Democrats Move Towards Violent Confrontation

Of the crazy things I see here..this thing the the US military is going to weigh in on the side of some popular the nuttiest!

The Army will destroy any Civil Insurrection that may ensue.

Me? I have popcorn!

Of the crazy things I see here, the idea that the US military would hunt down and fire on US citizens is the nuttiest.
Don't depend on that.
Why do Democrats want violence?

<< Rolling Thunder Chief Predicts if Democrats Impeach Trump Bikers Will Descend on DC >>

It Will Be Ugly... Rolling Thunder Chief Predicts if Democrats Impeach Trump Bikers Will Descend on DC

Nonsense. DC is used to this sort of thing. The DC authorities know what to do. If they come through northern Virginia, they will get their due. It's not like Rolling Thunder never comes here. They do it every year. We know the streets they use.

Why would anyone think that Vietnam vets are in agreement about tramp, anyway?

Threatening violence as a result of a lawful impeachment is just plain un-American. I don't recall such threats when Clinton was impeached or when Nixon was almost impeached.

Noted that this piece is from Gateway Pundit.
This is no lawful impeachment. This is a kangaroo process based on total lies.
We know you've been told to believe that.
So what is responsible and patriotic, giving in to the commies?
Commies? Seriously??! Who are the commies? Those advocating for upholding the rule of law? Those defending the Constitution?

Oh please. The Democrats piss on the Constitution every chance they get. This impeachment thing is a perfect example.

The US Constitution outlines what are impeachable offenses. Talking to a foreign leader is part of the job, not a high crime or misdemeanor.

And don't get me started with Trump threatened Zelensky by withholding funds because there is nothing in that conversation to make that claim. Trump stopped the funding a week before they even had the phone conversation.

Who are the commies? The people the US Communist Party support.
Horseshit, Horseshit and more horseshit There was an implied quid pro quo . The Constitution does not actually outline what an impeachable offense is but it is understood that compromising the integrity and security of our country and our democracy is . He did that. Are you actually saying that anyone who calls him out on his abuse of power is a commie?
Violating the public's trust is an impeachable offense; better known as abuse of power, abuse of office, malfeasance of office, etc....
Yes. Every democrat in office needs to be rounded up and put in prison.
And there we have the real idea of violent confrontation.
Commies? Seriously??! Who are the commies? Those advocating for upholding the rule of law? Those defending the Constitution?

Oh please. The Democrats piss on the Constitution every chance they get. This impeachment thing is a perfect example.

The US Constitution outlines what are impeachable offenses. Talking to a foreign leader is part of the job, not a high crime or misdemeanor.

And don't get me started with Trump threatened Zelensky by withholding funds because there is nothing in that conversation to make that claim. Trump stopped the funding a week before they even had the phone conversation.

Who are the commies? The people the US Communist Party support.
Horseshit, Horseshit and more horseshit There was an implied quid pro quo . The Constitution does not actually outline what an impeachable offense is but it is understood that compromising the integrity and security of our country and our democracy is . He did that. Are you actually saying that anyone who calls him out on his abuse of power is a commie?
Violating the public's trust is an impeachable offense; better known as abuse of power, abuse of office, malfeasance of office, etc....
Yes. Every democrat in office needs to be rounded up and put in prison.
And there we have the real idea of violent confrontation.
Why do Democrats want violence?

<< Rolling Thunder Chief Predicts if Democrats Impeach Trump Bikers Will Descend on DC >>

It Will Be Ugly... Rolling Thunder Chief Predicts if Democrats Impeach Trump Bikers Will Descend on DC
Odd considering how it's the CRCs always threatening violence here.

Odd how it's the DemocRats that usually commit the violence.
Oh? Like Charlottesville? Like El Paso? Like Charleston? Like Pittsburgh?
In each of those cases a liberal or democrat started the shit.
Of course you've been groomed to believe that, despite the facts. Tell us how those in that black church in Charleston started it. Explain how those Jews in Pittsburgh started it. Tell us how those customers in WalMart in El Paso started it. Tell us how protesters in Charleston started it.
Commies? Seriously??! Who are the commies? Those advocating for upholding the rule of law? Those defending the Constitution?

Oh please. The Democrats piss on the Constitution every chance they get. This impeachment thing is a perfect example.

The US Constitution outlines what are impeachable offenses. Talking to a foreign leader is part of the job, not a high crime or misdemeanor.

And don't get me started with Trump threatened Zelensky by withholding funds because there is nothing in that conversation to make that claim. Trump stopped the funding a week before they even had the phone conversation.

Who are the commies? The people the US Communist Party support.
Horseshit, Horseshit and more horseshit There was an implied quid pro quo . The Constitution does not actually outline what an impeachable offense is but it is understood that compromising the integrity and security of our country and our democracy is . He did that. Are you actually saying that anyone who calls him out on his abuse of power is a commie?

