Dems SWEAR that under their tax hike, no FAMILY making under $400k will pay a penny more in taxes...but what about mileage tax and VAT?

Make those who use the roads the most pay more for the privilege
They already do.

That's why commercial vehicles pay the taxes they do, fool.

Truth be know, Cars suplement the cost of the damage that 18 wheelers do to the hiways. If those trucks paid their fair share that loaf of bread would cost about 12 bucks for the cheap stuff.
You obviously know absolutely nothing about the trucking industry and the taxes, fees, etcetera that they pay to operate.

I know damage that each type of vehicle does to a paved road. And one truck mile does about the same damage that 2000 cars do per mile. And Trucks don't pay 2000 times that cars do. If they were, the price of shipped goods would be many times what it is right now. That loaf of bread or gallon of milk would not be able to be shipped and still have a shelf price any of us "Mortals" could afford to pay.
Make those who use the roads the most pay more for the privilege
They already do.

That's why commercial vehicles pay the taxes they do, fool.

Truth be know, Cars suplement the cost of the damage that 18 wheelers do to the hiways. If those trucks paid their fair share that loaf of bread would cost about 12 bucks for the cheap stuff.
You obviously know absolutely nothing about the trucking industry and the taxes, fees, etcetera that they pay to operate.

I know damage that each type of vehicle does to a paved road. And one truck mile does about the same damage that 2000 cars do per mile. And Trucks don't pay 2000 times that cars do. If they were, the price of shipped goods would be many times what it is right now. That loaf of bread or gallon of milk would not be able to be shipped and still have a shelf price any of us "Mortals" could afford to pay.
So Chairman Xiden just got done spending $2 trillion bailing out blue states that refuse to balance their budgets as well as to foriegn countries to study gender studies, etc., and you talk about raising more money to fix roads?


When will you realize that the Left does not give a damn about infrastructure, just more of your tax money to consume their corruption and agendas?

With the money they have already spent, they could have lined our roads with gold.
Make those who use the roads the most pay more for the privilege
They already do.

That's why commercial vehicles pay the taxes they do, fool.

Truth be know, Cars suplement the cost of the damage that 18 wheelers do to the hiways. If those trucks paid their fair share that loaf of bread would cost about 12 bucks for the cheap stuff.
You obviously know absolutely nothing about the trucking industry and the taxes, fees, etcetera that they pay to operate.

I know damage that each type of vehicle does to a paved road. And one truck mile does about the same damage that 2000 cars do per mile. And Trucks don't pay 2000 times that cars do. If they were, the price of shipped goods would be many times what it is right now. That loaf of bread or gallon of milk would not be able to be shipped and still have a shelf price any of us "Mortals" could afford to pay.
Do you have first clue how much in fuel taxes that a vehicle that gets about 3-5 MPG, and burns through 100+ gallons a day, pays?

Like I said; you know ab-so-fcking-lutely nothing of what you're blabbering about.
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The mileage tax is a bad idea, but the Democrats are full of bad ideas, aren't they?
What mileage tax? Secretary Pete has even backed off of that one, and it was his proposal, I thought.

Electric cars produce as much pollution, wear and tear on the roads, require as much police regulation, etc., but they pay NO road taxes.
Clearly electric cars should be paying up on their share or road taxes.
It is just like people who use untaxed diesel oil in a diesel car on the road.
It is illegal to not pay your fair road taxes.
The mileage tax is a bad idea, but the Democrats are full of bad ideas, aren't they?
What mileage tax? Secretary Pete has even backed off of that one, and it was his proposal, I thought.

Electric cars produce as much pollution, wear and tear on the roads, require as much police regulation, etc., but they pay NO road taxes.
Clearly electric cars should be paying up on their share or road taxes.
It is just like people who use untaxed diesel oil in a diesel car on the road.
It is illegal to not pay your fair road taxes.
You are advocating for a tax? Why? Somebody in an electric car get your parking space?
The mileage tax is a bad idea, but the Democrats are full of bad ideas, aren't they?
What mileage tax? Secretary Pete has even backed off of that one, and it was his proposal, I thought.

Electric cars produce as much pollution, wear and tear on the roads, require as much police regulation, etc., but they pay NO road taxes.
Clearly electric cars should be paying up on their share or road taxes.
It is just like people who use untaxed diesel oil in a diesel car on the road.
It is illegal to not pay your fair road taxes.
You are advocating for a tax? Why? Somebody in an electric car get your parking space?

