Democrats Move Towards Violent Confrontation

More than Rolling Thunder shoud descend on DC. Active duty military should descend on DC
Naw, DC police can handle a few bikers.

Hell they may just join in, shitforbrains. Its not like you leftards have been making friends of law enforcement or the military for that matter. I know, we're all ah skered that you cream puffs are gonna light candles, whine and start swinging your purses.
Maybe this can be another American Spring! That was bigly awesome!
Oh no you didn't! :ack-1:

Operation american spring
I remember that, did anyone actually show up?
Why do Democrats want violence?

<< Rolling Thunder Chief Predicts if Democrats Impeach Trump Bikers Will Descend on DC >>

It Will Be Ugly... Rolling Thunder Chief Predicts if Democrats Impeach Trump Bikers Will Descend on DC

Nonsense. DC is used to this sort of thing. The DC authorities know what to do. If they come through northern Virginia, they will get their due. It's not like Rolling Thunder never comes here. They do it every year. We know the streets they use.

Why would anyone think that Vietnam vets are in agreement about tramp, anyway?

Threatening violence as a result of a lawful impeachment is just plain un-American. I don't recall such threats when Clinton was impeached or when Nixon was almost impeached.

Noted that this piece is from Gateway Pundit.

Those two committed actual crimes. That's the difference.

What we have here are people making up crimes that never took place; trying to interpret a conversation so that it's less than honest.

Unlike when Clinton or Nixon took seat, the opposition was not screaming impeachment before the Presidents took their oath of office. It's clear that going after Trump has nothing to do with nefarious activities, they only want to reverse an election and have since day one.
Soliciting a foreign national to help with a presidential candidate's campaign is a violation of the law.

Trump never asked of any such thing. He asked Zelenski to look into possible improprieties of Biden as a VP. That's in sharp contrast to the DNC hiring a company that used foreign investigators that got part of his information from the Russian government.
Of course he did....

"The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great."
More than Rolling Thunder shoud descend on DC. Active duty military should descend on DC
Naw, DC police can handle a few bikers.

Hell they may just join in, shitforbrains. Its not like you leftards have been making friends of law enforcement or the military for that matter. I know, we're all ah skered that you cream puffs are gonna light candles, whine and start swinging your purses.
Maybe this can be another American Spring! That was bigly awesome!
Oh no you didn't! :ack-1:

Operation american spring
I remember that, did anyone actually show up?
Yeah ... about 100 people did show up .... out of the anticipated crowd of 30,000,000 ... or about ‭0.0003%

Why do Democrats want violence?

<< Rolling Thunder Chief Predicts if Democrats Impeach Trump Bikers Will Descend on DC >>

It Will Be Ugly... Rolling Thunder Chief Predicts if Democrats Impeach Trump Bikers Will Descend on DC
Odd considering how it's the CRCs always threatening violence here.

Odd how it's the DemocRats that usually commit the violence.
Oh? Like Charlottesville? Like El Paso? Like Charleston? Like Pittsburgh?
In each of those cases a liberal or democrat started the shit.
Yeah, just like the Tates and the Labiancas started that shit with the Manson family.
Naw, DC police can handle a few bikers.

Hell they may just join in, shitforbrains. Its not like you leftards have been making friends of law enforcement or the military for that matter. I know, we're all ah skered that you cream puffs are gonna light candles, whine and start swinging your purses.
Maybe this can be another American Spring! That was bigly awesome!
Oh no you didn't! :ack-1:

Operation american spring
I remember that, did anyone actually show up?
Yeah ... about 100 people did show up .... out of the anticipated crowd of 30,000,000 ... or about ‭0.0003%

How about a real one....The Million Man March! How many? What good did it do? I knew a couple of guys who went there. Its painful. When things get bad, they will come for you.
Commies? Seriously??! Who are the commies? Those advocating for upholding the rule of law? Those defending the Constitution?

Oh please. The Democrats piss on the Constitution every chance they get. This impeachment thing is a perfect example.

The US Constitution outlines what are impeachable offenses. Talking to a foreign leader is part of the job, not a high crime or misdemeanor.

And don't get me started with Trump threatened Zelensky by withholding funds because there is nothing in that conversation to make that claim. Trump stopped the funding a week before they even had the phone conversation.