No, what I said is the commies are leading the charge.

Yes, the Constitution says impeachment is a process against a judge or President who commits the offenses of high crimes or misdemeanors.

Who are the commies? !

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The Democrats are the commies. Their last three presidential contenders had the utmost blessing from the US Communist Party, and that goes double for Bernie Sanders, a man who even spent his honeymoon in the USSR.
It's amusing to watch what CRCs and donnie cultists have been groomed to believe.
Responsible, patriotic citizens have throughout history tended to defend their form of government against both foreign and domestic enemies.
The Democrats have openly chosen to become the domestic enemy of note. If we have a dust-up, it will be on them.

There won't be any "dust up".....pipe dreams.

Americans have proven beyond any doubt that their choice is passive acceptance. No will to resist.

Same as what happened in the UK and Venezuela. It's happening here "A people in denial" is the name of the story.

Time may tell. Anger can accomplish many unexpected things.
Sounds like a threat of violence.
Why do Democrats want violence?

<< Rolling Thunder Chief Predicts if Democrats Impeach Trump Bikers Will Descend on DC >>

It Will Be Ugly... Rolling Thunder Chief Predicts if Democrats Impeach Trump Bikers Will Descend on DC
So your advocating a military coup ? Tell us more about how patriotic you are you stupid ass!!

Weren’t the Sons of Liberty patriotic? This country was founded on a rebellion overthrowing a government.

Not saying I am for any type of coup, just an observation. donnie's deplorables are "sons of liberty".....:71:
More than Rolling Thunder shoud descend on DC. Active duty military should descend on DC
Naw, DC police can handle a few bikers.

Hell they may just join in, shitforbrains. Its not like you leftards have been making friends of law enforcement or the military for that matter. I know, we're all ah skered that you cream puffs are gonna light candles, whine and start swinging your purses.
Maybe this can be another American Spring! That was bigly awesome!
Oh no you didn't! :ack-1:

Operation american spring
I remember that, did anyone actually show up? about 60.
Why do Democrats want violence?

<< Rolling Thunder Chief Predicts if Democrats Impeach Trump Bikers Will Descend on DC >>

It Will Be Ugly... Rolling Thunder Chief Predicts if Democrats Impeach Trump Bikers Will Descend on DC
Do you really think that you are being a responsible citizen, a patriot by posting this inflammatory shit?
Queer, come get them.
Someone is triggered.....triggered bad. :71:
Oh please. The Democrats piss on the Constitution every chance they get. This impeachment thing is a perfect example.

The US Constitution outlines what are impeachable offenses. Talking to a foreign leader is part of the job, not a high crime or misdemeanor.

And don't get me started with Trump threatened Zelensky by withholding funds because there is nothing in that conversation to make that claim. Trump stopped the funding a week before they even had the phone conversation.

Who are the commies? The people the US Communist Party support.
Horseshit, Horseshit and more horseshit There was an implied quid pro quo . The Constitution does not actually outline what an impeachable offense is but it is understood that compromising the integrity and security of our country and our democracy is . He did that. Are you actually saying that anyone who calls him out on his abuse of power is a commie?
Violating the public's trust is an impeachable offense; better known as abuse of power, abuse of office, malfeasance of office, etc....
Yes. Every democrat in office needs to be rounded up and put in prison.
And there we have the real idea of violent confrontation.
Right...we know you are against anyone who is anti-fascism. You are all in for fascism.
Odd considering how it's the CRCs always threatening violence here.

Odd how it's the DemocRats that usually commit the violence.
Oh? Like Charlottesville? Like El Paso? Like Charleston? Like Pittsburgh?
In each of those cases a liberal or democrat started the shit.
Of course you've been groomed to believe that, despite the facts. Tell us how those in that black church in Charleston started it. Explain how those Jews in Pittsburgh started it. Tell us how those customers in WalMart in El Paso started it. Tell us how protesters in Charleston started it.
Why tell you bitch ass anything? You don't believe the facts.
Well, of course. You cannot. We knew that. :itsok:
Commies? Seriously??! Who are the commies? Those advocating for upholding the rule of law? Those defending the Constitution?

Oh please. The Democrats piss on the Constitution every chance they get. This impeachment thing is a perfect example.

The US Constitution outlines what are impeachable offenses. Talking to a foreign leader is part of the job, not a high crime or misdemeanor.

And don't get me started with Trump threatened Zelensky by withholding funds because there is nothing in that conversation to make that claim. Trump stopped the funding a week before they even had the phone conversation.

