Dems. lost this Nov....BUT.... R-W'ers lost even more....

Translation : " If we pay for everything for everybody they'll always vote for us".

Actually true....>For example, the $55 BILLION increase to the Pentagon will help private contractors to further BRIBE elected right wingers to do their bidding.....
How much did the Fed add to its balance sheet over the last eight years?

Where did that money go?

A grown up can answer those questions.

I can answer that.........

Obama helped to avoid a depression
Obama extended the tax cuts for the rich
Obama finally placed the war costs on the books
Obama finally placed Medicare Advantage on the books

Should I go on?
How much did the Fed add to its balance sheet over the last eight years?

Where did that money go?

A grown up can answer those questions.

I can answer that.........

Obama helped to avoid a depression
Obama extended the tax cuts for the rich
Obama finally placed the war costs on the books
Obama finally placed Medicare Advantage on the books

Should I go on?
Yes, please. Do go on and this time cite the policies he put in place to make it happen.
How much did the Fed add to its balance sheet over the last eight years?

Where did that money go?

A grown up can answer those questions.

I can answer that.........

Obama helped to avoid a depression
Obama extended the tax cuts for the rich
Obama finally placed the war costs on the books
Obama finally placed Medicare Advantage on the books

Should I go on?
Funny, I don't see an answer to my questions.

Is that because you don't know, or because you want to avoid my questions?
Stay dumb, right wingers....The best you can do is to avoid that mirror that would tell you how fucking dumb you were last November for actually "believing" the orange demagogue......The FAILURE IS ALL YOURS.
Funny, I don't see an answer to my questions.

Is that because you don't know, or because you want to avoid my questions?

Stay dumb........and keep voting for fuck ups while claiming that you're a libertarian moron. LOL
How much did the Fed add to its balance sheet over the last eight years?

Where did that money go?

A grown up can answer those questions.

I can answer that.........

Obama helped to avoid a depression
Obama extended the tax cuts for the rich
Obama finally placed the war costs on the books
Obama finally placed Medicare Advantage on the books

Should I go on?

You didn't answer that
Funny, I don't see an answer to my questions.

Is that because you don't know, or because you want to avoid my questions?

Stay dumb........and keep voting for fuck ups while claiming that you're a libertarian moron. LOL
When in the world have I ever claimed to be a libertarian?

I voted for Hillary, slugger.

Wanna try again?
I don't give two shits what the foreign press thinks....America first!!

You mean your "trailer park, first".....LOL

What is wrong with trailer parks? Lots of good honest people live there because it's within their income.

Did you ever consider that if you didn't treat the poor with such contempt and condescension they might believe when you claim to care about them?
I don't give two shits what the foreign press thinks....America first!!
You mean your "trailer park, first".....LOL
What is wrong with trailer parks? Lots of good honest people live there because it's within their income. Did you ever consider that if you didn't treat the poor with such contempt and condescension they might believe when you claim to care about them?
The answer to that would be "no".
There's something to be said about being disappointed as many Dems were last Nov. ....and there's something to be said about being royally screwed by who and what you thought you were voting for, as Reps are quickly finding out or (for the dumber ones) will soon find out.

It is an old axiom that a "budget is not just a fiscal statement, but a moral one also".....and Trump's proposed budget is not only immoral, but also insanely crafted to negate most of Trump's campaign promises.

The increase in Pentagon spending, for example, is MORE than all of the military spending by Russia.......and most of that increase will (as always) go to benefit the greedy private contractors that helped Trump get elected.

The proposed health care bill, is nothing more than "revenge" against Obama.....the rewarding of Trump's rich donors and, sadly, the personification of death panels for many of those who "trusted" and voted for Trump.

The list of Trump failures is long and we've only seen a couple of months of this clown's antics; for example, the Muslim immigration ban is a bust, the wall with Mexico is yet another costlyand ineffective lie that will have to be shouldered by US taxpayers, and the lies, corruption and unethical collusions will keep pouting out of that snake pit that is the executive branch....

YOU judge !!! .

I judge you to be an insane political hack. Ending a lot of unconstitutional spending is not a bad thing. When you let the military equipment go to hell it takes a lot of money to get it back in mission capable status.
I don't give two shits what the foreign press thinks....America first!!

You mean your "trailer park, first".....LOL

What is wrong with trailer parks? Lots of good honest people live there because it's within their income.

Did you ever consider that if you didn't treat the poor with such contempt and condescension they might believe when you claim to care about them?

It's typical of a left loon, pretend they care...then disparage people they pretend to care about

A perfect example is they love to pretend they are behind gays....then call someone a homo to insult them.

Leftists are stupid
Having helped to elect a clown, right wingers on here want to actually "blame" democrats for THEIR failure..........Almost comical.
If they had come out more for McCain, the clown would never have been elected
RWnuts will never admit that the Trump presidency is going badly,

because that would require integrity. Can anyone name a rightwinger around here with integrity?

lol, I can think of MAYBE one....
And the AHCA continues to torture Trump and Ryan. McConnell just yawns: he knows it is going nowhere.
No, the obstructionists are the ones tormenting Trump. He will overcome them, it just takes time.
RWnuts will never admit that the Trump presidency is going badly,

because that would require integrity. Can anyone name a rightwinger around here with integrity?

lol, I can think of MAYBE one....
Thank you kind sir!

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