Democrats need to send a message

Odds are I'll be stuck voting third party. The Democrats have indeed lost their shit, but so has the GOP. It's no more attractive.

Maybe it's time to send BOTH parties a message.

The theory being that if you vote third party neither of the duopoly wins?
How do folks fool themselves into believing that?
I've always struggled to understand the theory.
Odds are I'll be stuck voting third party. The Democrats have indeed lost their shit, but so has the GOP. It's no more attractive. Maybe it's time to send BOTH parties a message.
The theory being that if you vote third party neither of the duopoly wins? How do folks fool themselves into believing that? I've always struggled to understand the theory.
That's because you're wrong about the "theory", since you just made it up out of pure ignorance.

That's what you do: You make stuff up and run with it.

No wonder you're confused.
Odds are I'll be stuck voting third party. The Democrats have indeed lost their shit, but so has the GOP. It's no more attractive. Maybe it's time to send BOTH parties a message.
Voting third party is a good option but if you remain in the Democratic Party they won't get the message. People need to find a party that represents their views and leave the democrat party and become a member of the party they believe represent them.
Well, I'd love to. Unfortunately for me, I have intractable differences with both.

It's a two party system
It appears that politics is not for you.
Maybe Knitting?
Odds are I'll be stuck voting third party. The Democrats have indeed lost their shit, but so has the GOP. It's no more attractive. Maybe it's time to send BOTH parties a message.
Voting third party is a good option but if you remain in the Democratic Party they won't get the message. People need to find a party that represents their views and leave the democrat party and become a member of the party they believe represent them.
Well, I'd love to. Unfortunately for me, I have intractable differences with both.

It's a two party system
It appears that politics is not for you.
Maybe Knitting?
I'm fine, thanks. And there's more than two parties. Maybe you don't know that.

But you're certainly free to be an obedient sheep.
Odds are I'll be stuck voting third party. The Democrats have indeed lost their shit, but so has the GOP. It's no more attractive. Maybe it's time to send BOTH parties a message.
The theory being that if you vote third party neither of the duopoly wins? How do folks fool themselves into believing that? I've always struggled to understand the theory.
That's because you're wrong about the "theory", since you just made it up out of pure ignorance.

That's what you do: You make stuff up and run with it.

No wonder you're confused.

You didn't notice my question marks did you? I'm asking for a brainiac with a severe case of megalomania to explain it to my ignorant ass...Care to try?
Odds are I'll be stuck voting third party. The Democrats have indeed lost their shit, but so has the GOP. It's no more attractive. Maybe it's time to send BOTH parties a message.
The theory being that if you vote third party neither of the duopoly wins? How do folks fool themselves into believing that? I've always struggled to understand the theory.
That's because you're wrong about the "theory", since you just made it up out of pure ignorance.

That's what you do: You make stuff up and run with it.

No wonder you're confused.

You didn't notice my question marks did you? I'm asking for a brainiac with a severe case of megalomania to explain it to my ignorant ass...Care to try?
Odds are I'll be stuck voting third party. The Democrats have indeed lost their shit, but so has the GOP. It's no more attractive. Maybe it's time to send BOTH parties a message.
Voting third party is a good option but if you remain in the Democratic Party they won't get the message. People need to find a party that represents their views and leave the democrat party and become a member of the party they believe represent them.
Well, I'd love to. Unfortunately for me, I have intractable differences with both.

It's a two party system
It appears that politics is not for you.
Maybe Knitting?
I'm fine, thanks. And there's more than two parties. Maybe you don't know that.

But you're certainly free to be an obedient sheep.