How else are we going to pay for road maintenance and regulation, if not for all traffic to equally pay their fair share.
Just like it has always been illegal for diesels or alcohol cars to avoid paying road taxes, electric cars need to also pay their fair share.

I am neutral on electric cars.
They simply are a fact of life, as oil will soon run out.
But that does not mean we don't need to maintain the same level of road maintenance and regulation.
Paying for your share of road tax is clearly an ethical and practical necessity.
Roads can not continue to function without it.
Nor is it fair or legal for electric cars to fail to contribute.
Make those who use the roads the most pay more for the privilege

Largely, that’s the working people outside of the elite getting to a job. Prove me wrong.

But us working people who have to get to a job are the ones who are going to be the most angry when roads become no longer usable because too many people are avoiding paying their fair share by using electric cars.
No matter what it is, Democrats fuck everything up. They enjoy chaos perhaps, or they can't see from A to B.

A. The idea is ludicrous, the fuckers already get us at the gas pump, fucking fucks.
B. Now assholes will be more prone to fuck with their odometers
C. Buy a used car there's less chance the odometer is!
D. The left are cocks.
Make those who use the roads the most pay more for the privilege
They already do.

That's why commercial vehicles pay the taxes they do, fool.

Truth be know, Cars suplement the cost of the damage that 18 wheelers do to the hiways. If those trucks paid their fair share that loaf of bread would cost about 12 bucks for the cheap stuff.
Conventional trains could be used more for transporting goods and products. Upgrading the tracks for that is a doable thing to reduce some of the trucking. Sense must be used in doing this. But there are payouts to people who are only enriched.

First step would be to get rid of the crooks running the railroads. The UP has a bottleneck between Cheyenne and Salt Lake. In the old days, the DR&GW made a mint off of taking cargo from Cheyenne and by way of Denver and Grand Junction. They could move the cargo in 16 hours and kick it over to Southern Pacific who would finish the run to the west coast. The UP would take days to get past the logjam they had created. The UP bought the DR&GW and turned it into a way to return empties and transport very little cargo. The logjam is back with no competition.
The mileage tax is a bad idea, but the Democrats are full of bad ideas, aren't they?
What mileage tax? Secretary Pete has even backed off of that one, and it was his proposal, I thought.

Electric cars produce as much pollution, wear and tear on the roads, require as much police regulation, etc., but they pay NO road taxes.
Clearly electric cars should be paying up on their share or road taxes.
It is just like people who use untaxed diesel oil in a diesel car on the road.
It is illegal to not pay your fair road taxes.
You are advocating for a tax? Why? Somebody in an electric car get your parking space?

How else are we going to pay for road maintenance and regulation, if not for all traffic to equally pay their fair share.
Just like it has always been illegal for diesels or alcohol cars to avoid paying road taxes, electric cars need to also pay their fair share.

I am neutral on electric cars.
They simply are a fact of life, as oil will soon run out.
But that does not mean we don't need to maintain the same level of road maintenance and regulation.
Paying for your share of road tax is clearly an ethical and practical necessity.
Roads can not continue to function without it.
Nor is it fair or legal for electric cars to fail to contribute.
I don't own one. Don't see the need you do. Appears it is legal at the moment. Fair is in the eye of the beholder.
Make those who use the roads the most pay more for the privilege

Largely, that’s the working people outside of the elite getting to a job. Prove me wrong.

But us working people who have to get to a job are the ones who are going to be the most angry when roads become no longer usable because too many people are avoiding paying their fair share by using electric cars.
Here is a song for your upcoming political campaign.
It cost me $120 bucks to fill up my truck this morning....I can afford it....but what about people on public assistance or a fixed will they survive?...don't libs care about people?...and now they want to tax those folks employers? if we didn't just go through a lock down....
So you have a truck with 40 gal capacity?
Want to help the poor?

How would that help the poor?
Hey a capitalist ignoramus here!

Park 'em.
Less gas used.
More gas for sale.
Prices drop.
Helps poor.

Are you retarded?
It cost me $120 bucks to fill up my truck this morning....I can afford it....but what about people on public assistance or a fixed will they survive?...don't libs care about people?...and now they want to tax those folks employers? if we didn't just go through a lock down....
So you have a truck with 40 gal capacity?
Want to help the poor?
$3.70 a gal idiot...I'll leave you to the math....gas is up here 75 cents a gal since the illegitimate resident moved into the white house....I guess the American tax payer and worker will save the planet all by themselves....stupid libs....
Blame yourselves for the prices.
People, fools like you, decided it was OK to not build protections into Texas' grid.
That's Republicans, just like you.
Trump Cheeto suckers JUST LIKE YOU.
So, when the grid failed, as was inevitable, your precious gas and oil wells failed as well creating a shortage.
Being Republicans they saw the opportunity to bleed the country for all they could get and so raised prices as far as they could.
So, young fool, with a big old gas tank and a tiny little brain,
If you're looking for someone to blame, check the side mirror next time you fill up.