Who are the commies? The people the US Communist Party support.
Horseshit, Horseshit and more horseshit There was an implied quid pro quo . The Constitution does not actually outline what an impeachable offense is but it is understood that compromising the integrity and security of our country and our democracy is . He did that. Are you actually saying that anyone who calls him out on his abuse of power is a commie?

No, what I said is the commies are leading the charge.

Yes, the Constitution says impeachment is a process against a judge or President who commits the offenses of high crimes or misdemeanors.

Who are the commies? !

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The Democrats are the commies. Their last three presidential contenders had the utmost blessing from the US Communist Party, and that goes double for Bernie Sanders, a man who even spent his honeymoon in the USSR.
Trump had the blessings from neonazis, kkk and other assorted alt-rightwingnuts.

According to you, that makes Republicans, Nazis.
Why is it that all these posters salivating about Impeachment based upon very sketchy interpretations are the same posters who have absolutely no problem with Biden getting a prosecutor fired by TRULY indulging in a strong-armed quid pro quo and then BRAGGING about it later?

oops. I forgot. Mindless partisanship.

Never mind.

Not this shit again?

Ok, what did Biden or his son have to personally gain by getting a prosecutor, who was not actively investigating Burisma Holdings, fired?
Why do Democrats want violence?

<< Rolling Thunder Chief Predicts if Democrats Impeach Trump Bikers Will Descend on DC >>

It Will Be Ugly... Rolling Thunder Chief Predicts if Democrats Impeach Trump Bikers Will Descend on DC

Nonsense. DC is used to this sort of thing. The DC authorities know what to do. If they come through northern Virginia, they will get their due. It's not like Rolling Thunder never comes here. They do it every year. We know the streets they use.

Why would anyone think that Vietnam vets are in agreement about tramp, anyway?

Threatening violence as a result of a lawful impeachment is just plain un-American. I don't recall such threats when Clinton was impeached or when Nixon was almost impeached.

Noted that this piece is from Gateway Pundit.

Those two committed actual crimes. That's the difference.

What we have here are people making up crimes that never took place; trying to interpret a conversation so that it's less than honest.

Unlike when Clinton or Nixon took seat, the opposition was not screaming impeachment before the Presidents took their oath of office. It's clear that going after Trump has nothing to do with nefarious activities, they only want to reverse an election and have since day one.
Soliciting a foreign national to help with a presidential candidate's campaign is a violation of the law.
Then arrest the democrats who have and continue to go to Mexico City to raise funds for their campaigns... Ohh wait that is different right? Arrest Biden for threatening to with hold funds to protect his son. Ohh wait that is different right? Arrest Al Gore and Clinton for raising money from China. Ohh wait that is different right?

Be very specific and show us the words where Trump threatened to do ANYTHING to the Ukraine, then provide actual proof that unlike the dems the republicans are going to foreign Countries to raise donations for campaigns.
If any candidates are soliciting such aid from Mexicans, then charge them. You say that as though I give a shit.

And I don't have to show Trump said anything threatening Ukraine. While if he did threaten them, that would make this worse for him; but even just soliciting them to investigate a political rival, even without threatening them, is a crime.
Oh please. The Democrats piss on the Constitution every chance they get. This impeachment thing is a perfect example.

The US Constitution outlines what are impeachable offenses. Talking to a foreign leader is part of the job, not a high crime or misdemeanor.

And don't get me started with Trump threatened Zelensky by withholding funds because there is nothing in that conversation to make that claim. Trump stopped the funding a week before they even had the phone conversation.

Who are the commies? The people the US Communist Party support.
Horseshit, Horseshit and more horseshit There was an implied quid pro quo . The Constitution does not actually outline what an impeachable offense is but it is understood that compromising the integrity and security of our country and our democracy is . He did that. Are you actually saying that anyone who calls him out on his abuse of power is a commie?

No, what I said is the commies are leading the charge.

Yes, the Constitution says impeachment is a process against a judge or President who commits the offenses of high crimes or misdemeanors.

Who are the commies? !

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The Democrats are the commies. Their last three presidential contenders had the utmost blessing from the US Communist Party, and that goes double for Bernie Sanders, a man who even spent his honeymoon in the USSR.
Trump had the blessings from neonazis, kkk and other assorted alt-rightwingnuts.

