Dems push psychological evaluations for gun owners and 'family members'

A massive Democratic gun-control plan that could be called the "head shrink job protection bill" would require weapon owners and their family members to undergo "psychological evaluations."
Gun owners also would have to pay the government $800 in "insurance" fees, and a long list of weapons simply would be banned.

Unconstitutional. Perhaps one day the Democrats will forward legislation that is, but it is not today.

It's amazing just how many people the Democrats have pissed off in just two weeks.

Dems push psychological evaluations for gun owners and 'family members'

Good stuff, long overdo. I agree with you! This is the kind of legislation we can all agree on.

You agree with him that the described legislation is Unconstitutional? Or you agree with what you decided he was saying instead of reading his actual post?
Like I've told you before, find me a job that pays enough to support myself. You couldn't do it. The last ad you gave me required experience, and it didn't pay that well anyway. Furthermore you love socialism when only your kind uses it, not people that paid into these programs their entire life. You keep forgetting I didn't ask to be out of a job and career, your precious bureaucrats took me out of that.

You miss the point, buddy. It isn't about "paying well". It's about you pulling your own weight. You aren't crippled, you aren't in a wheelchair. If you fully believe that you should only get what rich people decide you are worth, then you should either take the shitty job or dutifully starve.

Well investors won't be able to invest if companies are doing badly because you won't buy their products or services any longer. Quit blaming others for what you are responsible for. Get rid of your cell phone, this internet, your car, your cable or satellite. Quit giving them your money.

You realize most of those things you listed have been heavily subsidized by the GOVERNMENT, right?

Internet- Originally created by the Department of Defense
Satellites - Originally put up by NASA
Cars - Auto industry has been bailed out by the Government several times.

We'd do just fine without the investor class... Just like the French found they did just fine when they did this to the Nobility.

You miss the point, buddy. It isn't about "paying well". It's about you pulling your own weight. You aren't crippled, you aren't in a wheelchair. If you fully believe that you should only get what rich people decide you are worth, then you should either take the shitty job or dutifully starve.

I posted the qualifications for disability twice already, but as always, you're too stupid to read them, or you refuse to accept it because it goes against what you'd like it to be. Now that your party is in charge, they may even expand those qualifications to get more people on the program, and this is the party you support.

The one mistake Trump made was not taking efforts into removing and weakening these worthless un-constitutional bureaucracies. If he would have done that and put some fear into these nameless faceless lawmakers, I might still be working today. So good luck driving down the highway when you get next to some foreigner piloting a 75,000 lbs vehicle that can't even read our English road signs because your precious government took great American drivers like myself off the road. You get what you vote for.

You realize most of those things you listed have been heavily subsidized by the GOVERNMENT, right?

Internet- Originally created by the Department of Defense
Satellites - Originally put up by NASA
Cars - Auto industry has been bailed out by the Government several times.

We'd do just fine without the investor class... Just like the French found they did just fine when they did this to the Nobility.

No, not all auto plants were bailed out by the government. Toyota for one has never had to be bailed out because they are not UAW. Regardless how these conveniences got started, the people you send your money to are filthy rich because it's your money that made them that way, and you make them wealthier every month by sending them your money. You are part of the problem that you have.
I posted the qualifications for disability twice already, but as always, you're too stupid to read them, or you refuse to accept it because it goes against what you'd like it to be. Now that your party is in charge, they may even expand those qualifications to get more people on the program, and this is the party you support.

Yeah, you learned to scam the system.

Just like the Welfare Mom who puts "Unknown" under father but gives the child the baby-daddy's last name.

Just like the tradesman who collects unemployment and does side jobs under the table.

The point is, you whine about socialism all day, but being the "rugged individualist" you are, you have your hand out, too.

The one mistake Trump made was not taking efforts into removing and weakening these worthless un-constitutional bureaucracies. If he would have done that and put some fear into these nameless faceless lawmakers, I might still be working today. So good luck driving down the highway when you get next to some foreigner piloting a 75,000 lbs vehicle that can't even read our English road signs because your precious government took great American drivers like myself off the road. You get what you vote for.

Again, you knew for years your physical condition would mean you couldn't drive after a certain point, but you never took the effort to get another job. Heck, you could even take a job as a livery driver.. Don't need to be physically fit to do that. (Not that anyone needs one of those in Cleveland because every one is poor.)

