Dems. lost this Nov....BUT.... R-W'ers lost even more....

There's something to be said about being disappointed as many Dems were last Nov. ....and there's something to be said about being royally screwed by who and what you thought you were voting for, as Reps are quickly finding out or (for the dumber ones) will soon find out.

It is an old axiom that a "budget is not just a fiscal statement, but a moral one also".....and Trump's proposed budget is not only immoral, but also insanely crafted to negate most of Trump's campaign promises.

The increase in Pentagon spending, for example, is MORE than all of the military spending by Russia.......and most of that increase will (as always) go to benefit the greedy private contractors that helped Trump get elected.

The proposed health care bill, is nothing more than "revenge" against Obama.....the rewarding of Trump's rich donors and, sadly, the personification of death panels for many of those who "trusted" and voted for Trump.

The list of Trump failures is long and we've only seen a couple of months of this clown's antics; for example, the Muslim immigration ban is a bust, the wall with Mexico is yet another costlyand ineffective lie that will have to be shouldered by US taxpayers, and the lies, corruption and unethical collusions will keep pouting out of that snake pit that is the executive branch....

YOU judge !!! .

all that is true. but trump loons don't care because they'd rather vote against their own self-interest... as always.... for G-d, guns and gays.

one has to wonder who the disgusting piece of garbage is who thinks ending meals on wheels is funny.

white supremacist pond scum. they think it only helps black people because they're uneducated and uninformed.
There's something to be said about being disappointed as many Dems were last Nov. ....and there's something to be said about being royally screwed by who and what you thought you were voting for, as Reps are quickly finding out or (for the dumber ones) will soon find out.

It is an old axiom that a "budget is not just a fiscal statement, but a moral one also".....and Trump's proposed budget is not only immoral, but also insanely crafted to negate most of Trump's campaign promises.

The increase in Pentagon spending, for example, is MORE than all of the military spending by Russia.......and most of that increase will (as always) go to benefit the greedy private contractors that helped Trump get elected.

The proposed health care bill, is nothing more than "revenge" against Obama.....the rewarding of Trump's rich donors and, sadly, the personification of death panels for many of those who "trusted" and voted for Trump.

The list of Trump failures is long and we've only seen a couple of months of this clown's antics; for example, the Muslim immigration ban is a bust, the wall with Mexico is yet another costlyand ineffective lie that will have to be shouldered by US taxpayers, and the lies, corruption and unethical collusions will keep pouting out of that snake pit that is the executive branch....

YOU judge !!! .

all that is true. but trump loons don't care because they'd rather vote against their own self-interest... as always.... for G-d, guns and gays.

one has to wonder who the disgusting piece of garbage is who thinks ending meals on wheels is funny.

white supremacist pond scum. they think it only helps black people because they're uneducated and uninformed.
Meals on wheels is not being ended, no matter how many times you repeat the lie. Around here, the prison I worked for did it using food left over from the prison kitchen where I worked. Using food that would have been thrown out. Much of meals on wheels is provided by donations, churches and left over food like I described. Your lie has fallen short again.
They refuse to acknowledge the role they played in is rise and victory.

The first step in dealing with a problem is admitting you have one.

True....democrats helped elect the first black president....and for tacit racists, THAT was an unforgivable "sin."

How do you not see that racism is voting for someone because of his skin color?
There's something to be said about being disappointed as many Dems were last Nov. ....and there's something to be said about being royally screwed by who and what you thought you were voting for, as Reps are quickly finding out or (for the dumber ones) will soon find out.

It is an old axiom that a "budget is not just a fiscal statement, but a moral one also".....and Trump's proposed budget is not only immoral, but also insanely crafted to negate most of Trump's campaign promises.

The increase in Pentagon spending, for example, is MORE than all of the military spending by Russia.......and most of that increase will (as always) go to benefit the greedy private contractors that helped Trump get elected.

The proposed health care bill, is nothing more than "revenge" against Obama.....the rewarding of Trump's rich donors and, sadly, the personification of death panels for many of those who "trusted" and voted for Trump.

The list of Trump failures is long and we've only seen a couple of months of this clown's antics; for example, the Muslim immigration ban is a bust, the wall with Mexico is yet another costlyand ineffective lie that will have to be shouldered by US taxpayers, and the lies, corruption and unethical collusions will keep pouting out of that snake pit that is the executive branch....

YOU judge !!! .

all that is true. but trump loons don't care because they'd rather vote against their own self-interest... as always.... for G-d, guns and gays.

one has to wonder who the disgusting piece of garbage is who thinks ending meals on wheels is funny.

white supremacist pond scum. they think it only helps black people because they're uneducated and uninformed.
Meals on wheels is not being ended, no matter how many times you repeat the lie. Around here, the prison I worked for did it using food left over from the prison kitchen where I worked. Using food that would have been thrown out. Much of meals on wheels is provided by donations, churches and left over food like I described. Your lie has fallen short again.

She's got her talking points, nothing is going to change her mind.

Not even facts
Sometime I truly wish that right wing nitwits on here could read the foreign press and what it states about the cruel joke that is Trump......Of course, most of them would rather believe what the press in buttfuck TX states than what the rest of the planet thinks.
I wonder why this person thinks I can't read the foreign press? I wonder what makes this person put what foreigners think ahead of what's good for his country? Not all the foreigners are against Trump, but the ones that are have good reason be: he is going shut down the gravy train that is feeding them and starving us, he is not going to allow our military to ignore threats to us like Obama did, much to the chagrin of the America haters here. Plus he is a great encouragement to the peoples in many of these countries where PC has ran amok and is hurting the citizens of those countries.