According to you, that makes Republicans, Nazis.

No.....because the only thing they approve of is Trump's border stance since most of the problem makers are crossing from the south. However if you go to the US Communist Party web site, you would have a hard time distinguishing the differences between them and the Democrat party.

This is no big secret. The Communists have said decades ago they will control the United States, but not with guns and cannons. They will do so from within, and it's happening right before our very eyes.
Why do Democrats want violence?

<< Rolling Thunder Chief Predicts if Democrats Impeach Trump Bikers Will Descend on DC >>

It Will Be Ugly... Rolling Thunder Chief Predicts if Democrats Impeach Trump Bikers Will Descend on DC

Nonsense. DC is used to this sort of thing. The DC authorities know what to do. If they come through northern Virginia, they will get their due. It's not like Rolling Thunder never comes here. They do it every year. We know the streets they use.

Why would anyone think that Vietnam vets are in agreement about tramp, anyway?

Threatening violence as a result of a lawful impeachment is just plain un-American. I don't recall such threats when Clinton was impeached or when Nixon was almost impeached.

Noted that this piece is from Gateway Pundit.

Those two committed actual crimes. That's the difference.

What we have here are people making up crimes that never took place; trying to interpret a conversation so that it's less than honest.

Unlike when Clinton or Nixon took seat, the opposition was not screaming impeachment before the Presidents took their oath of office. It's clear that going after Trump has nothing to do with nefarious activities, they only want to reverse an election and have since day one.
Soliciting a foreign national to help with a presidential candidate's campaign is a violation of the law.
Then arrest the democrats who have and continue to go to Mexico City to raise funds for their campaigns... Ohh wait that is different right? Arrest Biden for threatening to with hold funds to protect his son. Ohh wait that is different right? Arrest Al Gore and Clinton for raising money from China. Ohh wait that is different right?

Be very specific and show us the words where Trump threatened to do ANYTHING to the Ukraine, then provide actual proof that unlike the dems the republicans are going to foreign Countries to raise donations for campaigns.
If any candidates are soliciting such aid from Mexicans, then charge them. You say that as though I give a shit.

And I don't have to show Trump said anything threatening Ukraine. While if he did threaten them, that would make this worse for him; but even just soliciting them to investigate a political rival, even without threatening them, is a crime.

Biden is more than a political rival. He was a main player in the executive branch of our government, and is now running for chief executive. That's changes the entire picture.
Why do Democrats want violence?

<< Rolling Thunder Chief Predicts if Democrats Impeach Trump Bikers Will Descend on DC >>

It Will Be Ugly... Rolling Thunder Chief Predicts if Democrats Impeach Trump Bikers Will Descend on DC

Nonsense. DC is used to this sort of thing. The DC authorities know what to do. If they come through northern Virginia, they will get their due. It's not like Rolling Thunder never comes here. They do it every year. We know the streets they use.

Why would anyone think that Vietnam vets are in agreement about tramp, anyway?

Threatening violence as a result of a lawful impeachment is just plain un-American. I don't recall such threats when Clinton was impeached or when Nixon was almost impeached.

Noted that this piece is from Gateway Pundit.

Those two committed actual crimes. That's the difference.

What we have here are people making up crimes that never took place; trying to interpret a conversation so that it's less than honest.

Unlike when Clinton or Nixon took seat, the opposition was not screaming impeachment before the Presidents took their oath of office. It's clear that going after Trump has nothing to do with nefarious activities, they only want to reverse an election and have since day one.
Soliciting a foreign national to help with a presidential candidate's campaign is a violation of the law.

Trump never asked of any such thing. He asked Zelenski to look into possible improprieties of Biden as a VP. That's in sharp contrast to the DNC hiring a company that used foreign investigators that got part of his information from the Russian government.
Of course he did....

"The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great."

Yes, he said that. So what? You still cannot point out to me where the threat of US aid was made in that statement.
Hell they may just join in, shitforbrains. Its not like you leftards have been making friends of law enforcement or the military for that matter. I know, we're all ah skered that you cream puffs are gonna light candles, whine and start swinging your purses.
Maybe this can be another American Spring! That was bigly awesome!
Oh no you didn't! :ack-1:

Operation american spring
I remember that, did anyone actually show up?
Yeah ... about 100 people did show up .... out of the anticipated crowd of 30,000,000 ... or about ‭0.0003%

How about a real one....The Million Man March! How many? What good did it do? I knew a couple of guys who went there. Its painful. When things get bad, they will come for you.
You mean this...?

