Dems SWEAR that under their tax hike, no FAMILY making under $400k will pay a penny more in taxes...but what about mileage tax and VAT?

Can someone SPECIFICALLY explain to me how a mileage tax and a VAT will not affect ANY FAMILY earning less than $400k/ year?
What mileage tax?
What VAT?
They don't exist.

But, if they did, how's this?
AGI < 400K No mileage tax.
AGI < 400K VAT credit.

There ya go.
Proved you wrong twice in one post.

Who is your DADO???.Gas here is up 80 cents since the dead man came in. THAT IS A FUCKING ASS HOLE TAX

now who is your dildo Dado?
Oh lookie. One of my fans has finally mastered 4th grade insults!

You are owned!
How do you get to work genius?...not everyone can walk ride a bike or take public transit...especially now....and not everyone lives down the block from where they work...
And its the poorest among us that must travel the furthest to work each day....
But you don't give a rip about anyone but long as your fears of the end of the world are sated you are good to go...
You sir or madam are an thought or concern for your fellow man...
Selfish angry gullible and scared to death that we are destroying the planet....
We can't destroy the planet self delusional must one be to think we could....
Wasn't going to attack but then you turned all asshole so, what can I do?

Seems you answered your own question there numb-nuts. If you're concerned about this eventuality then it would seem you're calling for action now.

I never said anything about saving or destroying the planet. That's just another lie.
You are a good poster Dulcolax. Ease up the emotions a bit especially longtime members......Peace
Still your DADO!
No. But you will always be my Dulcolax
How does it feel to be owned? To know I've always got a room, hell, probably a suite, in your tiny mind? That, when you try to sleep at night, I will be right there keeping you awake. You're welcome.
What does it say about a person that feels joy of owning a nameless entity on a message board?....
We are going to be in so deep that there is no way the middle class and the poor get away without coughing up more tax and fees....with the lack of jobs and innovation and investment the US treasury will go belly up....
It cost me $120 bucks to fill up my truck this morning....I can afford it....but what about people on public assistance or a fixed will they survive?...don't libs care about people?...and now they want to tax those folks employers? if we didn't just go through a lock down....
So you have a truck with 40 gal capacity?
Want to help the poor?
Brilliant. By parking it, he'd pay no more current gas taxes nor any mileage tax, thus helping no one.

Try again.
He'd not be getting 4 MPG.
He would pollute less.
Streets would be safer.

Parking it helps lots of people.

You try again!
LOL! You don't get to dictate how people live their lives, kid. Get used to your impotence.
Hey dumber than me!
I gave advice on helping the poor.
Geez! Wot a maroon!
I'm sure that fantasy comforts you. Your emotions may rule your life, but no one else has any obligation to change the way they live to suit you.
In 100 years we'll both be dead but I'll still be right.
You will do what I'm saying. Just a matter of time.
What are you, 12?

An electric vehicle is simply not practical where I live. I won't ever buy one.

Looks like you need to buy 2 then.
Was a time when tiny minds thought a truck was not practical where they lived. I mean, they had donkeys mules, and wagons.
They and you are both wrong.
Where's the infrastructure of electric charging stations needed to supply power to the fleet of electric
vehicles the left wishes to force people into.
One hundred and seventy miles at a charge won't get you very far out west where the distances are vast.
And how long does it take to charge an all electric vehicle?

These wizards suggest buying a high capacity charging set up for the home and then charging every night
so you will have energy in the morning. And what if I plan to travel from Portland, let's say, to the
California border?
A simple day trip will be interrupted by an all night charging stay over. Not very useful is it.
Was a time when tiny minds thought a truck was not practical where they lived. I mean, they had donkeys mules, and wagons.
They and you are both wrong.
Sure. That's why you don't see trucks on farms and in garages. Because people thought them "impractical".

Tell us another story, pops.
Can someone SPECIFICALLY explain to me how a mileage tax and a VAT will not affect ANY FAMILY earning less than $400k/ year?
What mileage tax?
What VAT?
They don't exist.

But, if they did, how's this?
AGI < 400K No mileage tax.
AGI < 400K VAT credit.

