Democrats Put People in debt! Republicans Have To Clean The Mess!


Gold Member
Feb 8, 2015
"Yo, this is why the Socialist love Unions"
Its really not about the workers, its about money in the coffer!!!

"Union-backed protesters" hit Capitol over Rauner budget cuts

Ray LongClout Streetcontact the reporter

Illinois Democrats look at tax hikes to offset Rauner budget cuts

T-shirts worn by many protesters asked what is fast becoming the question of the spring session: “Who will you choose?”

The new governor's first budget proposal takes aim at numerous social welfareprograms, including deep cuts in the state and federalMedicaid program that provides health care for the poor. Rauner inherited a budget mess and has proposed cuts to get the state's finances in order and suggested there shouldn't be talk of tax hikes until that occurs.

Supporters also expressed concerns that money was dwindling for programs in the current budget that runs through June 30, most prominently for child care that helps support low-income Illinoisans.

Protester Brittney Berry, 24, of Chicago, said she is fearful of what budget cuts might mean for her 2-year-old daughter, Samiya Gill.

Berry said she works at a McDonald’s 15 to 20 hours a week and has trouble getting by as a single mother of a daughter who gets assistance to provide therapy for health problems. “I’m struggling,” Berry said, who added, “It’s just not right.”

Yo, don`t feel sorry for this Berry girl, instead of protesting? She should be getting an education to get a full-time job and better pay, that way she can take care of herself and her baby? Where is the father? Remember one thing? If you can`t afford to have a kid, don`t have any! Give me, Give me, Give me, its past time Government stops this waste of taxpayer money!!!
She said she delivered about 10,000 signatures on petitions protesting the cuts to Rauner’s office. She joined others in the coalition of various organizations and unions, including the Service Employees International Union Healthcare Illinois group that officials said helped organize the protest and provided buses.
Yo, she has too much time on her hands, you notice?

“It’s really important to know that there is a choice that these politicians are making — to say that we are going to cut hundreds of thousands of Illinoisans’ … basic necessities rather than taxing the 1 percent and corporations,” said Ellen Glover, an organizer with One North Side. “That is wrong.”

Yo, there it is again? Tax the rich, getting tired of that broken record!!!

Rauner, who had been at the Capitol earlier in the day, was at an unrelated event and away from the building by the time protesters got there. Rauner’s office blamed ""Democrats,"" saying lawmakers “knowingly voted for a budget that intentionally underfunded child care and left our state with a $1.6 billion hole” in the current spending plan that expires June 30.

“Gov. Rauner didn’t create this crisis,” said Rauner spokeswoman Catherine Kelly, “but he is committed to solving it without raising taxes on hard-working families and without irresponsible borrowing. We urge all members of the General Assembly to support a bipartisan solution to this crisis.”

While sitting in front of the governor’s door, the Rev. Charles Straight of Faith United Methodist Church in Dolton said proposed budget cuts are “unfair to all of Illinoisans.”

“There are better ways to raise money in this state than on the backs of those who are the most vulnerable,” the pastor said.

Capitol Police estimated 1,500 protesters were at the statehouse. Police removed 10 to 12 protesters in the House gallery following “unruly behavior” during Wednesday’s session, said Henry Haupt, spokesman for Secretary of State Jesse White, who oversees security at the statehouse complex.

The late-morning gathering began dissipating by 1:30 p.m., though about 20 stayed seated a while longer just outside the tight space protected by the blue rope and the Capitol Police.

Yo, its the same story every time a Republican gets elected, they have to mop up after a Democrat idiot!!!


Please list the last Republican president to have a smaller national debt at the end of his Presidency than he inherited.
Please list the last Republican president to have a smaller national debt at the end of his Presidency than he inherited.

Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower (34th president, 1953-1961)

In 1956, as a result of Eisenhower’s efforts, the USA had a 1.5 billion dollar surplus; that surplus grew to $2.2 billion the following year. The only president since then to come near that kind of fiscal success was President Clinton, who in 2000 had reduced the federal deficit to $17 billion.

"GTP" :udaman:
Please list the last Republican president to have a smaller national debt at the end of his Presidency than he inherited.
You can't name any such Democrats either.

Andrew Jackson

Yo, Best Answer: No, he did not pay it off, but reduced it to it's lowest level in history.

"In 1835, Jackson managed to reduce the federal debt to only $33,733.05, the lowest it has been since the first fiscal year of 1791. However, this accomplishment was short lived, and a severe depression from 1837 to 1844 caused a ten-fold increase in national debt within its first year."