Million Man March | American history

Million Man March, political demonstration in Washington, D.C., on Oct. 16, 1995, to promote African American unity and family values. Estimates of the number of marchers, most of whom were African American men, ranged from 400,000 to nearly 1.1 million, ranking it among the largest gatherings of its kind in American history.

Even on the low end, 40% showed. Compared to 0.0003% showing up for Operation American Spring. :lmao:

But my favorite part is ...

It was reported that in response to the march some 1.7 million African American men registered to vote.
Horseshit, Horseshit and more horseshit There was an implied quid pro quo . The Constitution does not actually outline what an impeachable offense is but it is understood that compromising the integrity and security of our country and our democracy is . He did that. Are you actually saying that anyone who calls him out on his abuse of power is a commie?

No, what I said is the commies are leading the charge.

Yes, the Constitution says impeachment is a process against a judge or President who commits the offenses of high crimes or misdemeanors.

Who are the commies? !

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The Democrats are the commies. Their last three presidential contenders had the utmost blessing from the US Communist Party, and that goes double for Bernie Sanders, a man who even spent his honeymoon in the USSR.
Trump had the blessings from neonazis, kkk and other assorted alt-rightwingnuts.

According to you, that makes Republicans, Nazis.

No.....because the only thing they approve of is Trump's border stance since most of the problem makers are crossing from the south. However if you go to the US Communist Party web site, you would have a hard time distinguishing the differences between them and the Democrat party.

This is no big secret. The Communists have said decades ago they will control the United States, but not with guns and cannons. They will do so from within, and it's happening right before our very eyes.
They approved of Trump's presidency. The KKK even endorsed him for president. Thanks for admitting y'all are Nazis.
Nonsense. DC is used to this sort of thing. The DC authorities know what to do. If they come through northern Virginia, they will get their due. It's not like Rolling Thunder never comes here. They do it every year. We know the streets they use.

Why would anyone think that Vietnam vets are in agreement about tramp, anyway?

Threatening violence as a result of a lawful impeachment is just plain un-American. I don't recall such threats when Clinton was impeached or when Nixon was almost impeached.

Noted that this piece is from Gateway Pundit.

Those two committed actual crimes. That's the difference.

What we have here are people making up crimes that never took place; trying to interpret a conversation so that it's less than honest.

Unlike when Clinton or Nixon took seat, the opposition was not screaming impeachment before the Presidents took their oath of office. It's clear that going after Trump has nothing to do with nefarious activities, they only want to reverse an election and have since day one.
Soliciting a foreign national to help with a presidential candidate's campaign is a violation of the law.
Then arrest the democrats who have and continue to go to Mexico City to raise funds for their campaigns... Ohh wait that is different right? Arrest Biden for threatening to with hold funds to protect his son. Ohh wait that is different right? Arrest Al Gore and Clinton for raising money from China. Ohh wait that is different right?

Be very specific and show us the words where Trump threatened to do ANYTHING to the Ukraine, then provide actual proof that unlike the dems the republicans are going to foreign Countries to raise donations for campaigns.
If any candidates are soliciting such aid from Mexicans, then charge them. You say that as though I give a shit.

And I don't have to show Trump said anything threatening Ukraine. While if he did threaten them, that would make this worse for him; but even just soliciting them to investigate a political rival, even without threatening them, is a crime.

Biden is more than a political rival. He was a main player in the executive branch of our government, and is now running for chief executive. That's changes the entire picture.
That doesn't change the law Trump violated by soliciting a foreign national to investigate a political rival.
Nonsense. DC is used to this sort of thing. The DC authorities know what to do. If they come through northern Virginia, they will get their due. It's not like Rolling Thunder never comes here. They do it every year. We know the streets they use.

Why would anyone think that Vietnam vets are in agreement about tramp, anyway?

Threatening violence as a result of a lawful impeachment is just plain un-American. I don't recall such threats when Clinton was impeached or when Nixon was almost impeached.

