Dems SWEAR that under their tax hike, no FAMILY making under $400k will pay a penny more in taxes...but what about mileage tax and VAT?

Can someone SPECIFICALLY explain to me how a mileage tax and a VAT will not affect ANY FAMILY earning less than $400k/ year?
What mileage tax?
What VAT?
They don't exist.

But, if they did, how's this?
AGI < 400K No mileage tax.
AGI < 400K VAT credit.

There ya go.
Proved you wrong twice in one post.

Who is your DADO???.Gas here is up 80 cents since the dead man came in. THAT IS A FUCKING ASS HOLE TAX

now who is your dildo Dado?
Oh lookie. One of my fans has finally mastered 4th grade insults!

You are owned!

Definition of dado
(Entry 1 of 2)
1a: the part of a pedestal of a column above the base
b: the lower part of an interior wall when specially decorated or faced
also : the decoration adorning this part of a wall
2: a rectangular groove cut to make a joint in woodworking
specifically : one cut across the grain

So, which one are you?
Can someone SPECIFICALLY explain to me how a mileage tax and a VAT will not affect ANY FAMILY earning less than $400k/ year?

Well there are two ways of doing it:

1. Only bill certain classes of taxpayers for "mileage", i.e. corporations, and those earning more than $400,000 per year. They can pay quarterly, monthly or annually, depending on the mileage and the amount of the tax involved.

2. Issue "tax refunds" of the amounts paid to individuals earning less than $400,000, based on their income. Canada issues quarterly refunds of their VAT to families with income of less than $35,000 per year - regardless of wealth, and an annual $240 carbon tax refund issued as part of your tax refund if your net income is less than $35,000. Those who qualify for gas tax refunds have to submitted mileage reports to obtain the credit in Canada. Something similar could be done in reverse for those who pay mileage tax in the USA.
Refunds. Awesome. Meanwhile, the poor have to come up with those taxes at the time of sale.
Refunds? For taxes paid? Poor people don't itemize, how would they get it refunded. That stupid bitch is Canadian--we don't live with the Canadian tax system. She should just STFU.
It cost me $120 bucks to fill up my truck this morning....I can afford it....but what about people on public assistance or a fixed will they survive?...don't libs care about people?...and now they want to tax those folks employers? if we didn't just go through a lock down....
So you have a truck with 40 gal capacity?
Want to help the poor?

How would that help the poor?
Hey a capitalist ignoramus here!

Park 'em.
Less gas used.
More gas for sale.
Prices drop.
Helps poor.
The Democrats get in power, raise everyone's taxes.

support working class.jpg
It cost me $120 bucks to fill up my truck this morning....I can afford it....but what about people on public assistance or a fixed will they survive?...don't libs care about people?...and now they want to tax those folks employers? if we didn't just go through a lock down....
So you have a truck with 40 gal capacity?
Want to help the poor?
Brilliant. By parking it, he'd pay no more current gas taxes nor any mileage tax, thus helping no one.

Try again.
He'd not be getting 4 MPG.
He would pollute less.
Streets would be safer.

Parking it helps lots of people.

You try again!

How do you know what his milage is?
Why would streets be safer?
Seems to me he could keep himself safe by running over all of you brown shirts trying to attack him.
I'm certainly glad I drive a lifted truck so you shits dont get me high centered when I run your dumbasses over.
Does my truck offend you? I certainly hope so.
View attachment 474045
$55k piece of crap.
GEEZ they just get dumber and dumber!

Fewer vehicles = safer roads

I mean, DAMN!
Why not just ban cars?
Can someone SPECIFICALLY explain to me how a mileage tax and a VAT will not affect ANY FAMILY earning less than $400k/ year?
What mileage tax?
What VAT?
They don't exist.

But, if they did, how's this?
AGI < 400K No mileage tax.
AGI < 400K VAT credit.

There ya go.
Proved you wrong twice in one post.

Who is your DADO???.Gas here is up 80 cents since the dead man came in. THAT IS A FUCKING ASS HOLE TAX

now who is your dildo Dado?
Oh lookie. One of my fans has finally mastered 4th grade insults!

