected officials, and translate that into personal individual violence.

When Trump once again falls through the wide mesh of the DNC's impeachment dragnet to go on and win reelection next year, I predict that will be the trigger that will unleash the beginnings of the Leftist War On America. They've made it very clear that like spoiled children, they cannot live with a president they did not choose, and they won't be able to take yet another four years of his torture upon their pitiful minds and souls.

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I can assure you that the "rich" people in my state are overwhelmingly Republican.

Oh, I'm sure they are.. .The GOP lives in horror of the thought of the Rich paying their fair share.

View attachment 282494

Believe me or not, I don't care,

I don't. Real rich people don't need to brag how well they are doing.

"Capatalists are vermin" Ever thought of moving to Europe?

Nope. going to fix this country.

Seriously, if you prefer the idea that everyone can be economic equivalents, without much execeptionalism, that is the place for you.

Sorry, man, after nearly 30 years of working in the private sector, I haven't seen this 'Exceptionalism". What I usually see are clueless twits who end up in the Corner Office and usually have no idea what is going on.

The US was not founded to be Socialist. We are the most powerful economic country in the world because of Capatalism. The left doesn't like this little factoid, but it is hard to avoid.

Because it's not true. We became the greatest country because of PROGRESSIVES, who gave us a middle class and a country people wanted to fight for. Republicans spent the last 40 years fucking that up.

When the Chinese pass us up, Communism and all, dumb-asses like you will be wondering why.

I guess all of this depends on your definition of "rich". The vast majority of people in my state making making at least 90k per year are overwhemingly Republican. The Democrats don't start trickling in until at or below the national avearge mark and they dominate the lower income and no income marks, especially those that don't work at all. I don't consider 90k/yr rich.

I didn't say I was "rich", but again, our defintions are likely quite a bit different. To many Democrats, "rich" is not really that much.All I said was that my family makes quite a bit more than your stated income.

You and your ilk are closer to being in padded rooms than corner offices.

We will not allow Democrats to "fix" the US so that it can be as non-prosperous as Europe. Sorry, but only the brain dead would want that. Exceptionalism is all around us. You can't see it because you aren't one of them not do you seem to have to drive, attitude nor intelligence to be exceptional. Don't begrudgen those of us who do have those qualities. Envy isn't pretty.

The Chinese will only pass us up if we allow the Democratic morons to take over and give them another sweetheart deal and roll over like good puppy dogs like Obama did. Democrats are spineless wimps, particularly when it comes to foriegn policy. I can assure you that if any of the Progressives from the days of our founding would be apalled at what today's Progressive party has become. In fact, they say today's Conservatives are too liberal and they would be correct.
I doubt that. There is a vendors union at baseball games? A ticket tearer? A parking lot attendant union?

The employees of the field, um, yeah, they are probably unionized. The vendors... meh, they choose to be there because there's an opportunity.

It's irrelevant since the actors are paid hundreds of times more than any of those people. I guy I used to know joined up with a band as a roadie. He told me they barely got paid anything. Yes, their living expenses were covered, but that's just about it. While the musicians flew to their cities and gigs, the roadies had to travel on the road sometimes for several days.

How did we get from Movie Stars (where the Movie industry is highly unionized) to Roadies?

MY brother did a gig as a roadie for Pink Floyd once. He had nothing but nice things to say about them,and this was the crappy version after Roger Waters left.

While you may love the popcorn, companies rely on investors. The better return for their investors, the more investors they have. The more investors they have, the more access to funds to expand the company, develop new products or services, and yes, of course, means more jobs created.

Again, you are mistaking a parasite for a vital organ. All that could happen without investors.

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