They are only 2 viable parties -
You can go fuck your own sheep dude.
For most of my life I was a Democrat. I changed party's when I felt like they no longer represented my views any longer. I know a lot of Democrats must feel discuss with the current Democrat Party's direction. They no longer seem to represent the loyal Americans that made them a great party in the past but now seem to represent illegal aliens more than Americans. They must feel some disgust with the way the impeachment was handled by the House which convinced no Republicans to support it and had 3 Democrats oppose and 1 no vote. Are Schiff and Nadler the kind of people you want to represent you?
The Republican Party is reforming itself and it needs the Democrats from the old Democratic Party to help in its transformation. Kennedy was a Democrat but he was also a Patriot. He would definitely not approve of the socialist direction his party has taken.
The Republican party is currently composed of 2 groups. The old party of Romney and McCain and the new party of Trump and his followers. Trump is more like the old Democrat party than the current Democratic party is. The working citizens of this country are experiencing growth that has not been seen since the 50's and 60's. My union pension has seen an increase in it's investments in the last 2yrs where in the previous years saw nothing but negative gain. If the economy continues it could lose its critical condition and become solvent again. The Republicans made this happen or more correctly Trump made this happen.
It is time for the Patriotic Democrats to switch party's and help form a working mans Republican Party and let the Democrats know that you are unhappy with the direction they have taken.
Think about it. Do the hollywood celebrities and main stream media represent you? Is the killing of babies up until the time if birth what you really want. A lot of current Republicans are not anti abortion but believe at some point it becomes murder. Do you believe people that sneak into this country should be given rights and opportunity that Real Americans don't have?
Think about it. Maybe it's time to switch party's which will send the Democratic Party a message they can't ignore.

Democrats are sending a message, their message is "We want your money".
Odds are I'll be stuck voting third party. The Democrats have indeed lost their shit, but so has the GOP. It's no more attractive. Maybe it's time to send BOTH parties a message.
The theory being that if you vote third party neither of the duopoly wins? How do folks fool themselves into believing that? I've always struggled to understand the theory.
That's because you're wrong about the "theory", since you just made it up out of pure ignorance.

That's what you do: You make stuff up and run with it.

No wonder you're confused.

You didn't notice my question marks did you? I'm asking for a brainiac with a severe case of megalomania to explain it to my ignorant ass...Care to try?

hahaha....thought so. I've got you stumped huh?
Odds are I'll be stuck voting third party. The Democrats have indeed lost their shit, but so has the GOP. It's no more attractive. Maybe it's time to send BOTH parties a message.
The theory being that if you vote third party neither of the duopoly wins? How do folks fool themselves into believing that? I've always struggled to understand the theory.
That's because you're wrong about the "theory", since you just made it up out of pure ignorance.

That's what you do: You make stuff up and run with it.

No wonder you're confused.

You didn't notice my question marks did you? I'm asking for a brainiac with a severe case of megalomania to explain it to my ignorant ass...Care to try?

hahaha....thought so. I've got you stumped huh?
Absolutely. You're just too smart and honest for me.

No reason for you to keep posting to me, then.
Democrats have sent a message to America:

Pretend to care about the struggling lower class while supporting importing third world illegals that take their jobs.

Pretend to be against slavery and for the environment, while continuing to reward China for their use of slave labor and shitting on the environment.

Pretend we are anti-war, but still start wars with countries that never attacked us.

Pretend we care about election meddling, yet support meddling in other countries elections like Ukraine.

Pretend we are concerned about a President “colluding” with foreign power, yet take money directly from China.

Pretend we support “gay rights”, yet support Islam at every turn.

Pretend we are for liberty and freedom, while pushing a Marxist Agenda.


Everyone knows exactly what the Democrat Party is all about.
Democrats have sent a message to America:

Pretend to care about the struggling lower class while supporting importing third world illegals that take their jobs.

Pretend to be against slavery and for the environment, while continuing to reward China for their use of slave labor and shitting on the environment.

Pretend we are anti-war, but still start wars with countries that never attacked us.

Pretend we care about election meddling, yet support meddling in other countries elections like Ukraine.

Pretend we are concerned about a President “colluding” with foreign power, yet take money directly from China.

Pretend we support “gay rights”, yet support Islam at every turn.

Pretend we are for liberty and freedom, while pushing a Marxist Agenda.


Everyone knows exactly what the Democrat Party is all about.

2016 - the face of the Democratic Party
Was -

Minorites, Illegal Aliens, Gays, Transgendered, and criminals.
Not much has changed.
The Democratic party was irreversibly damaged when they turned on the American worker and signed NAFTA. Thanx Billy. Shortly after that they developed a passion for illegal aliens over Americans. Thanx again Billy. Up to that point, Democrats were the champions of the American worker. So now it seems kind of funny that Trumpy, a Republican, would be the one to fix NAFTA and many other rigged free trade deals that were supported by Democrats and neocons. Trumpy has become the unlikely candidate to put America and its workers first again. So now, transforming this country to socialism-communism is the only thing left for Democrats to do. It's the easiest and dumbest thing they can do. Easy and dumb are in the Democrat wheelhouse.

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