Please list the last Republican president to have a smaller national debt at the end of his Presidency than he inherited.
You can't name any such Democrats either.

Andrew Jackson

Yo, Best Answer: No, he did not pay it off, but reduced it to it's lowest level in history.

"In 1835, Jackson managed to reduce the federal debt to only $33,733.05, the lowest it has been since the first fiscal year of 1791. However, this accomplishment was short lived, and a severe depression from 1837 to 1844 caused a ten-fold increase in national debt within its first year."


Paying it off wasn't the question genius.

Start of Jackson's term in 1829: $58,421,413.67

End of Jackson's term in 1837: $336,957.83

From start to finish a reduction of $58,084,455.84 roughly.

Jackson's political party at time of his presidency: Democratic

edit: "ten fold increase" of the national debt from $33,000 to $336,000....haha, nice play on words there....whoop dee doo.
Last edited:
Please list the last Republican president to have a smaller national debt at the end of his Presidency than he inherited.
You can't name any such Democrats either.

Andrew Jackson

Yo, Best Answer: No, he did not pay it off, but reduced it to it's lowest level in history.

"In 1835, Jackson managed to reduce the federal debt to only $33,733.05, the lowest it has been since the first fiscal year of 1791. However, this accomplishment was short lived, and a severe depression from 1837 to 1844 caused a ten-fold increase in national debt within its first year."


Paying it off wasn't the question genius.

Start of Jackson's term in 1829: $58,421,413.67

End of Jackson's term in 1837: $336,957.83

Yo, no balance there genius!

Please list the last Republican president to have a smaller national debt at the end of his Presidency than he inherited.
You can't name any such Democrats either.

Andrew Jackson

Yo, Best Answer: No, he did not pay it off, but reduced it to it's lowest level in history.

"In 1835, Jackson managed to reduce the federal debt to only $33,733.05, the lowest it has been since the first fiscal year of 1791. However, this accomplishment was short lived, and a severe depression from 1837 to 1844 caused a ten-fold increase in national debt within its first year."


Paying it off wasn't the question genius.

Start of Jackson's term in 1829: $58,421,413.67

End of Jackson's term in 1837: $336,957.83

Yo, no balance there genius!


You can't name any such Democrats either.

Andrew Jackson

Yo, Best Answer: No, he did not pay it off, but reduced it to it's lowest level in history.

"In 1835, Jackson managed to reduce the federal debt to only $33,733.05, the lowest it has been since the first fiscal year of 1791. However, this accomplishment was short lived, and a severe depression from 1837 to 1844 caused a ten-fold increase in national debt within its first year."


Paying it off wasn't the question genius.

Start of Jackson's term in 1829: $58,421,413.67

End of Jackson's term in 1837: $336,957.83

Yo, no balance there genius!



Yo, Nyvin, read some history, you might change your outlook on life!

Andrew Jackson

Yo, Best Answer: No, he did not pay it off, but reduced it to it's lowest level in history.

"In 1835, Jackson managed to reduce the federal debt to only $33,733.05, the lowest it has been since the first fiscal year of 1791. However, this accomplishment was short lived, and a severe depression from 1837 to 1844 caused a ten-fold increase in national debt within its first year."


Paying it off wasn't the question genius.

Start of Jackson's term in 1829: $58,421,413.67

End of Jackson's term in 1837: $336,957.83

Yo, no balance there genius!



Yo, Nyvin, read some history, you might change your outlook on life!


You guys are all too easy to win against....sometimes I miss the right wingers who actually know things and can post constructively. It's like wrestling with a 7 year old....yeah sure, you'll win, but why bother?
Yo, Best Answer: No, he did not pay it off, but reduced it to it's lowest level in history.

"In 1835, Jackson managed to reduce the federal debt to only $33,733.05, the lowest it has been since the first fiscal year of 1791. However, this accomplishment was short lived, and a severe depression from 1837 to 1844 caused a ten-fold increase in national debt within its first year."


Paying it off wasn't the question genius.

Start of Jackson's term in 1829: $58,421,413.67

End of Jackson's term in 1837: $336,957.83

Yo, no balance there genius!



Yo, Nyvin, read some history, you might change your outlook on life!


You guys are all too easy to win against....sometimes I miss the right wingers who actually know things and can post constructively. It's like wrestling with a 7 year old....yeah sure, you'll win, but why bother?

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