Dems. lost this Nov....BUT.... R-W'ers lost even more....

Sometime I truly wish that right wing nitwits on here could read the foreign press and what it states about the cruel joke that is Trump......Of course, most of them would rather believe what the press in buttfuck TX states than what the rest of the planet thinks.
Sometime I truly wish that right wing nitwits on here could read the foreign press and what it states about the cruel joke that is Trump......Of course, most of them would rather believe what the press in buttfuck TX states than what the rest of the planet thinks.

I don't give two shits what the foreign press thinks....America first!!

Another reason Trump is giving you gas
Until the dems realize why they keep losing, they will keep losing. But we need to face it, the present day lunacy and stupid was started decades ago in order to do just what it has done. They just didn't expect a Trump come along and for the people to toss them to the curb as we have.
Insanity: Posting the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. We haven't lost anything. We gained a president who cares about this country and its people and we got rid of a worthless prez who did nothing but hurt the country.
An excellent self examination by miketx of himself. He does not care about Trump or America, and he keeps posting the same nonsense. Sassy does too.

Says the dope that keeps repeating alt right, alt right, alt right in nearly every comment.

What a loon.

You idiots created Trump and now are flabbergasted he is POTUS and STILL haven't figured out they whys of why he won. In short? America is sick of leftist bullshit
They refuse to acknowledge the role they played in his rise and victory.

The first step in dealing with a problem is admitting you have one.
They refuse to acknowledge the role they played in is rise and victory.

The first step in dealing with a problem is admitting you have one.

True....democrats helped elect the first black president....and for tacit racists, THAT was an unforgivable "sin."
I don't give two shits what the foreign press thinks....America first!!
You mean your "trailer park, first".....LOL
There's something to be said about being disappointed as many Dems were last Nov. ....and there's something to be said about being royally screwed by who and what you thought you were voting for, as Reps are quickly finding out or (for the dumber ones) will soon find out.

It is an old axiom that a "budget is not just a fiscal statement, but a moral one also".....and Trump's proposed budget is not only immoral, but also insanely crafted to negate most of Trump's campaign promises.

The increase in Pentagon spending, for example, is MORE than all of the military spending by Russia.......and most of that increase will (as always) go to benefit the greedy private contractors that helped Trump get elected.

The proposed health care bill, is nothing more than "revenge" against Obama.....the rewarding of Trump's rich donors and, sadly, the personification of death panels for many of those who "trusted" and voted for Trump.

The list of Trump failures is long and we've only seen a couple of months of this clown's antics; for example, the Muslim immigration ban is a bust, the wall with Mexico is yet another costlyand ineffective lie that will have to be shouldered by US taxpayers, and the lies, corruption and unethical collusions will keep pouting out of that snake pit that is the executive branch....

YOU judge !!! .

You're still in the denial stage.
Insanity: Posting the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. We haven't lost anything. We gained a president who cares about this country and its people and we got rid of a worthless prez who did nothing but hurt the country.
An excellent self examination by miketx of himself. He does not care about Trump or America, and he keeps posting the same nonsense. Sassy does too.

Says the dope that keeps repeating alt right, alt right, alt right in nearly every comment.

What a loon.

You idiots created Trump and now are flabbergasted he is POTUS and STILL haven't figured out they whys of why he won. In short? America is sick of leftist bullshit

As I hate to agree with Sassy, but Sassy is correct when it come to the progressive left is at fault for Trump winning.

From the miserable ACA to attempting to force Transgenders into everyone daily lives caused the backlash from Red State America and that is why Trump won.

Instead of forcing radical change the Progressive left has to learn slow change is for the best and even then subjects like transgender children and anyone can pee and crap where they want will never sell in Red State America.

Also the Progressive left has for many generations spat on the Conservative and Independent America with the thought the Democratic Party does not need them and have the minority vote to win with.

Sure in states like California that might work but here in Texas you will lose every time.

So again Sassy is correct the left own the reason why Trump won and from the rants on here from the left they have yet to learn their lesson!
Sometime I truly wish that right wing nitwits on here could read the foreign press and what it states about the cruel joke that is Trump......Of course, most of them would rather believe what the press in buttfuck TX states than what the rest of the planet thinks.
I wonder why this person thinks I can't read the foreign press? I wonder what makes this person put what foreigners think ahead of what's good for his country? Not all the foreigners are against Trump, but the ones that are have good reason be: he is going shut down the gravy train that is feeding them and starving us, he is not going to allow our military to ignore threats to us like Obama did, much to the chagrin of the America haters here. Plus he is a great encouragement to the peoples in many of these countries where PC has ran amok and is hurting the citizens of those countries.
Sometime I truly wish that right wing nitwits on here could read the foreign press and what it states about the cruel joke that is Trump......Of course, most of them would rather believe what the press in buttfuck TX states than what the rest of the planet thinks.