The grid failed in a once in a lifetime event.
In all my 55 years in Texas I've had two incedences of frozen pipes that burst that cost me a grand total of $2500 bucks.
And clowns like you claim I should add an extra 20k in construction costs to my home to freeze proof it.
Same goes for our grid.
Well now let's look at the Texas failure....
How many BILLIONS will that cost before we're through? HMMMMMMMM?!?!?!
Obviously you are, in fact, as risk ignorant as the morons running the grid in Texas.

You're truly a dumbfuck.
It cost me $120 bucks to fill up my truck this morning....I can afford it....but what about people on public assistance or a fixed will they survive?...don't libs care about people?...and now they want to tax those folks employers? if we didn't just go through a lock down....
So you have a truck with 40 gal capacity?
Want to help the poor?
Brilliant. By parking it, he'd pay no more current gas taxes nor any mileage tax, thus helping no one.

Try again.
He'd not be getting 4 MPG.
He would pollute less.
Streets would be safer.

Parking it helps lots of people.

You try again!

How do you know what his milage is?
Why would streets be safer?
Seems to me he could keep himself safe by running over all of you brown shirts trying to attack him.
I'm certainly glad I drive a lifted truck so you shits dont get me high centered when I run your dumbasses over.
Does my truck offend you? I certainly hope so.
View attachment 474045
$55k piece of crap.
GEEZ they just get dumber and dumber!

Fewer vehicles = safer roads

I mean, DAMN!

Yeah you're a dumbfuck.
You obviously have no idea of the mods dont to my my truck.
The mileage tax is a bad idea, but the Democrats are full of bad ideas, aren't they?
What mileage tax? Secretary Pete has even backed off of that one, and it was his proposal, I thought.

Electric cars produce as much pollution, wear and tear on the roads, require as much police regulation, etc., but they pay NO road taxes.
Clearly electric cars should be paying up on their share or road taxes.
It is just like people who use untaxed diesel oil in a diesel car on the road.
It is illegal to not pay your fair road taxes.
You are advocating for a tax? Why? Somebody in an electric car get your parking space?

How else are we going to pay for road maintenance and regulation, if not for all traffic to equally pay their fair share.
Just like it has always been illegal for diesels or alcohol cars to avoid paying road taxes, electric cars need to also pay their fair share.

I am neutral on electric cars.
They simply are a fact of life, as oil will soon run out.
But that does not mean we don't need to maintain the same level of road maintenance and regulation.
Paying for your share of road tax is clearly an ethical and practical necessity.
Roads can not continue to function without it.
Nor is it fair or legal for electric cars to fail to contribute.
I don't own one. Don't see the need you do. Appears it is legal at the moment. Fair is in the eye of the beholder.

Not quite.
People running alternative energy sources like propane, palm oil, electric, etc., are supposed to estimate, disclose, and pay already according to law.
This happens quite often, such as the farmer with a diesel car that loads up with untaxed diesel fuel for their tractor.
Honest people would already be paying.

But here is the argument against an additional road tax for EVs.
What EVs Already Pay
EVs do pay taxes that may support road construction and maintenance, as well as other taxes that support other goals. Since EVs generally cost more than their conventional counterparts, they pay higher sales taxes (in states with sales tax) and higher municipal excise taxes. An analysis by the Acadia Center showed that, in Massachusetts, these impacts result in EVs contributing more to state and local revenues than comparable gasoline vehicles.

An EV that costs $35,000 before rebates would pay about $93 less per year in gas taxes than a comparable conventional sedan, but $101 more in average annual excise tax over the vehicle’s lifetime – as well as $908 more in sales tax. If the EV is priced over $60,000, then the EV pays far more in sales tax and excise tax.

Unlike gasoline vehicles, EVs run on electricity. Therefore, EV drivers pay taxes on the electricity used to charge the vehicles too. Many states and municipalities have taxes on electricity, either general sales taxes or special-purpose taxes. Punitive registration fees for BEVs would be a double tax, and for PHEV drivers this would be a triple tax.

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