Dems. lost this Nov....BUT.... R-W'ers lost even more....

Three posts in and you're already derailing your own thread with childish drivel. SSDD

.....but your "bumps" are always MUCH appreciated...LOL

Taking away funding of meals on wheels and student snack program and going to Florida every weekend which costs over 3 million bucks, and we pay for his kids to fly all over. Trump always has lived on OPM and now its us taxpayers.
Three posts in and you're already derailing your own thread with childish drivel. SSDD

.....but your "bumps" are always MUCH appreciated...LOL

Taking away funding of meals on wheels and student snack program and going to Florida every weekend which costs over 3 million bucks, and we pay for his kids to fly all over. Trump always has lived on OPM and now its us taxpayers.
This thing is far from being a finished product. There are enough pragmatic Republicans who know better, hopefully.
Sometime I truly wish that right wing nitwits on here could read the foreign press and what it states about the cruel joke that is Trump......Of course, most of them would rather believe what the press in buttfuck TX states than what the rest of the planet thinks.

This is part of your problem. You prefer European culture over American. You act like Texas changed and is now anti-American. The truth is that California, New York and others are changing at an uncontrolled rate, following Europe (without paying attention to what it costs Europe). Flyover country IS America. Snub your nose at us and call us backwards, redneck/hillbilly/coonass. Make your political cartoons with toothless Appalachians and pot-bellied NASCAR fans wearing a wife-beater and ball cap. Make it very clear exactly how you feel about America and Americans. It's been working so well for you of late.

How do you people function with such a skewed understanding of cause and effect?
holy crap

The trainwreck of AHCA is an example of how the Pubs are throwing away their victories.

The growing defense of Meals on Wheels by Pubs and Dems is an example of how the Pubs are throwing away their victories.

Poorly crafted EOs on immigration bans along with fools like Flynn and Sessions are how the Pubs are throwing away their victories.
There's something to be said about being disappointed as many Dems were last Nov. ....and there's something to be said about being royally screwed by who and what you thought you were voting for, as Reps are quickly finding out or (for the dumber ones) will soon find out.

It is an old axiom that a "budget is not just a fiscal statement, but a moral one also".....and Trump's proposed budget is not only immoral, but also insanely crafted to negate most of Trump's campaign promises.

The increase in Pentagon spending, for example, is MORE than all of the military spending by Russia.......and most of that increase will (as always) go to benefit the greedy private contractors that helped Trump get elected.

The proposed health care bill, is nothing more than "revenge" against Obama.....the rewarding of Trump's rich donors and, sadly, the personification of death panels for many of those who "trusted" and voted for Trump.

The list of Trump failures is long and we've only seen a couple of months of this clown's antics; for example, the Muslim immigration ban is a bust, the wall with Mexico is yet another costlyand ineffective lie that will have to be shouldered by US taxpayers, and the lies, corruption and unethical collusions will keep pouting out of that snake pit that is the executive branch....

YOU judge !!! .

You didn't just lose in November.
2010 You lost the House
2012 You lost the Senate
2016 You lost the WH.

You've been getting your arses kicked for al most a decade. Maybe there's a pill that can help you with your depression.
I actually find it very interesting that moronic right wingers who actually voted for the orange charlatan (based more on hatred of Clinton) NOW, turn around, and want to BLAME democrats (and Obama) for giving birth to the populist (also often known as white supremacist) movement that brought us the embarrassment that is the Trumpster administration.

NO, morons. that failure is ALL YOURS !!!!
I actually find it very interesting that moronic right wingers who actually voted for the orange charlatan (based more on hatred of Clinton) NOW, turn around, and want to BLAME democrats (and Obama) for giving birth to the populist (also often known as white supremacist) movement that brought us the embarrassment that is the Trumpster administration.

NO, morons. that failure is ALL YOURS !!!!

You're floundering
The list of Trump failures is long and we've only seen a couple of months of this clown's antics; for example, the Muslim immigration ban is a bust, the wall with Mexico is yet another costlyand ineffective lie that will have to be shouldered by US taxpayers, and the lies, corruption and unethical collusions will keep pouting out of that snake pit that is the executive branch....

YOU judge !!! .
I have and my crystal ball says you are full of shit and hoping it escapes notice. We've had eight years of a disaster and things are finally looking up. Bad news for an America hater like you though.
I actually find it very interesting that moronic right wingers who actually voted for the orange charlatan (based more on hatred of Clinton) NOW, turn around, and want to BLAME democrats (and Obama) for giving birth to the populist (also often known as white supremacist) movement that brought us the embarrassment that is the Trumpster administration.

NO, morons. that failure is ALL YOURS !!!!

You're floundering

He's been under twice, and the water is up to his chin for the third time
More than HALF of the proposed tax cuts by Trump go directly to people making over $1 million............and the right wing morons on here.....actually cheer their own downfall....Go figure.
"is an old axiom that a "budget is not just a fiscal statement, but a moral one also"

Translation : " If we pay for everything for everybody they'll always vote for us".
Having helped to elect a clown, right wingers on here want to actually "blame" democrats for THEIR failure..........Almost comical.

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