There ya go.
Proved you wrong twice in one post.

Who is your DADO???.Gas here is up 80 cents since the dead man came in. THAT IS A FUCKING ASS HOLE TAX

now who is your dildo Dado?
Oh lookie. One of my fans has finally mastered 4th grade insults!

You are owned!
How do you get to work genius?...not everyone can walk ride a bike or take public transit...especially now....and not everyone lives down the block from where they work...
And its the poorest among us that must travel the furthest to work each day....
But you don't give a rip about anyone but long as your fears of the end of the world are sated you are good to go...
You sir or madam are an thought or concern for your fellow man...
Selfish angry gullible and scared to death that we are destroying the planet....
We can't destroy the planet self delusional must one be to think we could....
Wasn't going to attack but then you turned all asshole so, what can I do?

Seems you answered your own question there numb-nuts. If you're concerned about this eventuality then it would seem you're calling for action now.

I never said anything about saving or destroying the planet. That's just another lie.
You are a good poster Dulcolax. Ease up the emotions a bit especially longtime members......Peace
Still your DADO!
No. But you will always be my Dulcolax
How does it feel to be owned? To know I've always got a room, hell, probably a suite, in your tiny mind? That, when you try to sleep at night, I will be right there keeping you awake. You're welcome.
What does it say about a person that feels joy of owning a nameless entity on a message board?....
Any other reason to be here?
Anyone here ever change their mind based on these "conversations?"
You seriously don't think you're performing some public service?!?!?!
There's three types here. Trolls, me, and then the rest.

I come to be challenged. To know more and learn more.
That rarely happens.
So, while waiting I take pleasure in owning those who try.
Want to see me change my behavior?
Don't be stupid
Don't be dishonest
And don't start the conversation with insults.
Can someone SPECIFICALLY explain to me how a mileage tax and a VAT will not affect ANY FAMILY earning less than $400k/ year?
What mileage tax?
What VAT?
They don't exist.

But, if they did, how's this?
AGI < 400K No mileage tax.
AGI < 400K VAT credit.

There ya go.
Proved you wrong twice in one post.

Who is your DADO???.Gas here is up 80 cents since the dead man came in. THAT IS A FUCKING ASS HOLE TAX

now who is your dildo Dado?
Oh lookie. One of my fans has finally mastered 4th grade insults!

You are owned!
How do you get to work genius?...not everyone can walk ride a bike or take public transit...especially now....and not everyone lives down the block from where they work...
And its the poorest among us that must travel the furthest to work each day....
But you don't give a rip about anyone but long as your fears of the end of the world are sated you are good to go...
You sir or madam are an thought or concern for your fellow man...
Selfish angry gullible and scared to death that we are destroying the planet....
We can't destroy the planet self delusional must one be to think we could....
Wasn't going to attack but then you turned all asshole so, what can I do?

Seems you answered your own question there numb-nuts. If you're concerned about this eventuality then it would seem you're calling for action now.

I never said anything about saving or destroying the planet. That's just another lie.
You are a good poster Dulcolax. Ease up the emotions a bit especially longtime members......Peace
Still your DADO!
No. But you will always be my Dulcolax
How does it feel to be owned? To know I've always got a room, hell, probably a suite, in your tiny mind? That, when you try to sleep at night, I will be right there keeping you awake. You're welcome.

You god damned ass hole. I never had a boss in my life because I didn't listen to sharecroppers like yopu.................LOLOL

You GD little working stiff slaving to a boss your whole GD life...................................BAWWWWWWHAHAHA

LOLOL...You miserable dust breathing nothing of a man

If you have to work for someone, you did it wrong you miserablr peasant shop rat.............LOLOLOL
Can someone SPECIFICALLY explain to me how a mileage tax and a VAT will not affect ANY FAMILY earning less than $400k/ year?
What mileage tax?
What VAT?
They don't exist.

But, if they did, how's this?
AGI < 400K No mileage tax.
AGI < 400K VAT credit.

There ya go.
Proved you wrong twice in one post.

