Dems got the Trump Racism thing all wrong

In America, with trump as president, discrimination undermines the merit based system and reinstalls Affirmative Action for less qualified White males and women. The African immigrants are so glad to be here they don't complain too much but the Asians are getting mad about less qualified Whites getting undeserved university seats.

Although Asians average 140 points more than Whites on SAT tests, less qualified whites are taking university seats that should have gone to a more qualified Asia or African immigrant.

African immigrants are more educated than most — including people born in U.S.

You're full of it, everything this administration is being dissected by lawyers far and wide. Any hint of discrimination would be if federal court before the ink dries. College admissions have nothing to do with immigration, they set their own quotas.

Has it been stated how Merit is measured? Whats the proposed process?

Skills the country needs, ability to support themselves and immediate family and proficiency in english.

And what is the process taken to measure that for prospective immigrants?

Congress has yet to determine the nuts and bolts, they are the priorities Trump has said he wants. I won't join in the speculation of what the law will look like in the end.

HOW about some ideas that you would support?
I'm saying you can't have any data on a law that hasn't been passed.

DId you know that quotas are illegal? Merit is the law now; and, while immigration has nothing to do with college admissions it just so happens that African immigrants are vying successfully for admission and graduating at rates exceeding their numbers in the general population by far. They are doing that far more often than the native population and other immigrants as well.
So why don't they make Africa a better place by staying there?

Many do return home to help rebuild infrastructure, but the tyrants put in pace by the USA and other western nations aren't going to permit too much change...they won't risk their access to the resources and exploitation of Africa for anything...especially for the health and welfare of the natives.

The same could be said of Asians immigrants....
Give me some names of the tyrants put in place by the USA and the names of the other nations.

You don't know...?????? Go research the matter and come on back when you reach my level...then we can communicate.
You made the claim, now back it up. Otherwise, your claim is BS.
DId you know that quotas are illegal? Merit is the law now; and, while immigration has nothing to do with college admissions it just so happens that African immigrants are vying successfully for admission and graduating at rates exceeding their numbers in the general population by far. They are doing that far more often than the native population and other immigrants as well.
So why don't they make Africa a better place by staying there?

Many do return home to help rebuild infrastructure, but the tyrants put in pace by the USA and other western nations aren't going to permit too much change...they won't risk their access to the resources and exploitation of Africa for anything...especially for the health and welfare of the natives.

The same could be said of Asians immigrants....
Give me some names of the tyrants put in place by the USA and the names of the other nations.

You don't know...?????? Go research the matter and come on back when you reach my level...then we can communicate.
You made the claim, now back it up. Otherwise, your claim is BS.
Dale Smith was talking about this yesterday and always seems to have good names and resources to dig into
You're full of it, everything this administration is being dissected by lawyers far and wide. Any hint of discrimination would be if federal court before the ink dries. College admissions have nothing to do with immigration, they set their own quotas.

Has it been stated how Merit is measured? Whats the proposed process?

Skills the country needs, ability to support themselves and immediate family and proficiency in english.

And what is the process taken to measure that for prospective immigrants?

Congress has yet to determine the nuts and bolts, they are the priorities Trump has said he wants. I won't join in the speculation of what the law will look like in the end.

HOW about some ideas that you would support?

I'm pretty much in line with Trump, skills we need, able to support themselves and their families and english proficiency. I would grant a two year provisional visa, if they prove they can support themselves, then grant permanent status. No sponsoring of anyone, including adult children, they can qualify on their own.

skills we need,
Apparently, picking fruits and vegetables is one of those skills. Just ask the farmers, who say they will go out of business without their labor force.

We all like to eat....right?

I have no problem with temporary Ag visas, if the farmer guarantees their return home and is responsible for meeting all their needs while here, including health care.

skills we need,
Apparently, picking fruits and vegetables is one of those skills. Just ask the farmers, who say they will go out of business without their labor force.

We all like to eat....right?

I have no problem with temporary Ag visas, if the farmer guarantees their return home and is responsible for meeting all their needs while here, including health care.

That is, of course, a ridiculous condition meant to make it all fail. Give me a did you type that with a straight face....
skills we need,
Apparently, picking fruits and vegetables is one of those skills. Just ask the farmers, who say they will go out of business without their labor force.

