Dems want a Civil War

The will of the people did not support him.

Learn to read. 62 million voted for him, 73 million voted for anybody but him.

Clinton received four million more than him, but if you want 2.5 million be my guest. He lost the PV big time.
"A vote against the will of the people is anti-american" and "is disenfranchisement" of all Americans. T

More than eleven million people voted against Trump than for him.

More than four million voted for Clinton than for Trump.

Never doubt that Trump is pro-fascist and anti-democracy, as are his supporters.

So where are you getting those figures at? 11 million voted against Trump? Then how did he win? 4 million voted for Hil-Liar? Last count I seen, it was about 2.5 million.
IF 11 million more voted against Trump that means 8 million more voted against Hillary so his meme fails because neither got over 50 percent.
I did not say she had the will of the American people.

You lie if you say I ever said she did. You need to talk to your LDS bishop about being honest in all matters, RGS.
Trump as president defies the will of the American people.

Maybe say that a million times and it will mean something. The rest of us understand who won the election. Jan. 20th, President Trump.
That's why the buyers' remorse of America is hardening toward Trump. We all understand who won, and we expect Trump to be nominated and then removed by Congress. when he crosses the line, as we all know he will.

Trump won by the rules in play. If the positions were reversed, would you and the other hillary fans be complaining that she won unfairly because she won the electoral vote, and Trump won the popular vote?
I voted against BOTH Clinton and the Orange Clown, jason.

The will of the people seems to be that neither were qualified to run for the presidency.
Trump as president defies the will of the American people.

Maybe say that a million times and it will mean something. The rest of us understand who won the election. Jan. 20th, President Trump.
That's why the buyers' remorse of America is hardening toward Trump. We all understand who won, and we expect Trump to be nominated and then removed by Congress. when he crosses the line, as we all know he will.

Trump won by the rules in play. If the positions were reversed, would you and the other hillary fans be complaining that she won unfairly because she won the electoral vote, and Trump won the popular vote?
I voted against BOTH Clinton and the Orange Clown, jason.

So...... ???? Why didn't you vote for either one? Only clinton or Trump would come out the winner. And it does seem like you're cheering for clinton.
Only in the minds of the mentally feeble (Sassy), the woefully uneducated youe, or the malignantly motiaved (JimmaBowie, S.J., et al).

You don't understand that we were given to the two worst candidates in more than a century.

One is gone, and the other will be removed by Congress.
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ojn k
Maybe say that a million times and it will mean something. The rest of us understand who won the election. Jan. 20th, President Trump.
That's why the buyers' remorse of America is hardening toward Trump. We all understand who won, and we expect Trump to be nominated and then removed by Congress. when he crosses the line, as we all know he will.

Trump won by the rules in play. If the positions were reversed, would you and the other hillary fans be complaining that she won unfairly because she won the electoral vote, and Trump won the popular vote?
I voted against BOTH Clinton and the Orange Clown, jason.

So...... ???? Why not. Only clinton or Trump would come out the winner. And it does seem like you're cheering for clinton.
Only in the minds of the mentally feeble (Sassy), the woefully uneducated youe, or the malignantly motiaved (JimmaBowie, S.J., et al).

You don't understand that we were given to the two worst candidates in more than a century.

One is gone, and the other will be removed by Congress.

I'm not a spelling or grammar purist, but I do encourage people who call me woefully uneducated to learn how to spell, or at least how to use spell checker. Otherwise, others might think you're the uneducated one.
These were the worst, most unqualified, uber wealthy lazy candidates we've ever had. Imglad neither got my vote. They are not worthy.
ojn k
That's why the buyers' remorse of America is hardening toward Trump. We all understand who won, and we expect Trump to be nominated and then removed by Congress. when he crosses the line, as we all know he will.

Trump won by the rules in play. If the positions were reversed, would you and the other hillary fans be complaining that she won unfairly because she won the electoral vote, and Trump won the popular vote?
I voted against BOTH Clinton and the Orange Clown, jason.