Do you think he actually reads the foreign press? Or anything really?
Sometime I truly wish that right wing nitwits on here could read the foreign press and what it states about the cruel joke that is Trump......Of course, most of them would rather believe what the press in buttfuck TX states than what the rest of the planet thinks.
I wonder why this person thinks I can't read the foreign press? I wonder what makes this person put what foreigners think ahead of what's good for his country? Not all the foreigners are against Trump, but the ones that are have good reason be: he is going shut down the gravy train that is feeding them and starving us, he is not going to allow our military to ignore threats to us like Obama did, much to the chagrin of the America haters here. Plus he is a great encouragement to the peoples in many of these countries where PC has ran amok and is hurting the citizens of those countries.

Do you think he actually reads the foreign press? Or anything really?
I think most of them religiously view msm and then parrot that as gospel, taking all freedoms to enhance the already clear falsehoods portrayed.
When in the world have I ever claimed to be a libertarian?

I voted for Hillary, slugger.

Wanna try again?

I really don't give much of a fuck who you SAY you voted're still an idiot for defending the orange charlatan.
When in the world have I ever claimed to be a libertarian? I voted for Hillary, slugger. Wanna try again?
I really don't give much of a fuck who you SAY you voted're still an idiot for defending the orange charlatan.
And where did I defend him, precisely?

You're flailing, and you're hateful. You're part of the reason the "orange charlatan" is your President.
Did you ever consider that if you didn't treat the poor with such contempt and condescension they might believe when you claim to care about them?

Sure, moron.....its MY party that's cutting "meals-on-wheels" to poor elderly and giving BILLIONS to private Pentagon contractors, correct???
There's something to be said about being disappointed as many Dems were last Nov. ....and there's something to be said about being royally screwed by who and what you thought you were voting for, as Reps are quickly finding out or (for the dumber ones) will soon find out.

It is an old axiom that a "budget is not just a fiscal statement, but a moral one also".....and Trump's proposed budget is not only immoral, but also insanely crafted to negate most of Trump's campaign promises.

The increase in Pentagon spending, for example, is MORE than all of the military spending by Russia.......and most of that increase will (as always) go to benefit the greedy private contractors that helped Trump get elected.

The proposed health care bill, is nothing more than "revenge" against Obama.....the rewarding of Trump's rich donors and, sadly, the personification of death panels for many of those who "trusted" and voted for Trump.

The list of Trump failures is long and we've only seen a couple of months of this clown's antics; for example, the Muslim immigration ban is a bust, the wall with Mexico is yet another costlyand ineffective lie that will have to be shouldered by US taxpayers, and the lies, corruption and unethical collusions will keep pouting out of that snake pit that is the executive branch....

YOU judge !!! .

all that is true. but trump loons don't care because they'd rather vote against their own self-interest... as always.... for G-d, guns and gays.

one has to wonder who the disgusting piece of garbage is who thinks ending meals on wheels is funny.

white supremacist pond scum. they think it only helps black people because they're uneducated and uninformed.
Meals on wheels is not being ended, no matter how many times you repeat the lie. Around here, the prison I worked for did it using food left over from the prison kitchen where I worked. Using food that would have been thrown out. Much of meals on wheels is provided by donations, churches and left over food like I described. Your lie has fallen short again.
The left believing that meals on wheels is worth a laugh. The poor dears will believe anything.
I actually find it very interesting that moronic right wingers who actually voted for the orange charlatan (based more on hatred of Clinton) NOW, turn around, and want to BLAME democrats (and Obama) for giving birth to the populist (also often known as white supremacist) movement that brought us the embarrassment that is the Trumpster administration.

NO, morons. that failure is ALL YOURS !!!!

Which is why you are complaining
It's typical of a left loon, pretend they care...then disparage people they pretend to care about

Wait until poor folks in KY and WV find out how royally they've been shafted by the proposed HC bill.........Either they deserve it for continuing to being idiots, or they'll finally fucking wake up to the sham.
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Three posts in and you're already derailing your own thread with childish drivel. SSDD

.....but your "bumps" are always MUCH appreciated...LOL

Taking away funding of meals on wheels and student snack program and going to Florida every weekend which costs over 3 million bucks, and we pay for his kids to fly all over. Trump always has lived on OPM and now its us taxpayers.

You're a liar, we don't pay for his kids to fly all over, we pay for security for the presidents immediate family, just like we always have.
It's typical of a left loon, pretend they care...then disparage people they pretend to care about

Wait until poor folks in KY and WV find out hoe royally they've been shafted by the proposed HC bill.........Either they deserve for being idiots, or they'll finally fucking wake up to the sham.
Wasn't your last prediction wrong as well?
The trainwreck of AHCA is an example of how the Pubs are throwing away their victories.

The growing defense of Meals on Wheels by Pubs and Dems is an example of how the Pubs are throwing away their victories.

Poorly crafted EOs on immigration bans along with fools like Flynn and Sessions are how the Pubs are throwing away their victories.

There is nothing poorly worded about the EO. The judge never looked at it
all that is true. but trump loons don't care because they'd rather vote against their own self-interest... as always.... for G-d, guns and gays.

one has to wonder who the disgusting piece of garbage is who thinks ending meals on wheels is funny.

white supremacist pond scum. they think it only helps black people because they're uneducated and uninformed.

Right wingers on this forum "think" that they're in the majority precisely because this forum is 4 to 1 right wing posters......of course, they're wrong (as usual) and they'll soon clearly see how the tide is turning against this clown they've helped elect.
You're flailing, and you're hateful. You're part of the reason the "orange charlatan" is your President.

Far from it, nitwit......I can openly state that I voted AGAINST this moron and his cadre of evil crooks......You, on the other hand can lie on here and say that you're not defending this prick......but it is blatantly LAME.

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