You are owned!
How do you get to work genius?...not everyone can walk ride a bike or take public transit...especially now....and not everyone lives down the block from where they work...
And its the poorest among us that must travel the furthest to work each day....
But you don't give a rip about anyone but long as your fears of the end of the world are sated you are good to go...
You sir or madam are an thought or concern for your fellow man...
Selfish angry gullible and scared to death that we are destroying the planet....
We can't destroy the planet self delusional must one be to think we could....
The mileage tax is a bad idea, but the Democrats are full of bad ideas, aren't they?
First the Prog elites hated the poor because they could only afford the gas guzzling old cars like Pontiac Bonneville or other large cars. So they taxed the shit out of the gasoline, because Obama, necessarily had to skyrocket energy prices to push his green agenda and make millions of dollars with the Carbon Credit Exchange. So people started buying smaller more efficient cars like Prius or other mid to small car, but that wasnt enough, so electric cars were given subsidies to they could sell them cheap. Now electric cars dont run on gasoline, so the tax revenue has steadily declined , because less gas is used by efficient cars, so the government once again, has to find a way to punish the people....Mileage tax...They tried it in California, didnt pass....Progs are such stupid people....

California Mileage Tax Would Charge Drivers Based on Distance Driven – NBC Los Angeles
The mileage tax is a bad idea, but the Democrats are full of bad ideas, aren't they?
What mileage tax? Secretary Pete has even backed off of that one, and it was his proposal, I thought.
Make those who use the roads the most pay more for the privilege
They already do.

That's why commercial vehicles pay the taxes they do, fool.

Truth be know, Cars suplement the cost of the damage that 18 wheelers do to the hiways. If those trucks paid their fair share that loaf of bread would cost about 12 bucks for the cheap stuff.
Make those who use the roads the most pay more for the privilege
They already do.

That's why commercial vehicles pay the taxes they do, fool.

Truth be know, Cars suplement the cost of the damage that 18 wheelers do to the hiways. If those trucks paid their fair share that loaf of bread would cost about 12 bucks for the cheap stuff.
You obviously know absolutely nothing about the trucking industry and the taxes, fees, etcetera that they pay to operate.
A mileage tax penalizes people who drive a small car to save on gas, or because they're poor, or because they want to save the environment...

I drive a “small car” because the room in the driver’s seat is basically the same size as a four-door car.

I drive a “small car” because it goes as fast as I want my car to go. I could get a speeding ticket; but I do not, I like the speeds posted.

I drive a “small car” because I no longer have five (5) kids to drive around.
I drive a “small car” because there is less to wash.
I drive a “small car” because the price was right.
I drive a “small car” because it pollutes less

No I am not poor
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Make those who use the roads the most pay more for the privilege
They already do.

That's why commercial vehicles pay the taxes they do, fool.

Truth be know, Cars suplement the cost of the damage that 18 wheelers do to the hiways. If those trucks paid their fair share that loaf of bread would cost about 12 bucks for the cheap stuff.
Conventional trains could be used more for transporting goods and products. Upgrading the tracks for that is a doable thing to reduce some of the trucking. Sense must be used in doing this. But there are payouts to people who are only enriched.
Make those who use the roads the most pay more for the privilege
They already do.

That's why commercial vehicles pay the taxes they do, fool.

Truth be know, Cars suplement the cost of the damage that 18 wheelers do to the hiways. If those trucks paid their fair share that loaf of bread would cost about 12 bucks for the cheap stuff.
Conventional trains could be used more for transporting goods and products. Upgrading the tracks for that is a doable thing to reduce some of the trucking. Sense must be used in doing this. But there are payouts to people who are only enriched.
Ever watched the trains go by, and notice how many containers are on them?...Guess what those containers get hitched to at the train terminal?
Truth be know, Cars suplement the cost of the damage that 18 wheelers do to the hiways. If those trucks paid their fair share that loaf of bread would cost about 12 bucks for the cheap stuff.
I hope what you just posted takes away that heavy load bearing down on your soul.

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