Dems unleash holy hell

The other day some CNN asshole was saying that they could only find one photo of Trump with a dog, so he must hate dogs and is therefore a bad person.

Slow news day? They researched photos of Trump with K9s?

Thank god we have the free press protecting us from the bad man.
The list of areas that Republicans expect Democrats to investigate if they take back the House has leaked, and it numbers more than 100 items. Trump’s White House is totally unprepared for this level of oversight.

Axios obtained the Republican list of likely Democratic investigative targets that include:

– President Trump’s tax returns

– Trump family businesses — and whether they comply with the Constitution’s emoluments clause, including the Chinese trademark grant to the Trump Organization

– Trump’s dealings with Russia, including the president’s preparation for his meeting with Vladimir Putin

– The payment to Stephanie Clifford — a.k.a. Stormy Daniels

– James Comey’s firing

– Trump’s firing of U.S. attorneys

– Trump’s proposed transgender ban for the military

– Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’s business dealings

– White House staff’s personal email use

– Cabinet secretary travel, office expenses, and other misused perks

– Discussion of classified information at Mar-a-Lago

– Jared Kushner’s ethics law compliance

– Dismissal of members of the EPA board of scientific counselors

– The travel ban

– Family separation policy

– Hurricane response in Puerto Rico

– Election security and hacking attempts

– White House security clearances

Trump is unprepared for this onslaught of oversight
The list above didn’t come from guesswork. It came from actual investigative requests that House Democrats have already made, so it presents more than a reliable roadmap of where Democrats are likely to go if they win the House.

Unlike what Republicans used their investigative powers for during the Obama administration, investigating Fox News and talk radio conspiracy theories, Democrats have several current investigations of Trump both civil and criminal that justify serious congressional oversight. The Trump White House is woefully understaffed and not prepared in any way for what is about to hit them if Democrats win in November.

These investigations matter because what they uncover could lead to impeachment and the destruction of the Trump presidency.

The investigative process is a critical step in the process of holding Trump accountable.

Many Trump critics want him impeached, but he can’t be impeached without evidence, and that proof is going to come either from the Special Counsel’s investigation and/or congressional investigations.

House Democrats are preparing to unleash oversight hell, and Trump has no idea what is coming his way.

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You know, I have never heard before of the ancient tactic of leaking misinformation to the enemy. Have you?
You forgot to list the number of toilet paper sheets Trump uses to wipe with.
That’s because he doesn’t.

We’re not going to impeach him. We’re going to neuter him and investigate the hell out of him. And the NY AG, likely Zephyr Teachout, is going to go hard after the Trump Organization. In the end, if he’s not in prison he’s going to be destroyed financially.

Do you plan to sleep on those bones, make furniture out of them or use them for rollout party favors to celebrate the descent to America's death day? Luckily for America, after you've experienced your choice use of our President's bones, you get to wake up in bed and realize His downfall was all a wet dream . . .
We’re not going to impeach him. We’re going to neuter him and investigate the hell out of him. And the NY AG, likely Zephyr Teachout, is going to go hard after the Trump Organization. In the end, if he’s not in prison he’s going to be destroyed financially.

So your dedicated to discounting 63 million-ish American votes, how very fascist of you.


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