So...... ???? Why not. Only clinton or Trump would come out the winner. And it does seem like you're cheering for clinton.
Only in the minds of the mentally feeble (Sassy), the woefully uneducated youe, or the malignantly motiaved (JimmaBowie, S.J., et al).

You don't understand that we were given to the two worst candidates in more than a century.

One is gone, and the other will be removed by Congress.

I'm not a spelling or grammar purist, but I do encourage people who call me woefully uneducated to learn how to spell, or at least how to use spell checker. Otherwise, others might think you're the uneducated one.
Your defense is the non-use of a spell check? I explained clearly why you are wrong, and you don't like it. Hoo kares? :lol:
So...... ???? Why didn't you vote for either one? Only clinton or Trump would come out the winner. And it does seem like you're cheering for clinton.
Both were and are and forever will be unworthy to hold the office.
Only in your unremarkable feeble mind would the election be "stolen" from Trump. Hillary won the popular vote by a substantial margin. A stronger case can be made for Hillary being selected by the electoral college than Trump.

Which may be true if the EC had a duty to vote according the the PV, but they don't. They have a duty to vote according to the voters of their state--that's it.

That's not true of every state. In fact, it's not true of most states. And state law does not override the Constitution.

A vote against the will of the people is anti-american. A vote against the will of the people is disenfranchisement. To be totally honest, if I were an elector, I would be very fearful of voting against the people. I would have to hire security for protection for at least three years.

Wrong. The will of the American people is Hillary Clinton, which is why she won by 2.8 million votes and counting. Only in your delusional Repug world does Trump reflect the will of the American people. If that were true, he would not have lost by fucking 2%, which is a significant margin. The EC has every reason in the world to vote for Clinton.

No they don't. They are to vote in representation of the state voters themselves. If the voters of a state vote for X by a majority, so should the EC vote the same way. They are not obligated to vote for the national popular vote. They are to vote for the state popular vote.

Actually, my understanding is that electors are not obligated to vote for anyone in particular.

There is no federal law nor constitutional requirement for electors to vote a certain way.

While there are some state laws about electors, no faithless elector has ever been prosecuted.
U. S. Electoral College: Who Are the Electors? How Do They Vote?

The USSC has ruled that electors can be forced to pledge to vote a certain way, but not vote a certain way. In Ray v Blair, the court said this, "However, even if such promises of candidates for the electoral college are legally unenforceable because violative of an assumed constitutional freedom of the elector under the Constitution, Art. II, § 1, to vote as he may choose in the electoral college, it would not follow that the requirement of a pledge in the primary is unconstitutional." Note the "assumed constitutional freedom of the vote as he may choose in the electoral college."

Legally, electors may be free to vote for whomever they choose. In practice, while there have been about 80-85 faithless electors not due to deaths, no presidential election's outcome has ever been changed by faithless electors. I find it extremely unlikely that will change.
You mean, sort of like how the dems did when they lost?

The best you could hope for is throwing the election to the house(which will never happen). If you did that, no Republican in the house would be dumb enough to throw their reelection chances down the toilet. The Majority of Republicans nominated trump. To throw the election from trump would be political suicide for any Republican.

Not if they all elected Kasich instead.
Why the hell would anyone be happy with that? Kasich was sent down the road for a reason and it sure as hell wasn't because we actually liked him and want him for president. The fact you think you would be happy with him doesn't mean shit to the rest of us that voted him out. Fuck Kasich.

There is already a strong base of people regretting their votes for Trump... Kasich would appease them.

I think you're overestimating the number of people regretting their votes for Trump. If you listen to the echo chamber that is MSNBC or something like that, i can see how you'd get that impression.

They're the same people that said he'd never become the nominee, he'd never be President and didn't have a chance. He'd lose in an electoral landslide, they said.

It's all bullshit. They voted for him. They knew what they were doing and didn't like the alternative.

Well the groups that is giving free legal advice for Electors said they have a list of about 30 of them thinking of NOT voting for Trump.
Still trying to agitate members here eh ?? You flippin lefties are treasonous traitor's to your country now, and all I can say is that I hope you get your puppet ace kisser to fill the position, because now you people are torching your bridges big time if what you are attempting doesn't work.

