Dems. lost this Nov....BUT.... R-W'ers lost even more....

I actually find it very interesting that moronic right wingers who actually voted for the orange charlatan (based more on hatred of Clinton) NOW, turn around, and want to BLAME democrats (and Obama) for giving birth to the populist (also often known as white supremacist) movement that brought us the embarrassment that is the Trumpster administration.

NO, morons. that failure is ALL YOURS !!!!

Yes call them names. That will convince them of the error of their ways. I don't know why you never thought of this before. With that strategy you are sure to win next time around.
Yes call them names. That will convince them of the error of their ways. I don't know why you never thought of this before. With that strategy you are sure to win next time around.

Morons HAVE to be reminded that they're morons....Ultimately my insults won;t matter....Its Trump's OWN policies that wiill precipitate your doom.
Yes call them names. That will convince them of the error of their ways. I don't know why you never thought of this before. With that strategy you are sure to win next time around.

Morons HAVE to be reminded that they're morons....Ultimately my insults won;t matter....Its Trump's OWN policies that wiill precipitate your doom.
Morons HAVE to be reminded that they're morons....
have a short memory?
Yes call them names. That will convince them of the error of their ways. I don't know why you never thought of this before. With that strategy you are sure to win next time around.

Morons HAVE to be reminded that they're morons....Ultimately my insults won;t matter....Its Trump's OWN policies that wiill precipitate your doom.
You sound like one of those evil overlords....Doom doom doom, you'll see! Doom! I haven't seen any of the crap you have been claiming for the last year EVER happen. What is the matter with you?
There's something to be said about being disappointed as many Dems were last Nov. ....and there's something to be said about being royally screwed by who and what you thought you were voting for, as Reps are quickly finding out or (for the dumber ones) will soon find out.

It is an old axiom that a "budget is not just a fiscal statement, but a moral one also".....and Trump's proposed budget is not only immoral, but also insanely crafted to negate most of Trump's campaign promises.

The increase in Pentagon spending, for example, is MORE than all of the military spending by Russia.......and most of that increase will (as always) go to benefit the greedy private contractors that helped Trump get elected.

The proposed health care bill, is nothing more than "revenge" against Obama.....the rewarding of Trump's rich donors and, sadly, the personification of death panels for many of those who "trusted" and voted for Trump.

The list of Trump failures is long and we've only seen a couple of months of this clown's antics; for example, the Muslim immigration ban is a bust, the wall with Mexico is yet another costlyand ineffective lie that will have to be shouldered by US taxpayers, and the lies, corruption and unethical collusions will keep pouting out of that snake pit that is the executive branch....

YOU judge !!! .
I like Trump's budget. You're right, it is a moral statement. It says the parasites aren't going to steal as much as they did previously.

BTW, if you aren't going to use defense dollars to pay defense contractors, then where are you going to spend them, solar power?

I know that's exactly what you believe, which is the reason you voted for a douche bag like Hillary. Thank God your kind lost.
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BTW, of you aren't going to use defense dollars to pay defense contractors, then where are you going to spend them, on solar power?

No, no....we need MORE nuclear submarines to fight off ISIS in the fucking desert or to prevent terrorist bastards with box cutters from high-jacking our passenger airlines.
It's like I said at the time. Whomever wins was going to ultimately wind up the loser.
The list of Trump failures is long and we've only seen a couple of months of this clown's antics; for example, the Muslim immigration ban is a bust, the wall with Mexico is yet another costlyand ineffective lie that will have to be shouldered by US taxpayers, and the lies, corruption and unethical collusions will keep pouting out of that snake pit that is the executive branch....

YOU judge !!! .
I have and my crystal ball says you are full of shit and hoping it escapes notice. We've had eight years of a disaster and things are finally looking up. Bad news for an America hater like you though.

Right now we have a commander and chief that no one trusts a word he says. He is also surrounded by some low life's in his cabinet. Never trust a GOP , just because there are so many crooks and I call the history of
Abramoff and everyone involved with him. I do not find the Christians Republicans at all trustworthy.

If we are going to have crooked politicians, let us at least have those they show some compassion for the poorer of our society, working poor , elderly, disabled, and those in the median to lower middle income. When Trump comes with his tax cuts which will benefits the wealthy , already happening with the ACA, I hope they come out in groves at the mid term election, I can't wait for him to become a lame duck Pres. and even his whole family flee Washington instead of impeachment.
The list of Trump failures is long and we've only seen a couple of months of this clown's antics; for example, the Muslim immigration ban is a bust, the wall with Mexico is yet another costlyand ineffective lie that will have to be shouldered by US taxpayers, and the lies, corruption and unethical collusions will keep pouting out of that snake pit that is the executive branch....

YOU judge !!! .
I have and my crystal ball says you are full of shit and hoping it escapes notice. We've had eight years of a disaster and things are finally looking up. Bad news for an America hater like you though.

