Democrats want to give school kids 3 meals a day YEAR ROUND!!!

Since 2001, the country has lost 42,400 factories, including 36 percent of factories that employ more than 1,000 workers (which declined from 1,479 to 947), and 38 percent of factories that employ between 500 and 999 employees (from 3,198 to 1,972). An additional 90,000 manufacturing companies are now at risk of going out of business.

Long before the banking collapse of 2008, such important U.S. industries as machine tools, consumer electronics, auto parts, appliances, furniture, telecommunications equipment, and many others that had once dominated the global marketplace suffered their own economic collapse. Manufacturing employment dropped to 11.7 million in October 2009, a loss of 5.5 million or 32 percent of all manufacturing jobs since October 2000. The last time fewer than 12 million people worked in the manufacturing sector was in 1941. In October 2009, more people were officially unemployed (15.7 million) than were working in manufacturing.

But American companies have difficulty competing against foreign countries that undervalue their currencies, pay health care for their workers; provide subsidies for energy, land, buildings, and equipment; grant tax holidays and rebates and provide zero-interest financing; pay their workers poverty wages that would be illegal in the United States, and don't enforce safety or environmental regulations.

Proponents of free trade and outsourcing argue that the United States remains the largest manufacturing economy in the world. Yet, total manufacturing gross domestic product in 2008 (at $1.64 trillion) represented 11.5 percent of U.S. economic output, down from 17 percent in 1999, and 28 percent in 1959. As for our balance of trade, U.S. imports of goods totaled $2.52 trillion in 2008, while exports came to $1.29 trillion -- creating a goods deficit of $821 billion. Those imported goods represented 17.6 percent of U.S. GDP. The U.S. trade deficit in goods and services in 2008 stood at $700 billion -- or more than $2,000 for every American.

Damn that Guido and Mikey!

The Plight of American Manufacturing
And the ceo's that cut the most jobs got the biggest bonus'. Yes, tax them more.
Do you know what the tax rate is on a "bonus check"?

It's considered "Luxury Tax".
The government gets 1/3 of it

Weird, MOST CEO's top exec's get stock options, taxed at Cap gains rate, 20% today


My brother is a VP and he has so much money he doesn't know what to do with it. And he's just a VP. He doesn't make $1 million a year yet he is rich beyond any of these right wingers could dream of being and I swear it would bother poor Republican usmb members more than it would him.
Could be. I am a reading/language arts teacher....not math, lol.

Which means you're a welfare bum yourself since you're paid for a job that has no social value.. We should only teach STEM in school. THINK

Eat crap.

Language arts has no social value ?

I hope to tell you it has value.
Yes but those who can do and those who can't teach.
Schools should be open 6 to 6, six days a week, all meals provided so you can keep an eye on them, help them learn to teach themselves, and run their fat little asses off. The parents have work to do. If you actually cared about children you'd pay up for that, but you don't, and never will...
"Pay up"?......Why?
You're right about one thing...It will NEVER happen.....There is no money to pay for it..
The sheer logistics of releasing then busing kids home at the height of rush hour is impossible.
They always seem to find all the funds necessary to fight two wars.

Meanwhile Donald Trump alone is sitting on $8 billion dollars. That's not including buffet koch Soros and Rupert Murdock.

I'm watching shark tank right now. 5 billionaires on the show. There are so many millionaires and billionaires in America. There are so many billion dollar companies in America. Please stop asking where we're going to get the money.
Nope. There are 492 billionaires for 318,000,000 people. Roughly 1 billionaire for every 600,000,000!
I think you made a serious math error.
Could be. I am a reading/language arts teacher....not math, lol.
Are you both a conservative and a government union employee or do you teach private school?
How about get rid of tax loopholes & entitlements like bonus' to CEO's who companies are 'too big to fail'. Tell me why the Walton family are billionares many times over, but are allowed to hire workers at abysmal wages who need those 'entitlements' just to get by paid for by the taxpayer?
Sp you are on record for higher product prices?

Are you on record for subsidizing billionares?
And how many are there here in our country to make a difference?

Enjoy knowing where your tax dollars end up going to... the REAL welfare Queens:

'Uncle Sam's Favorite Corporations'
There is 1 billionaire for every 600,000 people. Taxing them more is not going to help those 600,000 very much.