Who is your DADO???.Gas here is up 80 cents since the dead man came in. THAT IS A FUCKING ASS HOLE TAX

now who is your dildo Dado?
Oh lookie. One of my fans has finally mastered 4th grade insults!

You are owned!
How do you get to work genius?...not everyone can walk ride a bike or take public transit...especially now....and not everyone lives down the block from where they work...
And its the poorest among us that must travel the furthest to work each day....
But you don't give a rip about anyone but long as your fears of the end of the world are sated you are good to go...
You sir or madam are an thought or concern for your fellow man...
Selfish angry gullible and scared to death that we are destroying the planet....
We can't destroy the planet self delusional must one be to think we could....
Wasn't going to attack but then you turned all asshole so, what can I do?

Seems you answered your own question there numb-nuts. If you're concerned about this eventuality then it would seem you're calling for action now.

I never said anything about saving or destroying the planet. That's just another lie.
You are a good poster Dulcolax. Ease up the emotions a bit especially longtime members......Peace
Still your DADO!
No. But you will always be my Dulcolax
How does it feel to be owned? To know I've always got a room, hell, probably a suite, in your tiny mind? That, when you try to sleep at night, I will be right there keeping you awake. You're welcome.
What does it say about a person that feels joy of owning a nameless entity on a message board?....
Any other reason to be here?
Anyone here ever change their mind based on these "conversations?"
You seriously don't think you're performing some public service?!?!?!
There's three types here. Trolls, me, and then the rest.

I come to be challenged. To know more and learn more.
That rarely happens.
So, while waiting I take pleasure in owning those who try.
Want to see me change my behavior?
Don't be stupid
Don't be dishonest
And don't start the conversation with insults.

LOLOL. If I would have listened to gender confused ass holes like you I'd have had to work for a boss my whole life like you....................BAWWWWWHAHA...............

While they deserve it, I encourage you to dial it back. Just a little. Maybe more profanity and less ellipsessesesses....I dont know how to spell that shit.

Dont get me wrong, I laughed.
It cost me $120 bucks to fill up my truck this morning....I can afford it....but what about people on public assistance or a fixed will they survive?...don't libs care about people?...and now they want to tax those folks employers? if we didn't just go through a lock down....
So you have a truck with 40 gal capacity?
Want to help the poor?
$3.70 a gal idiot...I'll leave you to the math....gas is up here 75 cents a gal since the illegitimate resident moved into the white house....I guess the American tax payer and worker will save the planet all by themselves....stupid libs....

Gas was $2.57/gallon this morning on way into work.
It cost me $120 bucks to fill up my truck this morning....I can afford it....but what about people on public assistance or a fixed will they survive?...don't libs care about people?...and now they want to tax those folks employers? if we didn't just go through a lock down....
So you have a truck with 40 gal capacity?
Want to help the poor?
$3.70 a gal idiot...I'll leave you to the math....gas is up here 75 cents a gal since the illegitimate resident moved into the white house....I guess the American tax payer and worker will save the planet all by themselves....stupid libs....
Blame yourselves for the prices.
People, fools like you, decided it was OK to not build protections into Texas' grid.
That's Republicans, just like you.
Trump Cheeto suckers JUST LIKE YOU.
So, when the grid failed, as was inevitable, your precious gas and oil wells failed as well creating a shortage.
Being Republicans they saw the opportunity to bleed the country for all they could get and so raised prices as far as they could.
So, young fool, with a big old gas tank and a tiny little brain,
If you're looking for someone to blame, check the side mirror next time you fill up.

The grid failed in a once in a lifetime event.
In all my 55 years in Texas I've had two incedences of frozen pipes that burst that cost me a grand total of $2500 bucks.
And clowns like you claim I should add an extra 20k in construction costs to my home to freeze proof it.
Same goes for our grid.

Except this once in a lifetime event has happened 3 times in the last 30 or so years!

It cost me $120 bucks to fill up my truck this morning....I can afford it....but what about people on public assistance or a fixed will they survive?...don't libs care about people?...and now they want to tax those folks employers? if we didn't just go through a lock down....
So you have a truck with 40 gal capacity?
Want to help the poor?
Brilliant. By parking it, he'd pay no more current gas taxes nor any mileage tax, thus helping no one.