The voters in this nation wanted the status quo to be challenged for years now, and they wanted transparency to rule the day just as Obama promised he would give them, but now I see that the bribery with taxpayers money over the years, has put the citizens on the take big time (corrupted them). The left are corrupt to the core must be, and they are being seen as a bunch of lying hypocrite human beings that are undoubtedly straight out of hell must be.

I hope they get the liberal utopia that they
wanted or for it to be continued, and I hope I live long enough to see it implode finally, and the most I would love to see is that they are figured out completely by all finally. It has imploded now, but it appears the evil ones just might have some more tricks up their sleeves yet, but will the voters fall for it ??? I sure hope not.

It's obvious to everyone in what has gone on here, and the country will fall if the left doesn't allow a clean transfer of power for the next presidency. Heck a civil war will probably erupt if this election gets over turned, but that's what Obama has been wanting all along according to most when looking back now. Hollywood has truly become the most deplorable in this now, and the backlash is going to be huge against if it stays the course. Hollywood has sold it's soul, and it is trying to finish robbing this nation of it's soul when all is said and done.

People know this, can see it, but the brainwashing has been so powerful in government and by Hollywood over the years, that the citizens are nothing more than sheep being led to a slaughter. Groups trying to influence an election result (the very same thing they are accusing others of doing), is pure evil, and might be illegal if they are here and doing it. If it is proven that a group actively tried to influence voters to vote opposite of what their convictions are (like Hollywood and other groups are actively doing now), then that should be considered voter intimidation, interference in the election process, trying to control voter results, treasonous activity, and many other possible lawless activities being orchestrated by the left / liberal elite / corrupt politicians of many stripes who have been bought and paid for.

This nation had best get it's head on straight again before it's to late. Please just look at what has been going on in this country, and look who has been behind it. You people aren't blind and stupid, so wake up, get your head out of your backsides. Let's make America united and great again. Gooooooo Trump.
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Trump as president defies the will of the American people.

Maybe say that a million times and it will mean something. The rest of us understand who won the election. Jan. 20th, President Trump.
That's why the buyers' remorse of America is hardening toward Trump. We all understand who won, and we expect Trump to be nominated and then removed by Congress. when he crosses the line, as we all know he will.

Trump won by the rules in play. If the positions were reversed, would you and the other hillary fans be complaining that she won unfairly because she won the electoral vote, and Trump won the popular vote?
I voted against BOTH Clinton and the Orange Clown, jason.

The will of the people seems to be that neither were qualified to run for the presidency.
You have no business bitching about Trump if you threw away your only opportunity to vote for the one viable candidate running against him.
Not if they all elected Kasich instead.
Why the hell would anyone be happy with that? Kasich was sent down the road for a reason and it sure as hell wasn't because we actually liked him and want him for president. The fact you think you would be happy with him doesn't mean shit to the rest of us that voted him out. Fuck Kasich.

There is already a strong base of people regretting their votes for Trump... Kasich would appease them.

I think you're overestimating the number of people regretting their votes for Trump. If you listen to the echo chamber that is MSNBC or something like that, i can see how you'd get that impression.

They're the same people that said he'd never become the nominee, he'd never be President and didn't have a chance. He'd lose in an electoral landslide, they said.

It's all bullshit. They voted for him. They knew what they were doing and didn't like the alternative.

