Democrats Tweet Republicans Have No Right Interfering In Your Private Medical Decisions

If I am vaccinated, what you do does not matter......get the shot, or don't get the shot, that is your call, does not effect me.

Vaccinations are not some sort of absolute shield. It's more like a raincoat. In a light rain it keeps you perfectly dry, but if there's enough rain, you get wet.

Even the vaccinated can't stand in a sea of the unvaccinated without getting wet.
Abortion is murder? Then why don't you ask GOD to stop doing it.

You realize almost half of all conceptions end up aborted by GOD.
I cannot speak for God but your reply is pathetic. It is women choosing to murder their babies because its more convenient to the woman than letting the child live. The woman made her choice when she chose to spread her legs wide for carnal pleasures or to win the favors, or money, of a male. If the fertilized egg does not attach that is nature, but when you use tongs and forceps to rip apart another human being with a heart that is beating, that is total barbarism.

You are not removing a tumor, you are killing a human being.
Good grief

Maybe you could say that by man performing abortions he's playing GOD. But if you morally oppose all abortions, you need to talk to the "BIG GUY" because he's aborting nearly half of all conceptions.

Go to church and tell GOD to stop aborting babies.
Maybe you could say that by man performing abortions he's playing GOD. But if you morally oppose all abortions, you need to talk to the "BIG GUY" because he's aborting nearly half of all conceptions.

Go to church and tell GOD to stop aborting babies.

You don't speak for God, silly boy
If the fertilized egg does not attach that is nature, but when you use tongs and forceps to rip apart another human being with a heart that is beating, that is total barbarism.
Are spontaneous abortions, miscarriage's and still births nature, or is it GOD's work?
Vaccinations are not some sort of absolute shield. It's more like a raincoat. In a light rain it keeps you perfectly dry, but if there's enough rain, you get wet.

Even the vaccinated can't stand in a sea of the unvaccinated without getting wet.
A vaccine that is developed and tested for years for unintended side effects, is one thing, a vaccine that is rushed to market, with a release targeted for political expediency is not something a people should accept being forced into their bodies. You have a choice to take it or not. I respect that choice. I do not cast derision on those who choose to be vaccinated and I do not cast derision on those who choose not to be vaccinated. In the USA you have freedom to not let the government ram something into your body against your will.
Vaccinations are not some sort of absolute shield. It's more like a raincoat. In a light rain it keeps you perfectly dry, but if there's enough rain, you get wet.

Even the vaccinated can't stand in a sea of the unvaccinated without getting wet.

Wrong....the current shots are not "Vaccines," they are mild boosters.....a real vaccine prevents people from getting the virus...hence, one shot for "Chicken Pox," one shot for "measles," one dose for "polio."

The current shots didn't even stop you from getting the Chinese Flu, and people with both shots and the booster + are getting it.......
Are spontaneous abortions, miscarriage's and still births nature, or is it GOD's work?
In a few years, or a few decades, or maybe even in a few days, you can ask him yourself. You seem more intent on attacking God than defending your support of murder. Why is that?
Abortion is murder? Then why don't you ask GOD to stop doing it.

You realize almost half of all conceptions end up aborted by GOD.
The Mayo Clinic says between 10-20% end in miscarriage.
A vaccine that is developed and tested for years for unintended side effects, is one thing, a vaccine that is rushed to market, with a release targeted for political expediency is not something a people should accept being forced into their bodies....
That argument ended when the FDA gave "full approval" after over 18 months of clinical trials, and review of the vaccinations done under emergency authorization.

The ironic thing about claiming something was "rushed to market", when the new therapies like

But in December 2021, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued emergency use authorizations (EUAs) for two pills that patients can take at home in the days after COVID-19 symptoms arise to prevent severe disease and avoid going to the hospital.

Merck applied for authorization first, in October, for a pill called molnupiravir, and many hailed the new drug as a potential game-changer. Pfizer submitted its application in November for a medication called Paxlovid.

The vaccine has been studied far longer than these treatment pills. Same for monoclonal antibodies. Yet the same people against the vaccine, are screaming to get these new untested cures.
Why wouldn’t it? :cuckoo:

Because states like Texas have made it nearly impossible to get.

The new Texas law also involved a broad restriction on doctors’ option of performing medical abortions with the drug RU-486 and other medications,
Wrong....the current shots are not "Vaccines," they are mild boosters.....a real vaccine prevents people from getting the virus...hence, one shot for "Chicken Pox," one shot for "measles," one dose for "polio."

The difference is that this vaccine prevents people from getting "symptomatic COVID", not from becoming contagious (pre-symptomatic)

That's because the mechanism for COVID is different than the other diseases you mentioned. Which don't become contagious until "AFTER" the onset of symptoms, which the vaccine is meant to stop.

And the booster argument is a red herring. As many vaccines require periodic boosters, from a four shot regiment for Polio.

Poliovirus vaccine:

The immunization schedule table says the child should get four vaccine shots starting from 2 months of age. Experts recommend a second shot of the vaccine when the child turns four months old. At the same time, the third dose is given to 6 – 17 months old infants. The last amount is given to kids aging between 4 and 6 years.

Diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis vaccine:

Popularly known as the DTaP vaccine is given to children aging less than seven years. As per the updated immunization schedule, kids are to give five DTaP doses.
In a few years, or a few decades, or maybe even in a few days, you can ask him yourself. You seem more intent on attacking God than defending your support of murder. Why is that?
If GOD does it, can it be wrong?
Because states like Texas have made it nearly impossible to get.

The new Texas law also involved a broad restriction on doctors’ option of performing medical abortions with the drug RU-486 and other medications,
I don’t run Texas, Stupid.
The Mayo Clinic says between 10-20% end in miscarriage.
I went through that years ago. That's their lowball figure, since they estimate that 2 our of 3 women don't even realize they were pregnant, and the spontaneous abortion was just an extra heavy mensural cycle.

Post the entirety of what the citation says.
I went through that years ago. That's their lowball figure, since they estimate that 2 our of 3 women don't even realize they were pregnant, and the spontaneous abortion was just an extra heavy mensural cycle.

Post the entirety of what the citation says.
So you know more than the Mayo Clinic?
So you know more than the Mayo Clinic?
I know to read the ENTIRE citation. Not just the headline.
And the body of the citation multiplies their estimate.

Miscarriage is the spontaneous loss of a pregnancy before the 20th week. About 10 to 20 percent of known pregnancies end in miscarriage. But the actual number is likely higher because many miscarriages occur very early in pregnancy — before you might even know about a pregnancy.[/I}
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