This is part of your problem. You prefer European culture over American. You act like Texas changed and is now anti-American. The truth is that California, New York and others are changing at an uncontrolled rate, following Europe (without paying attention to what it costs Europe). Flyover country IS America. Snub your nose at us and call us backwards, redneck/hillbilly/coonass. Make your political cartoons with toothless Appalachians and pot-bellied NASCAR fans wearing a wife-beater and ball cap. Make it very clear exactly how you feel about America and Americans. It's been working so well for you of late.

How do you people function with such a skewed understanding of cause and effect?
1. The Healthcare Reform Bill as we know is most likely dead on arrival in the Senate.

2. The wasteful spending by Trump is his attempt to be a wanna-be version of Reagan but unlike Reagan, Trump does not have the evil Soviet Union to use to support the call for the increase in Military spending unless China and North Korea is the new Soviet Union.

3. The wall most likely not happen. The cost to build and maintain it could be used to hire and train agents along with enforcing laws on the books instead.


So as you keep on calling Trump a failure and worst President ever I will keep on writing he has been President since January 20th and it is way to soon to tell how this experiment will turn out.

One thing is for sure Republicans like Rand Paul and Susan Collins in the Senate will not toe the line like Harry Reid and Democratic Senators did when Obama was President and those like Collins will be a thorn in Trump side for a,damn good reason!

You see a failure because you see every Republican is not a blind partisan fool like you wish they were!

Well, I'd agree with most of what you write except for the assertion that 2 months of Trump does not offer enough to "judge" this disastrous administration.

Ironically, I DO want for TrumpCare to pass congress; NOTHING would be more fitting than to have Trump voters receive the kick in the ass that they so richly deserve for having both hated Clinton so much, and trusted a clown whose demagoguery was simply laughable..

What is being offered will not pass the Senate and Ryan in the House knows this.

Also remember Trump budget proposal is a wish list and most likely will be altered by the time he signs the,passed Bill.

In the end the Senate is Trump worst nightmare because those like Collins and Paul will make Trump life more miserable and for damn good reasons!
Sometime I truly wish that right wing nitwits on here could read the foreign press and what it states about the cruel joke that is Trump......Of course, most of them would rather believe what the press in buttfuck TX states than what the rest of the planet thinks.

I read the foreign press everyday. Generally they are as vacuous as the American press, but occasionally have a slightly different spin, or even deal with a story the American press won't touch because it upsets their Democrat masters.
Insanity: Posting the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. We haven't lost anything. We gained a president who cares about this country and its people and we got rid of a worthless prez who did nothing but hurt the country.
An excellent self examination by miketx of himself. He does not care about Trump or America, and he keeps posting the same nonsense. Sassy does too.

Says the dope that keeps repeating alt right, alt right, alt right in nearly every comment.

What a loon.

You idiots created Trump and now are flabbergasted he is POTUS and STILL haven't figured out they whys of why he won. In short? America is sick of leftist bullshit

As I hate to agree with Sassy, but Sassy is correct when it come to the progressive left is at fault for Trump winning.

From the miserable ACA to attempting to force Transgenders into everyone daily lives caused the backlash from Red State America and that is why Trump won.

Instead of forcing radical change the Progressive left has to learn slow change is for the best and even then subjects like transgender children and anyone can pee and crap where they want will never sell in Red State America.

Also the Progressive left has for many generations spat on the Conservative and Independent America with the thought the Democratic Party does not need them and have the minority vote to win with.

Sure in states like California that might work but here in Texas you will lose every time.

So again Sassy is correct the left own the reason why Trump won and from the rants on here from the left they have yet to learn their lesson!

And ironically, the first fix they can make is the easiest. Just stop insulting people en masse. This narcissism of theirs is incredibly self-destructive.
There's something to be said about being disappointed as many Dems were last Nov. ....and there's something to be said about being royally screwed by who and what you thought you were voting for, as Reps are quickly finding out or (for the dumber ones) will soon find out.

It is an old axiom that a "budget is not just a fiscal statement, but a moral one also".....and Trump's proposed budget is not only immoral, but also insanely crafted to negate most of Trump's campaign promises.

The increase in Pentagon spending, for example, is MORE than all of the military spending by Russia.......and most of that increase will (as always) go to benefit the greedy private contractors that helped Trump get elected.

The proposed health care bill, is nothing more than "revenge" against Obama.....the rewarding of Trump's rich donors and, sadly, the personification of death panels for many of those who "trusted" and voted for Trump.

The list of Trump failures is long and we've only seen a couple of months of this clown's antics; for example, the Muslim immigration ban is a bust, the wall with Mexico is yet another costlyand ineffective lie that will have to be shouldered by US taxpayers, and the lies, corruption and unethical collusions will keep pouting out of that snake pit that is the executive branch....

YOU judge !!! .

You didn't just lose in November.
2010 You lost the House
2012 You lost the Senate
2016 You lost the WH.

You've been getting your arses kicked for al most a decade. Maybe there's a pill that can help you with your depression.
If we lost even more, why are you the one complaining?

I didn't even vote for trump and I'm seeing what he is doing to be refreshing for a change.

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