We all like to eat....right?

I have no problem with temporary Ag visas, if the farmer guarantees their return home and is responsible for meeting all their needs while here, including health care.

That is, of course, a ridiculous condition meant to make it all fail. Give me a did you type that with a straight face....

The farmer is the sponsor, why shouldn't he be responsible for their care and insuring they leave when their supposed to?

Some Mexicans don't rape.

We need white people from Norway.

Sh!t hole.

So what is it we didn't get?
Lets get real for a second. If you are partisan spinner on either side please leave now. Here's the deal. Trump made a stupid ignorant statement the other day when he said he didn't want people from Shithole countries coming here. His lackies are looking like fools trying to make excuses for him, trying to make this thing about a PC language issue or pretending that he was simply talking about the conditions of 3rd world countries, or spreading the idiotic narrative that he didn't even say it. Its embarrassing for them. On the flip side, the dems are over playing their hand by going after Trump as a Racist... Let me explain.

I understand the racist argument that the Left is making based on Trumps statements, but I believe that to be subjective and over played in this case. The real issue from what i've seen has more to do with class. Trump doesn't want poor uneducated people coming into our Country. His statement was discriminatory, no question, so lets be accurate and call it that. I don't think Trump would have a problem with a bunch of Ben Carson's coming into our country, I don't think it is a race issue.

Trump wants merit based immigration where we give priority to people who have proven that they have something to contribute to society. People with achievements in education, work, or monetary means have proven merit under his standards and those who are poor or uneducated do not have the same merit. I don't agree with Trump, I believe in giving people opportunity and that nobody is better than the other just because they are born somewhere else or born with more means than another. I also believe that people from poor countries represent a perspective that those from rich countries don't have. They have a great sense of appreciation for opportunity and the American dream because they have gone through the struggle of not having it. That is a valuable perspective to have.

I understand given Trumps history that a link can be made to say that he may assume people of color to fit a certain stereotype unless they have proven otherwise and with that a case for Racism could be made. However, I'd like to see our political discussion less polarized and hyperbolized and more realistic based on the facts. Dems should stop with the hyperfocus on Racism and call this what it is, class based discrimination... Reps need to stop being spin doctor puppets... and Trump needs to grow the fuck up and start acting like a leader
If it was only about people with merit, we would be deporting rednecks.
skills we need,
Apparently, picking fruits and vegetables is one of those skills. Just ask the farmers, who say they will go out of business without their labor force.

We all like to eat....right?

I have no problem with temporary Ag visas, if the farmer guarantees their return home and is responsible for meeting all their needs while here, including health care.

That is, of course, a ridiculous condition meant to make it all fail. Give me a did you type that with a straight face....

The farmer is the sponsor, why shouldn't he be responsible for their care and insuring they leave when their supposed to?

Clearly he can not afford to do so, or he wouldnt rely on cheap migrant labor. Duh man. Come's kind of hard to have an honest discussion when one person is playing so fucking dumb...
In America, with trump as president, discrimination undermines the merit based system and reinstalls Affirmative Action for less qualified White males and women. The African immigrants are so glad to be here they don't complain too much but the Asians are getting mad about less qualified Whites getting undeserved university seats.

Although Asians average 140 points more than Whites on SAT tests, less qualified whites are taking university seats that should have gone to a more qualified Asia or African immigrant.

African immigrants are more educated than most — including people born in U.S.

You're full of it, everything this administration is being dissected by lawyers far and wide. Any hint of discrimination would be if federal court before the ink dries. College admissions have nothing to do with immigration, they set their own quotas.


So you are saying the data in my link is wrong???

I'm saying you can't have any data on a law that hasn't been passed.

DId you know that quotas are illegal? Merit is the law now; and, while immigration has nothing to do with college admissions it just so happens that African immigrants are vying successfully for admission and graduating at rates exceeding their numbers in the general population by far. They are doing that far more often than the native population and other immigrants as well.
So why don't they make Africa a better place by staying there?

Why didn't your ancestors stay where they came from?
skills we need,
Apparently, picking fruits and vegetables is one of those skills. Just ask the farmers, who say they will go out of business without their labor force.

We all like to eat....right?

I have no problem with temporary Ag visas, if the farmer guarantees their return home and is responsible for meeting all their needs while here, including health care.

