Democrats Tweet Republicans Have No Right Interfering In Your Private Medical Decisions

Burning his trash does pretty much only affect the person doing the burning unless they are trying to burn hazardous material.
not unless his smoke is hitting my house.....we are not talking about a BBQ smell here....
I know to read the ENTIRE citation. Not just the headline.
And the body of the citation multiplies their estimate.

Miscarriage is the spontaneous loss of a pregnancy before the 20th week. About 10 to 20 percent of known pregnancies end in miscarriage. But the actual number is likely higher because many miscarriages occur very early in pregnancy — before you might even know about a pregnancy.[/I}
I’ll go with what is “known“, and leave the guessing to you, Moron.
If GOD does it, can it be wrong?
You first have to establish that God is deliberately doing it in order to pursue that argument. You haven't done so, but just in case you think He is, remember that God has authority to do things that you simply do not.

The police have authority to do things that you do not. Try violently grabbing your neighbor from his house and keeping him in a locked room in your basement for 5 years. Be sure to let us know how things are going from your prison cell.

The school principal when you went to school had authority to do things that you as a student did not. Would you have been able to suspend him from school when you were a student?

Your parents had authority to do things that you as a child did not. Did you ever try dictating their behavior in public and punishing them for disobedience when you were a child?

Does that help clear it up for you?
I’ll go with what is “known“, and leave the guessing to you, Moron.
The "known" is a lowball figure. The 50% includes estimates from the "unknown".

Ronald Rumsfeld famously said:

Donald Rumsfeld: “There are known knowns, things we know that we know; and there are known unknowns, things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns, things we do not know we don't know.”
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The "known" is a lowball figure. The 50% includes estimates from the "unknown".

Ronald Rumsfeld famously said:

Donald Rumsfeld: “There are known knowns, things we know that we...” “There are known knowns, things we know that we know; and there are known unknowns, things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns, things we do not know we don't know.”
I’ll deal with reality and leave the guessing to you.
You first have to establish that God is deliberately doing it in order to pursue that argument.
Are you arguing the NON-existence of GOD?
Or that GOD isn't all powerful, all knowing?
Are you arguing the NON-existence of GOD?
Or that GOD isn't all powerful, all knowing?
I'm asking you to establish as fact the premise of your argument. Can you do that? Then, assuming you are successful, you will need to deal with the other things I posted that you conveniently ignored. Don't worry, I'll bring them up again if you won't.
The police have authority to do things that you do not. Try violently grabbing your neighbor from his house and keeping him in a locked room in your basement for 5 years. Be sure to let us know how things are going from your prison cell.

Bad example. The only authorities police have that citizens do not, is arrest for misdemeanors, search incident to arrest, and serving of warrants.
The difference is that this vaccine prevents people from getting "symptomatic COVID", not from becoming contagious (pre-symptomatic)

That's because the mechanism for COVID is different than the other diseases you mentioned. Which don't become contagious until "AFTER" the onset of symptoms, which the vaccine is meant to stop.

And the booster argument is a red herring. As many vaccines require periodic boosters, from a four shot regiment for Polio.

Poliovirus vaccine:

The immunization schedule table says the child should get four vaccine shots starting from 2 months of age. Experts recommend a second shot of the vaccine when the child turns four months old. At the same time, the third dose is given to 6 – 17 months old infants. The last amount is given to kids aging between 4 and 6 years.

Diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis vaccine:

Popularly known as the DTaP vaccine is given to children aging less than seven years. As per the updated immunization schedule, kids are to give five DTaP doses. doesn't keep you from getting it, it doesn't keep you from spreading isn't a vaccine.
I'm asking you to establish as fact the premise of your argument. Can you do that? Then, assuming you are successful, you will need to deal with the other things I posted that you conveniently ignored. Don't worry, I'll bring them up again if you won't.
Actually I approach it from the side of belief. You would have to prove that GOD didn't do it.

Which would throw out the idea of intelligent design. And make evolution the only possible explanation of how we got here. doesn't keep you from getting it, it doesn't keep you from spreading isn't a vaccine.
No vaccine is 100% effective. And with the millions of cases just in this country, there are a significant number of vaccine failures. But that doesn't mean it's not a vaccine.

Someone shot, while wearing a bulletproof vest dies. That doesn't mean bulletproof vests aren't bulletproof vests, based on singular failures.
Bad example. The only authorities police have that citizens do not, is arrest for misdemeanors, search incident to arrest, and serving of warrants.
Actually, no. They have the authority to place you in shackles, something you can't do to someone else. They can restrain you from leaving an area, they can lock you in the back seat of a car, transport you to a holding location where you can be kept behind locked doors for a period of time. They can refuse to allow you to communicate with anyone outside of that location. They can force you to undergo physical examinations, including internal ones. They can strip your clothes and belongings from you and force you to wear clothes of their choosing. They can make you pull your car off to the side of the road and issue you a summons that you must obey. They can physically keep you away from certain public areas. Heck, they can legally kill you if you violently refuse to do what they order you to do.

None of these things are you authorized to do to another person.
Actually I approach it from the side of belief. You would have to prove that GOD didn't do it.

Which would throw out the idea of intelligent design. And make evolution the only possible explanation of how we got here.
Nonsense. You're ignoring the middle ground, which is that God designed it, created it, set it all in motion and intervenes only when and where HE chooses to intervene.
Yes vaccinations, especially ones that use new technology and that were rushed to approval for political purposes, are my private decision. Your arrogant stance on what you want to force into my body is a health risk to me because people like you cause my blood pressure to soar and puts me at risk of a deadly stroke. Therefore, in the interests of my health you should lose your first amendment rights... see how your reasoning works?

Abortion on the other hand is murdering a child who did not ask to be conceived, and who has no voice to defend themselves.
Vaccines are very safe... You then show your ignorance risk of vaccine reaction compared COVID infection... Even though your as stupid as dog shit and are still willing to let have free choice on taking or not taking the vaccine for yourself and your children... We have not said that your ignorance on the simple maths of what was safest for your children was not a reason to mandate you to properly protect your own children...
If you believe Abortion is murder then why aren't you asking for legislation to end fertility clinics?
Vaccinations are not "private medical decisions". They affect the community.

You have as much right to know about someone's vaccine status as they do of your health records relating to STD's and antibiotics and that would, zero, nada.
So aborting a child and killing it before it can be born should be perfectly legal. But turn around and say that forcing people to get a vaccine is perfectly fine.

So to them it's ok to force a medical procedure is good, but bad if someone else says you shouldn't have a medical procedure that kills kids? Wow

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