Noted that this piece is from Gateway Pundit.

Those two committed actual crimes. That's the difference.

What we have here are people making up crimes that never took place; trying to interpret a conversation so that it's less than honest.

Unlike when Clinton or Nixon took seat, the opposition was not screaming impeachment before the Presidents took their oath of office. It's clear that going after Trump has nothing to do with nefarious activities, they only want to reverse an election and have since day one.
Soliciting a foreign national to help with a presidential candidate's campaign is a violation of the law.

Trump never asked of any such thing. He asked Zelenski to look into possible improprieties of Biden as a VP. That's in sharp contrast to the DNC hiring a company that used foreign investigators that got part of his information from the Russian government.
Of course he did....

"The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great."

Yes, he said that. So what? You still cannot point out to me where the threat of US aid was made in that statement.
Dumbfuck.... where did I say anything about threatening to pull aid?
Maybe this can be another American Spring! That was bigly awesome!
Oh no you didn't! :ack-1:

Operation american spring
I remember that, did anyone actually show up?
Yeah ... about 100 people did show up .... out of the anticipated crowd of 30,000,000 ... or about ‭0.0003%

How about a real one....The Million Man March! How many? What good did it do? I knew a couple of guys who went there. Its painful. When things get bad, they will come for you.
You mean this...?

Million Man March | American history

Million Man March, political demonstration in Washington, D.C., on Oct. 16, 1995, to promote African American unity and family values. Estimates of the number of marchers, most of whom were African American men, ranged from 400,000 to nearly 1.1 million, ranking it among the largest gatherings of its kind in American history.

Even on the low end, 40% showed. Compared to 0.0003% showing up for Operation American Spring. :lmao:

But my favorite part is ...

It was reported that in response to the march some 1.7 million African American men registered to vote.
I mean reality. Guys I worked with were very disappointed. And frankly. Its 25 years later....the behavior I see has really really really really improved. What we see is a mirage.
Those two committed actual crimes. That's the difference.

What we have here are people making up crimes that never took place; trying to interpret a conversation so that it's less than honest.

Unlike when Clinton or Nixon took seat, the opposition was not screaming impeachment before the Presidents took their oath of office. It's clear that going after Trump has nothing to do with nefarious activities, they only want to reverse an election and have since day one.
Soliciting a foreign national to help with a presidential candidate's campaign is a violation of the law.
Then arrest the democrats who have and continue to go to Mexico City to raise funds for their campaigns... Ohh wait that is different right? Arrest Biden for threatening to with hold funds to protect his son. Ohh wait that is different right? Arrest Al Gore and Clinton for raising money from China. Ohh wait that is different right?

Be very specific and show us the words where Trump threatened to do ANYTHING to the Ukraine, then provide actual proof that unlike the dems the republicans are going to foreign Countries to raise donations for campaigns.
If any candidates are soliciting such aid from Mexicans, then charge them. You say that as though I give a shit.

And I don't have to show Trump said anything threatening Ukraine. While if he did threaten them, that would make this worse for him; but even just soliciting them to investigate a political rival, even without threatening them, is a crime.

Biden is more than a political rival. He was a main player in the executive branch of our government, and is now running for chief executive. That's changes the entire picture.
That doesn't change the law Trump violated by soliciting a foreign national to investigate a political rival.

He broke no law. The law was broken when biden started meddling with ukraine to leverage them to give his worthless coke head son a 50k job a month job.
Of the crazy things I see here..this thing the the US military is going to weigh in on the side of some popular the nuttiest!

The Army will destroy any Civil Insurrection that may ensue.

Me? I have popcorn!

Of the crazy things I see here, the idea that the US military would hunt down and fire on US citizens is the nuttiest.
More than Rolling Thunder shoud descend on DC. Active duty military should descend on DC
Naw, DC police can handle a few bikers.

Hell they may just join in, shitforbrains. Its not like you leftards have been making friends of law enforcement or the military for that matter. I know, we're all ah skered that you cream puffs are gonna light candles, whine and start swinging your purses.
Maybe this can be another American Spring! That was bigly awesome!
Oh no you didn't! :ack-1:

Operation american spring
That was so classic! Stephanie (remember her)...swore there'd be a million there!

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