That is, of course, a ridiculous condition meant to make it all fail. Give me a did you type that with a straight face....

The farmer is the sponsor, why shouldn't he be responsible for their care and insuring they leave when their supposed to?

Clearly he can not afford to do so, or he wouldnt rely on cheap migrant labor. Duh man. Come's kind of hard to have an honest discussion when one person is playing so fucking dumb...

Then maybe he should offer Americans more money. All you're doing is proving is foreigners depress wages.

You're full of it, everything this administration is being dissected by lawyers far and wide. Any hint of discrimination would be if federal court before the ink dries. College admissions have nothing to do with immigration, they set their own quotas.


So you are saying the data in my link is wrong???

I'm saying you can't have any data on a law that hasn't been passed.

DId you know that quotas are illegal? Merit is the law now; and, while immigration has nothing to do with college admissions it just so happens that African immigrants are vying successfully for admission and graduating at rates exceeding their numbers in the general population by far. They are doing that far more often than the native population and other immigrants as well.
So why don't they make Africa a better place by staying there?

Why didn't your ancestors stay where they came from?
My forefathers were educated and skilled workers. When they came to America they contributed at day one. Actually, my ancestors are irrelevant to this discussion. If you feel like you have to make this personal, then you obviously don't have any arrows in your quiver.
So you are saying the data in my link is wrong???

I'm saying you can't have any data on a law that hasn't been passed.

DId you know that quotas are illegal? Merit is the law now; and, while immigration has nothing to do with college admissions it just so happens that African immigrants are vying successfully for admission and graduating at rates exceeding their numbers in the general population by far. They are doing that far more often than the native population and other immigrants as well.
So why don't they make Africa a better place by staying there?

Why didn't your ancestors stay where they came from?
My forefathers were educated and skilled workers. When they came to America they contributed at day one. Actually, my ancestors are irrelevant to this discussion. If you feel like you have to make this personal, then you obviously don't have any arrows in your quiver.

So you set a different standard for immigrants today :dunno:

Mine were dirt poor farmers out of Norway. In fact quite a few immigrants were dirt poor farmers and other types. They made our country great.
I'm saying you can't have any data on a law that hasn't been passed.

DId you know that quotas are illegal? Merit is the law now; and, while immigration has nothing to do with college admissions it just so happens that African immigrants are vying successfully for admission and graduating at rates exceeding their numbers in the general population by far. They are doing that far more often than the native population and other immigrants as well.
So why don't they make Africa a better place by staying there?

Why didn't your ancestors stay where they came from?
My forefathers were educated and skilled workers. When they came to America they contributed at day one. Actually, my ancestors are irrelevant to this discussion. If you feel like you have to make this personal, then you obviously don't have any arrows in your quiver.

So you set a different standard for immigrants today :dunno:

Mine were dirt poor farmers out of Norway. In fact quite a few immigrants were dirt poor farmers and other types. They made our country great.
Here's my standard: If you want to come to America, bring an education, skills, and the desire to assimilate as an American. Personal history means nothing to me on the internet.
I'm saying you can't have any data on a law that hasn't been passed.

DId you know that quotas are illegal? Merit is the law now; and, while immigration has nothing to do with college admissions it just so happens that African immigrants are vying successfully for admission and graduating at rates exceeding their numbers in the general population by far. They are doing that far more often than the native population and other immigrants as well.
So why don't they make Africa a better place by staying there?

Why didn't your ancestors stay where they came from?
My forefathers were educated and skilled workers. When they came to America they contributed at day one. Actually, my ancestors are irrelevant to this discussion. If you feel like you have to make this personal, then you obviously don't have any arrows in your quiver.

So you set a different standard for immigrants today :dunno:

Mine were dirt poor farmers out of Norway. In fact quite a few immigrants were dirt poor farmers and other types. They made our country great.

Yes we judge people differently today, get over it, it's not he 1800s anymore.

DId you know that quotas are illegal? Merit is the law now; and, while immigration has nothing to do with college admissions it just so happens that African immigrants are vying successfully for admission and graduating at rates exceeding their numbers in the general population by far. They are doing that far more often than the native population and other immigrants as well.
So why don't they make Africa a better place by staying there?