No, not all auto plants were bailed out by the government. Toyota for one has never had to be bailed out because they are not UAW.

Are you FUCKING RETARDED? TOYOTA is a JAPANESE company. Yeah, they do final assembly in the US of some cars, but most of the employees of Toyota live in Japan. Japan where they have socialized medicine, generous retirement benefits, Not to mention the ONLY reason why Japanese companies got a big start was because after WWII, we pumped a shitload of taxpayer money into Japan to keep it from going Communist.

We sent a fellow named Deming there after WWII to teach them how to organize their factories. The model he came up with was so successful they trounced American manufacturers. Today, manufacturers are talking about 5S, Kaizen, Kan-Ban, and Poka-yoke - Japanese ideas that Deming came up with when he was on the government payroll.

Regardless how these conveniences got started, the people you send your money to are filthy rich because it's your money that made them that way, and you make them wealthier every month by sending them your money. You are part of the problem that you have.

No, guy, the fact that the government started these things, but the rich hijacked them to make themselves richer is really part of the problem.
I posted the qualifications for disability twice already, but as always, you're too stupid to read them, or you refuse to accept it because it goes against what you'd like it to be. Now that your party is in charge, they may even expand those qualifications to get more people on the program, and this is the party you support.

Yeah, you learned to scam the system.

Just like the Welfare Mom who puts "Unknown" under father but gives the child the baby-daddy's last name.

Just like the tradesman who collects unemployment and does side jobs under the table.

The point is, you whine about socialism all day, but being the "rugged individualist" you are, you have your hand out, too.

The one mistake Trump made was not taking efforts into removing and weakening these worthless un-constitutional bureaucracies. If he would have done that and put some fear into these nameless faceless lawmakers, I might still be working today. So good luck driving down the highway when you get next to some foreigner piloting a 75,000 lbs vehicle that can't even read our English road signs because your precious government took great American drivers like myself off the road. You get what you vote for.

Again, you knew for years your physical condition would mean you couldn't drive after a certain point, but you never took the effort to get another job. Heck, you could even take a job as a livery driver.. Don't need to be physically fit to do that. (Not that anyone needs one of those in Cleveland because every one is poor.)

No, not all auto plants were bailed out by the government. Toyota for one has never had to be bailed out because they are not UAW.

Are you FUCKING RETARDED? TOYOTA is a JAPANESE company. Yeah, they do final assembly in the US of some cars, but most of the employees of Toyota live in Japan. Japan where they have socialized medicine, generous retirement benefits, Not to mention the ONLY reason why Japanese companies got a big start was because after WWII, we pumped a shitload of taxpayer money into Japan to keep it from going Communist.

We sent a fellow named Deming there after WWII to teach them how to organize their factories. The model he came up with was so successful they trounced American manufacturers. Today, manufacturers are talking about 5S, Kaizen, Kan-Ban, and Poka-yoke - Japanese ideas that Deming came up with when he was on the government payroll.

Regardless how these conveniences got started, the people you send your money to are filthy rich because it's your money that made them that way, and you make them wealthier every month by sending them your money. You are part of the problem that you have.

No, guy, the fact that the government started these things, but the rich hijacked them to make themselves richer is really part of the problem.
Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity and the owners of USA.INC are majority stock holders in every Fortune 500 corporation as well as their subsidiaries. Learn how to read a CAFR, dumb ass. I have proven this very contention to the 9th degree. They are even listed on the Dun and Bradstreet website. Your ignorance of how things actually works never fails to make me laugh. You are nothing but a big time blowhard.....just lots of hot air, dipshit.
Yeah, you learned to scam the system.

No, scamming the system means to cheat the system. Everything I did was 100% honest and on the up and up. The law firm I called even refused to take the case because they said I was a shoe-in for disability. They would only get involved if by some small chance I would get rejected. They were correct.

Again, you knew for years your physical condition would mean you couldn't drive after a certain point, but you never took the effort to get another job. Heck, you could even take a job as a livery driver.. Don't need to be physically fit to do that. (Not that anyone needs one of those in Cleveland because every one is poor.)

Yeah Joe, like you commies think you have, I have a crystal ball where I could look into the future and see the bureaucrats making it harder and harder for me to work. How could I not see that? Boy are you Fn stupid. Like I said, get some fucken help for your OCD. It's making you look dumber and dumber every day, and you don't realize it.

