Democrats Support Anti-Semitism in United States


May 23, 2014
Leftist hate Jews and the State of Israel almost as much as leftist in 1938 Germany hated Jews. Every day we see attacks on supporters of Israel and Democrats like Cortez, Talib, and Omar supporting terrorist groups and Iranian government that provides them with the missiles to fire into Israel.
Can someone explain precisely what is wrong with Jewish people to draw so much ire?
Around here they are great people.
Can someone explain precisely what is wrong with Jewish people to draw so much ire?
Around here they are great people.
Europeans spent centuries trying to assimilate specifically Ashkenazi Jews, which are the vast majority in the states. They refused living apart and with endogamy.

So when a sickness would come to a village a few hundred years ago. And you notice the Jews won't share your water....They become the obvious cultprits of poison, witchcraft, etc. Rules against intermarriage. Very easy for Europeans to blame for their problems.

So while it's true the Jews have been persecuted. They wanted to live their own way in Christian nations which rarely ended well for them.

In modern times Israel is their problem. Israel's history starts only ~150 years ago not even with the first aliyah. They are like Us, Canada, NZ, and Australia are colonial settler states. The situation is not substantively different from apartheid south africa. Religion alone does not give you claim to land, blood claims matter much more. And Jews have no religious reason to create Israel anyway.
Can someone explain precisely what is wrong with Jewish people to draw so much ire?
Around here they are great people.

It comes from jealousy of the fuktards. Jewish people are much like the Japanese...............they have standards in their culture. They revere knowledge as power. They are good at math. They are good at commerce. They are good at making money.

The fuktards see this as a slam to them, personally. Because the fuktards want what the Jews work hard at getting for themselves. Much like the blacks want everything handed over to them willy nilly. So the fuktards are angry, because they see people who are working hard, have ethics, and raising their kids with scruples and social manners........and the fuktards claim they do this on purpose to make them look bad!! LMAO

So basically, the lazy fuktards are heinously jealous of other people who work hard to get what they want out of life, while they lay around in filth and disease and whine about everything wrong with their lives.
The Rats support anti-Semitism in America and the Jews continue to vote for the Rats!

That's called madness.:cuckoo:
The day WILL come when they aren't safe here any longer and those that worked against Israel should NEVER be allowed sanctuary there...
Fuck Israel for its crimes against the Palestinians. Oooops am I anti semite now?
Fuck Israel for its crimes against the Palestinians. Oooops am I anti semite now?
Yes. No crimes have been committed against Palestinian people because Palestine was a creation of the British Empire. There are no "Palestinian people." However Israel goes back to Old Testament.
Can someone explain precisely what is wrong with Jewish people to draw so much ire?
Around here they are great people.
Europeans spent centuries trying to assimilate specifically Ashkenazi Jews, which are the vast majority in the states. They refused living apart and with endogamy.

So when a sickness would come to a village a few hundred years ago. And you notice the Jews won't share your water....They become the obvious cultprits of poison, witchcraft, etc. Rules against intermarriage. Very easy for Europeans to blame for their problems.

So while it's true the Jews have been persecuted. They wanted to live their own way in Christian nations which rarely ended well for them.

In modern times Israel is their problem. Israel's history starts only ~150 years ago not even with the first aliyah. They are like Us, Canada, NZ, and Australia are colonial settler states. The situation is not substantively different from apartheid south africa. Religion alone does not give you claim to land, blood claims matter much more. And Jews have no religious reason to create Israel anyway.
Yes they do.
Fuck Israel for its crimes against the Palestinians. Oooops am I anti semite now?
Yes. No crimes have been committed against Palestinian people because Palestine was a creation of the British Empire. There are no "Palestinian people." However Israel goes back to Old Testament.

Palestine is a province of Syria snce 500 BC.

90% of the Palestinians, both Christian and Muslim, are descended from Jewish farmers who didn't leave Palestine.

They didn't immigrate from Russia or Eyrope. They have been there more than 2000 years.
Leftist hate Jews and the State of Israel almost as much as leftist in 1938 Germany hated Jews. Every day we see attacks on supporters of Israel and Democrats like Cortez, Talib, and Omar supporting terrorist groups and Iranian government that provides them with the missiles to fire into Israel.

I like Semites so I must be a pro-Semite.
Can someone explain precisely what is wrong with Jewish people to draw so much ire?
Around here they are great people.

They are great people..

Refer to Table 3 and Map 4.

(48) Shem

The progenitor of all the Semitic races. The name, Shem, is rendered as Sumu in the Akkadian inscriptions. At the time of the scattering of the nations from Babel, the descendants of Japheth (see 1) migrated to the north and north-west of Shinar, mainly towards Europe.

They also migrated to the south-east towards the Indian sub-continent, and thence to the Far East. The descendants of Shem and Ham however, shared between them the southern and central regions of Asia Minor and Arabia, with Ham's descendants subsequently spreading onto the African continent.
This, of course, meant that a certain amount of intermingling took place between the posterities of Shem and Ham and it is consequently sometimes difficult to assess whether certain early nations were predominantly Semitic or Hamitic.