Why didn't your ancestors stay where they came from?
My forefathers were educated and skilled workers. When they came to America they contributed at day one. Actually, my ancestors are irrelevant to this discussion. If you feel like you have to make this personal, then you obviously don't have any arrows in your quiver.

So you set a different standard for immigrants today :dunno:

Mine were dirt poor farmers out of Norway. In fact quite a few immigrants were dirt poor farmers and other types. They made our country great.

Yes we judge people differently today, get over it, it's not he 1800s anymore.


When you start claiming immigrants should stay in their home country and make it a better place it's pretty effing hypocritical when you wouldn't be here if your ancestors had done just that but they didn't. They went to a place where they had opportunities to succeed that they did not have in their old country. And that is still valid today. Immigration is not undertaken lightly at all. And it's a process that self selects at the beginning for people who are more resiliant, adaptable and driven. I'm just talking about immigration, not refugees or other categories. Contrary to mythology, they aren't coming here to get on the dole. So right away you have a group of people, regardless of country, who are already driven to succeed. So how do you select them?

Well, I agree - the largest proportion should be merit based - some education or skills. I don't care about language proficiency because that will come with time. But I also agree with the visa lottery system - a means of selecting people who might not otherwise qualify from countries where we get few immigrants. They are still driven to succeed and willing to make a huge jump, to a foreign country, foreign culture and sometimes (contrary to the claims that "they hate America") - they are coming to a country where a portion of the citizenry seems to hate them. That takes courage, drive and resiliance. I also agree with "chain migration" - because marriage and family are long recognized as stabilizing factors. If you want someone to work well, be productive and adaptive - they should have their family with them.

It's a system that has worked for us a long long time.
So why don't they make Africa a better place by staying there?

Why didn't your ancestors stay where they came from?
My forefathers were educated and skilled workers. When they came to America they contributed at day one. Actually, my ancestors are irrelevant to this discussion. If you feel like you have to make this personal, then you obviously don't have any arrows in your quiver.

So you set a different standard for immigrants today :dunno:

Mine were dirt poor farmers out of Norway. In fact quite a few immigrants were dirt poor farmers and other types. They made our country great.

Yes we judge people differently today, get over it, it's not he 1800s anymore.


When you start claiming immigrants should stay in their home country and make it a better place it's pretty effing hypocritical when you wouldn't be here if your ancestors had done just that but they didn't. They went to a place where they had opportunities to succeed that they did not have in their old country. And that is still valid today. Immigration is not undertaken lightly at all. And it's a process that self selects at the beginning for people who are more resiliant, adaptable and driven. I'm just talking about immigration, not refugees or other categories. Contrary to mythology, they aren't coming here to get on the dole. So right away you have a group of people, regardless of country, who are already driven to succeed. So how do you select them?

Well, I agree - the largest proportion should be merit based - some education or skills. I don't care about language proficiency because that will come with time. But I also agree with the visa lottery system - a means of selecting people who might not otherwise qualify from countries where we get few immigrants. They are still driven to succeed and willing to make a huge jump, to a foreign country, foreign culture and sometimes (contrary to the claims that "they hate America") - they are coming to a country where a portion of the citizenry seems to hate them. That takes courage, drive and resiliance. I also agree with "chain migration" - because marriage and family are long recognized as stabilizing factors. If you want someone to work well, be productive and adaptive - they should have their family with them.

It's a system that has worked for us a long long time.
There was a time in America when immigration was encouraged and immigrants came here to become Americans. We're full of deadbeats, and there is an agenda by the left to transform traditional America into a socialist government dependent society. I oppose that agenda.
You're full of it, everything this administration is being dissected by lawyers far and wide. Any hint of discrimination would be if federal court before the ink dries. College admissions have nothing to do with immigration, they set their own quotas.


So you are saying the data in my link is wrong???

I'm saying you can't have any data on a law that hasn't been passed.

DId you know that quotas are illegal? Merit is the law now; and, while immigration has nothing to do with college admissions it just so happens that African immigrants are vying successfully for admission and graduating at rates exceeding their numbers in the general population by far. They are doing that far more often than the native population and other immigrants as well.
So why don't they make Africa a better place by staying there?

Why didn't your ancestors stay where they came from?

Interesting, and I'm sure many Native Americans would like to know the same thing...

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