Democrats want to give school kids 3 meals a day YEAR ROUND!!!

How about you haul yourself over to my place with three meals a day and you pay for it?
Thanks but you cant afford to pay me for my time.
I ain't paying you jack shit. Haul your ass off that couch and bring me my 3 hot meals a day.
Sounds like you have a problem then. If youre an adult thats hungry and cant afford to pay for it, then you need to get to the back of the line and let the children have first dibs.
So give them YOUR tramp stamps...

Problem solved.
I have no idea what tramp stamps are. Sounds like you use them. Please enlighten everyone.

I suspect her tramp stamps see a lot of use.
Who needs parents when you have an all powerful and all knowing state?

It's just like Mao and Stalin and Pol Pot, they LOVED kids!


Republicans also love kids - until they're born.

The modern republican heart-mindset comes out in threads like these. It must be hard for them to pretend that they give a damn about anything but the almighty buck.
And the Libtards' bleeding hearts show as they've never met a dollar of mine they didn't want to give to someone else

Thanks for helping make my point. Talk about the poor and the least among us and you worry about your crummy dollar.
Thanks but you cant afford to pay me for my time.
I ain't paying you jack shit. Haul your ass off that couch and bring me my 3 hot meals a day.
Sounds like you have a problem then. If youre an adult thats hungry and cant afford to pay for it, then you need to get to the back of the line and let the children have first dibs.
So give them YOUR tramp stamps...

Problem solved.
I have no idea what tramp stamps are. Sounds like you use them. Please enlighten everyone.

I suspect her tramp stamps see a lot of use.
I looked it up and it seems tramp stamps are tattoos on the back by the ass crack.
The modern republican heart-mindset comes out in threads like these. It must be hard for them to pretend that they give a damn about anything but the almighty buck.

Repubs believe parents should take care of their own kids not demand the taxpayers feed them.
The modern republican heart-mindset comes out in threads like these. It must be hard for them to pretend that they give a damn about anything but the almighty buck.

Repubs believe parents should take care of their own kids not demand the taxpayers feed them.
Repubs send their kids to public school. Are you claiming repubs dont take advantage of the socialist elements in our society?
What if they cant find a job that pays the billls without working 3 of them and never are home to raise their children? You cant do both. You repubs will complain about that too.

3 jobs??? HAHAHA. They're not working at all. Just collecting welfare and now they demand more welfare in the form of free food for their kids.
Repubs send their kids to public school. Are you claiming repubs dont take advantage of the socialist elements in our society?

Sure repubs use them. After all, they pay for them. But they'd rather we end all free food at schools and tell the parents to feed their own.
Who needs parents when you have an all powerful and all knowing state?

It's just like Mao and Stalin and Pol Pot, they LOVED kids!


Republicans also love kids - until they're born.

The modern republican heart-mindset comes out in threads like these. It must be hard for them to pretend that they give a damn about anything but the almighty buck.
And the Libtards' bleeding hearts show as they've never met a dollar of mine they didn't want to give to someone else

Thanks for helping make my point. Talk about the poor and the least among us and you worry about your crummy dollar.
You pieces of shit think everyone but you has bottomless pockets.
There's a line but you refuse to see it
The modern republican heart-mindset comes out in threads like these. It must be hard for them to pretend that they give a damn about anything but the almighty buck.

Repubs believe parents should take care of their own kids not demand the taxpayers feed them.

The GOP wants people to work for $2 an hour at the same time though AS they gut taxes for the "job creators"

The modern republican heart-mindset comes out in threads like these. It must be hard for them to pretend that they give a damn about anything but the almighty buck.

Repubs believe parents should take care of their own kids not demand the taxpayers feed them.
Repubs send their kids to public school. Are you claiming repubs dont take advantage of the socialist elements in our society?
My county property taxes and lottery pay for schools.
Your taxes don't pay for shit because you get all your money back plus some of mine
3 meals a day?

Pay for it out of your pocket

There is no Obama-stash

Please sir.....May I have some more?

THAT is exactly the problem with your party.
You make emotional knee jerk reactions without fully thinking ahead.
Nobody wants to see kids go hungry but there has to be a stopping point.
Education, meals, food stamps, cash benefits,cell phones, internet,rent.

Good grief.
We have more wards of the state now than the orphanage era
Please sir....may I have some more?

Republicans: Get a job kid
Please sir... may I have some more?
Democrat: Get it from the government kid, I don't work. I sit around and bitch on the internet all day.
Republican: Where's your parents kid?
Republucans to children

If your parents failed, don't come bitching to me
What if they cant find a job that pays the billls without working 3 of them and never are home to raise their children? You cant do both. You repubs will complain about that too.

3 jobs??? HAHAHA. They're not working at all. Just collecting welfare and now they demand more welfare in the form of free food for their kids.

You DO realize there is a FIVE YEAR LIFETIME limit on welfare, some states (RED) even less?

Contrary to "Entitlement Society" Rhetoric, Over Nine-Tenths of Entitlement Benefits Go to Elderly, Disabled, or Working Households

Moreover, the vast bulk of that 9 percent goes for medical care, unemployment insurance benefits (which individuals must have a significant work history to receive), Social Security survivor benefits for the children and spouses of deceased workers, and Social Security benefits for retirees between ages 62 and 64. Seven out of the 9 percentage points go for one of these four purposes.

Contrary to "Entitlement Society" Rhetoric, Over Nine-Tenths of Entitlement Benefits Go to Elderly, Disabled, or Working Households | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Who needs parents when you have an all powerful and all knowing state?

It's just like Mao and Stalin and Pol Pot, they LOVED kids!


Republicans also love kids - until they're born.

Very true

Republicans....Don't ask me to pay for your birth control, don't dare get an abortion, and kids are your problem

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