Right now we have a commander and chief that no one trusts a word he says. He is also surrounded by some low life's in his cabinet. Never trust a GOP , just because there are so many crooks and I call the history of
Abramoff and everyone involved with him. I do not find the Christians Republicans at all trustworthy.

If we are going to have crooked politicians, let us at least have those they show some compassion for the poorer of our society, working poor , elderly, disabled, and those in the median to lower middle income. When Trump comes with his tax cuts which will benefits the wealthy , already happening with the ACA, I hope they come out in groves at the mid term election, I can't wait for him to become a lame duck Pres. and even his whole family flee Washington instead of impeachment.
....yawn. Lefties always speak as if they are mankind's representative. Trump is getting along 'fabulaously' with just about every leader. Big business is warming up to him and we are finally moving in the right direction. Chanting your religious beliefs cannot alter reality.
The list of Trump failures is long and we've only seen a couple of months of this clown's antics; for example, the Muslim immigration ban is a bust, the wall with Mexico is yet another costlyand ineffective lie that will have to be shouldered by US taxpayers, and the lies, corruption and unethical collusions will keep pouting out of that snake pit that is the executive branch....

YOU judge !!! .
I have and my crystal ball says you are full of shit and hoping it escapes notice. We've had eight years of a disaster and things are finally looking up. Bad news for an America hater like you though.

Right now we have a commander and chief that no one trusts a word he says. He is also surrounded by some low life's in his cabinet. Never trust a GOP , just because there are so many crooks and I call the history of
Abramoff and everyone involved with him. I do not find the Christians Republicans at all trustworthy.

If we are going to have crooked politicians, let us at least have those they show some compassion for the poorer of our society, working poor , elderly, disabled, and those in the median to lower middle income. When Trump comes with his tax cuts which will benefits the wealthy , already happening with the ACA, I hope they come out in groves at the mid term election, I can't wait for him to become a lame duck Pres. and even his whole family flee Washington instead of impeachment. don't mind "crooked", "lying" politicians as long as they are YOUR "crooked", "lying" politicians.
Ironical ain't it?
Three posts in and you're already derailing your own thread with childish drivel. SSDD

.....but your "bumps" are always MUCH appreciated...LOL

Taking away funding of meals on wheels and student snack program and going to Florida every weekend which costs over 3 million bucks, and we pay for his kids to fly all over. Trump always has lived on OPM and now its us taxpayers.

Ending federal assistance for meals on wheels, which the constitution doesn't authorize anyway, doesn't take it a way as it's a private program that gets a fraction of it's funding from the fed
More than HALF of the proposed tax cuts by Trump go directly to people making over $1 million............and the right wing morons on here.....actually cheer their own downfall....Go figure.
how does allowing people to keep more of their money lead to my downfall?
"is an old axiom that a "budget is not just a fiscal statement, but a moral one also"

Translation : " If we pay for everything for everybody they'll always vote for us".

That's clearly not true. Hillary lost
Translation : " If we pay for everything for everybody they'll always vote for us".

Actually true....>For example, the $55 BILLION increase to the Pentagon will help private contractors to further BRIBE elected right wingers to do their bidding.....

Who is being bribed? I mean other than Hillary who you had no problem voting for.
The list of Trump failures is long and we've only seen a couple of months of this clown's antics; for example, the Muslim immigration ban is a bust, the wall with Mexico is yet another costlyand ineffective lie that will have to be shouldered by US taxpayers, and the lies, corruption and unethical collusions will keep pouting out of that snake pit that is the executive branch....

YOU judge !!! .
I have and my crystal ball says you are full of shit and hoping it escapes notice. We've had eight years of a disaster and things are finally looking up. Bad news for an America hater like you though.

Right now we have a commander and chief that no one trusts a word he says. He is also surrounded by some low life's in his cabinet. Never trust a GOP , just because there are so many crooks and I call the history of
Abramoff and everyone involved with him. I do not find the Christians Republicans at all trustworthy.

If we are going to have crooked politicians, let us at least have those they show some compassion for the poorer of our society, working poor , elderly, disabled, and those in the median to lower middle income. When Trump comes with his tax cuts which will benefits the wealthy , already happening with the ACA, I hope they come out in groves at the mid term election, I can't wait for him to become a lame duck Pres. and even his whole family flee Washington instead of impeachment. don't mind "crooked", "lying" politicians as long as they are YOUR "crooked", "lying" politicians.
Ironical ain't it?

I didn't say that, but while we are at it, I find Democrats more honest than GOP politicians, not saying no Dems are dishonest. Quite ironic, since the GOP are so very Christian and are so anti abortion and pro gun.
I actually find it very interesting that moronic right wingers who actually voted for the orange charlatan (based more on hatred of Clinton) NOW, turn around, and want to BLAME democrats (and Obama) for giving birth to the populist (also often known as white supremacist) movement that brought us the embarrassment that is the Trumpster administration.