When I said 'billionaire' , i wasn't strictly speaking about flesh & blood people Jackson... i was talking about major corporations that have gained 'personhood'. tell me why you think it's ok to use your tax dollars to subsidize EXXON, but not a hungry child? Did you even look at the link with ALL those names & billions & BILLIONS of dollars that you help to contribute? I don't think you did, did you?
Sp you are on record for higher product prices?

Are you on record for subsidizing billionares?
And how many are there here in our country to make a difference?

Enjoy knowing where your tax dollars end up going to... the REAL welfare Queens:

'Uncle Sam's Favorite Corporations'
There is 1 billionaire for every 600,000 people. Taxing them more is not going to help those 600,000 very much.

When I said 'billionaire' , i wasn't strictly speaking about flesh & blood people Jackson... i was talking about major corporations that have gained 'personhood'. tell me why you think it's ok to use your tax dollars to subsidize EXXON, but not a hungry child? Did you even look at the link with ALL those names & billions & BILLIONS of dollars that you help to contribute? I don't think you did, did you?
Illogical. Oil companies are not being given tax subsidies. Another Leftist myth.
When I was in school, we went home for lunch, parents fed us in the morning and in the evening and all was right in the world. The streets were not littered with children dead from starvation.

Ya, me too. My father was the sole bread winner & there were 5 kids in my family... you know how he was able to do it? Back then, companies paid a living wage AND were taxed at a much higher level... forcing corporations to re-invest in themselves by paying their workers & constantly upgrading... now they outsource & use tax havens.

What did your dad make? About a buck an hour?

I'm not sure how you meant that & I don't know how much he made... but he worked at a factory that manufactured silverware, a real dirty job. But back then $1.00 was a hell lot more in its worth than it is would be today... which is what $5.00 is now.

Not meaning anything, just asking. The thing is, wages are not what they used to be nor is the cost of living. I think the big difference is that we now pay more in taxes such as city, county, state, federal, sales, school, gasoline...etc. not only to pay for the massive infrastructure but also the entitlements and a huge chunk of money for welfare and a bloated government.

Reduce the size of government, get rid of welfare and families would have a better chance of living on one paycheck.

How about get rid of tax loopholes & entitlements like bonus' to CEO's who companies are 'too big to fail'. Tell me why the Walton family are billionares many times over, but are allowed to hire workers at abysmal wages who need those 'entitlements' just to get by paid for by the taxpayer?

My tax dollars do not go to CEO bonuses nor do yours. The Walton's are free to pay whatever wage the worker is willing to work for. You hate freedom, you want a dictatorship.
But they pay very low taxes and off shore all the time. Cheating bastards.
Not paying as much in taxes is not a subsidy. Subsidies are when money is given by government. Tax breaks are not subsidies.

Stop lying, Leftists!

DEFINITION of 'Subsidy'
A benefit given by the government to groups or individuals usually in the form of a cash payment or tax reduction. The subsidy is usually given to remove some type of burden and is often considered to be in the interest of the public.

Read more: Subsidy Definition | Investopedia
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Are you on record for subsidizing billionares?
And how many are there here in our country to make a difference?

Enjoy knowing where your tax dollars end up going to... the REAL welfare Queens:

'Uncle Sam's Favorite Corporations'
There is 1 billionaire for every 600,000 people. Taxing them more is not going to help those 600,000 very much.

When I said 'billionaire' , i wasn't strictly speaking about flesh & blood people Jackson... i was talking about major corporations that have gained 'personhood'. tell me why you think it's ok to use your tax dollars to subsidize EXXON, but not a hungry child? Did you even look at the link with ALL those names & billions & BILLIONS of dollars that you help to contribute? I don't think you did, did you?
Illogical. Oil companies are not being given tax subsidies. Another Leftist myth.

Post #659. feel free to go to the UNBIASED link I provided & page 11 of the PDF specifically mentions Exxon.
  1. 1.
    a sum of money granted by the government or a public body to assist an industry or business so that the price of a commodity or service may remain low or competitive.
    "a farm subsidy

    1. a parliamentary grant to the sovereign for state needs.