Well the groups that is giving free legal advice for Electors said they have a list of about 30 of them thinking of NOT voting for Trump.
Still trying to agitate members here eh ?? You flippin lefties are treasonous traitor's to your country now, and all I can say is that I hope you get your puppet ace kisser to fill the position, because now you people are torching your bridges big time if what you are attempting doesn't work. The voters in this nation wanted the status quo to be challenged for years now, and they wanted transparency to rule the day just as Obama promised he would give them, but now I see that the bribery with taxpayers money over the years, has put the citizens on the take big time (corrupted them). The left are corrupt to the core must be, and they are being seen as a bunch of lying hypocrite human beings that are undoubtedly straight out of hell must be. I hope they get the liberal utopia that they
wanted or for it to be continued, and I hope I live long enough to see it implode finally, and the most I would love to see is that they are figured out completely by all finally. It has imploded now, but it appears the evil ones just might have some more tricks up their sleeves yet, but will the voters fall for it ??? I sure hope not. It's obvious to everyone in what has gone on here, and the country will fall if the left doesn't allow a clean transfer of power for the next presidency. Heck a civil war will probably erupt if this election gets over turned, but that's what Obama has been wanting all along according to most when looking back now. Hollywood has truly become the most deplorable in this now, and the backlash is going to be huge against if it stays the course. Hollywood has sold it's soul, and it is trying to finish robbing this nation of it's soul when all is said and done. People know this, can see it, but the brainwashing has been so powerful in government, that the citizens are nothing more than sheep being led to a slaughter. Groups trying to influence an election result (the very same thing they are accusing others of doing), is pure evil, and might be illegal. If it is proven that a group actively tried to influence voters to vote opposite of what their convictions are (like Hollywood and other groups are actively doing), then that should be considered voter intimidation, interference in the election process, trying to control voter results, treasonous activity, and many other possible lawless activities being orchestrated by the left / liberal elite / corrupt politicians of many stripes who have been bought and paid for. This nation had best get it's head on straight again before it's to late. Please just look at what has been going on in this country, and look who has been behind it. You people aren't blind and stupid, so wake up, get your head out of your backsides. Let's make America united and great again.

Your IQ must be lower than your shoe size. I'm not a liberal, I hate Trump. You fucking numbnuts, it's people like you why I left the Republican party.
If Trump was somehow stopped from being President... there would be zero civil war. Trump supporters will just get on forums across the internet and cry about it.

You mean, sort of like how the dems did when they lost?

The best you could hope for is throwing the election to the house(which will never happen). If you did that, no Republican in the house would be dumb enough to throw their reelection chances down the toilet. The Majority of Republicans nominated trump. To throw the election from trump would be political suicide for any Republican.

Not if they all elected Kasich instead.
Why the hell would anyone be happy with that? Kasich was sent down the road for a reason and it sure as hell wasn't because we actually liked him and want him for president. The fact you think you would be happy with him doesn't mean shit to the rest of us that voted him out. Fuck Kasich.

There is already a strong base of people regretting their votes for Trump... Kasich would appease them.

Poll: Trump's popularity soars after election

Poll: Trump's Popularity Soars After Election

Poll: Trump’s Popularity Soars After Election

Donald Trump Polls Higher Than Ever Before: President-Elect’s Popularity Soars

Poll: Trump's popularity soars after election

Shall I continue?
If Trump was somehow stopped from being President... there would be zero civil war. Trump supporters will just get on forums across the internet and cry about it.

You mean, sort of like how the dems did when they lost?

The best you could hope for is throwing the election to the house(which will never happen). If you did that, no Republican in the house would be dumb enough to throw their reelection chances down the toilet. The Majority of Republicans nominated trump. To throw the election from trump would be political suicide for any Republican.

Not if they all elected Kasich instead.
Why the hell would anyone be happy with that? Kasich was sent down the road for a reason and it sure as hell wasn't because we actually liked him and want him for president. The fact you think you would be happy with him doesn't mean shit to the rest of us that voted him out. Fuck Kasich.

There is already a strong base of people regretting their votes for Trump... Kasich would appease them.

Poll: Trump's popularity soars after election

Poll: Trump's Popularity Soars After Election

Poll: Trump’s Popularity Soars After Election

Donald Trump Polls Higher Than Ever Before: President-Elect’s Popularity Soars

Poll: Trump's popularity soars after election

Shall I continue?

And I can ruin your entire post with one post. This is from Breitbart... so you can not argue it is biased against Trump. :)

Trump least popular US president-elect in two decades: polls - Breitbart
Beagle only a complete idiot inferior moron would get agitated by a post here. I could care less inmy heart of hearts who is prez whether its hitlery or Donald duck....if this agitates you have zero recourse even if youy were standing in my living room.

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