Democrats Toss Women Athletes Under the Bus


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Democrats Toss Women Athletes Under the Bus
May 24, 2019 ~ By Brian C. Joondeph
Democrats love to portray themselves as the party of women. The website proclaims proudly, “We are committed to ensuring full equality for women.”
Yet this past week, House Democrats voted unanimously to, appropriating a phrase from Joe Biden, put women back in chains. Not as slaves, but in competitive sports, giving them second class stature by tilting the playing field so far askew that most women will fall off the field and be unable to compete fairly in sports.
The US House of Representatives passed the Equality Act, “which would require schools to include male athletes who identify as transgender girls on female sports teams”, throwing biological women competing as such under the bus. This bill amends the 1964 Civil Rights Act to protect “sexual orientation and gender identity” under federal anti-discrimination law. It all sounds fine and compassionate until one looks at the practical implications. Democrats, in pushing this bill, have essentially eliminated most women’s sports. No more medals, instead only participation trophies. Transgenders make up a fraction of a percent of the population, compared to females who are half the population. This is the real “war on women” waged by Democrats. It will be interesting to hear how Democrats campaigning next year explain their logic for all but eliminating women’s sports.

Since the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Left has changed your Male/Female determination from between you legs to between your ears we need a new designation. There is a solution - Sports, Restrooms, Official Documents add a New Box "Chromosomes". You are either XX or XY and can "identify" as anything you want, Male, Female, Dumb as a Post, who cares.. When it comes to Sports, Restrooms etc., you use the one matching your Chromosomes. Identify as a Female with XY Chromosomes.
It’s absolute INSANITY that a MAN/BOY, dressed as a woman, while still GENETICALLY having the strength and stamina of a MAN/BOY is allowed to compete with biological women. But, let’s make sure we don’t offend the freaks and miscreants!
Democrats, at ~30% of the US registered voters are a minority (as is the GOP). Homosexuals represent perhaps 3% of the population, and transsexuals, as a subset, perhaps 0.5%.
Transsexuals who are athletes and wish to compete athletically are maybe 0.05% of the population.
So, in order to patronize the maybe 180,000 Americans (out of 360-million) who are trans athletes, of which maybe 1/3 are Democrat voters, the Democrat Party is willing to flip the bird to ~180-million female Americans. Good logic! Sound political strategy from the Dems! If Democrat voters still support their Party, they are even dumber than that Party.
Good thing it will not pass the senate or be signed into law by the president.
Democrats Toss Women Athletes Under the Bus

Democrats Toss Women Athletes Under the Bus
May 24, 2019 ~ By Brian C. Joondeph
Democrats love to portray themselves as the party of women. The website proclaims proudly, “We are committed to ensuring full equality for women.”
Yet this past week, House Democrats voted unanimously to, appropriating a phrase from Joe Biden, put women back in chains. Not as slaves, but in competitive sports, giving them second class stature by tilting the playing field so far askew that most women will fall off the field and be unable to compete fairly in sports.
The US House of Representatives passed the Equality Act, “which would require schools to include male athletes who identify as transgender girls on female sports teams”, throwing biological women competing as such under the bus. This bill amends the 1964 Civil Rights Act to protect “sexual orientation and gender identity” under federal anti-discrimination law. It all sounds fine and compassionate until one looks at the practical implications. Democrats, in pushing this bill, have essentially eliminated most women’s sports. No more medals, instead only participation trophies. Transgenders make up a fraction of a percent of the population, compared to females who are half the population. This is the real “war on women” waged by Democrats. It will be interesting to hear how Democrats campaigning next year explain their logic for all but eliminating women’s sports.

Since the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Left has changed your Male/Female determination from between you legs to between your ears we need a new designation. There is a solution - Sports, Restrooms, Official Documents add a New Box "Chromosomes". You are either XX or XY and can "identify" as anything you want, Male, Female, Dumb as a Post, who cares.. When it comes to Sports, Restrooms etc., you use the one matching your Chromosomes. Identify as a Female with XY Chromosomes.
It’s absolute INSANITY that a MAN/BOY, dressed as a woman, while still GENETICALLY having the strength and stamina of a MAN/BOY is allowed to compete with biological women. But, let’s make sure we don’t offend the freaks and miscreants!
Democrats, at ~30% of the US registered voters are a minority (as is the GOP). Homosexuals represent perhaps 3% of the population, and transsexuals, as a subset, perhaps 0.5%.
Transsexuals who are athletes and wish to compete athletically are maybe 0.05% of the population.
So, in order to patronize the maybe 180,000 Americans (out of 360-million) who are trans athletes, of which maybe 1/3 are Democrat voters, the Democrat Party is willing to flip the bird to ~180-million female Americans. Good logic! Sound political strategy from the Dems! If Democrat voters still support their Party, they are even dumber than that Party.
Democrats have a habit of throwing under the bus, a demographic (women) that is hundreds of times larger than the one (trans) they seek to pander to.
Democrats lost women when they came out against Trump' calls to keep Muslims out of the US.
National Organization for Women ? - a joke.

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