Dems. lost this Nov....BUT.... R-W'ers lost even more....

When in the world have I ever claimed to be a libertarian?

I voted for Hillary, slugger.

Wanna try again?

I really don't give much of a fuck who you SAY you voted're still an idiot for defending the orange charlatan.

I always find it odd that a youth like yourself thinks that using swear words makes you look tough, it doesn't, it makes you look stupid and petty. Do you treat people in your real life this way too? At any rate, The Donald was/is a better choice than Hillary even if only slightly so.
Thread has been cleaned of quite a few posts, two infra tons have been handed out, save the food fights for the FZ and discuss the topic.
Did you ever consider that if you didn't treat the poor with such contempt and condescension they might believe when you claim to care about them?

Sure, moron.....its MY party that's cutting "meals-on-wheels" to poor elderly and giving BILLIONS to private Pentagon contractors, correct???

Your party is the one insulting and mocking the poor while doing nothing for them when you have power.

Keeping people poor doesn't help them. Spending trillions we don't have on programs the fed has no authority to be involved in doing help anyone. It promotes corruption. And corruption always hurts the poor the most.

End the federal funding and you will see meals on wheels flourish beyond your ability to imagine.
It's typical of a left loon, pretend they care...then disparage people they pretend to care about

Wait until poor folks in KY and WV find out how royally they've been shafted by the proposed HC bill.........Either they deserve it for continuing to being idiots, or they'll finally fucking wake up to the sham.

Yes once those idiots realize how stupid they were they will just embrace democrats. Just keep reminding them how stupid they are.
You're flailing, and you're hateful. You're part of the reason the "orange charlatan" is your President.

Far from it, nitwit......I can openly state that I voted AGAINST this moron and his cadre of evil crooks......You, on the other hand can lie on here and say that you're not defending this prick......but it is blatantly LAME.

I can openly state I voted against him as well. Doesn't mean he is failing at anything. Doesn't change that he is trying to do what he campaigned on doing. Nor does it change that he is the president.
Yes call them names. That will convince them of the error of their ways. I don't know why you never thought of this before. With that strategy you are sure to win next time around.

Morons HAVE to be reminded that they're morons....Ultimately my insults won;t matter....Its Trump's OWN policies that wiill precipitate your doom.

You should be kinder to yourself. If you aren't you'll start believing that nonsense
Did you ever consider that if you didn't treat the poor with such contempt and condescension they might believe when you claim to care about them?

Sure, moron.....its MY party that's cutting "meals-on-wheels" to poor elderly and giving BILLIONS to private Pentagon contractors, correct???

Your party is the one insulting and mocking the poor while doing nothing for them when you have power.

Keeping people poor doesn't help them. Spending trillions we don't have on programs the fed has no authority to be involved in doing help anyone. It promotes corruption. And corruption always hurts the poor the most.

End the federal funding and you will see meals on wheels flourish beyond your ability to imagine.

Institutional Racism is deeply entrenched in the Left from top to bottom. Their beginning premise is that people are stupid and can't do anything right for themselves, therefore the GOVT must do everything for them. Conservatives start with the premise that others know best how to live their lives let's get Govt out of the way.
Yawn..your daily hate Trump thread.

You lost, you're butthurt and Trump is president.

Get some new material, you've become even more stale

....and your LAME defense of the orange clown is also duly noted .....LOL

What defense.

You lost.

Suck on it....for the next four years.

Keep dreaming about 2018.

You are just going to lose more senate seats.

Suck on that too.
I don't give two shits what the foreign press thinks....America first!!

You mean your "trailer park, first".....LOL
Are you shaming people that can only afford to live in mobile homes? Isn't that shaming the low income? Not very Liberal of you.

He's not a liberal.

He's an asswipe left winger.

There is a huge difference.
You're right. At least classic Liberals were more tolerant and civilized until they allowed themselves to be hijacked by the alt Left radicals.
I don't give two shits what the foreign press thinks....America first!!

You mean your "trailer park, first".....LOL
Are you shaming people that can only afford to live in mobile homes? Isn't that shaming the low income? Not very Liberal of you.