Are you FUCKING RETARDED? TOYOTA is a JAPANESE company. Yeah, they do final assembly in the US of some cars, but most of the employees of Toyota live in Japan. Japan where they have socialized medicine, generous retirement benefits, Not to mention the ONLY reason why Japanese companies got a big start was because after WWII, we pumped a shitload of taxpayer money into Japan to keep it from going Communist.

We sent a fellow named Deming there after WWII to teach them how to organize their factories. The model he came up with was so successful they trounced American manufacturers. Today, manufacturers are talking about 5S, Kaizen, Kan-Ban, and Poka-yoke - Japanese ideas that Deming came up with when he was on the government payroll.

It had nothing to do with WWII or money we gave to Japan. It had to do with the business running their company instead of the union. Workers actually have to work to keep their job unlike the UAW American ran companies. When you don't have a union to plague your company, you can promote the people who deserve the promotion, and not some dope who was just with the union long enough and can't do the new job. Of course you are going to have a better outcome that way. Pay them a decent wage, but not ridiculous, you can then use that money to buy better quality parts and engineering.

The number of Toyota vehicles made in the US is over 60% That's only 3% less than Ford.

No, guy, the fact that the government started these things, but the rich hijacked them to make themselves richer is really part of the problem.

Nobody can hijack anything. They seen a good idea and government gave them permission to create an industry from these things. Government does the R&D, but they don't create mass manufacturing of products. The private market does that.
Your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity and the owners of USA.INC are majority stock holders in every Fortune 500 corporation as well as their subsidiaries.

Right. It's all a conspiracy of the Bilderbergers, Trilateralists and Lizard People.
No, scamming the system means to cheat the system. Everything I did was 100% honest and on the up and up. The law firm I called even refused to take the case because they said I was a shoe-in for disability. They would only get involved if by some small chance I would get rejected. They were correct.

Okay, the person who does side jobs and the person who lies on their welfare applicaitons could say the same thing. "I honestly don't know who the father of my child with a different last name is."

It had nothing to do with WWII or money we gave to Japan. It had to do with the business running their company instead of the union. Workers actually have to work to keep their job unlike the UAW American ran companies.

Uh, buddy, German and Japanese unions have more power and benefits than our unions have. The Japanese Auto union, The JAW (Japanese Auto Workers) actually have a say in who is named the executive of the Japanese auto companies, and a seat on the board of directors.

Okay, the person who does side jobs and the person who lies on their welfare applicaitons could say the same thing. "I honestly don't know who the father of my child with a different last name is."

What does that have to do with it? I was applicable for disability according to their standards. I lied about nothing. I surrendered all my medical records from the Cleveland Clinic to them. The government certified doctor who failed my physical actually gave me a prescription to give to Social Security, and said they can call him anytime if they had any questions. He'd be happy to comply.

That's much different than if I applied because of back pains that hospitals or doctors can't find the reason for. That's scamming the system if they get disability, and I know people who have done that. Now that's a situation you can compare to this welfare scenario you created.

My claim was so genuine they didn't even bother to ask me for a personal interview or an examination by their doctors. They took one look at my medical records and determined I was too Fd up to work. Why do you think (without so much as meeting me) you know more than all these professional people? I'll tell you why: You're a hypocrite. You are a self-hating white that gladly sticks up for lowlifes like my HUD neighbors because of their race who contributed nothing into the system, and perfectly capable of working, to me, a guy who worked up until the age of 60 contributing to these programs and was near retirement anyway. You are a total hypocrite.

Uh, buddy, German and Japanese unions have more power and benefits than our unions have. The Japanese Auto union, The JAW (Japanese Auto Workers) actually have a say in who is named the executive of the Japanese auto companies, and a seat on the board of directors.

However they don't earn nearly as much as US workers in pay and benefits:

Annual production (2015): 7.8 millionEstimated annual salary: $31,320 (£25,200) GDP per head: $36,000 (£29,000)

Published rates seem surprisingly low, averaging around $15 (just over £12) an hour or £25,000 per annum for 40-hour weeks; in notoriously expensive Japan, that’s barely a living wage. But, as in close neighbour South Korea, basic hourly rates are just for starters and are part of much bigger, more lucrative salary packages that include, for example, bonuses that can be as large as several months’ basic pay.

Furthermore each Japan auto company has their own union. It's not like here with the UAW where everybody gets an increase in pay or benefits. Plus Europe and Japan are more loyal to their workers. In the US, Americans buy the cheapest they can, provided the quality of similar higher cost items are the same.