Who are the commies? The people the US Communist Party support.
Horseshit, Horseshit and more horseshit There was an implied quid pro quo . The Constitution does not actually outline what an impeachable offense is but it is understood that compromising the integrity and security of our country and our democracy is . He did that. Are you actually saying that anyone who calls him out on his abuse of power is a commie?
Violating the public's trust is an impeachable offense; better known as abuse of power, abuse of office, malfeasance of office, etc....
Yes. Every democrat in office needs to be rounded up and put in prison.
And there we have the real idea of violent confrontation.

That happened when a liberal started shooting republican congressmen. Most libs were like....meh.
Responsible, patriotic citizens have throughout history tended to defend their form of government against both foreign and domestic enemies.
The Democrats have openly chosen to become the domestic enemy of note. If we have a dust-up, it will be on them.

There won't be any "dust up".....pipe dreams.

Americans have proven beyond any doubt that their choice is passive acceptance. No will to resist.

Same as what happened in the UK and Venezuela. It's happening here "A people in denial" is the name of the story.

Time may tell. Anger can accomplish many unexpected things.
Sounds like a threat of violence.
Come get us kunt.
Why in the world would I want your kunt. Euewwwwwwwwwwwwww......:puke:
Soliciting a foreign national to help with a presidential candidate's campaign is a violation of the law.
Then arrest the democrats who have and continue to go to Mexico City to raise funds for their campaigns... Ohh wait that is different right? Arrest Biden for threatening to with hold funds to protect his son. Ohh wait that is different right? Arrest Al Gore and Clinton for raising money from China. Ohh wait that is different right?

Be very specific and show us the words where Trump threatened to do ANYTHING to the Ukraine, then provide actual proof that unlike the dems the republicans are going to foreign Countries to raise donations for campaigns.
If any candidates are soliciting such aid from Mexicans, then charge them. You say that as though I give a shit.

And I don't have to show Trump said anything threatening Ukraine. While if he did threaten them, that would make this worse for him; but even just soliciting them to investigate a political rival, even without threatening them, is a crime.

Biden is more than a political rival. He was a main player in the executive branch of our government, and is now running for chief executive. That's changes the entire picture.
That doesn't change the law Trump violated by soliciting a foreign national to investigate a political rival.

He broke no law. The law was broken when biden started meddling with ukraine to leverage them to give his worthless coke head son a 50k job a month job.
let's see your evidence Joe Biden gave aid to getting that job for his son...
Oh please. The Democrats piss on the Constitution every chance they get. This impeachment thing is a perfect example.

The US Constitution outlines what are impeachable offenses. Talking to a foreign leader is part of the job, not a high crime or misdemeanor.

And don't get me started with Trump threatened Zelensky by withholding funds because there is nothing in that conversation to make that claim. Trump stopped the funding a week before they even had the phone conversation.

Who are the commies? The people the US Communist Party support.
Horseshit, Horseshit and more horseshit There was an implied quid pro quo . The Constitution does not actually outline what an impeachable offense is but it is understood that compromising the integrity and security of our country and our democracy is . He did that. Are you actually saying that anyone who calls him out on his abuse of power is a commie?
Violating the public's trust is an impeachable offense; better known as abuse of power, abuse of office, malfeasance of office, etc....
Yes. Every democrat in office needs to be rounded up and put in prison.
And there we have the real idea of violent confrontation.

That happened when a liberal started shooting republican congressmen. Most libs were like....meh.
Yes, he was very very very wrong. No excuses for him. He deserved everything that happened to him. But, then.....liberals don't try to excuse their shooters like trump's cultists do.
More than Rolling Thunder shoud descend on DC. Active duty military should descend on DC
Naw, DC police can handle a few bikers.

Hell they may just join in, shitforbrains. Its not like you leftards have been making friends of law enforcement or the military for that matter. I know, we're all ah skered that you cream puffs are gonna light candles, whine and start swinging your purses.
Maybe this can be another American Spring! That was bigly awesome!
Oh no you didn't! :ack-1:

Operation american spring
That was so classic! Stephanie (remember her)...swore there'd be a million there!
That's still one of the funniest threads on this forum.
The Democrats have already blown their all of their credibility by attempting frame Trump with Russian collusion and trying to frame Kavanaugh with rape.
They can impeach President Trump 10 times, but people will be considering their source.
Trump is not going to resign.
Responsible, patriotic citizens have throughout history tended to defend their form of government against both foreign and domestic enemies.
The Democrats have openly chosen to become the domestic enemy of note. If we have a dust-up, it will be on them.

There won't be any "dust up".....pipe dreams.

Americans have proven beyond any doubt that their choice is passive acceptance. No will to resist.

Same as what happened in the UK and Venezuela. It's happening here "A people in denial" is the name of the story.

Time may tell. Anger can accomplish many unexpected things.
Sounds like a threat of violence.

Not at all. Merely an observation of human nature.

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