      - noun, plural subsidies. a direct pecuniary aid furnished by a government to a private industrial undertaking, a charity organization, or the like. a sum paid, often in accordance with a treaty, by one government to another to secure some service in return. a grant or contribution of money.

      the definition of subsidy
Ya, me too. My father was the sole bread winner & there were 5 kids in my family... you know how he was able to do it? Back then, companies paid a living wage AND were taxed at a much higher level... forcing corporations to re-invest in themselves by paying their workers & constantly upgrading... now they outsource & use tax havens.

What did your dad make? About a buck an hour?

I'm not sure how you meant that & I don't know how much he made... but he worked at a factory that manufactured silverware, a real dirty job. But back then $1.00 was a hell lot more in its worth than it is would be today... which is what $5.00 is now.

Not meaning anything, just asking. The thing is, wages are not what they used to be nor is the cost of living. I think the big difference is that we now pay more in taxes such as city, county, state, federal, sales, school, gasoline...etc. not only to pay for the massive infrastructure but also the entitlements and a huge chunk of money for welfare and a bloated government.

Reduce the size of government, get rid of welfare and families would have a better chance of living on one paycheck.

How about get rid of tax loopholes & entitlements like bonus' to CEO's who companies are 'too big to fail'. Tell me why the Walton family are billionares many times over, but are allowed to hire workers at abysmal wages who need those 'entitlements' just to get by paid for by the taxpayer?

My tax dollars do not go to CEO bonuses nor do yours. The Walton's are free to pay whatever wage the worker is willing to work for. You hate freedom, you want a dictatorship.

Nonsense. I want the Walton's to pay their workers enough so I don't have to pay for their food stamps, & Medicaid. When you would prevent a woman having the right to choose, then don't preach to me about what 'dictatorship' is.
What did your dad make? About a buck an hour?

I'm not sure how you meant that & I don't know how much he made... but he worked at a factory that manufactured silverware, a real dirty job. But back then $1.00 was a hell lot more in its worth than it is would be today... which is what $5.00 is now.

Not meaning anything, just asking. The thing is, wages are not what they used to be nor is the cost of living. I think the big difference is that we now pay more in taxes such as city, county, state, federal, sales, school, gasoline...etc. not only to pay for the massive infrastructure but also the entitlements and a huge chunk of money for welfare and a bloated government.

Reduce the size of government, get rid of welfare and families would have a better chance of living on one paycheck.

How about get rid of tax loopholes & entitlements like bonus' to CEO's who companies are 'too big to fail'. Tell me why the Walton family are billionares many times over, but are allowed to hire workers at abysmal wages who need those 'entitlements' just to get by paid for by the taxpayer?

My tax dollars do not go to CEO bonuses nor do yours. The Walton's are free to pay whatever wage the worker is willing to work for. You hate freedom, you want a dictatorship.

Nonsense. I want the Walton's to pay their workers enough so I don't have to pay for their food stamps, & Medicaid. When you would prevent a woman having the right to choose, then don't preach to me about what 'dictatorship' is.

Hey stupid, women do have a choice. They can choose not to get pregnant. Killing an innocent life should never be a choice.

We agree on one thing, enough with the welfare. But as for Walmart's wages, don't like it.... quit!
A tax reduction is not a subsidy.

Stop lying, Leftists!

A tax reduction is not a subsidy.

Stop lying, Leftists!
Tax subsidies are real. They are recognized by the IRS, business, the courts, tax attorneys, accountants, etc. You are promoting a faux debate and should be more careful about calling people liars when discussing things you are not knowledgeable about.
Last edited:
A tax reduction is not a subsidy.

Stop lying, Leftists!

A tax reduction is not a subsidy.

Stop lying, Leftists!
Tax subsidies are real. They recognized by the IRS, business, the courts, tax attorneys, accountants, etc. You are promoting a faux debate and should be more careful about calling people liars when discussing things you are not knowledgeable about.
Tax subsidies are real, but tax write offs are not subsidies.

Stop lying, Leftists!
I'm not sure how you meant that & I don't know how much he made... but he worked at a factory that manufactured silverware, a real dirty job. But back then $1.00 was a hell lot more in its worth than it is would be today... which is what $5.00 is now.