As my link points out, pay is based on performance instead of tenure like the UAW. They don't control who gets hired, who is allowed to be fired, and who gets promoted to the next better paying position.
What does that have to do with it? I was applicable for disability according to their standards. I lied about nothing. I surrendered all my medical records from the Cleveland Clinic to them. The government certified doctor who failed my physical actually gave me a prescription to give to Social Security, and said they can call him anytime if they had any questions. He'd be happy to comply.

All those other welfare queens qualify under their standards, too.

You can't go around whining that the welfare state is a problem, and then collect your big fat welfare check.

As my link points out, pay is based on performance instead of tenure like the UAW. They don't control who gets hired, who is allowed to be fired, and who gets promoted to the next better paying position.

I usually don't read your articles, because they are bullshit, but let's look at that.

US average Auto Salary -
Annual production (2015): 4.1 millionEstimated annual salary: $51,000 (£41,000)
Annual production (2015): 5.7 millionEstimated annual salary: $69,000 (£55,600)
Annual production (2015): 1.5 millionEstimated annual salary: $76,600 (£61,800)

What? German and French auto workers make MORE than American Auto workers? How can THIS be?
A massive Democratic gun-control plan that could be called the "head shrink job protection bill" would require weapon owners and their family members to undergo "psychological evaluations."
Gun owners also would have to pay the government $800 in "insurance" fees, and a long list of weapons simply would be banned.

Unconstitutional. Perhaps one day the Democrats will forward legislation that is, but it is not today.

It's amazing just how many people the Democrats have pissed off in just two weeks.

Yes, the last thing we'd want is for crazy people to be denied access to guns.

Instead, we need to keep teaching our kids to do Active Shooter Drills and cower behind their desks.
All those other welfare queens qualify under their standards, too.

You can't go around whining that the welfare state is a problem, and then collect your big fat welfare check.

I don’t even know Ray’s situation, but obviously there is a difference between, for example, a 60-year old who has worked for ~45 years getting injured or having a health problem that prevents them from performing their job vs a 25 year old who has never worked a day in their life, has 4 kids and spends their days on the basketball courts or skateboarding. One is welfare and one is a true disability. Even you can understand that, you just choose not to.
So in order to enjoy a Constitutional right you must have another person determine your suitability?

Yea, that is what our Founding Fathers envisioned for the Bill of Rights, alright.

These idiot Moon Bats don't know any more about the Constitution than they know about History, Economics, Climate Science, Biology or Ethics.
So in order to enjoy a Constitutional right you must have another person determine your suitability?

Yea, that is what our Founding Fathers envisioned for the Bill of Rights, alright.

These idiot Moon Bats don't know any more about the Constitution than they know about History, Economics, Climate Science, Biology or Ethics.

Yeah, a car can certainly be a weapon so maybe we need psychological evaluations for that too.

On a side note, there are sanctuary cities and states for illegals which ignore federal immigration law. Why can’t there be sanctuary guns states? Why is that any different?
I don’t even know Ray’s situation, but obviously there is a difference between, for example, a 60-year old who has worked for ~45 years getting injured or having a health problem that prevents them from performing their job vs a 25 year old who has never worked a day in their life, has 4 kids and spends their days on the basketball courts or skateboarding. One is welfare and one is a true disability. Even you can understand that, you just choose not to.

Because it's not really a difference. Either you let them starve when they are no longer useful to the One Percent, or you take care of everyone....

First, as previously established most people on assistance actually work. they just don't work jobs that pay very well and and we aren't going to make Walmart and McDonalds pay a living wage. 40% of families on SNAP have a least one family member who works. The rest are children, the disabled and elderly. So we are essentially subsidizing the exploited work force.

A true disability is one where you can't do any kind of work. I worked with a guy who was born in the Philippines, had atrophied legs, effectively confined to a wheelchair. Still came in to work every day and did his job. If he could do the job, so could Ray. Ray just chooses not to.

Yeah, a car can certainly be a weapon so maybe we need psychological evaluations for that too.

On a side note, there are sanctuary cities and states for illegals which ignore federal immigration law. Why can’t there be sanctuary guns states? Why is that any different?

Well, first we'd need gun laws to enforce.

Here's the main reason why you guys are shitting yourself over meaningful gun laws.... you all know your neighbors can't wait to drop a dime on your crazy asses.

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