NO, morons. that failure is ALL YOURS !!!!

No, it is your side fault for offering such a flawed candidate while also demanding everyone accept your social agenda requiring Americans to accept what you consider normal.

You still believe that those like me voted for Trump because I did not vote for Clinton but what those like you have failed to ever understand and this goes for both sides is I voted for Gary Johnson because both candidates were worthless as can be to me.

Your political party failure to understand that spitting on white America is never wise and the sad part is you endorse the idea of pushing the white voter out for the minority voter and not trying to find a middle ground.

You believe the middle ground is living like you are in New York, Chicago or San Fran and believe a one size for all blanket on subjects is the only solution.

You believe pushing Christian Majorities to the back of the bus and calling them sexist, racist and some will call them terrorists but then turn around and defend a Muslim right to do whatever they want and before you chastise me and call me some bible thumping lunatic, well I am Universial Unitarian with Jewish and Catholic family members.

You believe transgender children should be accepted and shoved down the throat of Red America and in California that might work but Kansas the Scarecrow and Lion better use the bathroom of their actual sex and not the one they wish they were!

So yeah it is your side that gave us Trump and to deny your side failure is your damn problem!

I mean you believe Trump proposal is the actual budget and will pass the damn Senate or the Senate will pass that flawed healthcare Bill while still not understanding not all Republicans support or even like Trump!

They're not mindless drones like Pelosi and Reid were and it bother you to know this because again it show the GOP is willing to tell it own President no!

So own your failure and stop wishing for the other side failure because what it tell me you can not win unless the other side fails so bad.

You're the type that believe the slanted vote count in California is evidence the rest of America is liberal while failing to understand Trump won swing states that most Democrats would have won had their name been anything but Hillary Clinton!

So own your failure or don't and keep on passing the buck!
The list of Trump failures is long and we've only seen a couple of months of this clown's antics; for example, the Muslim immigration ban is a bust, the wall with Mexico is yet another costlyand ineffective lie that will have to be shouldered by US taxpayers, and the lies, corruption and unethical collusions will keep pouting out of that snake pit that is the executive branch....

YOU judge !!! .
I have and my crystal ball says you are full of shit and hoping it escapes notice. We've had eight years of a disaster and things are finally looking up. Bad news for an America hater like you though.

Right now we have a commander and chief that no one trusts a word he says. He is also surrounded by some low life's in his cabinet. Never trust a GOP , just because there are so many crooks and I call the history of
Abramoff and everyone involved with him. I do not find the Christians Republicans at all trustworthy.

If we are going to have crooked politicians, let us at least have those they show some compassion for the poorer of our society, working poor , elderly, disabled, and those in the median to lower middle income. When Trump comes with his tax cuts which will benefits the wealthy , already happening with the ACA, I hope they come out in groves at the mid term election, I can't wait for him to become a lame duck Pres. and even his whole family flee Washington instead of impeachment. don't mind "crooked", "lying" politicians as long as they are YOUR "crooked", "lying" politicians.
Ironical ain't it?

I didn't say that, but while we are at it, I find Democrats more honest than GOP politicians, not saying no Dems are dishonest. Quite ironic, since the GOP are so very Christian and are so anti abortion and pro gun.
I find that all liberals lie every time they speak.
The list of Trump failures is long and we've only seen a couple of months of this clown's antics; for example, the Muslim immigration ban is a bust, the wall with Mexico is yet another costlyand ineffective lie that will have to be shouldered by US taxpayers, and the lies, corruption and unethical collusions will keep pouting out of that snake pit that is the executive branch....

YOU judge !!! .
I have and my crystal ball says you are full of shit and hoping it escapes notice. We've had eight years of a disaster and things are finally looking up. Bad news for an America hater like you though.

Right now we have a commander and chief that no one trusts a word he says. He is also surrounded by some low life's in his cabinet. Never trust a GOP , just because there are so many crooks and I call the history of
Abramoff and everyone involved with him. I do not find the Christians Republicans at all trustworthy.

If we are going to have crooked politicians, let us at least have those they show some compassion for the poorer of our society, working poor , elderly, disabled, and those in the median to lower middle income. When Trump comes with his tax cuts which will benefits the wealthy , already happening with the ACA, I hope they come out in groves at the mid term election, I can't wait for him to become a lame duck Pres. and even his whole family flee Washington instead of impeachment. don't mind "crooked", "lying" politicians as long as they are YOUR "crooked", "lying" politicians.
Ironical ain't it?

I didn't say that, but while we are at it, I find Democrats more honest than GOP politicians, not saying no Dems are dishonest. Quite ironic, since the GOP are so very Christian and are so anti abortion and pro gun.

Sorry, it's EXACTLY what you said, and if you think either Obama or Hillary really "care" about you there is no hope.

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