Dems SWEAR that under their tax hike, no FAMILY making under $400k will pay a penny more in taxes...but what about mileage tax and VAT?

It cost me $120 bucks to fill up my truck this morning....I can afford it....but what about people on public assistance or a fixed will they survive?...don't libs care about people?...and now they want to tax those folks employers? if we didn't just go through a lock down....
So you have a truck with 40 gal capacity?
Want to help the poor?
Brilliant. By parking it, he'd pay no more current gas taxes nor any mileage tax, thus helping no one.

Try again.
He'd not be getting 4 MPG.
He would pollute less.
Streets would be safer.

Parking it helps lots of people.

You try again!
LOL! You don't get to dictate how people live their lives, kid. Get used to your impotence.
Hey dumber than me!
I gave advice on helping the poor.
Geez! Wot a maroon!
I'm sure that fantasy comforts you. Your emotions may rule your life, but no one else has any obligation to change the way they live to suit you.
In 100 years we'll both be dead but I'll still be right.
You will do what I'm saying. Just a matter of time.
Electric cars produce as much pollution

No they do not
, wear and tear on the roads, require as much police regulation, etc.,
Then it is a break even deal. No more, no less, then what's your problem?
Clearly electric cars should be paying up on their share or road taxes.
It depends on what road tax you are referring to.
It is just like people who use untaxed diesel oil in a diesel car on the road
All fossil fuels are finite and on their way out of the energy business. In 30-40 years there will no longer be gasoline/desel vehicles driving on our roads.
It is illegal to not pay your fair road taxes.
In the city I live in we have a road tax on some newer roads and a sticker on your car is read when you use this road and you are charged a fee for using the road.
As a resident, I have no objections
Can someone SPECIFICALLY explain to me how a mileage tax and a VAT will not affect ANY FAMILY earning less than $400k/ year?
What mileage tax?
What VAT?
They don't exist.

But, if they did, how's this?
AGI < 400K No mileage tax.
AGI < 400K VAT credit.

There ya go.
Proved you wrong twice in one post.

Who is your DADO???.Gas here is up 80 cents since the dead man came in. THAT IS A FUCKING ASS HOLE TAX

now who is your dildo Dado?
Oh lookie. One of my fans has finally mastered 4th grade insults!

You are owned!
How do you get to work genius?...not everyone can walk ride a bike or take public transit...especially now....and not everyone lives down the block from where they work...
And its the poorest among us that must travel the furthest to work each day....
But you don't give a rip about anyone but long as your fears of the end of the world are sated you are good to go...
You sir or madam are an thought or concern for your fellow man...
Selfish angry gullible and scared to death that we are destroying the planet....
We can't destroy the planet self delusional must one be to think we could....
Wasn't going to attack but then you turned all asshole so, what can I do?

Seems you answered your own question there numb-nuts. If you're concerned about this eventuality then it would seem you're calling for action now.

I never said anything about saving or destroying the planet. That's just another lie.
Can someone SPECIFICALLY explain to me how a mileage tax and a VAT will not affect ANY FAMILY earning less than $400k/ year?
What mileage tax?
What VAT?
They don't exist.

But, if they did, how's this?
AGI < 400K No mileage tax.
AGI < 400K VAT credit.

There ya go.
Proved you wrong twice in one post.

Who is your DADO???.Gas here is up 80 cents since the dead man came in. THAT IS A FUCKING ASS HOLE TAX

now who is your dildo Dado?
Oh lookie. One of my fans has finally mastered 4th grade insults!

You are owned!
How do you get to work genius?...not everyone can walk ride a bike or take public transit...especially now....and not everyone lives down the block from where they work...
And its the poorest among us that must travel the furthest to work each day....
But you don't give a rip about anyone but long as your fears of the end of the world are sated you are good to go...
You sir or madam are an thought or concern for your fellow man...
Selfish angry gullible and scared to death that we are destroying the planet....
We can't destroy the planet self delusional must one be to think we could....
Wasn't going to attack but then you turned all asshole so, what can I do?

Seems you answered your own question there numb-nuts. If you're concerned about this eventuality then it would seem you're calling for action now.