Sometimes, for example, a people descended from Ham would adopt a Semitic language. Sometimes, a Semitic people would adopt an Indo-European (Japhetic) tongue, and this has naturally led to some confusion over certain archaeological or documentary aspects of the evidence. It has also, sadly, allowed the charge to be rashly made that the Table of Nations is replete with alleged 'scribal errors' and other types of mistake or fraud. A careful study of the following notices, however, should quell such fears.

The confusion that currently reigns, though, is especially prevalent amongst the early Arab nations. For example, Sheba and Dedan (see 22 and 23) are recorded in the genealogy as the grandsons of Cush, and were thus the progenitors of two Hamitic nations.

Later in the genealogy, however there are yet two other founders of Arab tribes named Sheba and Dedan (see 95 and 96), both of whom, being descended from Abraham through Jokshan, are thus of Semitic origin. (There is also a third Sheba - see 70 - but he is extraneous to the point that we are now considering.) They are recorded in all instances as distinct and separate peoples. The problem, therefore, is deciding whether the later nations of Sheba and Dedan were so named after their Semitic or Hamitic ancestors.

The linguistic evidence is hardly decisive, as types of language were often adopted from outside the tribal or national sphere. Therefore, we are left with the chronological evidence which tells us, in this particular instance, that the tribes of Sheba and Dedan were originally of Hamitic descent, as the grandsons of Cush quite obviously lived several generations (eight to be precise) earlier than the sons of Jokshan.

Thus, the later Semitic tribes of Sheba and Dedan were so named after the lands and Hamitic people amongst whom they settled. Indeed, it is of special interest for us to note in this context that the Hebrew word for Arab (that is 'rab') is derived from the same root as 'ereb,' meaning a mixed multitude. Furthermore, even today the Semitic tribes of the Arabian peninsula will speak disdainfully of their Hamitic neighbours as Musta 'rabs, or pretended Arabs.


Can someone explain precisely what is wrong with Jewish people to draw so much ire?
Around here they are great people.
Europeans spent centuries trying to assimilate specifically Ashkenazi Jews, which are the vast majority in the states. They refused living apart and with endogamy.

So when a sickness would come to a village a few hundred years ago. And you notice the Jews won't share your water....They become the obvious cultprits of poison, witchcraft, etc. Rules against intermarriage. Very easy for Europeans to blame for their problems.

So while it's true the Jews have been persecuted. They wanted to live their own way in Christian nations which rarely ended well for them.

In modern times Israel is their problem. Israel's history starts only ~150 years ago not even with the first aliyah. They are like Us, Canada, NZ, and Australia are colonial settler states. The situation is not substantively different from apartheid south africa. Religion alone does not give you claim to land, blood claims matter much more. And Jews have no religious reason to create Israel anyway.
Yes they do.

No they don't

There is nothing in judaism that says they have to maintain Israel. Which is why they're all scattered all the fuck over the place
Can someone explain precisely what is wrong with Jewish people to draw so much ire?
Around here they are great people.
Europeans spent centuries trying to assimilate specifically Ashkenazi Jews, which are the vast majority in the states. They refused living apart and with endogamy.

So when a sickness would come to a village a few hundred years ago. And you notice the Jews won't share your water....They become the obvious cultprits of poison, witchcraft, etc. Rules against intermarriage. Very easy for Europeans to blame for their problems.

So while it's true the Jews have been persecuted. They wanted to live their own way in Christian nations which rarely ended well for them.

In modern times Israel is their problem. Israel's history starts only ~150 years ago not even with the first aliyah. They are like Us, Canada, NZ, and Australia are colonial settler states. The situation is not substantively different from apartheid south africa. Religion alone does not give you claim to land, blood claims matter much more. And Jews have no religious reason to create Israel anyway.
To me this is ancient history palaver rooted in revenge and having Nothing to do with the betterment of peoples lives in the here and now
Can someone explain precisely what is wrong with Jewish people to draw so much ire?
Around here they are great people.
Europeans spent centuries trying to assimilate specifically Ashkenazi Jews, which are the vast majority in the states. They refused living apart and with endogamy.

So when a sickness would come to a village a few hundred years ago. And you notice the Jews won't share your water....They become the obvious cultprits of poison, witchcraft, etc. Rules against intermarriage. Very easy for Europeans to blame for their problems.

So while it's true the Jews have been persecuted. They wanted to live their own way in Christian nations which rarely ended well for them.

In modern times Israel is their problem. Israel's history starts only ~150 years ago not even with the first aliyah. They are like Us, Canada, NZ, and Australia are colonial settler states. The situation is not substantively different from apartheid south africa. Religion alone does not give you claim to land, blood claims matter much more. And Jews have no religious reason to create Israel anyway.
To me this is ancient history palaver rooted in revenge and having Nothing to do with the betterment of peoples lives in the here and now

Can someone explain precisely what is wrong with Jewish people to draw so much ire?
Around here they are great people.

That was the question i was responding to

And the last paragraph directly addresses current problems and why israel is so hated in the states.

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