Try again.
He'd not be getting 4 MPG.
He would pollute less.
Streets would be safer.

Parking it helps lots of people.

You try again!

How do you know what his milage is?
Why would streets be safer?
Seems to me he could keep himself safe by running over all of you brown shirts trying to attack him.
I'm certainly glad I drive a lifted truck so you shits dont get me high centered when I run your dumbasses over.
Does my truck offend you? I certainly hope so.
View attachment 474045
$55k piece of crap.
GEEZ they just get dumber and dumber!

Fewer vehicles = safer roads

I mean, DAMN!

Yeah you're a dumbfuck.
You obviously have no idea of the mods dont to my my truck.

So you paid more than that for your truck and your calling him the dumbfuck?
Oh Wise One~~~~~~ what about it-?
It's rising precipitously since Addlepated Joe Biden swindled his way into office.
Look at the cost of gasoline now and what it costs to fill your auto or heat your home...assuming you have
one and aren't living in a cardboard box under a highway overpass (which you likely are).

Save your hostility and name calling. It won't change how Joe turned us from an independent
energy provider to dependent once again on OPEC-ers in the brief time he's been defouling
the oval office. Your anger is misplaced, and funny. And stupid.
It cost me $120 bucks to fill up my truck this morning....I can afford it....but what about people on public assistance or a fixed will they survive?...don't libs care about people?...and now they want to tax those folks employers? if we didn't just go through a lock down....
So you have a truck with 40 gal capacity?
Want to help the poor?
$3.70 a gal idiot...I'll leave you to the math....gas is up here 75 cents a gal since the illegitimate resident moved into the white house....I guess the American tax payer and worker will save the planet all by themselves....stupid libs....
Blame yourselves for the prices.
People, fools like you, decided it was OK to not build protections into Texas' grid.
That's Republicans, just like you.
Trump Cheeto suckers JUST LIKE YOU.
So, when the grid failed, as was inevitable, your precious gas and oil wells failed as well creating a shortage.
Being Republicans they saw the opportunity to bleed the country for all they could get and so raised prices as far as they could.
So, young fool, with a big old gas tank and a tiny little brain,
If you're looking for someone to blame, check the side mirror next time you fill up.

The grid failed in a once in a lifetime event.
In all my 55 years in Texas I've had two incedences of frozen pipes that burst that cost me a grand total of $2500 bucks.
And clowns like you claim I should add an extra 20k in construction costs to my home to freeze proof it.
Same goes for our grid.

Except this once in a lifetime event has happened 3 times in the last 30 or so years!


It cost me $120 bucks to fill up my truck this morning....I can afford it....but what about people on public assistance or a fixed will they survive?...don't libs care about people?...and now they want to tax those folks employers? if we didn't just go through a lock down....
So you have a truck with 40 gal capacity?
Want to help the poor?
$3.70 a gal idiot...I'll leave you to the math....gas is up here 75 cents a gal since the illegitimate resident moved into the white house....I guess the American tax payer and worker will save the planet all by themselves....stupid libs....
Blame yourselves for the prices.
People, fools like you, decided it was OK to not build protections into Texas' grid.
That's Republicans, just like you.
Trump Cheeto suckers JUST LIKE YOU.
So, when the grid failed, as was inevitable, your precious gas and oil wells failed as well creating a shortage.
Being Republicans they saw the opportunity to bleed the country for all they could get and so raised prices as far as they could.
So, young fool, with a big old gas tank and a tiny little brain,
If you're looking for someone to blame, check the side mirror next time you fill up.

The grid failed in a once in a lifetime event.
In all my 55 years in Texas I've had two incedences of frozen pipes that burst that cost me a grand total of $2500 bucks.
And clowns like you claim I should add an extra 20k in construction costs to my home to freeze proof it.
Same goes for our grid.

Except this once in a lifetime event has happened 3 times in the last 30 or so years!



Been linked many times when the storm originally hit and Ted Cruz fled tto Mexico.


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