I never said anything about saving or destroying the planet. That's just another lie.
You are a good poster Dulcolax. Ease up the emotions a bit especially longtime members......Peace
Electric cars produce as much pollution
No they do not
, wear and tear on the roads, require as much police regulation, etc.,
Then it is a break even deal. No more, no less, then what's your problem?
Clearly electric cars should be paying up on their share or road taxes.
It depends on what road tax you are referring to.
It is just like people who use untaxed diesel oil in a diesel car on the road
All fossil fuels are finite and on their way out of the energy business. In 30-40 years there will no longer be gasoline/desel vehicles driving on our roads.
It is illegal to not pay your fair road taxes.
In the city I live in we have a road tax on some newer roads and a sticker on your car is read when you use this road and you are charged a fee for using the road.
As a resident, I have no objections

We already know that there will have to be a different tax method as gas cars diminish. Maybe the taxing when you use certain roads is the answer. But trying to recoup that loss when you register an EV definately isn't the answer.
Electric cars produce as much pollution
No they do not
, wear and tear on the roads, require as much police regulation, etc.,
Then it is a break even deal. No more, no less, then what's your problem?
Clearly electric cars should be paying up on their share or road taxes.
It depends on what road tax you are referring to.
It is just like people who use untaxed diesel oil in a diesel car on the road
All fossil fuels are finite and on their way out of the energy business. In 30-40 years there will no longer be gasoline/desel vehicles driving on our roads.
It is illegal to not pay your fair road taxes.
In the city I live in we have a road tax on some newer roads and a sticker on your car is read when you use this road and you are charged a fee for using the road.
As a resident, I have no objections

This is not central to the discussion, but EVs produce much MORE pollution than something like a high efficiency, internal combustion, diesel car.
That is because coal is still the main source of electricity, and there are huge energy loses, when generated (50%) transmitted (10%), stored (50%), retrieved (50%), and they converted back to kinetic motion (50%).

But it is not a break even deal if EVs do not pay road taxes like internal combustion cars do when they buy fuel.

And if you have no objections to road use tax to pay for maintenance, then we agree.
Electric cars produce as much pollution
No they do not
, wear and tear on the roads, require as much police regulation, etc.,
Then it is a break even deal. No more, no less, then what's your problem?
Clearly electric cars should be paying up on their share or road taxes.
It depends on what road tax you are referring to.
It is just like people who use untaxed diesel oil in a diesel car on the road
All fossil fuels are finite and on their way out of the energy business. In 30-40 years there will no longer be gasoline/desel vehicles driving on our roads.
It is illegal to not pay your fair road taxes.
In the city I live in we have a road tax on some newer roads and a sticker on your car is read when you use this road and you are charged a fee for using the road.
As a resident, I have no objections

We already know that there will have to be a different tax method as gas cars diminish. Maybe the taxing when you use certain roads is the answer. But trying to recoup that loss when you register an EV definately isn't the answer.

I agree maintenance tax should be based on use as you go, and not up front on purchase.
Can someone SPECIFICALLY explain to me how a mileage tax and a VAT will not affect ANY FAMILY earning less than $400k/ year?

No way to explain it without seeing the legislation. I see enough electric cars on the road these days to understand something needs to be done to maintain our roadways. Personally I would favor putting long haul shipments back on trains and off our highways. I also favor public transportation in form of Dodge 'Em cars.

I hate the thought of a VAT tax. If those Chinese tariffs are still in place then substituting one for another would go far in balancing things out. But both VAT and tariffs seem like just an additional sales tax and I don't like the idea.
Can someone SPECIFICALLY explain to me how a mileage tax and a VAT will not affect ANY FAMILY earning less than $400k/ year?
What mileage tax?
What VAT?
They don't exist.

But, if they did, how's this?
AGI < 400K No mileage tax.
AGI < 400K VAT credit.

There ya go.
Proved you wrong twice in one post.

Who is your DADO???.Gas here is up 80 cents since the dead man came in. THAT IS A FUCKING ASS HOLE TAX

now who is your dildo Dado?
Oh lookie. One of my fans has finally mastered 4th grade insults!

You are owned!
How do you get to work genius?...not everyone can walk ride a bike or take public transit...especially now....and not everyone lives down the block from where they work...
And its the poorest among us that must travel the furthest to work each day....
But you don't give a rip about anyone but long as your fears of the end of the world are sated you are good to go...
You sir or madam are an thought or concern for your fellow man...
Selfish angry gullible and scared to death that we are destroying the planet....
We can't destroy the planet self delusional must one be to think we could....
Wasn't going to attack but then you turned all asshole so, what can I do?

Seems you answered your own question there numb-nuts. If you're concerned about this eventuality then it would seem you're calling for action now.