Not meaning anything, just asking. The thing is, wages are not what they used to be nor is the cost of living. I think the big difference is that we now pay more in taxes such as city, county, state, federal, sales, school, gasoline...etc. not only to pay for the massive infrastructure but also the entitlements and a huge chunk of money for welfare and a bloated government.

Reduce the size of government, get rid of welfare and families would have a better chance of living on one paycheck.

How about get rid of tax loopholes & entitlements like bonus' to CEO's who companies are 'too big to fail'. Tell me why the Walton family are billionares many times over, but are allowed to hire workers at abysmal wages who need those 'entitlements' just to get by paid for by the taxpayer?

My tax dollars do not go to CEO bonuses nor do yours. The Walton's are free to pay whatever wage the worker is willing to work for. You hate freedom, you want a dictatorship.

Nonsense. I want the Walton's to pay their workers enough so I don't have to pay for their food stamps, & Medicaid. When you would prevent a woman having the right to choose, then don't preach to me about what 'dictatorship' is.

Hey stupid, women do have a choice. They can choose not to get pregnant. Killing an innocent life should never be a choice.

We agree on one thing, enough with the welfare. But as for Walmart's wages, don't like it.... quit!

If you don't want them to get an abortion, you had better offer them a better solution

"Not my problem" is not a better solution
Not meaning anything, just asking. The thing is, wages are not what they used to be nor is the cost of living. I think the big difference is that we now pay more in taxes such as city, county, state, federal, sales, school, gasoline...etc. not only to pay for the massive infrastructure but also the entitlements and a huge chunk of money for welfare and a bloated government.

Reduce the size of government, get rid of welfare and families would have a better chance of living on one paycheck.

How about get rid of tax loopholes & entitlements like bonus' to CEO's who companies are 'too big to fail'. Tell me why the Walton family are billionares many times over, but are allowed to hire workers at abysmal wages who need those 'entitlements' just to get by paid for by the taxpayer?

My tax dollars do not go to CEO bonuses nor do yours. The Walton's are free to pay whatever wage the worker is willing to work for. You hate freedom, you want a dictatorship.

Nonsense. I want the Walton's to pay their workers enough so I don't have to pay for their food stamps, & Medicaid. When you would prevent a woman having the right to choose, then don't preach to me about what 'dictatorship' is.

Hey stupid, women do have a choice. They can choose not to get pregnant. Killing an innocent life should never be a choice.

We agree on one thing, enough with the welfare. But as for Walmart's wages, don't like it.... quit!

If you don't want them to get an abortion, you had better offer them a better solution

"Not my problem" is not a better solution

The best solution for not getting pregnant and it's 100 percent guaranteed, is to not have sex.
A tax reduction is not a subsidy.

Stop lying, Leftists!

A tax reduction is not a subsidy.

Stop lying, Leftists!
Tax subsidies are real. They recognized by the IRS, business, the courts, tax attorneys, accountants, etc. You are promoting a faux debate and should be more careful about calling people liars when discussing things you are not knowledgeable about.
Tax subsidies are real, but tax write offs are not subsidies.

Stop lying, Leftists!
You are the one that is lying. The first time you made the claim was a mistake. Now you have been give an academic and objective link that explains why a tax write off or loophole is legally and academically recognized as a subsidy. Still, with nothing to back you up other than your stubborn opinion, you insist on holding on to your misguided opinion as a fact when it is anything but a fact.
If you read the link you would become educated on the topic, realize how wrong you are and move on. Instead you will stay stupid and ignorantly call those who are more knowledgeable than you liars. Typical, classical dopey jerk. The very definition of low information poorly educated nit wit.
The best solution for not getting pregnant and it's 100 percent guaranteed, is to not have sex.
a) People that don't believe in pregnant virgins don't believe in Jesus.

b) Apart from divine exception, sex education is more effective when it's more informative. Simply telling youngsters to don't do it doesn't work as well as telling them what will happen if they do.

c) People that don't understand "b" don't understand one of the key lessons of Genesis. god told Eve: don't do it. But she did it anyway.
If instead Eve had been informed, we might all be living in the Garden of Eden right now.

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