Democrats Won't Vote for Carson Because....

well they already knew that. you are the biggest bigots and racist in the country

he's not the thug type and he believes in his religion. so there's two strikes against him already. go vote for the white lying old lady, or the white 100 year old nobody Bernie baby, who's sat in Congress all these years sucking a living off us and hardly heard a peep from him until now. no one cares who you are going to vote for
well they already knew that. you are the biggest bigots and racist in the country

he's not the thug type and he believes in his religion. so there's two strikes against him already. go vote for the white lying old lady, or the white 100 year old nobody Bernie baby, who's sat in Congress all these years sucking a living off us and hardly heard a peep from him until now. no one cares who you are going to vote for

Dingbat, you never heard anything about Bernie because you're living in a Republican bubble. All of your news comes from right wing extremist sites, simply masquerading as news.

Bernie Sanders on the Issues
Liberals believe the world is, correctly, 4.543 billion years old.
Carson believes it is only 6000 years old.
So please, don't be so stupid.
We elected Obama TWICE, so OBVIOUSLY race is not the issue.

Ben Carson: ‘I Do Believe in the Six-Day Creation’ of the World
Ben Carson: ‘I Do Believe in the Six-Day Creation’ of the World
Republicans probably don't think Christians that believe the earth or the universe is 14 billion years old will punish him for being a devout Christian who takes it all literally but I think they're making a huge miscalculation because that s*** is crazy
Liberals believe the world is, correctly, 4.543 billion years old.
Carson believes it is only 6000 years old.
So please, don't be so stupid.
We elected Obama TWICE, so OBVIOUSLY race is not the issue.

Ben Carson: ‘I Do Believe in the Six-Day Creation’ of the World
Ben Carson: ‘I Do Believe in the Six-Day Creation’ of the World
This is how they use religion as a wedge issue.

Ben will be the one to say crazy things that appeal to the religious right base because let's be honest he's not going to be the nominee. You will never hear the ultimate nominee say any of this crazy s***
Ben Carson has a lot more credibility problems than believing in the Six-Day Creation’ of the World
well they already knew that. you are the biggest bigots and racist in the country

he's not the thug type and he believes in his religion. so there's two strikes against him already. go vote for the white lying old lady, or the white 100 year old nobody Bernie baby, who's sat in Congress all these years sucking a living off us and hardly heard a peep from him until now. no one cares who you are going to vote for

Do you think the world is only 6000 years old, Staphy?
You trust someone who believes in fairy tales to handle a country of 320,000,000 in the real world?
Liberals believe the world is, correctly, 4.543 billion years old.
Carson believes it is only 6000 years old.
So please, don't be so stupid.
We elected Obama TWICE, so OBVIOUSLY race is not the issue.

Ben Carson: ‘I Do Believe in the Six-Day Creation’ of the World
Ben Carson: ‘I Do Believe in the Six-Day Creation’ of the World
This is how they use religion as a wedge issue.

Ben will be the one to say crazy things that appeal to the religious right base because let's be honest he's not going to be the nominee. You will never hear the ultimate nominee say any of this crazy s***

That noise about his religion and also stabbing a friend with a camping knife when he was a teenager will start to come out now that he's risen sharply in the polls.
So Staphie, I guess Carson USED to be a thug, unless you think a friendly stabbing is just part of growing up.
He proposed 3 to 4% cuts in spending to all departments and a Freeze on new spending...............

Securing the border.............

So of course the liberals will not vote for him. How dare someone take away the Federal's Endless money supply, cheap labor, and votes............

The shame.
I bet you Democrats wouldn't vote for Trump now because of this: you're such losers.

BEAUTIFUL=> Donald Trump Blessed by Black, White Pastors and Rabbis (Video)

Jim Hoft Oct 25th, 2015 9:31 am

Black and white pastors and rabbis prayed with Donald Trump recently.

Dr. David Jeremiah calls for strong African American Pastors to stand with Donald Trump.
Via Director Blue:

all of it here:
BEAUTIFUL=> Donald Trump Blessed by Black, White Pastors and Rabbis (Video) - The Gateway Pundit

Pastors and rabbis will bless anyone. You idiot.
I bet you Democrats wouldn't vote for Trump now because of this: you're such losers.

BEAUTIFUL=> Donald Trump Blessed by Black, White Pastors and Rabbis (Video)

Jim Hoft Oct 25th, 2015 9:31 am

Black and white pastors and rabbis prayed with Donald Trump recently.

Dr. David Jeremiah calls for strong African American Pastors to stand with Donald Trump.
Via Director Blue:

all of it here:
BEAUTIFUL=> Donald Trump Blessed by Black, White Pastors and Rabbis (Video) - The Gateway Pundit

You can't defend Carson's ridiculous religious beliefs, can you? This thread isn't about Donald Trump, now is it?
well they already knew that. you are the biggest bigots and racist in the country

he's not the thug type and he believes in his religion. so there's two strikes against him already. go vote for the white lying old lady, or the white 100 year old nobody Bernie baby, who's sat in Congress all these years sucking a living off us and hardly heard a peep from him until now. no one cares who you are going to vote for

Do you think the world is only 6000 years old, Staphy?
You trust someone who believes in fairy tales to handle a country of 320,000,000 in the real world?

It's worse than that. Ben Carson actually thinks that Seventh-day Adventists will someday be considered criminals, arrested by the Government, then be sentenced to death.

Ben Carson and the Satanic Sabbath persecution conspiracy
OMG.....................Carson believes in the bible and GOD..................

The shame to the heathen Liberals.............How dare he believe in God............Obama has told them that we are not a nation of Christians..............

Riddle me this................what is a day to God?

Oops.........Liberal heathens don't believe in sorry.
This is such a divisive dumb ass thread

There are Christian's, Buddha, Jewish , Atheist, you name it on all sides of the political world....

if you don't believe that you are part of the dysfunction of our country, and in denial
You won't find a liberal presidential nominee who states that the earth is only 6000 years old. We do not vote for crazy people. Even if the source of the crazy is a lifetime of religious indoctrination.

We evolved........we were not created. End of the story. If you are a candidate for POTUS and think we were had better keep a lid on that thought or you'll never even sniff the WH. The American people are OPPOSED to theocracy. We ain't going there. Period.
I bet you Democrats wouldn't vote for Trump now because of this: you're such losers.

BEAUTIFUL=> Donald Trump Blessed by Black, White Pastors and Rabbis (Video)

Jim Hoft Oct 25th, 2015 9:31 am

Black and white pastors and rabbis prayed with Donald Trump recently.

Dr. David Jeremiah calls for strong African American Pastors to stand with Donald Trump.
Via Director Blue:

all of it here:
BEAUTIFUL=> Donald Trump Blessed by Black, White Pastors and Rabbis (Video) - The Gateway Pundit

You can't defend Carson's ridiculous religious beliefs, can you? This thread isn't about Donald Trump, now is it?

So are you telling us Obama is not a Christian? Did Obama, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Jimmy Carter, LBJ and JFK come out and say the Earth is not 6,000 years old according to his and her proclaim religions ?

Just curious

If they did please provide links and not an opinion

Please and thank you.

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