He's not a liberal.

He's an asswipe left winger.

There is a huge difference.
You're right. At least classic Liberals were more tolerant and civilized until they allowed themselves to be hijacked by the alt Left radicals.

These people, this current crop of Progressives are worse than the Radical Islamists. They enjoy the same freedoms we do and they simply want to shut us down. Obama, Hillary....people like Nat et al are 1 step away from absolute totalitarianism. If they could get away with it they'd lock us up and throw away the keys.
I don't give two shits what the foreign press thinks....America first!!

You mean your "trailer park, first".....LOL
Are you shaming people that can only afford to live in mobile homes? Isn't that shaming the low income? Not very Liberal of you.

He's not a liberal.

He's an asswipe left winger.

There is a huge difference.
You're right. At least classic Liberals were more tolerant and civilized until they allowed themselves to be hijacked by the alt Left radicals.

These people, this current crop of Progressives are worse than the Radical Islamists. They enjoy the same freedoms we do and they simply want to shut us down. Obama, Hillary....people like Nat et al are 1 step away from absolute totalitarianism. If they could get away with it they'd lock us up and throw away the keys.
I use to be a proud card carrying Liberal Democrat and probably still am at heart but as the saying goes, I didn't leave the party. They left me and became too radicalized.
The proposed health care bill, is nothing more than "revenge" against Obama.....the rewarding of Trump's rich donors and, sadly, the personification of death panels for many of those who "trusted" and voted for Trump.

So we can "discuss the topic" why don't you provide some basis in reality for your stupid claims.

1. Revenge...that should be easy.
2. Rewarding rich what...that has gone on forever. Obama did it with Obamacare.
3. The personification of death panels ? Please demonstrate that.
The proposed health care bill, is nothing more than "revenge" against Obama.....the rewarding of Trump's rich donors and, sadly, the personification of death panels for many of those who "trusted" and voted for Trump.

So we can "discuss the topic" why don't you provide some basis in reality for your stupid claims.

1. Revenge...that should be easy.
2. Rewarding rich what...that has gone on forever. Obama did it with Obamacare.
3. The personification of death panels ? Please demonstrate that.

You know what they say about wrestling with pigs........LOL
The proposed health care bill, is nothing more than "revenge" against Obama.....the rewarding of Trump's rich donors and, sadly, the personification of death panels for many of those who "trusted" and voted for Trump.

So we can "discuss the topic" why don't you provide some basis in reality for your stupid claims.

1. Revenge...that should be easy.
2. Rewarding rich what...that has gone on forever. Obama did it with Obamacare.
3. The personification of death panels ? Please demonstrate that.

You know what they say about wrestling with pigs........LOL

Admit it kid, you'd put me in a camp if you could. Hell you support that NY Congressman's Bill to "approve" speech.
The proposed health care bill, is nothing more than "revenge" against Obama.....the rewarding of Trump's rich donors and, sadly, the personification of death panels for many of those who "trusted" and voted for Trump.

So we can "discuss the topic" why don't you provide some basis in reality for your stupid claims.

1. Revenge...that should be easy.
2. Rewarding rich what...that has gone on forever. Obama did it with Obamacare.
3. The personification of death panels ? Please demonstrate that.

You know what they say about wrestling with pigs........LOL

Actually, it appears you won't produce and are deflecting.

Well, I guess that is what that means.

You think of yourself as a pig ?
The proposed health care bill, is nothing more than "revenge" against Obama.....the rewarding of Trump's rich donors and, sadly, the personification of death panels for many of those who "trusted" and voted for Trump.

So we can "discuss the topic" why don't you provide some basis in reality for your stupid claims.

1. Revenge...that should be easy.
2. Rewarding rich what...that has gone on forever. Obama did it with Obamacare.
3. The personification of death panels ? Please demonstrate that.

You know what they say about wrestling with pigs........LOL

Actually, it appears you won't produce and are deflecting.

Well, I guess that is what that means.

You think of yourself as a pig ?

He's being careful, he got dinged earlier.

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