I never said anything about saving or destroying the planet. That's just another lie.
You are a good poster Dulcolax. Ease up the emotions a bit especially longtime members......Peace
Still your DADO!
Can someone SPECIFICALLY explain to me how a mileage tax and a VAT will not affect ANY FAMILY earning less than $400k/ year?
What mileage tax?
What VAT?
They don't exist.

But, if they did, how's this?
AGI < 400K No mileage tax.
AGI < 400K VAT credit.

There ya go.
Proved you wrong twice in one post.

Who is your DADO???.Gas here is up 80 cents since the dead man came in. THAT IS A FUCKING ASS HOLE TAX

now who is your dildo Dado?
Oh lookie. One of my fans has finally mastered 4th grade insults!

You are owned!
How do you get to work genius?...not everyone can walk ride a bike or take public transit...especially now....and not everyone lives down the block from where they work...
And its the poorest among us that must travel the furthest to work each day....
But you don't give a rip about anyone but long as your fears of the end of the world are sated you are good to go...
You sir or madam are an thought or concern for your fellow man...
Selfish angry gullible and scared to death that we are destroying the planet....
We can't destroy the planet self delusional must one be to think we could....
Wasn't going to attack but then you turned all asshole so, what can I do?

Seems you answered your own question there numb-nuts. If you're concerned about this eventuality then it would seem you're calling for action now.

I never said anything about saving or destroying the planet. That's just another lie.
You are a good poster Dulcolax. Ease up the emotions a bit especially longtime members......Peace
Still your DADO!
No. But you will always be my Dulcolax
It cost me $120 bucks to fill up my truck this morning....I can afford it....but what about people on public assistance or a fixed will they survive?...don't libs care about people?...and now they want to tax those folks employers? if we didn't just go through a lock down....
So you have a truck with 40 gal capacity?
Want to help the poor?
Brilliant. By parking it, he'd pay no more current gas taxes nor any mileage tax, thus helping no one.

Try again.
He'd not be getting 4 MPG.
He would pollute less.
Streets would be safer.

Parking it helps lots of people.

You try again!
LOL! You don't get to dictate how people live their lives, kid. Get used to your impotence.
Hey dumber than me!
I gave advice on helping the poor.
Geez! Wot a maroon!
I'm sure that fantasy comforts you. Your emotions may rule your life, but no one else has any obligation to change the way they live to suit you.
In 100 years we'll both be dead but I'll still be right.
You will do what I'm saying. Just a matter of time.
What are you, 12?

An electric vehicle is simply not practical where I live. I won't ever buy one.

Looks like you need to buy 2 then.
Can someone SPECIFICALLY explain to me how a mileage tax and a VAT will not affect ANY FAMILY earning less than $400k/ year?
What mileage tax?
What VAT?
They don't exist.

But, if they did, how's this?
AGI < 400K No mileage tax.
AGI < 400K VAT credit.

There ya go.
Proved you wrong twice in one post.

Who is your DADO???.Gas here is up 80 cents since the dead man came in. THAT IS A FUCKING ASS HOLE TAX

now who is your dildo Dado?
Oh lookie. One of my fans has finally mastered 4th grade insults!

You are owned!
How do you get to work genius?...not everyone can walk ride a bike or take public transit...especially now....and not everyone lives down the block from where they work...
And its the poorest among us that must travel the furthest to work each day....
But you don't give a rip about anyone but long as your fears of the end of the world are sated you are good to go...
You sir or madam are an thought or concern for your fellow man...
Selfish angry gullible and scared to death that we are destroying the planet....
We can't destroy the planet self delusional must one be to think we could....
Wasn't going to attack but then you turned all asshole so, what can I do?

Seems you answered your own question there numb-nuts. If you're concerned about this eventuality then it would seem you're calling for action now.

I never said anything about saving or destroying the planet. That's just another lie.
You are a good poster Dulcolax. Ease up the emotions a bit especially longtime members......Peace
Still your DADO!
No. But you will always be my Dulcolax
How does it feel to be owned? To know I've always got a room, hell, probably a suite, in your tiny mind? That, when you try to sleep at night, I will be right there keeping you awake. You're welcome.
Can someone SPECIFICALLY explain to me how a mileage tax and a VAT will not affect ANY FAMILY earning less than $400k/ year?
So these pretentious people think people making less then that don't invest in the markets or have taxable gains and dividends from investments? What about owning businesses affected by the tax structure thus employment and pay structures affected by the plan?
What liars, what are fact checkers writing about this whopper of a lie?

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